The Exeter Advocate, 1924-1-31, Page 1ria nwovl .. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. Our Corner '1lere often a father has to work his boy's way through college. The moan ain't the only one that's en the last quarter about this time of x year, K,K.K,is inactive now. It is too cold to run. around in one'a night- abirt. ti'ra;ny a man who thinks he is aspir- ing to higher things merely aspires to a softer job. We wonder if fallen leaves wouldn't male good furnace fuel if 1p.resaed into briars and mixed with state. The most satisfactory job is that of an efficient expert, The boas can nev- er tell whether he la, loafing or think- ing Leap year! That one. during which maid is privileged to court a man without making him believe he is do- spial$ it. It's a disappointing world and by time you :ceas;e, lt�o believe in Santa CC s you begin to ;believe in polite- -ia:n s. If you teach a boy than money isn't everything don't blame him ,i ,'f be takes a wbjte collier job w•tatead of laying bricks. An exchange defines a slowpoke as one wbosa car we can plat on the 'road, and a speed maniac as one who passes us. Speaking of advertising, a man who advertised far a wife said afterwards, "I can't * say advertising pays, but it certa ,;ly brings results." That philosopher who says that no .new crimes have been i:nyemted in a thousand yeara hasrit heard many of the new popular songs. You can't rob a man of .pride. If he has icing 'else to boast about ,be will boast That he wears the same weight underwear all the year round. "What is ,it a woman. always sees first and likes hese in a show 'MA- dew? in dew 3 ` the proprietor of a city de- partmental store eves once asked. "The reflection of herself," he replied gravely. It bas been said, and, we guess it as true that the man who did not stand. up in church because he did sot feel that his conscience would allow him to play the part of a hypocrite, was a better Christian. than ninety and nine of those who stood up. nee seae on of the Federal, Parlia- ment, wlacb the Cabinet has officially summoned to meet on February 28, e es promise of being a long, labor- oE"and perhaps fateful gathering. Apart from the Interest which will at- tend the legislative program, there is political situation susceptible of mast interesting deviel,opements. /,2hmusnmm.Yav, EXETER 3 ONTARIO., THURSDAY JAN.. 31, 1924 A man seldom fuels true; charitable- ness unless he is full'of sound relirgion or good rations'. 1 �. The ideal husbacnd Is the one a wo- man, uses as a standard while voicing an option. of her :second; aerie, Woman's mind developes more rapld- iy than mark's, which seems to .indi- cate that frequent change encourages growth, The Kincardinie. Review, editor: said it the laat ,issue, -"The lelaso Order will now prepare to ga out business! Again "Our Sunday Vis or" a United States Catholic jour bas broken out in denunciation. of t Order. This is nothing new, F ages the Order has been denounced popes and prelates and their pap.. It still exists and contintaes to gr We fait to see where Masonry h ever interfered in any way with 't Roman Catholic church. It is tr that once. a man becomes a Mason makes a mighty poor Catholic. M onry, as we undterstani it, is not ,ria row or confined. It holds no antipat toward any religious creed. Catholics who are willing to accept its teachingsare admitted to the Order, are never questioned as to where or how they warship, Free Masonry is one 'of the noble instituti;ona. of any country. The present denunciation will only tend to make it stronger, If Our Sunday Vis- itor is honest wheelie says it does not behave in' secret societies, why do it not denounce the Knights of Colu bus. Over in hngland there, has be ani agitation on the part of some the. high dsgnataries of the Church • England to join up with the Rom Catholic Church. We cannot sp for the members of the Anglic Church in the Mother Country, b we will say this without fear of cone diction, talliance hat such an wool not for a moment be contemplated Canada, let alone tolerated," ally, nic of it - nal he or by era. ow, as ; he uhe 1e as - r by trended over 30 years, would Ale" $1,064 aunnually as the county's share, and $2,926 as the tosvrife share of the annual amount to be rais-'d " If such an eaneatd-tune 'erre being made in Exeter for high school purposes the figures as to county and town, share of amnupll costa would be gepaatly chained, the county's share being t� about $2300 and thosvnl's .share es about $1700 a seats, or a lthle over m_ two mads on the; dollar in the town. en The second week of Evangelistic of of services in Main Street 14Zethodast e SANDERS & CREECH Local News s Airs,• F. Hyde, who has. been visit: her cousins Mr. and Mrs, Geo, W. 1) vis, Huron street, Deft for Albany, Y., on her return to her home, in So ersetslnire, hug. .Aare Davis accost' partied her to London, Inc cutting has been going .on at' full speed at the river during the week. Many teams have been drawing to lV T. Willis' Creamery at Centralia, an the local ;houses"are also being fille The ice is of good quality. Goderich. Collegiate Institute h received no Gavernrtnent grant about $1500 a, year for two years, be cause the board hes not provided am ple. accommodation for the pupils. No the board at a cost of $56,000 o 558,000 proposes to build an additio to the school, three storeys high an basement. The Goderich Star hays "Taking the present attendance o bounty pupils as the bads and esti matin,. on `$58,000 of debentures ex Exeter Council s< z4 .,� .r, ) rca►� Exeter, M d y, r n..28, 1924 Phone Delivery on a a ng A regular meeting of the Menial. - N- pal Pal Council was held in the office of Som the Clerk. Members all present. The _ minutes of the meeting held Jau'y 14 were read and confirmed. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Circular letter from the Muni - Ir eipal World, St. Thomas, re Muniei- d pal World Journal. Per Hooper— d. Coultis: That the Clerk order four copies for the year. Carried. Letters from Canadian DesMoines of Steel Company, Chatham, re water- _ works system and the painting of the _ water -tower, Per Southcott—Coultis Not That the Clerk secure prices for the r painting of the water -tower and tank. a Carried. d Letter from H. G. Hess, Zurich, re it Seth Thomas Tower Clock, Per Coul-' _ tis --.Hooper: The Clerk to secure _ prices. Carried, Mr. Richard Hunter waited on the Council regarding his appointment as assessor, asking an increase in pay for the extra labor to be performed, Per Hooper--Coultis: That the mo- tion as made Jan'y 14th, fixing asses- sor's salary be rescinded. Per Hooper—Coultis: That Mr. Hunter receive $115 and $10 for pre- paring truant officer's book. Carried. Per Davis—Coultis: That Thos. Houlden be allowed half yearly tel- ephone rent re attendance to water wheel. . Carried. '- Mr. Jas, Weekes on behalf of Mr. John Taylor made a request that Mr. Taylor be allowed to move the frame building situated on Main St. to a space within 10 feet of .Ann street, reporting that the same would be covered with fire proof material. Ac- tion deferred, Per Hooper--Coultis: That the Reeve and Treasurer are hereby im- powered to borrow the necessary funds required for current expendi- tures for the year. Carried. The report of the Striking Com- mittee was received and is as fol- lows: Cemetery Committee—Coun- cillors Davis and Southcott; Roads and Bridges, Councillors Hooper and Coultis; Property, Coultis and Davis; Finance, Southcott and Hooper; the Reeve a member of all committees, Approved on motion of Davis—Cola- tie. Carried. Mr. J. A. Stewart, through the Clerk, made a, request to have a tree on John St. opposite his house re- moved as the same interferes with his garden. Referred to Property Committee. The Tender for the Municipal prin- ting was let to the Advocate Print- ing Co. Motion of Hooper—Davis. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid:—Donation, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, 510; do- nation Children's Aid and Humane So- ciety, Goderich, $10; Rass-Taylor Co lumber cemetery, $33.60; Cecil Ford, labor, 53; R. MacKenzie & Son, sup- plies, $4.40; Bell Telephone, phone, 3 months, cemetery, $4.62, Bissett's $6.15 D. Russell, blacksmithii ng, 54.10; R. G. Selden, coal, charity, 518.40, T. H. 512.40, Library, $100,05, 5130,85; Mrs. A. Cudmore, gravel, 52; C. Harvey, labor 5.00; C. H. Skelton, repairs to furnace in Library .3.50; Frank Mal - Ceurch is in progress with the at - ktet;dance and interest on the increase Gallery .spa; ce was required to seat ant the congregation on Tuesday night i, when the service was spec: al for the d rs young people. The addresses of the iA . preacheare all pointed, praoeical and challenging and hale already Id ind re- ! sponse in the hearts of those who hear, Next Friday evening there will be a story for the children. On Sunday 'evening next at 7 o'clock a special velservice for men only will be held in James Street church, conducted by ur Rev. W. E. Donnelly and a special: n 'service for women only at Ma en St r-' church at the sa Fuc hour, oonducted b, I by Rev. F, E, Clyedale. Each service an during the week begrins at 7.45 -with l' a song service into which all enter r, heartily, and which is proving a - ia aplend;d preparation for each service ! The public is cordially invited to each le i a,ervioe Next 'Monday night these Nee aervices :wall be cos tinned in; James street church. -Contributed, COUNTY COUNTY COUNCIL DOINGS In the caucus of the Conaervati. members o� the County Council fa men Were in the running for \verde on the first ballot, Messrs. A. E. E wen, reeve of Bayfield; Alex, H. Nee Stephen; F. J. McQuaid, McKillop, d Wns. H. Coates, Usborne. The fine, vote was between Mr. Erwin eat.' M Neb and Mr. Erwin was the success ful one. In council the motion nominating - Erwin, was moved by Messrs. Ne and Goatee, and no other nomioati;o was made. • elr..e.rwin referred to the heavy to the county had sustained in the de of His Honor Judge Dickson, who wa conscientious in the d echarge of hi duty, a good fellow and a noble cit: zen.• 'Messrs NeebHolman and Holman were ap pointed crimina,1 auditors, efeasra, Coates, McQuaid and Ingle were appointed the Good Roads Goin miasion. Win' ANNUAL MEETING. Messrs Robt. Higgins, Hensel', an Alex. Mchw,en, Stanley, were appoint ed county auditors. Mr. W,hitesides of Henson was ap- canted High Constable of the Coun- y (the appointment now being an, an- ual one) •at a salary of 5200. A. notice was received of the esignation of Mrs, Griffin as matron of the jail and the app•oiatment of Mrs. cynold i, at, a salary of 5225. Mr. W, A. Turnbull, who last sun: oo mer moved to Exeter from Usborne, as . been appointed a county repres•- nta•tive. for three veers on the h,xe- r Board of Education, in the place f Mr. W G„ Medd, whose term x- pired this year. Grants were made as follows 52,500 pecial grant to the fiver high schaola • be sleddedaequally:-, Agricultural Societies, $50 School Fairs, 525 Public Libraries, 510. The .Annual Congregational Meeting s of Caven Presbyterian Church was. - held on ,Monda.y 'evening, with Mr. J, A Stewart in thechair, The Secretary - Treasurer Mr. J. H. Grieve, gave the - financial report, which was the best for years all obligations being :net, and a substantial balance on hand, s It was decided to deco¢ "ate the in- - Eerier of the church. Reports receiv- ed from the different societies showed them to be in a flourishing condition, d All the old officers were re-elected-- - To the managing board, G. S. Howard, Reg. Knight; as secretaary, James H. Grieve; as an ditors, Dr. Kinsmannand H. Horton Refreshments were ser- ved by the ]wadies after the business bad -been concluded: .Pneumonia and broncho pneumonia p were jointly responsible for 18.12 per t c+,t. of the 'deaths to the Dominion n 1a -teeter. Organic diseases of the' beart'came next with 10.95, per cent, and then following cancer with 7,43: per cent, cerebral, hemorrhage and' apoplexy with 7.36 per cent: and tub R, erculosis of the lungs with 5.65 per cent. If as it is generally supposed the b Ontario Governmenthas or is con-: templating the appointment of only one ' to or two issuers of autom,abile licenses j a county, -we believe the government; - is making a mistake,, The system of having issue.rs ii many of the smaller places as has been in vogue, has been a great convenience, and has saved a s great deal of time and expense to to automobile owners. The one syaten, does not cost the government any more than the other. Tbe ofd officers were re -appointed at the same salaries. The Council neennroraalized the Gov- ranm.ent'of Ontario to change the sys- administering justice thereby gi;- e Justices faf the Peace, the right to y petty _ caeds. Tl1EPU4 �•, of JCE� � E tr av u/_, 41 lut br m. We are tequipaped weth a scientific knowledge of optometry: We can answer Poor Eyesight's cry for help. We wall da most than to give you a dimple dealt ata desoovrer if you are suffering from far eightedness or from myopia (near sigirbedmeas), we shill look back into the inner recesses of your eyes and discover their ex- act defects, We ;will prescribe glass- es for you that bring back to you the, blesa,ing of clear vision. DR. JOHN 'WARD CHIROPRACTOR and OPTICIAN Phone" 70 Matt St, Exeter The Dominion, Government was me- oralized to make Gaderich a distrib ing point for Alberta 'coal, The matter of a quarterly audit was ought up, but not 'carried. Following are the Standing Com- tteies of the Counicil ,for 1924 Executive -John Hayes, Geo. B. Han- ley "' Tohn Jamieson ,Elmore F. Klopp Matthew Arm troy g. Special -J W. 1VIcIaibbon, Owen Gei- ger' C G. ;M ddeeton, 5. Wesley Beat- tie, Tihos. McDonald. Finance;—A.. H. Neeb, Chas. A. Rob- ertson, Jahn 'Douglas, H. J. A,. Mc- Ewen, wen, Geo. Hubbard. .E,ducatio,n-'Dr. W J. Milne, Robert H. Shortreed, T. J. McCutcheon, B. C. iv'Lunnings, John McNaughton. Road and Bridge -J. Franklin John- ston, John Hayes, Ben S.'Nay-,lor, A. C. Backer, John L. NIcEveem, County Property -H. J. A, ,ILEeven,. C. A. Robertson, Wm. 'D. Sanders John NTcNaughtoan, Oswald Glom. County Home-Robt, Buchanan, Ow- en, MGiilne. eigter, B, C. `lVivanuriugsr, Dr. W. J Warden's Committee -F, 5. McQuaid. Wm H. Coates, Thoe Inglis, hiatnrs. F. Klopp, A, E. Backer. Good Roads Commiieseos--W, H. Coates, F. J. McQuaid, Thos. Inglis. YOUNG PEOPLE ORGANIZE A very enthusiastic meeting took place in the Trivitt Memorial Hall, on Monday evening, when it was de- cided to establish a branch of the Anglican Young People's Asociati.. Hitherto, the young people have only been organized for definite mission- ary work, but this organization is for their social, educational and in- tellectuaI welfare. The election of officers was as follows:—Patron, Rev. A. A. Trumper; President, Mr. Henry Bowers; Vice -Pres., Mr. Don- ald D. Davis; Treas., Miss Hettie Sweet. A Programme, Social and Lookout Committee was alsoappoint-a ed under each of these names. The.. c first meeting willtake place on Fri- day, Feb. 8th, at 8 p.m. and on each 3 succeeding Friday evening. C ett, labor 4.50, firing Library 20.00; Clyde Heywood, team labor 14.00; F. Cornish, do, 1.00; P. Hewitt, do 1.00 James Parsons, labor 8.00; T. Web- ster, do4.00; N. Vase, do. 4,00; Jon- athan Kydd, team labor 16.50; Wm, Brimacombe, labor 1.00; John Parsons 5.38; Peter Coleman; team labor 2.00; R.icb. °ulnae, labor 4.75; Thos. San- ders, labor, 2.63; Chas. Little, 2.00; R. Davis, team labor 2.10; H. Bier - ling, labor 4.95, ,D,R,O. officer 2.50; T. Colliugwood labor 1.50; E. Treble D. 0., 2.50; Sidney Davie, W ell- irngten Johns, Frank Wood, John Snell, Wm Hodgert, G. A. Anderson, Alfred Gambrill, John Kydd,$2,50 each, dut- es at Municipal hiectioan; Mrs. Eliza- eth Handford, and IVlark Mitchell, 2.00 each for booth; T Acheson for meals 3.00; Win. Machell for -meals 75; S. Cans:,, constable duties 2.50. - eased on motion of Southcott and 1 Adjournment by Coutts elr, R. T. Wrightiof Thorndale vi,s-1 Jos. Senior, Clerk. ited this week with .NLr.. Stephen Pow- 'n,- call. L Kr 5, C. Buchanan, who was visit THE BULPITT SUICIDE, bis sister, ;M'rs Rich' Terry left last week for the North'west, Mr: A. D. Clapp of Dutton spent a � dog or two an tows! this week on bust- ' in connection With his apple vial:)- orator, S. H, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual, meeting of . the South. Huron Agricultural Society was held is the Commlercial Hotel, Hensel The auditor' statement 'showed a balance in the treasury of !nearly 5300. It was decided to hold the anneal Seed- Fate in, the Town` Hall, 'Hiensall, on Friday Feb. 29. The annual Spring Stock allow wadi be, held ca Tuesday, April 8, including a boys' judging oonnpet- _tioi' in both .horses and cattle. The fol,loweng officers were elected President, dun., Coa;sitt; ist Vice, Donald: Bums; end ;Vice, R. D. Bell; Directors, H. C. Soadan,;O. Klapp, C. Campbell, T. Sherritt, Robtte McLaren, W. D Sandera, John A2chwfen, Rohl. T'beinpson. Wm. Chessmen, Wm, Pe:p- per, Dr. Camp"b+ele, W. McAllister, 3, McNaughton, G, Healey; Auditors, II When you heats a man; say that all Arnold and C. A. McDornetl; Sec'y- 1:,e, wants is to ,be, left alone, he means Tree l", Keith McLean, that he hasn't got his. Charles Thos: Bulnet ended his own life by hanging in the barn of Benson Cox, in Col'bornle. Township, where he was employed, ,on December 23. An Saiquest was ,held: tbefone Coroner Dr. A. C. Hunner at Goderich and the jury returnedea_';merdiot staating that Bul- pitt was misplaced on a farm, and blaming unconngenia,t and unaccustomed work, loneliness and unwarranted pun- isbment as leading up to his suicide The punishment referred to was whip- ping by Cox, which the latter ad- mitted on a ,number .of occasions, But - Pit was 16, weighed, 90 pounds, and was getting' 575 a year, One of the. most important recommendations aril- in,g out of the ,caste was that boys from English "homes" sent to this country for employmlent sihooed be planed un- der the supervision of local C,hildrem'. Aid Society.officiatls, and thusis likely to be donne.` The gov:ern.ments of Great .Britain, Canada and Ontario are aili„takinig up` the matter as ;to cause and, remedy. Oax oval likely be prosecuted. - • HA VEY' Service Grocery MONEY SPENT IN EXETER IS SURE TO FIND ITS WAY BACK TO YOU, IT GOES FAST ENOUGH, WHY SEND IT AWAY? LAUNDRY SOAPS 07 6 lbs. OATMEAL 25c 24 lbs PASTRY FLOUR ....80e 3 KLENZINE 25e 3 AMMONIA . 25e 1 ib PEANUT BUTTER ....25e 2 RINSO 15o LUX 110 3 . JELLY POWDERS 25e GUEST IVORY SOAP ...,, 05c QT. SWEET BULK PICKLES 750 1 lb BLIC SODAS . 17c KRAIrT and CREAM CHEESE 45c Ib, A BBL. OF GINGER COOKIES 2 fibs FOR 29e. HARVEY & HARVEY TWO STORES BIRTHS I MARRIAGES White ---At Centralia, on Jan, 26, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred White, a son. Morgan -In Usborne, on Jan. 27, to Mr, and Mrs, Archie Morgan, a dough ter; Koehler -At Goshen Line, Hay Town- ship, on Jan. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm Koebler, a daughter. Hey -In Zurich, son, Jan. 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs, John, Hey, jr., a daughter Pearce -At the home of Wdlism Northcott, Hay, on Jan. 27, to ear and Mrs. W, C. Pearce, a sox,, CASE—At Mrs. Patterson's Hospital, Hensall, on Saturday, January 26th, to Mr.. and Mrs. Ben S. Case, a son. IN MEMORIAM WILLIAMS—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Richard W. Williams, who died a year ago to- day, Jan. 28th, 1923, at Fillmore, Saskatchewan. Peaceful be thy sleep, dear mother; It is sweet to breathe thy name, In Life we loved you dearly, " In death we do the same. Oft we think'of you, dear mother; And our hearts are Sad with pain, Oh! this world would be a heaven, Could we hear your voice again.. You are gone, but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade, Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger, Round the grave where you are laid. Her lonely children. Geettler-Sivers-At Glenwood, Iowa, on. Jan. 14th, Miss Olive Sivers, of Glenwood, to Ile A. J. Gettjer, of Science Hill, near Isirkton. Let Us Help You To See Better Better may not man( oto. sere more, • It often means -to see with less strain It is well to remember that the one pair of eye, have 'to last you, your life time; and in order to give therm the best care all 'eyestrain should be re- moved, which we do by properly ad- justed .glasses 'when ,necessary, . Satisfaction guaranteed, S. FITTON, REGISThRED OPTOMETRIST You May Buy Here With Confidence Our Guarantee Protects You. We Must Sell Every Coat Ladies' 1924 Coats - values up to 535,00, for 528,98. Ladies' Burberry Style Coati _ values up to ae25.00 far 517.98. Men's 1924 Overcoats - values up to $32,50, r 523.98. Men's 1924 Overcoats - values up to. 523.00, for .516,98. Girls' and Boys' Winter Coats at practically your own price. Guaranteed Bargains Largest size Ibex Flannelette BSasskets at less than wholesale cast Pure Linlen. Towelling, 30c. & 35c kind -our price 25c. a yard. Pure white Turkish Towelling -special. at 123ac a yard. Stack sof gingham, print and flannelette remnants greatly reduced Ladies' Warm Vests, long & short sleeves 51.00 values for 69c. 51.25 pure wool Cashmere Stockings, aeliimg at 69c. or 2 pr. 51,25 Seasonable Specials Ladies' 4 -buckle guaranteed overshoes - your size for 53,98. Ladies' 3 -buckle Spats -all colors -regular 52,75, for 52.19. Girls' and Ladies' pure wool pullover Sweaters, reg, $3,00, for $1:,98 100 pr, Ladies' Rubbers foe medium and high heels, reduced to 98c. 3 only of those, new brushed wool skating sweaters, red. to $5.98. % Ton Seedless Rais ns 12%c. ib. These are Thom son's Seedless Raisins. Everypguaranteed -uaranteed the best. . 3 bars any laundry :snap ZOc, Golden Table Syrup 7c. lb Fresh Soda Biscuits 15c. pkg. 6 lbs, guaranteed oatmeal' 25c. 1 qt. jar , clover honey 40c. 3 lib pail pare lard 59c. 10lbRedpath e •Gran. Sugar A. STEWJ 0 3