Huron Expositor, 2007-09-12, Page 3problem,
original specifications.
"Don't go monkeying around with
it. Accept it or turn it down," he
Mayor Joe Seili warned council
that everyone would have to buy
snowshovels and do the job them-
"Knowing our history with ten-
ders, I wouldn't submit a tender to
this municipality in a million years.
I think you're playing with fire
here," he said.
Huron East had to throw out ten-
ders for road graders in 2004 after
some of the companies involved
were allowed to alter their tenders
after they were submitted.
After the meeting, Mills said the
tenders would provide snowplowing
for 20 per cent of the necessary
routes in the municipality since
town staff still plows 80 per cent of
the roads in Huron East.
He said he hoped to have new ten-
ders to present at the next council
meetings and a plan of how the
plowing routes will be covered.
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The Huron Expositor • September 12, 2007 Page 3
Council retenders for snowplowing after debate
about allowing changes to one proposed tender
Susan Hundertmark
Expressing concerns that they
might have to buy their own snow -
shovels and carry out the job them-
selves, Huron East councillors voted
last week to retender two snowplow-
ing contracts.
While council approved a tender
for Merrier Contracting to plow the
southern end of Huron East with a
grader for three years, tenders to
plow the urban areas and the north-
ern end of Huron East were
No one tendered the first time for
the urban areas and one company
tendered for the northern end but
didn't meet the exact specifications
of the tender.
"There was a poor turnout for ten-
ders this year for snowplowing. I
don't know if other people were
busy or if they don't have the equip-
ment," Public Works Coordinator
Barry Mills told council.
The issue of standby rates caused
a fair amount of discussion since the
accepted tender -meets the munici-
pality's specification of $40 a day for
standby while a tender from Ryan
Construction that was not accepted
asked for $60 a day for standby. acknowledged that the .,Ryan tender
Because Ryan Construction was was "not a good tender because it's
the only one to tender been messed around
for the contract of with," but added that
snowplowing with a with the small number
tandem truck, council ; of companies willing to
debated granting the submit tenders, both
$60 -a -day standby fee should be given the
for Ryan Construction $60 rate.
and accepting Ryan's "Barry's in between a
tender or increasing rock and a hard place.
the standby fee forIt's only fair to go to
both companies. $60 - it's not going to
"How comfortable make or break the
are we at paying two municipality. If you
different standby retender, they might
rates?" asked Deputy- say, 'Have a nice day,
Mayor Bernie fellas because you
MacLellan. didn't like our first
MacLellan said both price,'" said Steffler.
tenders should be Tuckersmith Coun.P
accepted but with an Larry McGrath sug-
increased rate to $60 gested that retender-
poor turnout
for tenders this
year for snow-
plowing. . I
don't know. if
other people
were busy
or if
they don't have
the .
Public is Works
Coordinator Barry
for standby for both.Mill$ ing all three . tenders
"I don't want to leave' - with a $60 standby fee
Barry with no one doing would allow Merners to
the job. I can live with the price. If receive the higher rate.
we retender and he ends up with But, Grey Coun. Alvin McLellan
nothing, we'll have a rgued he importance of only
said. tenders that meet the
Seaforth Coun.
Joe Sterner
Council to discuss
petition during
agreement talks
A petition to Huron East signed by close to 20 people
protests an exit from the proposed subdivision at the
former Seaforth Public School onto Highway 8.
Received at Huron East's Sept. 4 council meeting, the
petition says traffic is heavy on Highway 8 and local
residents don't want more.
It suggests that the pathway which used to be a walk-
way entering the schoolyard off of Highway 8 could be
an ambulance route to the subdivision.
Clerk -Administrator Jack McLachlan said the peti-
tion would be added to the information considered when
the subdivision agreement is discussed by council.
Council accepts donation
towards skateboard park
A donation of $420.25 towards the upkeep of the
Seaforth skateboard park was received by Huron East
council at its Sept. 4 meeting.
The donation was received from Susie Raczkevi and
John Ryan, the couple whose efforts initially created the
local skateboard park.
"Since our involvement with the Seaforth skateboard
park, John and I have been able to bank a small
amount of funds collected due to various forms of
fundraising that were put on," says the letter to council.
Raczkevi asks that the money be put towards new
ramps and fencing or any other needed equipment such
as benches and garbage cans.
By Susan Hundertmark
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