HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-1-10, Page 8•EXETER 11111/13ri ATE THTIJIBILLY. JAN. ill 11324 ilOpar.momp‘mpo.p.p.!,impopp N.P., • Exeter Markets Local Doings CH NGED VERY WEDNESDAY • See ?the hockey game an,Friday Whe95 ev- • it .... • t... • Oats 45 Barley meneoees Best Flour 3 45 her bed, °Wine 't t,retiree 'Nf tlee Fernay Flour , 3.30 toe trouble elith which she waseal pastry Flour 3.0a fected eommonths egce . ' Feed Flour.......................1.90 Bran 1 50 Fereale who filed their etttos bred Shoe ta ....... 1 60 to start on Cold days, will do well ea New Laid Eggs ..... ......,- 40 Dour hat water aver the carburatter, 30 to 40 thereby thaaving out the ioe that forms 43 from the water id the. same. , t - 5, 'rats C.' BileneY 'again oonfined Held Eggs Creameey Butter Da„ry Butter Lard Hegs • --: Last week while at Exeter en the 18 tos.E L. H. & B. way -freight Mr. Reber McGue, the fireman an the engine, fell and broke a small boneiiu his wrist. He will be off duty for some weeks, Next Monday night the men of James Street are ,going to have another reel sociable get-together time in the Church parlors. An excellent pro- gram of musk and addresses is arrang : ed, with lunch and ‘everything good. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music n the Public Schools Box 57 Terms 11,Todeltate EXETER. Nfiss Smith, sister-in-law of Mrs. 0..0. Smith of Toronto, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. L Armstrong, of Exeter, ras keled when walking across the ailway track at Brampton last Thurs ay. Eight people have been. killed t this crossing in, the' last few years. CORN CONTRACTS. x The Exeter Canning Company i 3 'p- en to receive contracts for growing a cora ,or season of 1924 -Early Ever- green, 310 a ton; Early Crosby, 315 a ton, Apply early as a,creage is ,trnited. t - t PIGS FOR SALE, 25 suckbag pigs ready to wean Jan. 1, Apply to J. A. Van Camp, phone 57r2 PROPERTY FOR SALE. Consisting of house, stable, and 8 Lots of land, situated in Exeter North DI1 Mak Street Apply to H. Bier- ' Ling, Hay P. 0. WANTED AT ONCE. i Mcrtgag 53500; interest 8 per cent payable twice yearly; insurance $4000; / property value 5.10,000.00. Apply t I. R C.ARLING, Exeter. 1 --..--. HOUSE TO RENT. Frame house in good condition, good e‘-ater. Two acres of land. Apply at Ce's office. --. c Mr. Frank Taylor has rented Mr. c Thornton Baker's stables, to the rear ,f Taylor's Tire Shop, and has heavy Ind light horses for bale or exchange. Look over th horses he has on hand. HOUSE TO RENT. Brick house on Huron Street, apply .11 to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office. ------- a STU' BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Weft built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY . FOUND. -A place where you can buv British American Gasoline at 28c. 1 -R. Mackenzie & Son. Exeter North l . 1 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY 1 COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Godterich, at 2.00 n'etock in the afternoon, of Tuesday, the 22 day of January, 1924. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council. Qoderich January 2n4b. 1924. Gee. W, Holman, Courey,Clerk, G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of OntariOl, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late Distract Dental Officer, Milite ary District Number one, Landon, Ont. Main Office -Dickson Block, Mein ,Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5,30 p.m. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Ont., Phone 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. tie 5 p.m, NOTICE 1 A CHANGE OF TIME Wial be made SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1924 For Full Particulars Apply to Any Ticket Agent lb Elliott and Johns merchant Tailors As Nv-e ate itt8 t stereleg in the Tailor- ing Business we are going to, give to the pulf.ic a bargain, and tithis is what the. bargain 's going to be. -We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast calor; never fade Indigo Dye,. This suit is regular $40.00 and for two, dollars we are going .t0 give you an extra paireof pants of the same clotb. But this bargain is limited Six suits is all will be sold at this relic& So dent delay. , ,I••••••• li T r Ucking• ;01.00,1.1.4 !Boost Hockey ?la Exeter by going ti td the eante Fafeley night between; Sea. ,.„„tem.e...e-ersfeee , • ferth d Exeter Ales. Centpl'in, wb hae been coefined to her. ,bed throluelt glneas is now provirigii- nce1y, er eleter, Miss De- ' Coe, ; of N,C,17 York, has been, . wetu •ne' uurmg her illness. The annual ineetfng of Caven, Pres byterian Ladies' Aid Wale held at the home of errs. H. Hortore Reports show, the society to be in, a flouriph- ;rig condition. Officers were elected as foklows-Presedent, ,Mrs. J. H, Grieve ; Vice -Pres.. Nee, H. Horton; ,Secretary, Arra, G, Alansore ; Trees„ Mrs, T. Laing. The depth took piece in Landon on Monday of Mrs, Frank Snell, who was 'well-known to many here, She having been formerly '1;'.es Josephine Sims and -vs born in Crediton and spent most of her life there, She, was aged 55 years. She has be.ext, living in Lan- don with her husband and family for i the past ,ten years, having moved 'to that city from Crediton. Mr. Snell is a brother of Mr. Wm Snell; hostler at the Central Hotel. SIGN YOUR NAME. I This week we must again draw the 'a_Vention of a couple friends to the fact that we w41.11. not publish items of news unless we know who it is from. A news budget arrived this, week with a couple of 'gag" 'att it, but we are, not publishing, same without the:signa- 1 tare of the waiter, If you do not want to, take the aesponsibiiiity of writing it, neithe.s- do we. AN OLD FASHIONED WINTER. The stormy wiea,ther 01 Saiturday tad Stmdey made businessdull on Sat- rdav and the church attendance small n Siindey. Many "listened in" Sunday night and heard s,erznos 1 various nited States' cities. Three sermons mild be heard from Pittsburg( on - 'Is Mart Instinctively Religious'?' "The Danger of Peocras4f.nation" and "Scientific Ch LOST -.A gold watch in, Exeter. finder rewarded onreturn to this of - ice. • R.emember The Advocate has a ewspaper clubbing list that includes y daily or weekly nevrspa,per or any noxtthly journal. We .save you the rouble of sending for them, and in esides. LOST -Boy's signet ring, initials, A. Finder will please leate at Advo - ate Office. RANGE FOR SALE. -Wood or oal; warming closet; good condition; heap -Gordon ApPleton, Exeter. 0 ELECTORS OF EXETER., 1 wish to ;express my hearty thanks and appreciation to the electors of xete.r for the liberal vote- accorded ne an Monday last, paacing, me at the ead of the pot It will be my ears,- st endeavor to warrant the trust -epos ed in me. Yours Arley, JOS. DAVIS. *0 ELECTORS OF. EXETER. 1 'seise to ,e,.xpress my, sincere thanks o the ,people of Exeter. for their ex- resiien of confidence irx "plectieg me ea -ye, and assure you in return that will do my best to make Exeter the est town in Ontaiuio, and thus attract e increased ,pepelation. Yours truly W. D SANDERS '0 ELECTORS OF EXETER, I desire to thank the ratepayers of Exeter for the vote of confidence giv- e me at the polls an, Monday, inethe contest for member of the Board of Education. My ;endeavor will be to be 'worthy of that confidence during y term of office. Sincerely yours, A. E, FUKt Our' Truck makes a regular trip to -.1-ark4011, Consult us; for Taiotk Vicirk 1 and th•e:01 •Oetire47.'';••i4;,-•.f- , 13'4CiSPIAW •, • CARD OF THANES I wish to thank the el)ctors of Ei eter, for the confidence they have placed in me by electing me to rep resent them as councillor for 1924. C. F. Hooper. "Plenty of time yet faran, old- fasbioned winter" was stated over and o'.-er again, during December. The Tien- year had hardly •eommen,c,ed when real. winter weather started in, earn- es4:, Saturday and Sunday we had a. real storm tof wind, a.nek snow, and few. people. 'ventured out of their homes, except where necessity called, Pretty (Apse to two feet ,of snow fell, and the .wind piled it up. jn heaps in, places. PR 0 MOTION, Tar. J. J. Knight of Gueil,ph, a f or - mer oopuilar station agent of Exeter, and who was , moved by the Grand Trunk officials from here to Guelph about ;eleven years ago, 'has had an- other promotion, having been moved to Hamilton to take. charge of the freight ciepartment of the Canadian National RaYways in time city. This high ,position, that has Just reached is Well deserved and he. is being showered with congratulation's on all side;, and The Advocate joins 'most heartily in those congr,atulataons. ANNUAL MEETING EXETER AGRICULT'L SOCIETY. The. Annual Meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society wiuil be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, an Friday, January.l8tle..1924, at 1.30 o'clock p.m, for the purpose of elect,inPresident, Vioe-President and Directors for ,the ensuing year and transacting other important busine,ss, Al). innthaa's and interested parties sbould attend, this meeting. The re:rectors are paeticulaely xe- quested to meet before, the annual meeting at 1 o'clock sharp,. BEN, WILLIAMS R. G. SBLDON Ptesidept Secretary DIED IN KeNORA.. Mr, William Hooper, Hpron street received word last week of the death of his brother, ,1,Mr. Frecleetick Thom- as liaouee who died in Kenora, Ont., on Thursday last, at the. age of 72 years. The deceased was a native of of England, but lived for many years in Stephen Township, and later in Ex- eter. It is between forty and fifty yelsrs since the deceased left these parts, but he hes 'visited here several tithes since. He is survived by his widow anal seven children, Interment PHONE 32 %*.:95111 'eeglefee eetee'r Os - PHONE 32 Annual- Stock Taking Cl..EARING OF ODD LINES OF REMNANTS. P, We ere taking stock this week and putting in special many. odd lines 'of ,Aleschanase, also remnants k of various lines, Come early and see these hairgeinS. • 1 • • I:ADIES' COATS All BARGAIN PRICES Only a few Ladile' Girls and ,Misses' Coats left, bet going alt Teel Bargain. Prices. 10 Good Coats to Clear at $ 12,95 each. , LADIES' AND ,MISSES CLOTH DRhSSES, ' • Beautiful quality, all wool serge and triootine dresses roust be cleared out this month at bargain prices •44 'A BARGAIN THIS WEEK IN BLhACHED COTTON 5 webs beautiful quality bleached cotton. 36 inwide, a real bargain this week at 5 yds for $1.00 TOWELLING BARGAINS Lot No. 1-4 webs only good quality dish and roller towelling, nearly all linen, *axing at 5 yd,s for 51. Lot No, 2-5 'Webs extra, heavY pure linen roller 'towelling, reg. 35c yd, for -1.week ?only on sale at 29c. yd. , MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS. Nlen's beautiful quality all wool V neck sweater-, new color combenation.s1 geg, 35, to clear at 33.95 each. - ' LADIES' HOUSE DRBSSES at 81,00 4 dozen ladies!' ionsdresses, new Styles and ima(tteribas, all sizes, regularly up to 51,50 values, Th is week at one price 31,00 each. 1 Bargains for January in Men's " Overcoats at $10, $15, $17, $20, $25 & Boys' Coats at $7 to $14.50 The Cloths, Styles and. Var- ety of our Nlien's and Boys' Coats and Suits cannot be beaten and 'our prices 'are always as low as if is possible to make then. JONES & MAY AGh.NTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES O.= Vere ›,:e417‹ .e.eteee eleeeee took place at Kertore. . ireess Vera Jiones has gonel to Delhi to teach school. •••••••••.••••••••, EXETER WON AT SEAFORTH. The first of the Junior 0). H. hockey games in the district was play- ed at Seaferth on Thursday night last when Exeter defeated Seaforth 5.-2. The. scorers at the ends of each per- iod were 3-1, 4-1, 5-2, ,T.he, Exeter boys put trn a great game according to alt reports and were deserving of the win There should be a good crowd out ola Friday night of this Iv eek,' when, Seaforth comes to Exeetr to play the return game, The line up was,- Exeter-Walp,er, goal; Statham, Hey, defense; elind„ centre; Keller, right w,;ng; Rau, left wing; Acheson, 'sub. Seaforth-Hart, goal; Allen Reid, Kerslake, defense; Doig, centre; Holmes right wing; Dennison, left wing; Nicholls, Matthews, subs. Reeetee-Dalton Reid, Seaforth. Ikt,r;. N. 5. Dore is visiting relatives .pedefr,:elricis in Toronto. :Beooks of Owioeso spent the New Year ;with his uncle, Mr. C. T. Brooks. j. P. 'Buchanan ef McCreary, Man., is visiting his 'sister, Mrs. Rich - rd Terry, • Mee •Gladman and Mrs. McGillicuddy of London spent a day last week in town with friends. 325-'IVlandoi'n, 310. NeW Felt lined wood violin case, lock Mrs A. Walters,after visiting here Th.ursday Of last week, ArcilieclauPe Walnut Furniture-Sette and Ecu- some time, returned to Bra,n,tford 4.rrn Cl -air, hair cloth, cheap or Sale This column is a scheme to bring Seller and Buyer together. Maybe YOU have something of no use or value to, you, that someone •else really needs, and a little money derilved therefrom would be welcomed by you. Our scheme is inexpensive, the cost being only a trifle as compared with the service. If you want to Buy ox - Sell something come anck see us. Our column is at your service. Maybe you have some of the follow- ing articles in good shape, that are of no use to you,And someone else needs them, an Ovrinat, a Suit, Shoes, Dresses, Baby cutter or bugy, Farm Implements, ANYTHING. Anytime you see an article listed call and we will tell ypu where it 1, 3., No' Charge. COAL HEATER, with oven in beA:t .thape. First 815 takes it. GAS ENGINE, Stickney, 3 h.p., per- fect condition; cheap. DAISY CHURN, cap. 60 lbs, Power Store Sill:lying, 18 ft. long -4 shelves high - Buck Ba.seburnar, with oven 312. Mr. Samuel Baskereige of•Thorne large Harness box. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m--"The Supremacy of Jesus" 7 pee --"Awakening from Dreams.' Rev • A. A. Trumper, Rector. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH dale. has been spending the week here Large Cask, suitable foe storing meat shaking hands with old friends. er grain, Mrs, W H. Johnston/ left recently in good orde,r and vary chp. 'Vacuum Cleaner, Lawn Mower, both Baltirnore,, Mcl., for medical treatment 1.'Ypewriber, nearly new, good Value. jin John 1-lopkin's hospital. Dr. Mary 3,- 4 -gal. milk' cams, almost new . Johnston of HaTII*01111,, alC --Pan- 2 Coal oil Heaters, rearsenabie, JAMES W. WATSONL,Icen.sed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. Ph one -Kirk ton 54r2 Address-Kirkton R. R. No, 1 c60 bey,, a good Gas .Engone , • . W, J BiloOks who ha,s Se. buys a aood Daisy , burn. •-, eeiting her anelle„ lilt C. )3roalcs and 57 Buys Single lla,ratiess. firiends'in .toWn. left Thursday les,t $2 .Buys large -Harness Box, for Sarna, Where she Wall visit friends $5 Buys 10 it. long narrow Table, DR. H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick 13lock, Zurich, ' every Thursday and Saturday Main Office,-- Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER POR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with A.dviocatei or at the Central Hotel. Prices neasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter • Ontario • EitANIC TAYLOR License,c1 Auctioneer for Counties of • Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonalale and .Satisfaction • Guaranteed Phone 138, •• •Biceter, Ontario ,••••••••••••••••••••• ARTHUR. WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Farm and stock sales a sPicialty. F,our years experience, • • The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Aninals-One insertion 50c., three insertions 51.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than fine lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, lea.ch insention 50c. Lost and Found lorals 25c. an insertion. Local reading not ' ices etc., 10c...per line per insertionJ Nonotice less than 25c. Card of Thankt 50c. Auction Sales S3 for one insertion and 51.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if WW1' £e inches length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a line, Farm or Real EItate for sale 50c, each insertion fort Pad month of four insertions, To Our Many Customers WE EXTEJ\11) TO YQU OUR SIN- CERE APPRLCIATION OF YOtIR VALUABLE CO-OPERATION DUR- ING 1923, AND WISI:I YOU ALL - A BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS 1.97A, R N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral ,Services • . Phones -Business, 20w. Residence,..291 • R. Carling B Barrister, Solicitor Etc • Loans, Investments-' In.surance Office, Caling Block, Al.a.in St: Exeter t t, 04) • Rev. James Foote, B. A.. Minister herborne in 'Crystal. City. Gooc. Ha,ppy g Knitting Machme, good ord.er, cheap. °SCAR. KLOPP D's. G. F. Roulston, I... D. S , D. S. 10 a. m.—Sunday school and Bible dui% F. Londotre , Golden Rod Vacuum C,11- ner c ap. DENTIST "Dendf-Ing Wied°e'sdaY Vent" toginei I-arge- Revolving wheel, Clasfles. W W eme 11 a.m.—'The 'Claristiae Life,' under •,.011 ., i ,Er,...„,., ., W. . f Three meta;phere,, ' ,• • ' ,' Yv`ai' taken, 1,'PJP. ail' '1'1 •161 -ed,' t°' Nrenb-er .of 1 .gel..2,bo t .., /. .0 . ill there foio ' a,: ---1..days.; ,1.1-1,e, rettiene.: .., .gas F A ireiehi ititlirove'ue Se,iiiv'' Sh es "ve k eheaP - 0, ,, • T NOvelty Bird Cage, cheap. 7 pat,___..,,The Christian Re 1gi n for oil or ed horele On a" • Early Scotland. " Raythond .Fraser and G6od Coon. Skin OVerc at Roy Sdouts meet Friday,evrtitig. • MES ST METHODIST CflOR.CH W. E.nomniegy; B. A., Pastor ; 10.1.51gertrng,Cia. .i 1100 am. -"Heralds of Passion.", --,3.00 n.m.-,-SundaY' School, ' and -Bible: ClasseS, •'• l'Qf) -,,Eve;r4ocli::.*itit-birie.,. • ters Miss•&dame and lv • P Lidies".'loW Shoe Dettoit,' Nrrs.:.Elmer .Caulh•etst' -and it. er ,Iz +, useice t,le,,;,..,son, of Fort Huron, returned hotne HAVE YOU' M ANYT ing 1aweak' visit`their larother, ,kfr, Erase/1, here, als,o • the& wANTED th ItrOoder Buckeye pr Honer Graduate Carey M. Joness'pNa: ing ec tional 0af A tioneer . iai C40taken in ItegiAltered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Phe si,tl t l'eath revailing market Prioes. a 4' ac,ch1 parni Lands. Rates in kee itkg. rs, NG 'TO SELL assured. Write or wire 18-93 Zu„ *a , urzen., nt, • 4 • :11441 j:I,..t...,eiaery..'Seidearl, of t,• i'Y ••,gita.t-07.1 on atantck. . Medd to Guelph iTLd 116iden;CO nrinrsharn•tbr,..fluron Colege 'Lend. • , „ • , • • • I ' ' ' ' • Office over Carling *La Offiae Closed WednesdY a,fteras' MONEY TO LQAN iAte have a Jai -gip a/Aattat of Pt:ivate funds to loan en farin, and village prcbperty at lamt rates a interest. • • ,, GLADMAN S'FANTIMT, eferred - 1000 ' a as 4119zristers Solicitors Exeter , Saddle,-nheat,, . inforniat' abov- articles . Bazaar, bit- A. IS TENNANT iieraikipxy Sur: tames' lobq St., retat • raccuoie bv • 26iir , , r , •'" • . • ' ' , ' ' . ' , • • • , . • , " 1Dr. A ICINSMAN LD. S D . 6. • • 61207Gra4ua;JmyriitY• ° • $0411) d * ,, • $ . • , , , I , I, . • ^ ' ' " •dtals.. e eeee,,,,e.e•e'Se d'•';‘;.J