HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-1-3, Page 8• r• R EXETER ATHNJG iTE, RJH 1D.A;Y', JAN, 3 1924 et Markets CH ANGEI.) hVERY WEDNESDAY Whitt ,.. 95 Oat% a 45 of t t tout a's Best Flout j 4.1, Fanx'2y Flour ......... „3,30. Pastry Flour , , 3,05. Feed Flour tete,,.., Bran Sh+.rts • ,,tete. 1,40 New Leiel Eggs .45 Held Eags 10 Creanr:ry Butter .,t,.. 45 & 47 Ua, ry Butter .,.37 to 40 Lard . 18 to 20 Flogs , ocal Doings 0,vi=n tc+- the 'holiday fadlnxg on Tuesdey the Advocate woes not ,print- ed until Thursday morning this yv+eek, ‘,Yeite 197 t. Sc ool -tvi1,1 re -open Chis Thursday 1.90 tixezn uxg • 1.50. The .hockey schedule in this dies- triet, as :n' marry ''others is put forward a bit waiting, for ice. M, s. Herb. Walter, after suffering from a severe attaJ of quinsy, is now recover -n; ziicely, NI -res. Peter Bowden of ?34dgetownr on December `28th slipped on the :poll ishad floor:'`of her 'hothe and br{oke her ankle. Quite a number of Exeter 'hockey fans motored .to,London:'on Thursday ex -ening to see the Toronto Strat- ford garnie. • Mr. W. C. Rivers ono. Monday :hot me. of the big California Jack rabbits,. down neer t114 boundary between, Us- borne and Bicldulph, \'t'b11e driving thi.s car. in London re- cently, the auto was struck by a Loa - don and Port Stanley •el;ectrie car; and carried 150 .feet, 'Mr. Isaac was bruin ed somewhat and thecar slightly dans aged :Many and 'varied are the vehicles ane tee an the {road these days, -bio• cycles, buggies, wagons, automobiles, cutters and sleighs, While we have a 'little snow, the. wheeling is the better. 11r Geo. Harden, an Exeter Old Boy, has been elected- Worshipful raster of Thedford Loyal Orange Lodge. George is an ,enthusiastic iOr- aatgem'an attrd was largely instrumental im organizing the lodge in Thedfore. Acrordng to J. B. Bowers fovea casts of the weather for 1924, pub- lislied last week in the Ads*ocete,; the strangest wands over the entire "globe wail be on ,or about Feb, 5, A.pri1 i15 to 20, the rust week in, June, July 1 October 28, and December 22, \Ir. John Jacob and, wife lei;t last trees. for Clinton, wh'.ere they will take charge: of the Huron County Home, We wish Mr. and Mrs. Jacob every sucress an their new occupa.- tiara and wie feel that the county will get faithful service from thein. Union week -night servzces, are be-+ ing held in the churches. this, week. \ionday midnight services were held in the. Trivitt i emoritat Church,, Tues- day ' night in :Main Street IMTethlaadisit Church Wednesday night in Catvaen Presbyterian Church, Thursday night in Jame, Street ;Vl'ethodLst Church, and Friday night ,Trrvitt A''emalriisi<a: These services commence 4 8 a'c1ock, all the. resident miinis/taers taking past. ;745 W. a ,. Goulding A. T. C. ;Lula Organise and Choirmaster• James St. ?dlethodat Church, Teacher of Piano, Vocal anal{ Theory, Instructor of Music tun the Public. Schools Terms Moderate Bax 57 EXhTER. n TENDERS Tenders wil' be received until Sat- urday, January 5th, 1924, for filling and packing the ice house at Winchel- sea Creamery, and covering the ice with sawdust, Size of ice house 43 feat long, 14 feet, 8 inches wide, 10 feet high. Lowest or any tender not necessarily" accepted. Address Geo. Jaques, or -W. G. Medd Woodham Exeter \Ir. Victor Sweet ,of Cleveland, Ob ao, • is heat' v5saiting With his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sweeet, • AUTO ACCIDENT. On Tuesday last Mr. and Mrs, David 12(ex- l:if and daughter, Mrs, Graham, v;h'le mo o:•in to the. home of ;Mr. Albert Mitch °ll, Biddulph, had a nar- row escapie from serious if• not fatal aecident. Th :y were going south • on the Landon Road and where nearly i • .front of \ir. Jas. Walkerf's residence the car slid off the road into thee' ditch, upsetting the ear and occupant,. L+uekiv \ors. Roweliffe and Mrs, Gra,- ham escaped with only slight injury while Mr. R ew skis did riot fare so we' -,l. las laangbadly shaken up and wii;i be conSlead to Ins bed far atime, The car was considerably damaged. CORN CONTRACTS. The Exeter Canning Company is op- en. its recelse contracts for growing corn for season of 1924 -Early Ever- green, $$10 a ton; Early Crosby, $15 a ton. Apply ‘early as acreage is. larni ted PIGS FOR SALE. 25 sucking pigs ready to wean Jan. 1. Apply to J. A. Van Camp, phone 57r2 ,PROPERTY FOR SALE. Consisting •of house,, stable, and 8 lots of land; situated, in Exeter North on Thain. Street. Apply to H. Bier - ling, Hay P. 0. NOTICE. -"Big Clearing Sale' *at Mrs. W D. Yeo'a Children's Wear, Cloak rigs, Coats, Hats,. Caps, Scarfs, Hose, Mitt,, Bonnets, Underwear. HOUSE TO RENT. Frame house in .good condition, good water. Two acres of land. Apply at this office, Mr. Frank Taylor has rented Mr. Thornton Baker's stables, to the rear of Taylor's Tire Shop, and has heavy and ligh t horses for bale or exchange Look over the horses he, has on. hand. HOUSE TO RENT. Brick house on Huron Street, apply to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE, Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND. -A place where you can buy British American Gasoline at 28c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North NOTICE A CHANGE OF TIVIE WX be madae • SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1924 For Fu4:1 Particulars Apply to Arty Ticket Agent Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors As we are just startiog ire the Tailor- ing Business vie are going to gine t:o the, puo':tc, a barga&ri, and this is what the bargain ;s going to be. -We h,av;a a piece of Blue Serge; guaraniteed all wool; fast color;: never fade Indigo Dye, This suit is ` regular $40.00 and for two dollars we aregoing togive you an extra pair 4of pants of the, same cloth. But this bargain is limited. Six suits is all will be sold at this Deice, So c>ion't delay. Trucking Ot ,;Track, makes a regular trip, Landon each week. Consult ITS f-orr Truck' Work., and eneral Delzvery INSTALLATION OF •OFFICERS. The newly -elected and appointed of- ficers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. &. A. Mt., Exeter, were duly enstalied on Thursday evening, Dec. 27th. by Vje;ry Wore Bro. M. Eac- rett, assisted by other. past masters; as follows,-W.M., Homer Bagshaw; Sr. Warden, -J. G. Stanbury; Jr. War- den, G. M, Clxcdley ; Treas., C. H;, Sander Secretary, R N. Creech ; Chap„ M,.. Eacrett; Sr. Deacon, T, Pryde „jr Deacon;,. W: Frayne; Inner Guard, H. O. Souti c�ott; Steward,, B Pryde.; Dir. of Ceremloniies, Very Wor, Bro. J. A. Stewart; Board of General Purposes, Bros, Stewart, Ta- man, owe, Neaman, and J. M. South- cott; Board of Relief, Master and his wer'dens. The work being over a lunch was served, a,ter which, newly ,installed officers and others spoke briefly, MRS. KEMP DEAD. Word was received here last week by friends of the-deatth+,af Mrs. Capt. George Kemp, "a farmer well-known' resident of Exeter, who died at her home ,in Toronto ion Thuraday, Dec. 27th, at the age Of 74 years, About forty-filve years ago the late Mrs.. Kemp came here with her husband and, family from England, where the late 12r, Kemp was a sea Captain for many years„ and who died here oyer twenty years ago. Some little time after ,Mr. Kemp's dealtli to fanvialyam,ov- ed to Toronto where they have since resided. Mrs. Kemp was a mieinlaer of the Angltican church and when in Exeter took a deep interest iat -all church work, By her beautiful :Chris- tian character, her .lovable disposition and ,fuer many ,excilfent qual,i;ti;es of both heart a;ttd'.'lveaid she ;was loved' god respected by all who knew her. \ler remains were interred in T.owa- toy, the funeral taleing place on Mon- day at St, Thome' Church. NOTICE, -"Big January ' Clearing Sale" at Mrs. W. 1), Y,eo's, Giving up Grocery department; salting off all groceries, also Meas' wear. Triv tt Memorial Church 11 am. -"The Great lanifestatininV' 7 pin, -"Is not. thus: flue, Carpen;ter, Rev A. A. Trumpar, Rector. cAVEN PRESBYTER/LAI CHURCH Rev, James Foote. B. A., Minister 10 a. m. _Sunday School and Bibie' Classes. . 11 a.m.—"The Defeated Aims im of Christian, Life. 7 p.m.—The Christ%an Religion ,In Early Scotland.". Boy Scouts ` meet Friday evening., JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH 10.15 -Morning . Class, to 1. 1'0CE a r A .n . aer ; ovule ready for a viiyai ?" 3:00 p.m. -Sunday School. 7,00 .p,rri {`The,-Thneea' Worst- Bar- gains ar-.gain ixz Hi str Std' l3AGSHAW & EASTON Welcome �r.,il�'cuulla Sheen. has returned to D e troit vt,„ s. Tramper and, fasm tty sapient the halide)/inn, London, 12r J.:: A. J3zrtnttlll of Stratford was :here for New Yef'trs'. • , • Mr, end Mrs. W J. Heasnan spent New Year in London, Mr. Alex, Stewart :las lop froze.. London far -thee' holiday, lyIiss,Maine Sanders speata, day, or! two in. Loindan':this week; • Mrs, A. E. Gampbeli left, Friday last to visit relatives 'in Hanriltotn .Mr. Wes Valle of Niagara -Falls vys ;sed aela,tives here this week, \Ir, James. Delar rig of 1 gsadon is viis- iitiag relatives here for a+;fenv days, Mr and Mrs. Richard Treble of London spent the holiday in' town, firs, ,Ewart Powe, of London sprint the holiday wtth sMa. and Mrs. W. N. Bowe, Mrs. Morley Wilson of Dreadeuv-vs•, ited with Mr. J. W,. Powell during the holidays Vtr, Gordon Wes of Wilndsor, visit- ed with relatives in town during the holidays, Mr, Ronald Wutwrer returned home Saturday from a trip to different parts of California. ,\Titins Annie Weekes of. •Guelph has been visiting .r'elatives in town. during the past week, :nr. Ed. Harrison of Detroit visite , ed his sister, We, Chats. Box, Stephen, over the .holiday. Mr. Was. Thorne. of Kitchener vis- ited for a fere' days with Mr. and Mrs E. C, Appleton. After a visit with his father and sister here, :Mr,, Thos, :rappl, has re- turned to Daetrorlit. Mr, James McDonald of Straltford spent several days with his ,sister, Mrs, Thos. Creech. \hiss Irno Sweet has been engaged as teacher a't Putruaa andhas gone to undertake her duties. \Ir. Will Manson of Torontoi and \Tins Jessie Manson of London were home afar the holiday.. Mr. • and Mrs, Henry Hopper of. W ngham spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Berney. Mrs. Dan. Daerks is spending a f,ew, weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Isaac Statham, near Parkhill: " \Zrss Stella Gregory returned to Brantford on •Monday%to resume her dutiesii. theeCollegiate. Rev. and Mrs Fear 'of Waalke*rv.:ille were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.' S. Howey during•.tive week. Mrs. Ferguson returned to Toronto Saturday, after Nisitiuig her parents Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Sweat.LL ,Mr Young Csielech of Detroit spent Sunday and Monday with his, grand- mother, ,ltrs Janes Creech,, ' \fr, Otto Thompson, of Toronto Dental College, spent Christmas and New Years w,3th' relativges in Exeter. (1r "°and Mrs. 0, Bgecher of Netwi Hamburg and !1•Ir Eai•,l Browni'.ng ,of Toronto visited at Dr, Brownngi'4. Mr, Harry. Gould; of 'Windsor spent a few- days with his mother, Mrs. Richard Gould, andother relatives: lirs, Smith, who has been visiting, her parents, •lIr, ,and Mrs. -1. Arm- strong, returned to Toronto Monday. Goderiich Star, -"Mrs. L. H. ' Dick- son, and Mies Dickson leave to -day (Thursday), on a. visit to -Pembroke." hlr, and Mrs. W. N. White, after vis - with Mrs. Hedden for several dys, re- turned to their ahonx,ei iini DetroitiThurs- day, Mr, and Mrs,` Richard Hunter left, on Thursday for New York to spend two weeks with -their daughter MVlrs. C. Divine .'viand Mrs. V(lerof London vis-, i.ted with the 'latterss ;parents; Mr. and ;hiss. L.' Day, a few- days during the week. • yrir. and Mrs. RussellSmiatll and fan in,y returned to London. Thursday, af- ter' a viieit with Mr: and Mrs, Peter Frayne. Dr. A YicTagga:rt of Toronto was among the holiday visitors here, 3i av,r„ visited u Lith lila mother, Mrs. Pe(t)er Mr.T.aggar t NI1ss; Edith Davis, Who has been avis- sung viiith her sister, Mrs. Garnet. Ccckwridl at Bladsworth, Sank, re-- turned home last week. Mr, and Mrs. G, Clipso.a and family of Ingersoll spent a fetv_days with sirs.'"Ci1ipson's :arenits, Mr. and Mrs, D. Davis, during the -week. \Irs: George Vilwian;of Mitchell. and Mors, D, Rohlerts and son of Toronto,; are spending- a ,con Ole we to with lk, and Mrs, W. Doerr. arr. Aale.n Jeckelt and Miss Hiolwle who, were visiting Mr. James and Miss Jeck 11, have returned to their re;- apect_ve homes in Taranto. Mrs Wm. Brooks ` .of Crystal. City' ilfan., who, Vas been visiting among reatives and fnienitl,s at Ails Craig,~ is visitiiag'with ;,ties =cll. , Mr :' C. W, Brooks:' Mr;• acid Mrs. Robt. Tapp and Mass D,oratlty. `Bedford. of `' London,, w(ese here spearing tine holidays !sviith and Mrs. W. It Armstrong and other relatirves, Mr, Edward Etherington of Di„ tro It her... Visiting among reltatrves,., I't is about 30 years ago gsinoe Mr. Ftli ening ton ;Oft Exeterand has ever since bere,n. a resident of the United States, ttvlru> in d?,fferent parts of the Unions Miss Ma,ry, 'Neltson, who has bee r sp nd=irvl3, Glue Ilial days,, here,, with her trents;' Mr, an. M.rs.:T Neyson( turned to DetroitSaturday:''`e\r f ing: She was, accolnpan,'i^d; by. ,her father oils, vvi1L pr�z•e:obably renlaiia vo;that,n:,ty for-a'tir iavearaitala 1 PlIONE 32 : annual Stock Takin- PHONE 32 c,x • I CLEARING OF ODD LINES .OF REs\1NAIST,S a id We 21., tatk;,{ng ,�Gock this week, :and ,puttkilczg• urn s,'p�e�cuk'tj4`1Yi'�tvy;'i5��t1 :Have]: of :�;Gexcliaxtd,.s�..e , Kti1s�a r•emnancs cf ,various limes. Come early wind. see these ba,rgaWns, - 1 1 L I ' = ? i • ' i • ? , ' LADIES' COATS' AT BAR:GAIN: PRICES Only a few :Ladilea' Girl's and.Misses' Coats left, but going alt read Bar„aft.{ti Prices. 10 Good Coats to Clear at $.12.95, ;each LADIES' AN'U MISSES CLOTH DR eS.S S, Beautiful quality, all wool 'ser a and tr' tiot\e. dresses must b -ecleared oat this month a mP' A BARGAIN THIS WEEK IN BLhACHED COTTON . . 5 webs beautiful quality bleached ,cotton; 36 in. Wide, a r+ea;1 bargain'thia" at 5 yds W• TOWELLING" BARGAINS '" Lost Na., 1-4 webs ,on good - towelling, nearly all ilnen, clearing at 5 yds for $1.. ?1y g quality dish and ,rolltier to}vnell p; Lot No., 2-5 Webs ,extra heavy pure linen, droller ,towelling, peg, 35c yd, for .1.week Maly on, sale at 29c. yd. ee MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS, it4en's beaut+uful quality: all wool V nee �: 'sweat abalmy, co cambratiots.:reb, $5, to .cleara�3,95 each. LAD1ES' HOUSE DR,hSSES' at 51.00 4 dozen. ladies' ase dresses, new ,stj+;i,es and is a s, all sizes. regularlyupto ._5.1.50 values. Th is art (� i�tiJ ., week ar one lailce $1.00 each, bargain pric for $1.00 in Bargains for January in Men's Overcoats at $10, $15, $17, $20, $25 & Boys' Cats at $7 to $14.50 The Cloths, Styles and Var-' ety of our Mien's and Boys" Coats and Suits cannot be beaten and our `prix:es 'ire slot=aysi as lo;v a5 Fort is possible to make th.eni. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES !Mr. W4L1 Davis spent • New .' Year in London. Miss a17a.ysie Broderick has returned to London, after spending the holi- days olidays with her .grandmother, Mrs. John Broderick. Messrs. H. Hohnner, W Russell, and S.. 13aroi,s of London) spe,ntl a few days .worth;„ the least neinaedts bilathier, Ted Davies; " at. Mrs . Cottlers.. r G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S„ DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of tli,e Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioi, and Un- iversity of . Toronto, .y Late District Dental Officer, Milk-, aay District Number one, London, Ont, Main, Office -Dickson Block, MAin Street,- Exeter ,Ont. Hourrs-9 ani: to 5,30 p.m,. Phone 34 Exeter. " Office- at. Enrich Ont., : Phone 79. Zursich,. Tuesday ;and Friday from 10 aim: tto . 5 p,inn For .Sale COAL HEATER, with" oven in het shape. I3rst 515 takes it. GAS ENGINE, Stickney, 3 hep., per- fect condition; cheap. DAISY CHURN, cap. 60, 1bs, power Store Shelving, 18 ft, long -4 shelves high. . Buck Baseburner, witih oaten $12, $25 Mandolin, $10. New Felt lined woad violin case, lock ' cheap Antique Walnut Furniture --Setae and Arm' Clair, hair cloth, cheap. r arge Harness box. Large Cask, suitable for storing meat or grain. Vacuum Cleaner, Lawra Mower, both' in good order and very cheap. Typewriter, nearly. . uvew, good value,. Lard' Press and Sausage filler Ecom- bined. 3 4 -gal, milk cans, almost • neve , 2 Coat oil Heaters; reasonable. $60 buys a good Gan Engine,: 57. buys a good Daisy .Ciiurni. ,$7; Buys Single Harness. $2, Buys large Harness Box, $5 ',+Buys.: .0 ft, long narrow Tablet Cultter-1goiod shape. Good Happy Thought range, Knitting Maclaine, good !order, cheap. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL WANTED. Young cow, Jersey or part, 2 'h.,p• horizontal gas engine, Brooder, Buckeye preferred 1000 clucks, Far information re. above -article; apply'. Powell's Bazaar Exeter 1 5 JAMES. W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conducted' in any locality. Farre stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges. moderate, Ora ders left .at this office pu+on,pitly at- tended to, 1 Phone-l..iirkton -54r2. Address-Kirktop.' R. 12. No. 1 DR. H, H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon;'-- at McCormick 'Block, . Zurich, every Thursday and Satur ty -Main Office,;- Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Admoicate, or at the Central :Hotel. Prices reV{0in41e. Satisfaction guaranteed, Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and- Satisfaction Guaranteed • Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR, WEBER Auctioneer - R R. No 1 Dashwood Licenser\, Auctlioneer for .Huron Co. Farm an stock sales a specialty. Four years experience, OSCAR I(LOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Gaa.duate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of .Auctioaeerihng. Spec- ial Course taken ion Regiis,'ttered Live Stock, Merchandise, Rel ,Estate and Lands. .keeping FarmRates in.kee 'with pre'vaaing market pr6ces.Sat(sfac tion assured. Write or w,ire 18-93,Zurich. Oscar K1 pp, Zurich, Ont. DR. A. . E. TENNAW1 •Vetarimirrr Sursaaa tieDonu+1I'i Sizkbles, John St., 8zetei (lately occupied by Dr. Vituits ) Aims 26w The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made,." oil aPnitcation._ u Stray Aarinna,nT. three insertiiora: Miscellaneous' than five lines. Wanted, ,each Found. 4ot.'ais 2 "--replied his ) but4 ,e y mo,�.thtJ.- 5Local readur th �• 2c Card ot Thanks' 50c. _. A.ucti:+on Saleis $3 .for one insertion", and $1.50 for each subsequent rn- sertion if u_®k1ierr fivfe inches ln,AetiZ ''` Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or Re Estate Eos sale 50c. fon insertion n ane month of four insertio®s, \r, erin5n ladies re. mother, saying \rat he was to have of a Prussian of - To Our Many Customers , -- i VTE EXTEND-'I0,Y,OU OUR S1N CERIK APPRECIATION OF YOUR TALUA13TZ C0 OPERATION DAL\ ING;'192% .,AND A BRIGHT - AND PROSP,ERO' r924'. R N. RONVE Conductor :of Funeral .'Servtcei Phones -Business, 20w.` Residence, Z01 T. R. Carling, B.A Barrister' Solicitor, Etc , In Loans, Investments Insurance) Office t Caling>-filack, Ma,,n, S , Exeter Dr, G. F, Routs loom, L. D. S:, D. St. DENTIST Office over Carlieag's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. v • MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of privit- funds to ,loan on farm and <vxllaRe property at law rates of 'interest. GLADMAN &. STANBU% Barristers, Solicvtars, Eket Dr. A.. R.,KINSMAN, I;. D: S., Honor Et to Toronto U Offamoiorer',5G to & Sts ibwy"i'..' 7ttfos. 'Mkt Week Exatrt', t•; .rs s ec hi of va yc m: be m to. Yo sp 11a' ars pr be tit go be, or cal kn al <fex, ha', '1 �]y?r ,be da3 ,.T end, y at e d ne ec rt