The Exeter Advocate, 1924-1-3, Page 6When You TrY
.42116will realize the difference
between toPalad "Eatd eso .. t'�'ea
"To market, to market, to buy a fat
pig." So runs a Mother Goose rhyme.
Perhaps that is why Mother Goose
never was rich, for in raising the fam-
ly meat supply on the farm and pre.
serving it there for home consumption,
there is a saving that rural folks
should not overlook.
These recipes show how
angled Trails
: -Ifl: 0 1414AM MALL Eon neige:
(Copyright, Tho:uas Allen.)
CHAPTER XXIV.-(Cont'!,) I "Can I seethat book?"
The waitress came, took their order, 11l do •the' , the . clerk said
and departed shortly. `Whose marriage is it? And
a :queer wild..goose chase," `Kirby said.. Lane .gave such information as hehen there t31no
„ could. The clerk mellovied whenRase
A Mari gave, vie ,a hin . 'Hi; didn t told him it wis very important to. her,
want to tell me the information out .as officials: have a way of doing when
an out,, whatever it is. I don't know charming young women' smile at them.
why: What he said was for met to But lie found no, record of any mar-
go to Golden an' lack aver the list of ,.,,,,,•„ ,,,, ..-L,,,L 1L - ,-__� _.LL_-. _�,
"I'm goin' out to Golden to -day. on ghat date?"
There is a time
Snow covers up the tracks af: furry
things ,
That helter skelter • run across the
Never a fox goes through the neigh-
But snow obliterates his prints and
A wall of white between each, tree and.
Never a ferret hurries from his lair„
:A mink or rabbit Butes out of air,
But in the dark the frost begins to
ground seen,
And • fields are covered • and. 'no
river's sound
Drones in the night, only some win$
marriage licenses for the past month
„ the contracting parties. y leaning
~� - - _-_� __�. -- _
or two. « ground.
I Once in a while some preacher
Her eyes hashed an eager question forgets to turn in his certificate the Now the swift deer may run, the squir-
at• him, "You don't suppose—it clerk said as he closed the book. "Old
couldn't be that Esther was married to Rankin is . the . worst that way. He
your uncle secretly and that she prom-, forgets. You might look him 'up,"
(sed not to tell," i Kirby slipped the clerk a dollar and
"I hadn't thought of that. It might turned away. Rankin was a forlorn
just' going to, be at home;, so what dif- be." His eyes narrowed in concentra- hope, but he and Rose walked out to
ference does it make, 'Miss , Wilder? tion. "And if Jack an' Miss Harii- ,'little house in the suburbs where the
Why, it's fashionable to be late! You man, had just found it out, that would
„ explain why they called on Uncle lee was a friendly, wh'Se-haired old
make more of an impression) James the night he was killed. Do gentleman, and he made them very great modern steamship can hardly
It makes the ,difference of kindness you want to go to Golden with merfail to be impressed by the community
and 'courtesy to other people," 11lissi Y She noddeeagerly. "011, .1 do, they hadh come underto gethmarriied. A of' interest among the passengers,
h 'e
Kirby!not. T
i satheyadmit to
a ewhetheri
Wilder replied, anl. [ I believe we'll find slight deafness was in part responsible
mendous difference to yourself. There .thing there, Shall we go by the inter- for this mistake. ° are social distinctions observed by the
is no place in the world where' a per -urban? "May I see the license?" he, asked, separate classes to which the varying
be,master 'al life, "As soon as we're through lunch." after Kirbyhad introduced himself rates of fare have established a title,.
son does not need to Theywalked across along Arapahoe high
rather than its slave:" 1: g and Rose. There is supposed to be luxury on g
, (.Street to the loop and took a Golden : For a moment the cattleman was -
ducts may be prepared and canned at Rut Clorinda only laughed. I'ox a, car. It carried them by the viaduct puzzled. His eye went to Rose, seek= a•nd Spartan simplicity, ifnot I actual
y p p year after she returned home she eon- discomfort, in the steerage.
home. over the Platte River and, through the
mg ire ormailon. `.A wave of color wan' floating ting city or' psilat al marine hotel
Park Tenderloin and Chops—The tinned to dothingsas usual, "at the North Side. into the country. They sweeping into her soft cheeks'. Then
chops and tenderloin may be canned last minute She was popular,. and rushed peat truck farms and. apple Lane knew• why, and the hot blood "scale ofhere s the e communal existence onl
separately, Wipe each slice with a people easily forgave the little annoy orchards into the rolling fields beyond, into his own.. His gaze hur-
ances she caused them. e here the crops had been harvested.: riedly and in embarrassment fled from the land. It is; recognized that in cer
damp cloth and sear in hot fat. Sea- Then came Grace G 1 cadet's wed- and the land lay in the mellow bath' Miss McLean's face. tain hands authority is placed, and
e n
which the here are laws
t w by w
syn ship's company must abide,
the bone from the chops. Pack in a foot o "We've h of made in good season; the lovely amber only When. it isn plain .sailing in fair
I+'xom the terminus of the line they about ed
rels lean
B,ud' safe as moles that.borrow un-
—Harold Vinal.
The Same Boat.
One who crosses the Atlantic on a
son accordingto taste and roast until
, summer eound
nicely browned. It is best to remove dill-. Clorinda was to be one of the Table Mountain nitoetthe little town
k bridesmaids, and she 'had her go huddled t thef t f Lookout,
"You don't quite understand," he ex-
lained to the Reverend Nicodemus
ankin. come o y to -to in -
sterilized and
to within made
inns the
chiffon came home two whale days be- walked up the steep hill to the court -1 q ther to fiu
nd out fyyou didmarryand -r contentment
existence is simple enough
the top, a d addgravy m fore she was to start. house. An.automobile, new and of!d contentment is general, n
stock and hot water. Partially seal „ ?" by? His name think he was Cunningham.m- ied of storm many are the victims of a
andprocess in hot water bath for How's that for punctuality. she an expensive made, was standing by have reason to he was married
said when she leisurely began to put the curb. Just as Kirby and Rose
ninety minutes. Finish sealing and reached the machine a. young man ran
store in a dry, coal place, things into her trunk.
•Justt p
hen a truck rolled u outside, dawn the steps of the court=house and
Roast pork may be canned in the I it's the baggageman. !„ her sis-
stepped into the car. The man was
"Oh! .
same way. If canned raw, the process Jack Cunningham. He took the driv-
is the same, except that it will need teClorx da one look at the clack. er's seat. Beside him zeas a veiled
to be in the hot bath for three hours. gaveyoung woman sn a leather motoring -
r , "Go down and see if they cant go coat. In spite of the. veil Lane r�ecog-
.• Spareribs—Roast the ribs in the somewhere else first," she repli,gd, nized her as Phyllis Harriman.
usual way until nicely browned. Re- tumbling things frantically into the Cunningham caught sight of-: his
move the rib bones and pack in stern- trunk. cousin and anger flushed his face.
ized jars. Add hot gravy made from Without a word he reached for the
In twenty minutes it was pricked,
w, 4 . the contents of the roasting pan. Par- and Clwas placating the bag- starter, threw in.. the clutch, and 'gave
I tially seal and process in hot water s, I the engine gas.•
bath for two hours. Finish sealing gageman, who had waited. That: was "t The •rough rider watched the car
a feat!' she declared breathless but move down the hill "I've made a mix
and store in a dry, cool place.
As a novelty, place a row of spare
ribs around the can and stuff with
a month or two ago. But we're not
The old man stroked- his silken
white hair. At .times his mind was a
little hazy, There were moments when
a slight fog seemed to descend upon it,
His memory in recent years had been
quite treacherous. Not long since he
had forgotten to attend a funeral at
which: he was to ,conduct the services.
"I dare say I did marry your friend.
A good many young people cometo.
me. The license clerk at.the court is
very ldnd. He sends them here."
"The man's name was Cunningham.
—James Cunningham," Kirby promp-
triumphant. } j take," he told his companion. "I told ted.
Twenty-four hours later, unpacking James I was corrin' here to -day. He "Cunningham—Cunningham! Seems
to me I did marry a man by that.
name. Come to think of it I'm sure
I did. To a beautiful young woman,"
the old preacher said.
"Do you recall her name? I mean
her maiden name," Rose said, excite-
ment veins.
"No -o. I 'don't seemquite to remem-
ber it. But she was a charming young
the trunk,
she gave a cry of dismay.' let Jack- know, an' he's beat us to it."
sauerkraut, seal,and process as for She had left her bridesmaid's gown( "What •harm will that do?"` asked
the other method. at home! There was no time to get Rose. "The information will. be there
Pork Sausage—Far every three for us, too.won't it?"
pounds of fresh lean. pork, allow one it or another. "Mebbe it will. Mebbe it won't.
From her seat with the family Clo- We'll soon -nd out."
Rose caught . her friend's . arm as
they were passing through the hall.
"Kirby, do you suppose your cousins
really know Esther was married to woman—very attractive, 1 might say.
your uncle? Do you think they can be My wife and daughter mentioned it
trying to keep it quiet so she can't afterward."
claim the estate?" "May I ask if Mrs.,,,,Rankin 'and
He stopped in his stride. James your, daughter are at present in the
had deprecated the idea ofhis coming house?" asked Laney
to Golden and had ridiculed the possi- "Unfortunately, no. They have gone
bility of his unearthing any informa- ,.o spend a few days visiting -in, Idaho
tion of value. Yet he must have called Springs. s. If they were here they could
up Jack as soon as he had left the re -enforce any gaps • in my memory,
office. And Jack had hurried to the which is not all it once was," The
town within the hour. It might be Reverend Nicodemus smiled apolo-
thet Rose had hit -on the reason for getically,
the hostility he felt on the part of "Was' her name.Esther McLean?"
both cousins -to his activities. There asked Rose eagerly. -
was something they did not waist The old parson brought his mind
brought to the light; of day. What back to the subject with a visible of
more potent reason could there be for, fort. "Oh,' yes! The young 'ladywho
concealment than their desire to keep was married' to your friend-" He.
the fortune of the millionaire -in their 'pause -d; 'idea loss for the name.
own hands? "Cunningham," Kirby supplied. •
"I shouldn't wonder if you haven't "Quite so=Cunningham. Well, it
rung the bull's-eye, pardner," he told might have been McLeod .: I—I rather
her. "We ought to' know' right soon think it did sound like that:"
"McLean. Miss .• Esther , McLean,".
The clerk in the recorder's ,:office corrected the • cattleman patiently.'"
smiled When Kirby said- he wanted to "The fact is I'in not sure about the
look through the license register. He young lady's name, Mother and Ellen
would know: I'm sorry they're not
here. They talked afterward about
how pleasant the 'young lady was."
"Was she fair or dark?"
The old preacher smiled at. Rose
benevolently.- "I really don't` know.
pound of fat.. Grind the meat and
add one and one-half ounces of salt,
one-half ounce of black pepper, one-
half ounce of ground sage. Mix the
seasoning and meat together and pass
through the grinder the second time.
Pack into muslin casings and dip into
melted lard to seal the surface.
We have not all purchased aleetric
washing machines as yet, and there
is a simple home-made contrivance
that will take same of the worry out
of washing with round galvanized -
iron tubs on which it is difficult to
adjust a wringer. Have someone ad-
just with a bolt and nut over the
screw on your wringer clamp a piece
of hard wood that will always be in
place to hold your wringer to the
curved side of the tub.
A clothes stick cut in two prongs is
another wash -day convenience. And
have you yet learned. the value of slic-
ing a lemon into the water in which
you boil the clothes? These things
truly are patience savers.
rinda soberly watched five bridesmaids
go down the aisle where. six should
have been. Not only was she disap-
pointed, she had spoiled Grace's wed-
ding plan.
2970.. Here is a comfortable rosy
poly doll and a cunning cat. Toweling
stuffed with cork would make these swung the book round toward them.
models floating toys. Plush, felt, flan -l "Help yourself. What's the big
nel, outing flannel, velvet, drill, and idea? Another young fellow was in
If one had a needle- and thread al- crash could also be used. The doll' lookin' at the licenses only. 'a minute
at - all to take, the moment it was below the arms. of different material ago." The clerk moved over to another
could be made ways
needed, the stitch in time that saves - The Pattern is cut in one . size. desk where he was typewriting: His '.I'm afraid, my. dear. youn4 woman,
nine. The large hotels have,adopted Either style requires �a` yard of 27- back was: turned toward them. Kirby that I'm a very unreliable witness."
a practice which works gout well' in inch material, turned the pages of the'book• He and "You don't recollect any details. For
everyday homes. Tfiey keep two er Pattern mailed` to any address on Rose looked them aver together. They heyinstance, how did'they come and did
three threaded needles stickingin the covered the record for three months they bring witnesses with them?"
receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by withoutfinding anything of interest. "Yes. I was working in the gar -
pin -cushion on the bureau. These are the Wilson Publishing Co., •73. West Patiently they went over the leaves den—weeding the strawberry -patch, I_
not unsightly, for the thread is wrap- Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow • two again. think. They came in an automobile
ped about the needle and it hardly weeks for receipt of pattern. Kirby stepped over to the clerk. alone. Wife and daughter were the
shows, but it is right .there when an -te"Do you happen to remember whether `yitnesses "
emergency stitch is to be taken. .The you made out any license application ' •. (To be continued.) .,
needles hold black bread as well as i �?'..�r1 for a man `named Cunningham any
white and sometimes a couple of etil- `� r i time in the past two months?" he
ity buttons are added. Many an ex- ' ►f : 4 asked.
For a marriage license?"
pensive stocking. has been saved by
having the dropped stitch caught be-
fore it has gone far, or a tiny rip is
prevented from becoming a big tear.
by the ever-present needle. The very
busy mother whose workbasket some-
times overflows will find thatkeeping(
the .'threaded needles handy . will be.
great in keeping the family tidy.
maladywhich is no respector of per-
sons and does not ask how much the
passenger has eiaid for his .accommo-
dations. When actual disaster occurs
and the voyagers must take to the
'boats or wait precariously while the
wireless summons aid, the distinctions
. E '
a T. to Kot4'Itid 1[
aisles' ftp sstAllittt4q ,WIth Bea ether
Killed Ilortl�tmlle, h!eW Terk I ,
offers' a three niers! educate ofr Tr
Ing, te• goons :wbtmen,. sFvtnsthe FIr'
-quireetesdtelotete and desireuepf �bee'
sewing hwraei� ThlII HospitalM
' dohIted the' •etlritt,pourSireteisti. Ta*.
pupils receive halforiess of the eolteel.
It mdpfihli '41 0lranee easel iretelilliff
exhehtiel P M d ,Croat New 'Perk. reir
furt3ter„ .lrsfer.mation etehli fib tba '
fin nethntlanitant.
, ,
between shipboard neighbors vanish
like the 'crests • of. the waves. Then -its
it no longer asked who is rich .or• poor,,
who •is:Proud.and who' Is humble.
On the 'sea' of 'human life we ext
fellow-pess'entere, faring • from the
same port .ta,.the same haven. We are
"'al1In the same boat" for a Tittle tires
together, and bound to show each ,
ether the kindness, the generosity, theengine
mutual respect and tolerabee that
make • life. bearable Par the feeble, the
timorous, the less fortunate.
Couldn't Fool HIM.
Dealer—"T1lis coal, " sir, is first
Customer—"Don't.,; believe it—you',
can't fuel me!"
.�.. ....rim.YS
first in Safety
�y$R ALWAry.
ASK iYOR iF.D» 1/47
$2.00 Weather ,prophet -only .$1.25
This -wonderful prophet tens you the answer to -day. It's a healthful
Head. toy.: thermometer, bird on perch, uta— --
nota toy, but a sc---- cal y
constructed Instrtuuent working autozaatisahy—reliable and everlasting..
The witch comaa
es out to foretell bad weather and the children for B
weather. eight' to twenty -tour hours in advance.
SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED—This uelleoted Weather Prophet
will prove to you its superior worth over cheaper' models.
• Sent postpaid to: any address for only $1,25, or
two for $2.20. . Agents Wanted
Tell your neighbor. Don'tmiss this chance. Order to -dal..
GRANT 1 MCMILLAN' CO., Dept. W.W.I -I., 887 Clinton St., Toronto
miniature. house, stucco finish,: size 0 1-8 x 11-2, decorated wtth dee'
Clorinda Mackenzie was 'rarely late
at anything, but at recitations, at
meals, at frolics of all kinds, laugh-
ing and a bit breathless; she was
nearly always the last to arrive. She
rather enjoyed the excitement of get-
ting to a place at the last minute.
"What else could :you expect of any-
one named Clorinda!" she used to
Miss Wilder, the dean, had a talk
with the girl before she left college.
She tried to make Clorinda see the
danger of not allowing herself more
Biggest One He: Knew.
We're gonna have a big gobbler Ler
dinner at our house -on Christmas."
"1 know who, be is. It's Patty
"Don't think I have. Can't remora
Bible in Translation.
'The Bible'is far in advance of any
other book in the number of its trans-
lations, for it has actually been rep
ber the name. 1 *as an my vacation tiered in whole or in part into 770 .
two weeks- Maybe itwa.s then. Can't languages and dialects and the end ig.
you find it in the book?" not yet in sight, '=The translation is
"Know the date?" still progressing ae the rate of one
Kirby shook his head: . complete book of the Bible in a new
The voice of_.Rose, high with ex- `language every six weeks, a speed re
citement, came from across the rooin. cord which has been, maintained for
"Looky'here?' over twenty years,
Her finger ran down the book', close -..
to the binding.'.. A page had been cut His Busy Season
out with a sharp kenlcoife, so deftly
that they had prissed it twice without A Irian' with all the earmarks of'"a
noticing.- '• laborer was;smoking thoughtfully and'
"Who did ' e t?" demanded the "clerk watching a large building in rocess
Who did oli. t watch g g , pr
angrily '" of construction.. A; foreman- approach
"Probably the young man,wile was ed" and 'naked:,
just IIs here.`" I-Iis naive is Jack Gun_s_ "I-iey, want a Job?"'
ningham,",Lane,answered. "Yes >' was ;the reply, "blit I c'n Only
-...;e,__.. "What in time did he want to do•
China's fee? If he wanted it why didn't world morn.ings,,:
. newPresident is 60 years that or y. "W1?y can't you wore all day?"
Thirty-eight ht years ago he ahe take a copy? The Boss it give Yoe ,
a age- z y g g wasHail Columbia.; That's>.what a. fellov*'•., Every• afternoon 1 gotta, carry a
a common soldier- gets for being accommodating." banner' inn the "unemployment parade."
"Ile did it. so that we evouldn't see 1
new- electricgenerator at:it, Is there any other' record :kept of .pe er''from Potato vines•
me but laririda caul ---0---
Ile "-es
,�„ p
G d not see 'i t. Niagara a 'is said • to be the.lamest in the marriages .
f,a A •process for making paper from.
"If 1 were going into business any- the world. It will produce 87;000 there is. The preachers, and i has been arcate.! in Ger-
rho;re, of :course I'd have to' reform, p, the judges who perform marriages potato -tops 1?
she acknowledged, ed. "Blit fin. not I'm horse-powei and ligh� 2'500,000 lamps. have to tarn' back to us the certificate many.
J wi thin thir y days and we., make a •
le. 52 -'23.
ma-Taras Liniment Heals. Luta. ['record of 'em." • • fllinard's Liniment ror Dandruff.
hundred rooms, each with private bath, !:
up. Famous c ; y,"_xep1ied his moth -
variety of rest but ,Beatrice
Main Ding~nso • '°•
and Cafeteria.. Can r" of the'
city's -social fife. Comfort and.
Vernon O. Carty,Man* r - -'
Direction: United Hotels Ctimpany of America
eigita ••j`
war, rircr‘.1 11
x.,.�•. _
-Gan ladies: re,
is mother) saying
at he- was to have
of a Prussian of
Order Yotfr.
Farm l Help
IN VIEW of. the great demand for foam help existing IA
Canada, the Canadian Pacific Railway 'will continue its I'a n
1301pp Service: during. 1924 and will enlarge its scobs•.to i:'.-
clude women domestics and boys.
THE COMPANY is in touch with large: numbers ofgood fszni
laborers in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmar Prance,
Holland, Switzerland and other European countries' andthrough
its widespread 'organization can promptly fill applications fox
help received from Canadian farmers.
Ili dto have reach Canada in time for the Spring
operationsorer farmersthe .needinhelp g' help should arrange to ,get thein'
applications` in early, the earlier the better, as naturally ;those
applications which are received early will receive first attention.
I inf r aton- - regarding the
Blank .application forms and i'u l aria r ga � ,.
service -may be obtained from any '0.P.IL agent` `or from any .
of the officials listed below. THE SERVICE IS ENTIR
Department :of Colonization and Development
NieeePlreeeee. E. Thornton, Suporinttnddnt of 'Colonizati5ni'
T. S. Acheson; ',enersl. Agzicultural A, eat .
SASXCATOON. -SJ, .1. (Hero,. Land Agent
A. F. Icomor, Special 'talcrrizat!on A•r mt
CAL+ ARY.—'d'. O. F. Homer, Asst. to'Supt. of CslonGation
Miller, Lr"a Agent
MGN JUttAL.-3. Dow ull,, Ganexul:'Arricultnrei Agent
`q. Le ua'Ileeecee, Lind Agent
1E. • G. WHITE, . a DTiN 'a5,
eiaaletant Commiotloner, b?21 E arrir iss:one, ,