HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-12-27, Page 8" eer Markets
Wee, t
Bailee ,, 55c.'
'a ;.-oea's Be`+'t Flour 3,4c
Faneey Flour ,., ..3.30
pastry Flour 3,05 tendance,
Feed; Flour ^ 1,90
Byer. Lee Reeve B, W. F. leeavere, has been
Sher 1.6Q comes' ed to the house for a,fs w days
New Laid Lags , 60 this week owing tc+ villeins,
Held Eggs 40 me, J. A. Grego was the winsmer
C e.anter'y Butter 45 £` 47 ,en, a spectacular contest for the may -
Deily Butter ,°, ,,,.37 to 40 orality of North Battleford, defeating
Lard ., } 18 to 20 his opponent by 64 votee.
Hogs ., .-7,75
ex J3'F R.
T CTRSp. •Y,
• Sunday schools` of town were, as••its-
()wiling to. tti... h;otway ,4nar ig on uel tie iced to Chs u8tthas trees . :sat Wedmt sday arrd >Fri,rialy evnung� last
Tuesday. the Adv oa'te was not print- week. They we're all made happy with!'.
ed' untii. T'hu'rsday morning this week: elite from the >eheel and the teach-
\ir. Samuel Hurs4er o£ Usbarne exa T1r•e"schools gave programa that ,•
00.1,.: e much enjoyed, not only by them.,,
ill at his !home, and a nursra is in at- selves, but by the many elders; who
were also preeent,
SEG, ' 275 1B2
R. Goulding
A. T. C. ilVL
Organist and Choirmastex James St.
Methodist Church,
Teaches of 1';a¢uo, Vocal andl Theory.
Ianstsnrctor of Music +lin the Public
Terms ?4% •dexate
Box 57 EXETER.
Mr and Mrs William Russell and
family desire to drank the friends and
neighbors for kizndrlesseis shown dur-
ing theillaness and subsequent death
of that. daughter.
The Exeter Canning Company is ep-
en, to. meceive contracts for growing
cath for season of 1924 -Early Ever-
green, 5.10 a tone 'Early Crosby, $15
a ton. A:lrply seaatly" lis acreage in
TO FEED CATTLE. -I am prepared
to feed from tern. to fifteen cattle by
the month. -•.-Ralph H. Witil is, Ste-
phen, R, R, 1 Exeter.
WANTED- genera maid, apply to
Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson, Exeter,
25 sucking pigs ready to wean Jan. 1.
Apply to'J. A. Vaal Camp, phone 57r2
Consisting of shouse, stable, and 8
bots of land, situated in Exeter North
oar 'elan. Street, Apply to H. Bier-
treog, Hay P. O.
We have just unloaded a car of
American Corn, We have also an
abundance of other feed. Come in and
see it. Harvey Bros.
Large wicker carriage, cheap for quick
sale. Apply at this office,
Frame house in good condition, good(
water. Two 'acres of land, Apply " at
this office,
Mr. Frank Taylor has rented Mi.
Thornton Baker's stables, to the rear
of Taylor's Tire Slur, and has heavy,
and light horses for sale or exchange,
Look over the horses he • has on hand.
Brick house on Huron Street, apply
to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office..
Dark variety at 6c. Will pay high-
est cash price for law' Furs of all kinds
Phone, Dashwood, Hay, P. 0..
Well built, attractive and modern
bungalow, centrally located, Apply
A quiet wedding; took place at the
Main Street Methodist parsonage, Ex-
eter, to Saturday, Dec. 22nd, when
Miss Violet E,li,zabieth Bieber, daugh-
ter of 'Mr. and Mrs, .Wm. Bieber, Hay;
Monday next ;s aomeeti}ou day, and became tee bride a Mr, Wesley earth
nominations mill be necedv!ed by the. cntt, sour_ of ,Mr, and Mrs Roger North
ceexkn Fin tae town and-
townshp halls estt ,of the'sametowrishi!p.,, The der-
baet'we�en the ;hours of 12 noon, and emery wan perfarnned by the pastor,
one Q'cZoek.• R.ev. Fi E, Clysdatl The young cou-
Seho lis clonaed oar Fr!4ay last and Pie mbavre the best wishes of their many
visit eie-s' osse 4Ik Thursday, Teo, • 3rd. friends. After a'ttrip to Toronto and
A�fapropriate closing exeredeee were
other points thee live on . the
he, d nL dee way of programs, and pees—eats for the little owes.
A number of the sports held a ' HOTELS MUST PUT IN" ROPES,
shooting match recently for the oyster. The standard hotels must comrnple
supper. The high guns were .Milton with the law for fire prevention and
Russell, Harper Revers and W. E. San-' provide fire escapes in. order .to se-
ders, each killing nine birds out of 'cure license. .next year.- Instructions
ten, ! have been sent cut to license inspec-
P., C. Hays, wllio Itais been the; crus toren -who w41 issue -the license, and
ty solicitor for Huron for more than
there must be ropes. placed is every
20 years, has tendered h.iisresignation room above tbse ground floral' and se -
to, County Clerk Holman; NO action cured to e aline cle of the window
will be taken until the January res-- frame so that the occupants may es-
sion' of the new council, cage an,event of a fire. It.„,.is stated.
•s that inn, many hotels, such a nope is
The •condntion'of: Mr. S. H. GidleY•amot provided, but no hotel will ,nes-
who ,has been coinfinedto his bed for ceive a license that is not equippedmane weeks, as the result of paralysis, ' with ropes,
seezua to be slightly improved,--14irs.1
Peter Mc: T'agga t of Exeter is the DEATH OF MISS, RUSSELL.
guest of her son; Mr. Geo. E. McTag-
Bart,-Blythe Stam dard. The death occurred at the family
The Second Degrlae team ofs the In ' residence, Exeter, on Friday, Decem-
dependent Order of Odd Fellows mo -bei 21st, .of Maud Irene, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. William Russel ire her
tared to Brucefeeed on Thursday ley-- 43rd year. The late Mess Rm sseil Arad
ening last and exemplified the work `not ben i,n good health, since her girl -
of that degree ;on four candidates of hood days, and : the last two years had
the Brucefield Lodge. They . were been, confined .to her home and most
highly coin*lincented, on the manner ' of ehe time to her, rooms true,, end, c,amz-
in which the world was done, and an .
excellent lunch was Served by the , f1v gra jockya but surely until about
.excel�ren of the home Bodge, five o'clock Friday morniut;g she
breathed her last, Born in Hay Town:
The mild weather b:afofe Christman ship, Abe ,lived there with her par,
was not conducive to good . tradie,1 en"ts until they ,retired to Exeter and
but the seaeon, no matter what the she came to town, with, them,. She
weather, beings good business to the was of retiring nature owing to her
merchants, who, on the whole, were , illness, but 'w s esteemedand tri-
pretty well pleased. sylessrs. Jones & spected by all who knew her, She
May took en and shipped a great nuni- , was a talented muiicien Besides her
ber of turkeys. If fact we never saw .parents she is survived by two broth-
el. many 'turkeys in one place as their ' ers, Harrier, of Wetaskewun, Alta., and
store contained for a few days. The Milton, of Hay Township, The fun
price was much ,goer this year, and eral which was of a pieitvnte nat'u;re.
many of us ,ordinary.feltlowa could „took place on Sunday afternoon. C1tL-
afford ,orve. for Christmas.. termeznt baitvg made in Exeter cent-'
The. ,sere Ices isi the various, churches
on Sunday were appraptiate to. thea
Christmas season. The pastors deliv- GUESSING. CONTEST
and special music was Provided.
Last week great. danterest was takear
Tee 'a- ening !service in James Street ran the baby beef guessing contest put
church took the farm of a cantata=l an by Elvers!I12teat Markets The 11
esed, sermons on the, Birth of Christ,•
"The Crow Trdtumphaant"- its which months old beast Mr, Revers, purchased
the apa5tder, . Rev. Dona e�ly read the from Mr, Andrew mcreeks, was ap.ly ,hili=,
stbfy, aaizl thae v. 'D s`ne t Itis a vt C • inion a1L-we far tb iae daysand thieri'
beaukifwl Ghristmaes story 4f the birth, • dresseds forsthree days. Over 1300
of,�Chrest, amid wtus, Wveat guvierst Thus was goesees lis to rite dressed •eight were
followed by a pantomime, "R.ock ,of registered, No Mess than; •six guesses
Ages," by nee girl; w,itlr ee s. .wee . were correct, while 18 others were o,n,?y
ettily doanesoaoaist,i It alisa was very
/he weilf ght exad ctly were ewt�on Claho rk
Chas. Harvey, Rose i,ammport, Mrs, J,
The reaso a as r a c ce •
J O'Brien, ielru. A, Falmer; Jas. Hern,
narll b{ n hon in Mr Hero's ticket could lot be found
her own borne town is because the .
finest • of climate don't impress' the but + he had the, evidence ofd Guerre.
people who are used to it.
ther that it wee correct and was put.
in the bok before Mr. Harvey's; con-.
TENDERS sequently he and Me- Harvey 'shared
its the ;second prize, and pr sente4tiie
. Tenders will be received until Sat- goose to a farnily wlho'$orthierwise would
exeday, January 5th; 1924, for fulling not have had a`fbird For Christman It
nd"packing the ice, htouse,at Wi,ncIrel was a kindly thought. The twenty -
ea Creamery,. and covering the ice sevsen pound turkey went to Newton
Clark, the goose to Mr. Harvey and
+err. Hers, and the pair of ducks to
Miss Lamport°-aecosrding to the°nuna
bees of their tickets. The live ereighf
of the animal evesa'860 lbs.; the, dressed
weight 573% lbs. and it dressed 66 2-3
per cent.
1tr. Alex Stewart of London spent
Christmas with hail daughters hiere.
Aar. and ',Uri B. M, Francis left on
to the Statutes :ln !haft biehalf, that a�1 Saturday.to spend.a few days in Es-,
ireditors•• and persons having any lex.
claims against the restate of C:harlles ear, Aqui1la Shelere of Detroit is
Henry W.ill'ert, late of the Township of spendirng'•a few days with relativies !n
Stepleen, in the County of Huron, gene tem.,•
demean, deceased, 'who dyed orsorabouf
the 23rd.day . of October,. 1923, are .r.e-
uired to :forward the same, duly prov-
n, to. John Schlundt Dashwood P. O°
nre of the undersigned Exec- Miss Gladys Kestla . of Babcaygeon
utors of the estate on or before is spending the, holidays with beer
i.eL'10th day of January, 1924, And parents here
notice is further .given that after the
aid date the Executors will. proceed ear, Stuart Statnvyry of Toronto.
o dus'tribute. the Estate, liaving`.re- Unwersity ws sieendling the holidays, at
and only to those clatima of which bilis home hiere,
they shall then have had notice. erre ,Alf. Waters orf ;Braitford is
Dated art Dashw+otod thdla' 24th 'day here spend.,ng a Lew, clays with, reli-
ef December, 1923 trees and friends.
Edward F Wsllert
Henry Schade;
John 'Schlundt '
FOUND. -A plane where you can
buy British American Gasoline at 28e.
-R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North-
Licensed Auctioneer
Sales conducted in any locality. Farm
stock ,sales, a specialty., Satisfaction
guaranteed, Charges' moderate. Or-
ders left at this office promptly at-
tended to. •
Phorne-Kirkton, S4r2
A.ddress-Kiekton R. R. No, 1
DR,. H H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon,
at McCormick Block, Zurich,
Thursday and Saturday
with sawdust. Sze of ice house. 43
fetet. long, 14 feet, 8 inches wide, 10
feet high. •Loswest or any tender not
necessaatiity accepted. Address
Gear Jagtues. , ar W. G. Medd
R, 1, :Woodham Exeter
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given"pursuant
Main Office,- g
Hartieib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT,
Mrs. E., Cbeilstie leaves—to-day for
Detroit to sppeend, sevleral weeks with
Mrs Lamrnl'veP
Veterinary Surgeorm
1Vicfox>e11's Stables, John St., Exeter
(lately occupied by Dr. Vining)
'Phone 26w
liott and Johns
Merchant Tailors
You .
New Year
Ottr Tresok ztiakes grip to
London 'edc]ri eek.
consult us 'for Truck Work . a°nee
arevel Teelevery' . •
Trivitt Memorial
if ' a.m.-New 'k ear,'s Service
7 p.m. -New Y'ear's Service.
Rev A,, A. Trumpert ` Rector,
Mils '3 NV inLnate • Bennett, of Toronto' is
a Christmas y! ltor wlith• her syster,
'1frs. J. A. Stewart:
Man Stella Gre'gKery of Brantford:
Col egeak is "haemin ,perching the I alt_
days hent with her mother.
ells3' Amy Joibns of St, Catbaei,nes
is 'spencdmg•.the vacation ,.wetha her par
en ts, Mr `land Mfrs.' Willi Jolene.
'MrGeo• Wiyndsor, and, daughter, Mrs,
Veal, Fere with,=.ler • soE
n rea, are
vesiCmg with relative„ rum Toronto,
I'heScho�oil •te ch,ers end . the
CA.VEN PREsee . Reeloe ienotteel:scroll nurse deft last week to: 's pend
•James .Foote; `E. Beeeeeeer their .holiday; at th it fespectvve houses
id a. •m.—Sunday School and Bible eeies Dorothy Kuntz of Essex, ;Miss
Classes. Marguerite of London Normal, and. Mr,
Harold of Windsor, lira apesuding . the
Cheestmas holidays with them parasits: