HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-12-20, Page 4r e Exet r .dvpcate
Samriars & Creech, Proprietors
Subacripinon Puce—In .advance, 5150
Real, year in Canada; 32,00 in the
U,aaated States. All subeeriptnons not
paid in advance 50e. etre charged.
THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1923
Usborne Council.
The Usborne M•unicipal Council met
as per statute at E1imael;le our Satte-.
day, Dec. 15, 1923. All members were
Isreeent. The maratee of the Meet-
ing of Dec. 1, were read and approved
on motion of Skinner and Stewart.
.By-law No, 8, 1923, re. .Nomination
and .Election was read and pass•eceana
signed by the Reeve and Clerk.
Corxespandence—Letter from Prov.
Engineer, asking for an approximate
estimate of expenditure on Ty..Roads
for 1933. Letter from Corrigated .Pipe
Co., and bill from Jae. Roger; O. L. S.
Garnet Murrayinterviewed the
Council re plow broken last winger
on township now work.
Ballantyne — Skinner—That Garnet
Murray be paid 513.00.—Carried,
Ste\vtrt--Hanna—That the fallowing
account, be passed arid orders
issued for thte •payment of same, viz
Chris. Bechler, gravelling • road 11.
,$56.25; Ed. French, graveling Budd.
boundary, Se.75; Sher. Hunter, do,
Warren Rd., S6.55; refund J. Ba;gent
dog tax, S2; Seth Brown, gravelling;
con. 4, $7; Dan Dew, dragging, $2.50;
Ditching—Alvin Arksey, Blanchard
bdy„ 55.50; F. Ellerirngton, Rd. 6, $3;
John Cann, tie on road 9, $9.91; L•
Oke, Squire ditch, $2,50;• Chas. Tuck-.
Oke ditch, $5; elate Thompson, Hib.
bdy„ $6; John Routley, ,B1an. bdy,,
X1,50; John Simpson, Rd. 7, 58.25;
Louis Fletcher and other, Rd.,7, 88.
Grave;—Bert Wenner $3,15; N. Hor-
ton. $2.20; 111ittton Gregory $81.15; Al-.
ice Cudmore $1L25; Russell Skinner
813.25; Jahn Ogden, 815.
Grants—1 irkton Agri. Sacier}, r,$30;
Exeter Agar., Soc. S30; Kirkton. Lib -
rare" 825; S. B. Stothers, S. K 'Agri.
Rape Exeter, Short Course, S35.
Rates—Tuckersmith Tel. $273;14;
County, $7736.00; Good Roads w3626,25
Sundries—Wes Shier and . oth.ers,
snow work, Bian, Bdy., 1922-23,$b5.50
G. rile .:y, broken plod-, 813;. Wes.
Jaques, culvert, 5.3,50; Gea, Wright,
Ref. Stat. labor, $10.50; G. Kellett, cow
tag inspector, 55; Wm. ieloodee"and
others, work, 5153.25; Co. Tress, rent
of Co: machine, S157; Clark, preparing
new voters' lists and (extras„ 925.—Car-
Council adjourned to meet at the
close of nom:na.tion if tnscessary on
Dec. 31st, 1923.
Henry Strang, Gl erk.
Stephen Council
Council Chambers,
.Goderioh, Deo. gth, 1923.
B. W. F. Beavers, Esq.,
' Warden County Huron,'.
We, the members of. Huron County
'Council for the year 1923 in Session
assembled, feel that this, the closing
meeting for; the year, is the oppor-
tune time to make known to you in
some tangible manner our esteem
for you personally and our appre-
ciation of your services as our Ward-
en during the year now closing.
During your term of office as
Warden, and in your many years of
service at the Council Board, you
have always shown a courtesy and
kindness to your fellow Councillors
that has won for you an abiding
place in our esteem, and you carry
with you as you relinquish you office
our very best wishes for your future
prosperity and happiness.
The year just closing has had its
difficulties to overcome, but in deal-
ing with all the matters coming be-
fore you. and us, you have always
shown a tact and judgment that has
marked your administration of the
affairs of the County as of real serv-
ice in the best interests of the Coun-
ty, and has won our admiration as
well as approval at all times.
As you retire from office full of
honours and with our hearty good
wishes and respect, we ask you to
accept this Caue as a small memento
of our regard and appreciation, and
trust that this will in a small way re-
mind:you, as you lean upon it in the
future,• that we all hold for you a
warm recollection of our association
at the Council Board.
In conclusion, we again extend to
you and your family all good wished
for continued good health and pros-
perity, and as we reach out the hand
of fellowship in bidding you "Good
-bye" for the present, we all join in.
the hope that we will have many op-
portunities in the future of renew-
ing our old friendships.
Again assuring you, Mr. Warden,
of our high appreciation of your ser-
vices as Councillor and Warden, we
all join in extending to you hearty
wishes for the future.
Signed on behalf of the Members
of Huron County Council for 1923—
A. E. Erwin
John Douglas
Matt Armstrong
The counoil of the Towelshlp of
Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred-1
itcn, on. Dec. 3rd. All members were
present, and the previous minutes ap-
Penpal e—Sw eitzer—That Bylaw No.
312 to appoint Deputy Returning Of-
ficers, Poll Clarks, and select polling
ing booths for municipal election, to
be held January 7th, having been read
three times, be passed, signed' and
A large number of accounts were
passed. These will shortly appear in
the financial statement.
Adjournment was made to the 15
of December.
Henry Eiber, Clerk.
�vaa nrniwed sn marriage to Jacab Goago
�vb,a passed awaay trnaazy• years
The 061 of her yteare she •spent
The: monthly •meeting of the Wo- Zurich until the year 19, in August
men's Institute was held Tuesday':ev-..she wgetnt to the; Gous*y:.H,ome, C141--
ening at the home ` of Mrs: s O'Brien. ton, where .,Shoe caped Dec, 8th, aged
In addition to the box of fruit sent $9' y'es and 9 menthe.
'to the Children's Shelter, the :ladies'_
have cloth n..g made overand ready 4
to sexed. A .paper on "How to Add r.*,ay�•�„
Cheer and Comfort to our Homes"
was given by Mrs. Iiorgan andit
contained very practical theughts on
this subject. Miss Hopkins and Miss The Crediton Methodist Sunday
chool are holding tenser Christmas
Roger,ogers, who are in Exeter in connec-
Concert ori. nosyn,yght;, Dec, 21.41,
tion with the course for girls on at 7.30 o'clock. A
mixed program of
Home Economics, were present and , dialogues, recitations, solos, and drills
spoke to the . lad#ew, The January ' will be gii,yart. A big time; for every -
meeting will be held at the home of body. +Admisstom 75c. and 15c.
Mrs. Coultis and Rev. Mr. Donnelly Y:ou are lnv,ubed to a real; Christ
is to speak to the Institute. mos Festival at the Evangelical Church.
Crediton, on Tuesday ev,eniu g, Dec,
The annual meeting of the Wo- 25th, beginning at 7.45 o'clock, when
men's 1Vlissionary Society of Caven a, aerogram of excellent merit will be
Presbyterian church was held Tues -
consisting of dialogues, pan
day afternoon, Dec. 11th at the home toznrmtes, drillachorusaest :recitations',
of Mrs. Foote. The Treasurer's re- and exercises. The climax, however,
port showed the total receipts to be , tiv'vll lac e - ca,e,_°`i e'hie beautiful Caen -
to z, He cato Eargir, but not a.s a
$189..08. The Secretary reported a Kings' Come 'early.
membership of thirty with an aver -1 r.Lr. Buikhardt, sr., Mr. Wm. Buri* -
age attendance at the twelve month- hardt and leas. LydZa Fanner and zee,
iy meetings of sixteen. The follow- l Orville, are vesitiir g at the home of
ing . officers were elected for 1924; l iV4:• and Mrs, Harry ' Fanner, and a]uo.
President ' Mrs. J. Mor an; 1st f at Dashwood, this week.
g Ur. Otter. Truemse r ;of the Royal
Vice -Pres., Mrs. J. Foote; 2nd Vice- 'Dental College of Toho' ea is visiting
Pres., Mrs. Howard; Secretary, Miss at the home iaf his, outer, Mrs. Aaron
L. Jeckell; Treasurer, Mrs. Bawden; Wein.
Home Helper's Sec'y,Mrs. Ketchen; •Krs. J. Motr and daughter and vIr.
Stranger's Sec'y, Mrs. Manson: Li- Boy Wolfe of Detroit are, visiting Mr
brary Sec'y, Mrs, Horton; Pianist; Cha, Wolfe. over the holidays,
Mrs, Foote; Messenger Secretary As- Mr, Charles E!bar ,left on Tuesday
for Detroit to see lads. mother who is
sistant, Mrs. Fowler; Supply C'oritznit v,exyz•
tee, MScs. Bawden and Miss Connor. Special Claes tmas Services +ea the
Methodist Church next Sunday. Sub-.
CO-WORKERS CLASS BANQUET. Jett, "The F rst Ghhx'itstmu Service"
On Wednesday night the Sen:aar Y. P, merneng ianmled:ia.uely following
Bible Class of the James St, Meth- the close of •thte public eervece. A
odist Church he]d a very euccessful special Cliritstmais program is being
ba,nquet in the Church parlor. Rev.
Mr,. Dannelly was toastmaster, and
proposed the following, "Our Coun-
try, "The. Chnurch," and "Co -Workers
Class" These were responded to by
Messrs. W, H. Johnston, andS. Martin,.
C. B. Snell and T. Frayne W H
prepared, The pastor tivgll give a re-
cital •entitled" "Thee • Conviersiton of
Scroog• taken from Dickins. Hear
this interesting story.
v1r, H..Erat Eater is en Toronto on bust
neva this week,
Butcher•'rng is thie order of the day
Kestle, pre.;idearft of the class, and le tin the yyillagee.
Harvey •respectively, The music was n1he skating 'rink is nearing corn -
given by Miss Vera Coates, piano p,et.an. ,A11 tir-ta ¢teledr is the weather
solo; :Mr G T terbrook, viialin solo; man .far Chretstmras skating, Here's
Mrs, Dannelly ,Mrs. W. Johns and n°„r g.
?Ir Gee. Windsor, a trio. The en- ne Loretta Holtzman,
tecta. amen' was •,goad and the baa>t
quet ,excellent. This class has had a training,
,her. arid J. H. Holtz -
very succ•essfu], year in attendance, mr- .
Holtz -
finance and general interest. For the The evangelistic campaign conducted
next year plans `are being made for at the Evang;elicatl Church came to a
further good work, one being the re- triumphant close on Sunday •evenung,
presentation of the ,class by at mission- Dec. 16th, The cassette of th•ese,iaa.-
ary worker iTi the form field., slurring and helpful services exceeded
the fondest ,Mope of pastor, evangelist
It is certainly refreshing to meet
the members of this school and have
Mir. and Mrs. Alex. Forrest and them tell of the delight in the 'course
of lectures bung
i deliv
ered.Theirdaughter motored all the wayto Ken- ,comments are "The very hiag we
salt from their hamte 1VLoas•eJav, need," "It escenta�oiiy worth nhleSasx., and rencert a mast
enjoyablte "
: The information given is very }uelp-
motor trip f furl, etc., etc. The attenda,n,ce is about
Nene Elva Shaddock is vislang with -35, Should it not be in this fine farm-
relativ+es in Ch" rt i
7, S1 EPHEN, (Sh pka Public Scheel)
for the tall term, based on exam`na -
tisens and daily work :—Sr 4-13arden
Shorn ci r 77, Ei,.zairth IIoulahan 72
Go di'i Slioreder 65, Edna Wilson' 65".
Jr. 4—Martha Lampert 68, lee 3ayn-
hares 62, Wiellara Lochner 53. Sr.' 3.
afargaret Houlahan 80, Katharine Moe`
Eacleen ?0' Lowe Deitrich 58*. Jr.
-a—lla Sr erten 72, Arthur 1ta, al a ,r
00, Beatrice Baynham - 62, Tore 1 anter
port g. Sr 2 --Evelyn Switzer 84'
Martha Gower 74, Fred Shrocder 73,e
Arnold Baynham 68, elldred Lampert
65. Jr. 2—Russel MI lIin 71, 1.: Class—
• Roy Deitrich 85,, Arnold Ganser 84,
Theodore Deitrich t$4, Jack McKen-
ziee 79, Sam Swtej.tzer 75, John Lam-
pert 70. Pr.—Evelyn Harlton, Lucille
Lexen ner, Nuinber an roll 28';. atier-
age attendance 26.
Those marked wtith an asterisk'd.e-
notes absence for one or miore..exami,-
nations —Rhena Colling, teacher.
lir. and Mrs. Owen Gager, have re-i?ng district, 350? Would it not: b.e
turned, after attending the funeral of tv.se for fire y'ounun d men and, wop en
the frmers eistter in Detroit.jsvh° are not attending now to plan
Messes Mary and Emma Johnston, { to come in for the last two menthe
who were quire poorly for ;ami of the course, beg.lrnaing January 3,,
weeks, are able to be out again. , 1924? Some •of the. week nn thernew
\Tr. Arthur Cosworth returned re- Year will be Field Husbandry, Veter-
cently from the West, where he spent inary Science, Soils and Fertilizers, En
the summer and felemomthr• an theLectomo_iogy, Sewing, Millinery, etc„ ,eta
homestead farm. cures are being given by gradu-
Mr, Alden Warrener, who lately left laws of the O. A. C. and other cape -
here math the fan,itly far Pontiac,:V1 ,.h able teachers. It is like taking a
met with a aereous accident whit�'course ;n an Agricultural High Schaal
riding ora his bicycle, by comeng something after the fashion of ' the
concoct with a motor car. same schthe
in Denmark which have
\iearle_ Hall of Buffalo, who ha, i enabled e Danes to capture the Eng -
bean relies—lag in the Mclean Bank ,1'sh market in many linen and make
Denmark a fine, prosperous commun-
f rthe past mgnth or two, has
beerai�ity, though her soil is principally sand,
transferred to the agency of the tial- nc'tieng 'nee Ln: rich, fertite soe we
S0113 Bank at Aylsmore. have et. Ontario..
„'Hiss Dorris McConnell of Galt :;s,
at the \tans
s• v iting her relatives
On. W=ednesday a pleasant event t*c lir. Maurce Senor returned an
curred at th.e ,eeethodst parsonage,, • Tuesday tram Toronto !tor the holt,
when Mss Laura Jolt.neon, daughter days.
of Me. and. Mrs_ J. W. Johnson, town- ease Gertrude W2ner of Toronto
siaip of Hay, was united in marriage to is vieiting at the home of her parents
Mr. George Ingram, The ceremony eir, and Mrs. Wm.. Winer for, a few
was performed by Rev. J. Sinclair. weeks.
The remains of :sirs. H. George
Hutt, nae Miss Isabella Btlat%ne oe .Mese Irene. Fraser, who has been
Galt, were brought to the home of here 'efeeita g leer brother, Mfr. Wm.
Fraser, for a week, returned to her
home en eelaozesvelee Saturday.
her mother -in law, Airs_ E. Hunt ,of
the village, and were interred in Hen-
sell Urnon cemetery, where the ea-
' mains tof her late husband, G,eoree
Hunt, of Halifax, N. S., were laid The
deceased bad been in poor health for
same time and during the past nine
months had been confia,ed to her room.
Word has been received here. that
Rev. S. W. .alux iortby of Dresden,
a former pastor of ,A in Street Meth -
e ,iat Church, Exeter, lee confined- to
-hes bed through illness.
Guessirg Contest.
We. have been very fortunate 'this year in securing one of Andrew
Hick' (ez-M.P,P.) Prize :Baby Beef for our Guessing Contest.
The Contest will start, and Beef will be on eexelebition alive front
December 17th until ;slaughtered on feoember 206, and then hung up
dressed lentil Saturday, December 22' at 10 p.m., when contest will close.
The conweet is FREE and open to anyone who sees the beef and old
enaugb to wratie. No one will knew the live weight, and all we want
you to do is Come in and tell in what the dressed w-eght will be,
In case of a "tie the first correct gues3es an, will win, ai tickets. will
be numbered Tbe Beef will be wesghed by an outsider,
We well also Katie a full lute of ' XMAS _'EAT on hand all week.
o the X s Beefare
�zc41y leave, yrattr order for a Roar' or a Steak offLana r'
Mr. C. W. Robinson, who recently
returned from an extended trip to
i-aeiorase. and other parts of the
Southern States, but who i- now a
resident n3 Toronto, engaged in. the.
real estate business, spent a few days
in town with friends this week.
and $congregation,. The greatest num-
ber of decis,aan,s „for Christ ..at. one
meting wene twenty-eight. A total
of 77 persons came to the altar of
prayer. The service on Sun
'Dday ev-
enen , Den 16, was the climatc!tteric
one—it was a regular jubilee 'service.
Thirty-four personas were received on
proieseion of faith and three by
membership certificate. The attend-
ance and interest thrati;ghout the, cam-
paign, regardless of some inclement
weather, were simply perfect. Rev, F,
F. Jordan, is a peerless evangelist and
preacher. His messages are spirit -file -
ed, charmingly interesting, orthodox
and searching. Thome who heard him
will ever love and remember him. The
offerings on Sunday amounted to
5275.00,',eloquently testifyiJng- ,to the
Us that s ,servicaes 'were greatly
''y 1r. Albert Hay of Druniuieller, Alta.
is vi si t ng with his father, fir Chas,
Hey, Babylon. 4513,:..
Anse Armina Brenner .vho was vis-
iting in. London; for a couple weeks,
bas returned ho'm':e�;�
Dr. A J. MacKinnon spent the past
few days at h.s earmer home Caledoin
East, where his sister- is seriously iiil,.
Ur. Jacob Brown„ who v cited at
Kitchener and Taslstock for a - few
weeks, has returned hosne.
air. Ed. K.albfleisch, erne had been
takietg the diabetes treatment of in
seen, at London Hospital, has return-
ed to his home on the. loth conces-
sion Hay, and is Improving wonderfully
A very ,enjoyable: time eras:. spent
at the home of i\1r. and Mrs.' Martin
Wurm on Dec, 4,, the occasion being
41r Wurm's 70th birthday.
Mr. Haney Bicksneyaar, our local Pap-
er banger, has l`eased,'the place of busi-
ness next to 'Niles shoe store.,
Mr. Fred. Thiel, harness maker, has
purchased from Mr Thos. Johnson,, the
vacant lot -opposite the Molsorsas Bank,.
and we believe intends to erect a mea-
ideas and liaenear, sleolr invele ding.
U:r, Fred Hess is ably, to be around
again,, after beteg confsve l to the
bouse through i,l2n,ess,
Urs. C, Heyrock has returned from
spvndireg a'feis weeks with her daugh
ter, F c. . �i CutCb„�M� ,
Eairs Elizabeth Goetz, yourtgest daughter
of John and Elizabeth Schultz 'sru
been • March 16t1t,1838, isr Mekile ebur•
SchSS erixe,' ,Germany. In the year' 1865
gibe decided • toleatie , h ale].
Iandled tai Hay:Tot,nship. " In 1868 Abe.
That this Bank is anxious to assist the art..
cultural development of Canada is shown
byythe fact that two-thirds of our borrowing
customers:are farmers.
An application for credit front you will
be given the most considerate treatment.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch • • • M. R. Complin Manager
Crediton Branch • • • G. G. Maynard, Manager
Dashwood Branch G. G. Maynard, Manager
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branches.
to Merchants, Manufacturers and Farmers, Etc.
Savings Departments at every Branch,
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Furniture Dealer 86 Funeral Director
We carry the Largest aced Most Up-ho-darte Stock of Furniture.
Our Aim is Service::Satisfactiion and good value for your money,
Conductor of Funeral Services. Finest Motor and Horse Equipment,
Phone 74w.
Night Cale 7
TUKERSHITI•I—Word has be -en re-
ceived 011' the death in Portland, Ore-
gon, of Samuel Landsborough, 'so•n of
the late Samuel Lana.dsborough of this
township; He `was bona 62 years ago
on the farm now occupied by Jas. Al-
len, and went when a young man to
Dakota. He was married to Miss Mary
Routledge .af Seaforth, who survives
' ,'
along with five of a family.
ST. MARYS—Mr. Robt. Thompson,
one of our oldest and moat respected
citizens has passed away, Mr. Thomp-
son was can his 91st year and was the
last survivor of a family of nine boys
and one gine ,Surviving are his wife,
two sone and two daughters.
GAIAI the Christmas season approaches with an its
joys and problems. Why not have a real holiday
this Christmas, have each member of the family brirta
out his snowshoes, 'skates and skis, pack up his warm"`
sports togs and all hie away. to Algonquin Patk for
the• festive season? This will eliminate: the problem
of the Christmas Party and -everyone will . have a
rollfeking good time.
The Park lies up in the Ontario Highlands at an
altitude of 2,0011 feet above sea level' and in winter
is a veritable fairyland. The very air is a tonic' and
the climate is ideal for all out-of-door sports. The
chief attractions are snow -shoeing, skating, skiing,
tobogganing and sleighing, while' there are also Pic -
ales in the woods, fishing -through the ice and other
delights innumerable.
A speelal'Christmas' diener "!s9erved at••Highland
Inn, Aller°e is a Christmas tree and festivities •„„lo
keeping With thane-e$on: .: Ann .&gent ,of Canadian
National` Rallways' will° supply'yatt with descriptive
booelen. "Winter in .Ontario .Heeh,lands,”