HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-12-13, Page 8E)CETER. ADVOCATE, TRUBBDAY, •DEC. 13 1823 Exeter Markets Local Doings. Dr re am medical health inspector C1-1 '‘GED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheet ... 9C 45 Oats B:rleY ••••••• 55c. M sec el Bet Flour 3.55 Fardee Flour 3.40 last, supposed to have been p•olsoned. Mr, James Sweet is recovering froin hie recte.nt illness': • A valuable houncl belonging ta Mr. aud Nirs, John Taylor deed on Friday Pastry Flour :Feel Flour Bra a 1.50 1.60 Shorts .„....... New Laid Fggs „.... ,.. 72 Hol a 'eeees. , 45 •'' Creirrory Butter 46 Deley Butter O.37 to 40 Lard .... ..... ........ ' 18 to 20 Hogs .7.75 W. R. Goulding A. T. C. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Churcb, Teacher of Piano, Vocal and( Theory. Instructor of Music kitn the Public Schools Terms TZtadeirate Bo -x 57 EXb,TER. ESTRAY STEER. There strayed erom the faem oe Rich. Drought, south boundary Us - borne, a red yearling steer, little white on face, split in. left ear. Kindly notify the UnthirAignied, Win. Isaac, R. R. 2, Luca. STRAY HEIFER. • About the middle a November a yearling heifer strayed onto my prop- erty, Con. 4, Bicidulph.• Owner can have same by provIne property and paying ex nes.—F. 1. Dobbs, Cen- tralia. P.O. STRAYED --There strayed from the Quinton pasture on or about the first of August, a roan steer, rising two years old, dehorned. Send in- formation to Mr. Milton Gregory, Rirleton, Ont., or Fred Ellerington, Exeter, Ont. HOUSE TO RENT. Brick house on Huron Street, apply to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office, CHRISTMAS POULTRY Because of the necessity of having Christmas poultry on the city market at least by Friday or Saturday, we wish to have all live and dressed poultry in by Wednesday evening, December the 19th. After this date, we will not be buying until Dec. 26, except a few lot which may be need- ed for local trade, but this must be especially arronged for. JONES Se MAY. HERCULES COAL IS A FINE BURNING COAL No Slate or Stone No Dust No Clinker No Soot Gives a Big Heat Prepared for Domestic use in Egg size, for Stoves or Furnace. A splen- did Coal to Burn with Wood. Every Lump Burns to a Red Ash. REASON- ABLE in Price. Terms Cash, Agent, R. Galles NOTICE. The partnership contract •entered into on June 25th, 1921, between Jahn Moran and William Ward for two and Cni! half years term:elates o -n Dec. 25th) 1923, We have sent Out a great num- ber of accounts for vapar, twine, etc. and many of them ere yet unpaid. We itll. be pltiased to have all accounts settled on or before Dec. 22nd. Will all those to. whom we have :sent ac- counts kindly give them -their attent on, as after Dec. 25th we will ask someone •ele to collect for us. WARD & MORGAN. LOOK AT THE LABEL. Advocate 1 abiels were changed on No. 29 We think we have, every sub- scriber's label right. If you think dif- ferently, let us know. We want to have them all correct. If you haven't paid up, get busy, and do soe If is only fair that we should have our money. Otherwise you may he re- quired to pay (if twinn. distance in ar- rear) a hog -her rate than $1.50 a year and costa of collection besides. HONEY FOR SALE. Dark variety at 6c. Will pay high- est cash peke for raw- Furs of all kinds JOHN CARRICK, Phone, Dashwood, Hay, P. 0. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADNIAN & STANBURY FOUND.—A place where you can buy British American Gasoline at 28c, Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North Any person who takes a paper ree- ularly from the post offece, whether addressed in bis name ar in another's evliethe, las subscribed ar nOt, is responsible for • payment, Mr, Francis V. .1-1 Monitre.al, Sen of Me, sand Mrs, fames Hill of town was. married, in that city On; Noy, 26, to. .Mii.S$ Elizabeth E. .Craig. Francis and: brede have the. beet wishes el hes' many frirends in Exeter. At the annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto on Friday last, the following officers were eleeted,—Horr; Presidents, General William Otter, Sir John Willisan, J. A 'M'cLaren; Pnesedent, W. • Prouelfolat; Vice -Presidents, Mrs, W. Ferguson, Mrs. R. C. Keng. and Mre S. Tim- mins; Secretary, E. Floody, assisted by NI, S. Flynn; Financial Secretary, J. A.. Cameron; Treasurer, M, 0. Rob- erton; Chaplains, Rev. Jas. Wilson. Rev. 0, A, Seeger; Auditors, R. S', Sheppard and R, I and supervesoror the school •riurs•es tee'. 1 i a sitar la, gave a, ectere t le e tire was very entereeting bind. instructe ave. 86 MAY town, hall ion •Thursclay •evleneng, but h the attendance was „small. The Iect- PHONE 32 •:; ;Med weather has again neevallied ,1+ during the week. Sunday particularly, I v -as a very fine dalY, andt many people whose cars are usually .put. tarthe Water at this time, were out for a ride Owing to frequent rains of late thell baCk. roads are not ea good conditiond Clenclebeye to Hensael was in good 14 oete that stretcli_r_Seaday. but the main road throughEieter from I f# condition, and many care took a trip RE, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. 0 IFere Chief James Weekes has re- I caved the usual circular from th,e sec- si tretary of the Cana:diran Underwriters' i 1 AssociAtion, advising precauteons at this season Of the. year against fire, and drawing attention to the danget M to life and property from Christmas 0 decorations. such as draperies, scen- `i cry, cotton to represent snow, etc ee R.emeeriber that notheng can 'Tether li i, these displays absolutely safe, and , that et accidents are not to mar the ' v eestive sieason, consta,nt vigilance and 0,e rare . must he exercised. - - - BAZAAR AND SOCIAL. The annual reeetieg of the Exeter ; The Bazaar and .chicken pie social District Branch of the O. P. Associ- given by the Ladies Guild of the Triv- ation, will be held in the Town' Hall itt Memorial Church in the Town Hall on Saturday, Dec. 22nd,. at 2 o:elock on Friday afternoon and •evening was • p.m. All interested parties please attend -ed with splendid success. The attend-. . • plain sewed articles, the handiwork ol A john Allison Wilfred Shapton of the ladies, the hand -made cookin.g, President, • Secretary. candy, etc., found ready sale and the chicken pie social we's largely attend. U• ed ,and was much lenoyed. The proe ' SINGING CANARIES. . ceeds amounted to about $175. Much Guaranteed singing can,aries for sale,' intere.st is being taken in the guessing $5 and up; also a few hen birth at contest on the weight of the Christmas wood, phone 19r 100, Zurich, central. A guess goes with the purcharse of mr, Jas. A. Neason, Dash_ cake in Mr. W. j, Statham's window. elose •on Saturday night ne,xt at 9 ee!:, oeolC,Ck• t75c handkerchief. The c.ontest Vg less price. Apply Henry Brown, give an address in the Town Hall,' nut-tree,s, shrubs penennials, etc. A VISITOR AT THE RECTORY. N ------- Mrs, F Hood of Ilkle , Y BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. — shire, England, spent the week -end at / Large -wicker carriage, cheap for quick the Rectory, the guest of her cousin, sale. Apply at Ow office, Rev. A. A Trumper. She left foe New 'York, via Toronto, on Monday, tri order to be home by Christmas, and on arrival Will have completed a tour ro-und .the world, Mrs. Hood journ- eyed to- China through the Suez Canal, thence acro•se the Pacefie to Japan, touching at Honolulu, and landed at San Francisco. I Tbe scene of desolation in Yoko— hama is appalling, not a solitary build- - tag left standing, and only four or five • autozabdes. lilt in the whale city. I The bovac wrought is beat descrioeu by etraginiag a table on which, a child j has built- houses, etc , fact a .com- I plete city—with blocks, and than has I shaken that table tell every emeding I fell, fire following to comelete the , destruction. Mrs. Hood ,expressed the , opinion. that it is no wonder the Jape ! Wednesday night, Nov. 12th Subject, 4 The Salvation Army Sunday School Program and -Christmas tree, also des_ tribution of prizes for the year' at- tendance, evill be held in the Town Hall, Tuesday, De.c. 18, .1923, 8 p.m. Don't miss this treat. Admission adults 25c.; children 10c. Santa Claus be prestent t HOUSE TO RE,NT. Frame house tin good condition, good water. Two acres of land. Apply at tleis office, BABY BEEF GUESSING CONTEST, See advertisement of the. Baby Beef Guessing Contest from Dec. 17 to 22, 'elsewhere this paper, and get your guess in early, RIVERS' MEAT MARKET. -- Mr. Frank Taylor has rented Mr. TI t Baker' -tatlelss, t the j ef Taylor's Tire Shop, and, has heavy I and light horses far sale or exchange. Look- over the horses he, has on, hand. BARLEY WANTED. 500 bushels barley to be delivered at Canning Factory baens, Con. 2 Stephen. Highest price will be paid. Byron E. Hicks. • IAGR.ICULTI.;RAL LIME. Now its the. time to lime your farm lands or gardena. Have your land tested free. Apply WM. LEWIS, Phone 46r13 Clan,debeei ORGAN FOR SALE. -6 actaive, aino case, • like new.. Apply Advocate, DR. H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, Thursday and Saturday lelain Office,— Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, every ONT. DR. A. E, TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon VecDonell's Stables, John St,, Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phene 261e. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a,m.--"The Need of a Saviour') 7 p,m,—"Hidden Treasure." Rev A. A. Trunmee Rector. Elliott and Jolms Merchant Tailors As we are just starting in the Tailor- ing Busdness we are going to give to the puIeic a bargain, and this is what the bargain Us going to be.—We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed aii wool; fast color; never fade Indigo Dye, This suet is regular 840.00 and for tw0 dollars we are going to give you an extra pais - eat pants of the same cloth. But this bargain is limited,. Six , sueis- all will be said at this peice. So don't delay. Our Truck makes a regular trip London each week. Consult us for Truck Wer General Delivery . CIAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHITRCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School. and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"The Twelve whom Christ Appointed." • 7 p.m.—"The fall of the Apostolic Church in England" Boy Scouts- meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, Dec. letth. 10.15--11/orn:ing Class. 11,60 a.m.—Rev. W, M. Kitely, of Centralia, • Chas. Box of StePhen. 3,00—Sunday School. eer. 0,- C„ Pil�ia ona to D:rtroi,t I 7.00 p.m. --The Pastor. whe,rn he ha- acaespte,d poslition, in I Pulpit Editorial— England's PEITIIP in, autornobAe. 81,r,rirjee station, arid AVIrdstee4111.s„ Albert .F0,0 if It on Saturday Sermon Subiee t-e•``The kteligious eielee Gea..4.5;,.,41 (chiltvetsioi), Gordon [materna far Buflalo NY. ghle , remaitu with her daughter Mrs Welocirne All. 'fleas, for Igic 4 Ar /V4 I mese in their religion regard Mt. Fuji I as eacre.d. She saw et at sunset, bath-, ed en the most gorgeous titnes of pink Iend blue right up to its snow -crown- ed peak—a most awe-inspiring and " wonderful sight. Engine -trouble de- '.k4 veloped a t Honolulu and passengers had an opportunity of visiting Waikaika Reach to .see and eeke part in the I a urf- b a thing. FORMER USBORNE WOMAN DIES came. : close al life to Sirs. lasses From the Bruseels Post,—"Peacefully Dec, 1, at the home of her daughter Mrs. P. A. McArthur, 6th Coin., Grey Tp, where elle had been visiting. The funeral teak place Tuesday to Brus- eels c•emetery. All the members of the family were able tol get here far the buziel. Among others who attended were, Mrs. Harry AlcArter, and Miss Florence, Burford; Mrs. Robt. Me- Arter, Belmont; Mrs. Knapp: and Mrs.. Colbert, London.. The two latter are nieces. Wm. and Mrs. Russell. and ,Exeter; Wm. Fulton, St. Thomas, W. Buchanan, Hensall, and Dr. and Mrs. Moore, Listowel. Perth shine, Scotland, was the berthplace af Mrs. McArter, crossing the Atlantic when three months old. This was in 1849. She was the eldest daughter in a family oi seven children,. They came to Usborne Tp., where deceased in. 1972 was married to' thee late Jas. Mc- Ateer, who died in Brussels Sept. of 1921. After ..spanding seven years. at Cromarty Mr. and Me'S, leleArter mov- ed to the 7th line of IVIOrris Tp and on retiring from tha. farm took up his residence in Brussels, nearly 30 years ago, There are teight Surviving chil- d:rent—Harry, Burford ;. Robert, Bel mont; ivtijton, Meaford; Mrs. John Brawn, ;Myth; eters. '2, A. McArthur, Grey Tp,; Mrs. S, R. Crerar and Mrs. R, Work, Toronto; and Mrs. A. C. Seeker, Brussels,. • (Dr. Moth of De- troit is a brotleer of deceased and Mrs Wm. Russell of Exeter a sister, 'Mrs. elcArter was in her 75th year, and had been iilL of heart trouble for 3 years" McArter, a well-known lee -Went on • 'Mr. Wilt Davis visited in, Goderich over Sunday. . Mes and Mrs. Frank Wood spent a. One days' en i'oetantbo tills Week. Meg. E, G. Appleton ,and daughter, Mean, spiz.•,:nt the week -end, in London Margaret Glaclinan of London Vieited 0-Vi2T Sunday with friends in town. , M.ss Blanc.be Senior Is in 'Montreal thir, week, singing 'in the Capital Theatriz: Mr, Jos. Bai,vden, after Lw e month*" with. f.riends.ehere, left op Thursday' tor Ride comm. , Mr. C. T, Brooks has be.en confined to his home ear a ;week or t.W01 ow- ing to illness,. Mr, Gordon Langford. Of ':foronto spent 'several clays thiseiveelt With his cousin, Verne, Rquasto..n. ' . . ;ern Rayseenel -Randall of London is Visiting at the hodne of 14s uncle, Mr, BAGSHAW & EASTON PHONE 32 Christmas Gift Suggestions Co, k 1 j to CHASE A good looking, man- nish cutaway front Model of unusually good lines. ARROW COLLARS CIttett, Peabody St. Co., of Can. Limited Our Stack fer the Christmas Trade irs now complete. We have a very large range of novelty and practical lines to select from. We would advise Mk early selec tion et' Chris titles Gifts, as many lines cannot 'the neplaced. Beautiful Kimonas for Ladies 'We ha-ve a beautiful ranee of Kimonas for ladies, in, heavy eider- down cloths, large range aft'colare to select frame satin, trimmed, at Use very :Special price of 88.00 each. We ale°, have bedroom sip- pers to match at reasonable priced'. Handketchiefs for Christmas We have by far the largest range. •of Christmas handkerchiefs we have ever shown. Pictured handkerchiefs for the little tats, mercer- ized far boys, pure linen, plain and initialed for men and ladies, as well as liundeed,s of fatncy lines, many int fancy boxes. Make y•au,r selections tnow, especially initialed lines, befo•re many of these are sold ont, Men's Furnishings New Ties;Mufflers in silk and wool; Braces, Garters, Armbands Umbrellas, Shirts, Sweaters, Cuff Buttons, Initialed Hadfs, Etc, SPECIAL -7 do-zen men's beautiful quality Silk Ties, regularly of $1,50 value. These were bought from a manufacturer going out of business, so we are able to offer tbem at .only $1,00 each. Ask lei see our extra heaey all wool fancy tcoat sweaters at $5.75 each Suggestions for Gifts for Ladies Fancy Linens, Boxed Hells., Fancy Parasols, Kimonas, Blouses, Strings of Beads, Hand Bags, Purses, Sweaters, Dresses, Fur Sets, Etc, FURS—All Fur Sets and Muffs at exactly half price. LADIES' DRESSE,S—Many odd lines and tains at igreaely reduced prices Special Shoe Bargains for December Ask for these lines if you need them. We haven't room to display there. 30 pairs Men's Valentine-Maxtin, Work Boots at $3.75 30 pairs Men's round -toe fine shoes at $3.98, 30 pairs Young Men's Fine Shoes; Goodyear welts„ blk or brown, $4.75 WOMEN'S EMPRESS SHOES AND OXFORDS at $5.00 30 pair Women's Empress Oxfords or High Lace Shoes, will give wonderful wear., special 85.00 Wonderful Overcoat Values Mere's at $12 to $25. Boys' at $6.50 to $17.00. Men's New Felt Hats, newest shades, at $3.50 each. STORE OPEN EVENINGS FROM WED. DEC, 19 untii CHRISTMAS. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES 1•••I•1• SOUTHCOTT- PHONE 134 BROS. PHONE 134 Xmas. Gifts for All. DON'T LEAVE YOUR CHRISTIMAS BUYING FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS. WE OF,FER BELOW A NUMBER OF PRACTICAL GIFTS THAT WOULD CERTAINLY BE APPRECIATED THis XMAS, Boys' and Men's Winter Coats We are showing some very smart models .in the lighter shades. We. have reduced the price oni, all Coats, L •• • Girls' and Ladies' Coats If you want a -new Coat it will ,pay you bot s•ele, what we, are ,oftening. They are, all greatly 're- duced an price, Christmas Gift Suggestions FOR LADIES Roudoie Slippers Gloves Silk Underskirt Bloomers Silk Hose Silk -Scarfs Table Linen Enihroidemed Pillow Slips . .All •NAT60]. Blankets Hockey. Shoes FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Scarfs S:w;eabers Gloves; Hosiery Slippers Handkerchiefs. Cuff Links Neckties, BAlts' Hockey Shoes Southeott Bros. FOR MEN - Silk Shirts, Mufflers Gloves Fancy Hose Swea,tere- Braces Belts ,Slippere Neckwear Hockey Shove ,FRANK TAYLOR Licensed. Auctioneer far Counties of • 'Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed , Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ... ARTHUR'. WEBER Auctioneer — R. R. No. 1, Dashwaad Teicensed Auctioneer for . Huron Co Farm and stock sales a specialty. Pour years ‘experience. , OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctieneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regiseered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured, Write or were 18-93, Zurich. Oscar '-"k'*"Zurich, Ont.. G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal Gallege ee Dental. Surgeons of Onterealf, aind Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Office.r, say Dis•tnict-Number one, London, Ont. IVIain, Office—Dickson Block, ivr*Th Street, Exeter ,Out. I -lours --.9, am. to 530 pm,. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zunich Ont., Phpne 79. Zieeich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to'5 TAIL ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with. Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices rea.sonable, Satasfactian guaranteed, Exeter reee Ontario rhe Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on almlecation. Stray Animals—One inseetien 50c., three inserteans $1,50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than flee lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion, 50c. Lost and Found doeals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion.No notice less than 25c.Card of Thanks 50c. Auction-Saaes $3 foe one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fivfe inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline, Farm or Re.ai Es.tate for sale 50e. each insertion for one month of four insertions, When Looking for Xmas. Presents Take a leak through our stare. You will find many useful things, such as A VAC.,UETTE—A VACUUM CLEANER, FIRNEYS-JARDINE STANDS, TABLES) ROCKERS, ETC - Our Store is full af Good Furniture at the very loeve,st ..prIces Call before you beer. R, N. .ROWE Conductor of Funeral Services Phones—Beseness, 20W. Residence, 20J`,. L R. Carling, B.A. Baa-rister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, , ,Investments Inhurancel Office, Caling Block, Main St -.Exeter, Dr. G F, Roulstoin, L. D. a DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Offic e Closed 'Wednesday afternoons. MONEY -TO -LOAN We have a large amount of private ftinels• to loan on farm and village property at low rates ef loter.est. GLADMAN &',STANBURY, Barristers, So'licito'rs, Exeter Dr, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. lionot Graduate Toronto Uni,versite Office --over Gladman & .Staniburra Office, MO Street, Exeter.