HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-12-13, Page 44.14 rhe Exeter Advocate Sanders ,$t Cree.sh, Proprietors Subscriptiion• Price—la advance, $1 50 per year in Canada; $2.00 in the United States. All subscriptions not paid. in advance 50d, `xtra charged. TI-HUR SOAY, DEC:, 13th, 1923. Crediton BAZAAR-Ia the. Methodist Church School Room, on Friday, Dec, 14, af- ternoon and evenings Rama' work, aprons, drorne-made candies and farm products; there will also len an orange the. A;etfennoan, tea will be served also supper from 5 to R. Centralia At 'they close of the co,Tritest held recently between, the young men; s •r,nd -. youtng women's : claasies of the lateen. S da Dec 16th Sunday School, the youryg leen being The ervaces ran y, .the losteas e,rntertai"ned" the ladies at 11 no,, 'n nes internee st of nee Surtd.:rY ,, .<i SV a the Ramis of MrsT.,.Falliw, when an Scholl. Rev. Mr. PloinMelly of E tet er ~yell have charge: of the moraitzng, servae:e and Rev. I {hely vv'ilcl p'reacb in the evening Was. Marshalt of Blyth as v usiting at the home of her daughter M'r's., George Hicks, The annual Sunday School enter- tainment will be Meld on Thursday, Dec ZDth, to the basement of the church. .Birthday celebrations sete.iu td be the order of •the day in C'entt"t'altia, Mr. Geo, Baynbam, Sr., having celebrated hos 7Dth birthday on Thursday, Dec, 6th. vFr. Baysuhnzn wasborn near where used to ,stand No, 1 toll gate in London Townlship, about three miles north of London. At the age of • Mallett enjoyable ,evening was spent. ars. Brinker of Newslelamburg is vis- iting her +sis'tier Mrs. Battram. Mass Nellie IVlprxay spent 'she week end in Detroit, • Alas, Annie, Hicks has returned ,home after a. visit svath her solei 1VIr. WilWilsonHick,;. Mrs. E. Mason visited her daughter !m Sarna last week. We are having unusually mild wea- ther for this s easo t of the year. The, members; of Grace Church have bought a piano, for the.. pair'aah. nail our years he moved wadi' his parents Mats.T'lamett and sorra Kenneth', to the 21stconceasacosn of IYIcGrI?avray, of London are visiting Mr.' aand Mrs • where he resided almost continuously Ed. Feltner at the. Central i•Iotel until the year he moved to Cen;tra&,+a1 Messrs. „Harold Gower and Emersonrn 1 arch, 1.8$9, where he. has since .re- lloeszler have returned from the Wert sided. He is a member of the Cen where they helped with the harvest tralia Methodist Church and has been airs 1-I. Eilber was its Zurich on Sat- Sunday School Librarian for over 30 urday attending a directors' nieetnn5 of years, and has missed very few Sun- the un•t=e Huy Township Farmers'.Fire In days, serving in that capacity. He al- Mr. Co so belongs to the Centralia Court ,^£ AIr. end\Ire. gy m. Watson,and faire- the I. O. F, area. has been flnacn,cial ily have moved to Medford, where fserratary of same 28 years. He Mr.. Watscn has pureah,sed a ten yard has always had atre e f oderable dealings Mr. Cans_ Zwleker was in 3 arc>!nta wall r the pubkic in has 21 years lem- on n business trip the past week. nioyment at the Cexntraiz'rn grain eleva- tor your Christmas parcels early for a,nd his ,honesty in all his dealings and insure them at tls,e post ottrc.e. fres won for lira a host of friends.'Vfr, and Mrs. Wm. H. Smith have ,A remarkable feature of .iVlr. Baynhatn bo.,.o, visiting here from :V havean. • is Itis ability for walking which he sat- ed and firs. Henry Pfaff have movelions very much at the present time, ed 'ants the village again, and in his younger dayswhile in the. Mr. Geo, W. Sweitzer left Lor New employ of the late Joseph Cobbledick, York on Wednesday morning. l on his farm nearMooresvill e, he would Mr. 4v,'. H. G:a,ser, who ;pent the walk to and from hctahonue on, the 2lst past two weeks with lir. and Airs. l conc,es "+an of lYfcGj1! vray to spend Warm at 4larkha:ir, has .eturauad li,onie. I SSunday. Mr. Baynham i,s still have horn Baby D'es.—The home of Mr. andandhearty and we hope that he may Mrs. Alonzo Heddert who resides , he long spared to enjoy his remark - east of here, has bejen saddened by ceiebxat,ion tv"ere,blheath. ose his plow ester anresent td an, e the death of their little eight days Mrs. Milton Ztf tchell and Mr. Lloyd old daughter, who dad on Monday Baynlram of Exeter, with their respec- rti.eht. he funeral took place to the tive families. Other members of this Exeter Cemetery on. Wednesday. fareily who were unable to be present, are Mrs. Fred Lane of Carduff, Sask., Mrs, Walter 'Thompson of Wolsley, Dashwooas w' d Sask., Walter Bayr ban, CPR- train 1t.3 1K despatcher of Brandoun, Man., and Maxwell Baynham, C.P.R operator of Word was .received here la: k Week Bonar Laur, Ont.. Mr. and Mrs. Bayn- of the death at South R`..vter • Oat., ban also celebrated. their 44th wed - on, Nov. 20th, of a former wzllakn;own drag a uiive.rsary on Dec, 2nd. restd-r t .of t_ is section in the per- son of James Kenn:ings; at the age of 74 years. He had intestinal trouble. D.ecteased left here in 1907, after hav- ing farmed for several years zh,;est a Dashwood. Previous to that he liv- ed at Sarnia. He carne to this country from England at 4 years of edge.. His wife died in 1916. Two sons'and two daughters survive, William of Oregon, Fred of Hensall, Mrs. J A..Payr ee, Mrs. Paul Gabel of South River.' (Death el \Irs. Graybeel. — Seophia Chapman, widow of the lata John Grayb ,e1, sr., ryas born in Edgefield, Norfolk Co., Ragland, on Oct. 15 1839 and did on Dec. 6th, 1.923 at her home .on the Branson Line, Hay, Dash - wood, aged 84 years 1 month and 21 days. She cams- to Canada, with her parents when 5 years of age, and lived in. Waterline .ouaty u,ztiL her marriage to John Graybiel ar., on Dee. 21 1856. after which they moved to Listowel for a f'ew pears and thence to the Bronson 'Lane, Hay Tp., where they , resided lar nearly sixty• years. Her husband predeceased her about two y-ea.rs. She leaves. to mourn, her loss four daughters and..ono sae nggel'ine and Esther Ann at home,. Mrs :M. • E. Pope of ,Preston, Mrs.. M. E. Van;Der- stein of -Saginaw, Mich., and Jain W. of Dashwood; also e'..14,?. Vert gran child- ren and six grant grandcbildresa be -- sides two, sisters, Mrs. Montgomery of Ccn:cstaga and Mrs. Koepke of:liisuth- amntcn, and two brothers, John Chap- man of Kitchener and :Mathew` Chap- man of Ros,evine, and a large circle of relatives and friends.: •Interment took place to the Brons,otn Lines aeme - tery on Sunday afte,niaanl, Dee. 9th, 1923, the Ran Yager officiating. 'Thus the family loses a kind and ealpving mother whir: 'thoughts. were 'always about her children to the last, and the community loses a arida *:ash evectelah Hensall Mount Carmel Miss Huberta Glav in. 0! London spent a few days last week with ,her sos ter, Mrs. C. Rlegan,, ear. Tai. O'Rourke,. of Edmonton. Alta is visiting lays parents, Mr. and Urs. Rich. O'Rourke. Mr. P. Flanagan attended the Fat Stock Shaw held at Toronto last week. VLr. Leo O'Rourke returned home last week, after s,pieinding Several .mon- ths in. the West, Mr. James Quarry of Toronto made a call l. avant•'.'. last week. Mr. Thos. Hall and bride of Detroit visited the former's parents here last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O,'Leairy, and Ass Kathleen called on friends here'. oni Sunday. Mrs. Jahn Fisher hasnireturned re- cently from Toronto, where she spent some thyme weeks with, her daughter Miss Helen. Mics Irene '• Douglas ,is visit'ng in Nast vnil,e, Tenn.,. where she has rela- tives.- She intends spending a couple of months there. Mrs. N. B. Horhon.vibe recently un derwent a very serious operation, is nak:;ng good improvement and has re- turned home. ' Mrs. Paisley, nee Ruth Ra'nnie, of .alontreal. is here spending a few weeks with her parents, ':'41r. and Mrs. E. Ronnie Messrs Jelin and William Craig and sister, hiss Hannah., spent the past week. .n Toronto with relatives and friends Mas Helen Swan, who has been nur- shas for several manths in Bayfield district, is home. Mrs. D. Urquhart and daughter, Mies Beatrice; have returned ,from Fimt, Mtch:, where they had bean visiting fre;.rids. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron are lookLag forward .to celebrating their golden anaisversaxy at Christmas tinge. Mr, Roy Todd „s planning to go t Bad Axe, Mich., on a visit. The funeral of the.lat,e Samuel tan took place on Thursday. He was unmarried and farmed for many years at Lumley, ri tiring tot Hensal,l aur. t years ego:. Hie is survived by three brether.> and three sisters, Messrs. Jan. Horton of Hibbert; Nicholas of Helvetia liestry of Tuckcrsmiib, Mrs. Bullard and Mrs. Dickson, Hawaii, and Mrs. Jams' Brora,dfolat, Tucksrns-n*1-h. te Tae funeral of Andrew Starr:r"an and a kind neighbor behoved by ., cuk lace on Wednesdayto Mcla waao knew her. She was a rneinlbe pfy:,tears Demeter The de a. -ed was in the Calvary Evangelical Church -' elf poor health for a tong tl nme and 'suite Dash -woad, and ¢uathftng gave v,'i' rn r<e helpless, being unable to leave his Exeter Council Monday, December 10 1923 A regular session of the Municipal Council held in the office ot the clerIc ucation 't epairtmle,nt of the Govern- Ment gri'lnts to the various Collegiate Institutes end High Schools in than county-Clirtoz, $$1,533,30, Goderich, 21,434.3Q; S.eaforth 22,482,30; Wing. tam, $1,574,67; Exeter, : 21,298.63;" total 38,3 3.Z5r Ex -Warden' W. R irallriatt, N, W. Trewatlya E. R. Wigle, M L, A., James Ford of Clinton .',t d Gordan Young ,of CodLborrne: addressed the cows cel .e roads, etc .: Warden B. W. F. Beavers was the recipieent of a, gs ld-ls:ead,ed cane at the bale In of his fellow; members, as is the usual custom when wardens have completed 'their term, The cane bas. ,name, year a{nd office inscribed on it; The usual 'Sm'oker" was held on'. Tltuusday night, when besides the mernhers and .officials, tea -wardens N. W. Trewartha and W. R. El)rlott were Dr,cs' nt Aai extra grant of 251)0 Inas made to the Children's Shelter. "Grants were g'iv'en to Clinton and Brussels owing to street improvement The public school ins,pe'ctors asked far an iincreate •of graint for •expenses; This was mot granted. They each now receive $525.00 a year. Memorials were sent to the Dohs - inion Government, the Provincial Gov_ e:rnrnent and the Hydra Commission, pratestine, agairait the increase of the Chicago Drainage Canal, which waS already greatly flowering the Level of the Lakes. A memorial was ste(nct td the Ont- ario, Govennm'ent favoring the allowing iacal. macgisarates to try ,Local cases, thus ,elenninatimg the 'excessive cost in miner cane',:. Tlie County Property Committee was authorized to have papers serv- ed on Jailer Griffin to have him ejected from the jail residence, Mr. Jas. Reynolds was appointed jailer at the June session but has not yet taken possession of the jail residence all members being present. The min- utes of the meeting held Nov. 26th, were read and approved. A letter was read from Mr. M. G. Ransford, of Clinton, who being pres- ent addressed the council regarding a proposed purchase of the Exeter Salt Wells property and outlined a proposN,, for the erection of new building, new pans etc., asking the council for the Corporation to guar- antee the bonds of the Exeter Salt Works Co. Ltd., in the sum of ten thousand dollars for as term of ten years, also a fixed assessment on the property for a term of fifteen years. After discussion, motion by Francis —Davis that the consideration of this matter be deferred for the pres- ent. An ammendment by Ellering- ton—Hooper, that no action be taken by the •council, the Reeve voting in favor of the amntendment. Mr. Stevens of. the Salvation Army asked for the use of the Town Hall for Tuesday, Dec. 18th, fey enter- tainment purposes. Granted- on mo- tion of Ellerington—Davis: 'Carried. Mr. Chris. Luker was granted a re -fund of $2 payment macle in error for care of cemetery lot 1923. Mo- tion of Eilerington—Davis. Carried. Hooper—Francis that the clerk be granted twenty-five dollars for Rre- pairing and revising Village By -Laws Carried. The following accounts were read and passed: Geo. Mantle, coal T.H. $59.30; Jno. Crewe, V.S. Reeve of Seaforth re Miss Merrill to the Coun- ty Home, $6.25; Ward & Morgan, supplies $1.9 0; A. M. Kernick, weld- ing tools etc. $3,10; C. Ford labor cemetery 7.50; Ben Makins drawing sods $4; T. Sanders labor, 6.87; Jno. Parsons, labor 5.63; Rd, Quance, la- bor, 5.57; H. Bierling, extra street watering team labor, 60.20; W. J. Bissett postage $5; R. E. Davis team labor, 5.50; Geo. Ford labor 2.50; Sam'l Sweet labor $9; passed on mo- tion of Francis—Hooper. Carried. Adj. by Francis to meet Satury Dec. 15th, 7.30 p.m. Jos. Senior, Clerk. Pleasure during her life than t:> act tend the house ,of divine warship. room, so that death camp, to byre as a Lanny release. Mrs. Jacob England of Thedford ;ns- ited with nelatives.here last„ week.': ,Mr. Wilbur Graybiel of W oadstock, Ihar. Oliver Graybiel. and Miss" Beatrice Graybiel of Toronto attended the fuht: eral of the late Mrs. Graryb cel st ,Mr. E. Bea -vier and ears. W. ,Snell, Greenway Rev. G. W. Rivers, B.A., of Park - attended the "lunexnil of relative at hall nreaclr:ed the ceducaiti,onal, sermon Hespeler this week. .aa •tbe Methodist Church on, Sunday. Mies '.E .Guenther entaerttrutted • x at He lexplai`Ined Sin a very clear way the number of friends at her. 1r"one,e spin work of the Society and its need of Monday evening.« • 'the loyal, support of our people.. • An increase "of 227,816,530 was made its the ise't debt of Canada during Nov- ember-. The total debt on, Nov. 30th was S2?,414,t1141,424. A year ago, the debt vvaa $121,876,792 less. At thug rate vvh en will Canada get' out of debt? PHONE 9 • FOR SERVICE: & QUALITY - 1E Guessing Contest We 'havte b'e,erat very iortu.nalte tiais .year , in est curing' one of Andrew Hicks' (ex-M.P.P,)i Prinz ;Baby .1.30E for our Guessing Contest. rhe ` Contest twill starte and. ;'Bed- will. be on rexl kbitioln, alive aeons December 17th until eskcu,ghtered on Deaernher 20th, and thea hung up dressed until Satttrday, D,ecernher 22 at 1D, p.m., when contest will clas,e. The contest ,'vs FREE and, open to arzsrc'ne who sees the beef and old enough to cvn&tle. No ones" will •knpW, the Bele weight„ and all we want you to do its Come in, and tell us seen.?at' Use dressied weight will be. In case of a the the first•eight gguesses its -will wins as tickets will be numbered,.. The Beef will be weag d' by, an outsider. FIRST PRIZE — 20 1b..RESSET) TURKEY SECOND PRIZE - 15 1b. • DRESSED GOOSJ. THIRD PRIZE , 1 Pair DRESSED DUCK. e. w'i'll al,'s{ou: havle a full lnia, of XMAS MEAT on banal all. Week. Kindly leave your order for, a Roast as a Steak 'off the Xmas Beef early. RIVERS' MEAT MARKET "WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE, COUNTY COUNCIL DOINGS. ---- The December sesston, of the Hur- on Coutnty Council was .held in God- erieb last week - In, his opeting remark' Warden B. W. R. •Reamers of Exeter referred to the death of the Reeve of Goderi:h Towne -hips and to the inrpilovym,ents made. Ma the ;county protperty, such as tare council •chamber, the children's shelter, the sjai1, .and the County, Home. On theasubject of Good Roa, ,s be salid, these had been a number of -changes din petrol men, same) being on account .of inefficiency The total' amount ,raii.sed by the . county for the good reads was S68,248; the, amount o,f . the Gave.rnnteavt grant received in l,Ia:rch was 279,315.07, as total ' of $147,563;D7, The, amount of orders signed to date was $152,000, with sev- eral 'thousand yet to pay. The roads now were slantin es,'gtdod- nonditaoat as a year ago, which shocv,ad that if we were gorurr'g ea keep up our roads We must be prepared to",spend more men- ey rather thiair less, The County of'. Huron's share of the ,expertise, of the Provincial Highway was 28,572.40; The County of Middlesex .had Ea pay 298,- 000.00. The 'clerk's depart . of the :Mother's i AP,art*ince Board showed Ghat the average•- number of beneficiairies was 38, ' and that ,it cost the county between 1 !,6,000 and 27,000 a year. `. A letter from Ma. and Mrs. Robert- sour, keeper and matron of the County Home, asked for an encrease of .2200 salary ,each, was received, or if the council was not agreeable to • pay thin Ito accept their resignta,tions; Their I.rtesi nation wjstee acoepted, and Mr.. ,and i'VI•,rs, Joihn. Jacob. of Exeter were 1nppoilnted keeper and matron lar the Home, ill re -iter+ seven applvoatsbne 1—Mr -and Mrs, Weldon, of Hensel', Mr and Mrs Wm. Cunningham, of Bi -us sell; Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe of Sruniels; M -r, sand Mrs. John saaus?tya of West Loran; Mr, and lVfrs. Wrh'1 Lindsay of :M,eni'siet; Mr. and' Mrs'.,Ja= meson, ,of Lucisnow ; ivir. and Mrs. J olin Jacob of Exeter. Notice was ; "ilecevied from the; Ell 1923 Christmas Seals The National Sanitarium Associa- tion is to be congratulated on the handsome Christmas Seals now on. sale in aid of the Muskoka Hospital tor, Consumptives. To meet a persistent demand for a real Christmas Seal, not merely an advertising sticker, quite a new de- parture has been made this year, in that they are printed in ten different designs, each packet containing a full assortment. The seals are all very attractive. The Hospital is in need of funds to carry on its work. Why not buy these seals in lieu of others? Not only will you get good value in return, but your gmoney r atere o, for it wil be le go toe to rhe a elp someone in distress, For sale 'by school . children, and banks, or direct from Xmas Seal Department, Gage Institute, Toronto, Ont rofitable Opportunities p ,ortunities are offered to -day for investment IA Government and Municipal Bonds, yielding a high return. The purchase, or sale of such securities cal be arrang• ed at any of our branches. r Our monthly list of offerings will be sent on request. 611 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter Branch • • • M. R. Complin, Manager Crediton. Branch • • • G. G.. Maynard, M . , Dashwood Branch O.. G. Maynard, Manager anager INCORPORATED 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000. • Over 125 Branches. THE MOLSONS BANK. COURTESY TO ALL In all departments every effort is made to 'eliminate unnecessary formalities and to assure speedy and courteous service to cusl'omers, Savings 'Departments at every Branch E1ETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Furniture Dealer & Funeral Director We carry the Largest and !Most Up -bo -date Stock of Furniture. Our Aim' is Service, ,Satisfactiton and good valise -for your money. THE HO1'IE FURNISHER M. E. GARDINER Conductor of Funeral Services. a Finest Motor and Horse Equipm DAY AND- NIGHT SERVICE. OPER,A HOUSE BLOCK. Phone 74w. Night Cada 741 i 3 - The New Sedan In the New Fordor Sedan the well-known Ford sturdiness, dependability and economy have been combined with a degree of .;convenience and refinement that makes this the most .remarkable closed car value ever offered. .at ; in this new model of the . full -width stationary type. Four doors are provided, affording easy. access to`fro nt or rear from either side. Upholstery and appointments are of a quality and complete- ness hitherto obtainable only in cars of much higher price.' You are cordially invited' to inspect this remarkable new car at the nearest Ford dealer's showroom. New Ford Plaices Coupe, . $665 ; : Fordor- Sedan, $895 -' Electric Starting an,} Lighting Equipment Standard on these model.' Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495 Electric Starting. and Lighting Equipment $85.0.0 extra. ' Prices 1. o. b. Ford, Ontario. Government Taxes extra A11'Ford models may be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS ;110 Snell, Dealer, { Exeter ease • V5.1;, P O R D MOTOR ',COMPANY QF C A N; A t7 A ,,•;; t, i ivi 1 i 6 a, +i F 4 R la , ONTARIO S. ,