HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-12-6, Page 84." EXETER ADITEMATEF l'HURBBAY, EEC. 6 '11326 Exeter Markets" Local Doin• gs . Rev Donnelly addresse.d the He 1- riMil---111•Pld-IM-AW` neague on: 1VIontlay ieversina I C" aNGED EVERY WEDNESDAY M. McKitterick of Orange- ee Mr. F.rank Taylor sold hits, fine blacic. muse ss ,regeving at this, branch, of the PHONE 32 race hors.e last week, 45 Banle of Commerce: Oats Berlav . . .,.... ..„. ..... 55c. Forest has laid a street paviem:ent Mari toba's Beat Maur ....... e... ... 3.55 ....-hl feat long and 15.feet wide this Eami,'s Flour ,. e __ea ... 3,40 'year. 1.05 .., ....... .1, • 4• 1,90 The new bridge at 'Varna has been ese completed and is a fine modern con- e tea crete structure. • Pastry Flour Fes:1 Flour Bran Sherts Nee- Lad Eggs • LI hees Cr.aserssry Butter ...... Fia'xv Butter 35 to 37 Lard ..........15 to 20 afiscreanta last week cut up a4set ..715 of names:, a,nd cut a &ravel box in I-loas two for eiessrs, Horne Bros, near, Zion in LIsborine Townships A sharp fine, or prison term is what they Aled. ,Mr. Harry MacArthur, accountant at the Bank of Commerce 'here, has been given a leave of absence from duty owing to ill health. He is at present at ba,s home in London confined to his bed. ...... ••• ••• • 72 elr. L. Elford of town is recoveries' 43 after an operation in Victoria Hos- pital, London, recently. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Cheirmaster 'James St. Methodist Church, Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of liusin tin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER ESTRAY STEER. There strayed unto, the 'premises of the undersigned a light red yearly's-vs steer with white markings aver shoui: der and head, tin tag in left -•ear. Owner an .have same .by proving ownership and paying -expenses, Wm. Morloek, Con, 9, Stephen, 'Crediton P. Q. The Salvation Army Sunday School Entertainment will be held on Tues- day, Dec. 18th. 1.11,19••• Hear Rev. W. E. Donnelly in his most popular lecture on "Marriage, the Pike's Peak of Success" in James St. Church, on Monday evening, Dec. 10 th. Admission 25e. CARD OF THANKS. The famly of the late Eli Snell wish to express their thanks to the many friends for the kindn,ess ,and sympathy shown during the. illness and subaequsnt death of Mr. Snell. CARD OF THA_NTSS Mr. Richard Murphy and daughter Oesira to thank the, friends and neigh- bors for their many kindnesses during the ilines.s and subsequent death of Mrs. Murphy, FOR SALE. -2. used 10 in grinders in good working condition; one 3 lap as engine, good,; and one coal heater and cooker; also new grind•ers, roller crushers and pulpers. WARD & MORGAN. Sparkling with it and brilliant humor is Rev. W. E. Donenlly's lec- ture "Marriage, the Pike's Peak of Success" to be given in James St., Monday evening, Dec. 10th. HO -USE TO RENT. Brick house on Huron Street, apply to Byron. E. Hicks, or at this Office. ----- STRAYED-Onto the premises of C. Pyrn, Usborne, about Nov. 10th, a young Yoakshire sow. Owner may have same by proving property and pay ins ex pens e..s -- FEED GALORE. We hays just unloaded tears of Bran 'Tankage and Western Oats. Besides obese we have Shorts, Middlings, Oil Cake, etc. Harvey Bros. PULLETS FOP SALE. -3 dozen Rock pullets. Apply to CliftonProuty Exeter P. 0. ESTR AY STEER. • -There strayed from Lot 26, Con. 1 Ushome, on about Nov. '6th, a redt, two-year-old steer with horns. Kind- ly send !infoema,tion, to Wm. Sillery, R. R. 3, Exeter, BARLEY WANTED. 40 bushels barley to be delivered at Canning Factory barns, Con. 2 Stephen. Highest price will be paid. Byron E. Hicks. For the delicious cakes and pies our mether made use our Welcome Flour, Harvey Bros, HONEY FOR SALE. Dark variety at 6c.. Will pay high- est cash paioe for raw, Furs of all kinds JOHN CARRICK, ,Phone, Dashwood, Hay, P. 0. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND -A place where you can buy British American Gasolino at 28c. s -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North _11 T Milliatt UAW. 01.inS ,Merchant Taifors AS we are just starting in the Tailor- ing Business we. are going, to give to the pubic a bargain, and this is what the brain la going tcalae.-We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast color; never fade Indigo Dye, This suit is regular $40.00 and for two dollars we are going to give you an extra pair of pants of the same cloth. But this bargain is limited. Six suits is all will be sold at this peic•e. SG don't delay. TRIJCI(ING Our Truck makes a regular trip London 'each 'week. Consult ue• for Truck Work and General Dellvery , RANGE FOR SALE. -Wood or coals warming closet; good condition cheap -Gordon Apleton, Exeter. HYDRO USERS. •Disceunt date for payment of Hydro accounts far Decentber w11 he ex- tended to December tn. ORGAN FOR SALE, -6 octave, a(rio case, like new.. Apply Advocate, The neirspaper donft look for thanks for what. goes into the papers, but they da leXpect apprecWilon some times fOT what they leave, one Mrs, Perrett moved her household effects .to London on Tuesday, where • she will. join her husband, and their future home wal be in that city. Mr. George Windsor received word on Thursday of the death On Nov, 27, of his uncle, Mr. Silas Windsor of efilton, in lus 85th year. The funeral took place to the Brunswick HO cemetery on Friday. Mr. L, D. Fulton of the Hibhert Boundary has related the residence of As. Frank Delbridge to the north of riis new home on ,Unsion street, and moved to town on Friday. We wel- 1 come, Mr, Fultoz, and family to Exeter We are in. receipt of an interesting letter from Mrs. Swinerton of !Kingsville, d,escriptave of an outing len•. joyed by herself sand a few friends up in the northern country, The let- ter is worthy of publit'e.ation, but ow- ing to lack of space we are unable to give it publicity. Mess ;Mooney of Ripley sang a very • pleasing solo at the Sunday evening service in James Street Church, The .pulpiE editorial by the pastoron "The I Klu Klux Klan," was very interesting and instructive of the objects and methods of the, organization, while hia !sermon on the "Faith of Tennyson" ' was an iinteresting one on the simple faith ,aind sublime character of that !great English poet, After January 1st next the Parkhill Gazette will be SSA per year in ad- vance, instead of the 51.50 as form- erly, Nearly all the weekly papers are now $2.00 per year. The Exteter Ad- vocate still remains at $1.50 peryear in Canada and 82,00 to United States subscribers, in advance. We reserve , the right to charge 50c, more in each !case if not paid in advance. Advo - !cote subacribers should appreciate this and pay up early in the year. TALK ON MEDICAL INSPECTION nair, chief medical inspection affiner, of the Departiment of Ed- ucation, Taranto, will be in Exeter on Thursday evening and give ai talk in the Town Hall on ithe work of the medical inspection of schools. Adults only will he admitted. , WIN THE CHRISTMAS CAKE, Tbe. LadiesGAD- •pf the Trivia Memorial Church will place a Christ- mas Cake in W, J. Stathaans window from Dec. 7th to 14th, for a present to the person who guesses nearest to the weight of the cake. Every person buying a handkerchief .at 25c. gets a guesS, STRAY HEIFER. About the middle of November a yearling heifer strayed onto my prop- erty, Con, 4, Ridclulph., Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses -F. A. Dobbs, Cen- tralia. P.O. 'AGR.1CULTIARAL +LIME. Now is the time to lime your, farm lands or gardens. Have your land tested free. Apply wa LEWIS, Ph one 46 r 13 Clandeboye: STRAYED—There strayed from the Quinton pasture on or about the first of August, a roan steer, rising two years old, dehorned. Send in- formation to Mr. Milton Gregory, Kirkton, Ont., or Fred Ellerington, Exeter, Ont. • --- ESTRAY STEh,R. :The strayed from the foam of Rich. Drought, south boundary Us - borne, •a red yearling steer, Scli,ttle white on face, split in left ear. Kindly notify the undeassageed, Wm. Isaac, R.' R. 7., Lucan. * * * *. * * * * • CHICKEN SUPPER • Bazaar and good supper of chic- * ken, scalloped potatoes, pie, etc. * In Town Hall, Friday, Dec. 7th. * Sale of work and cooking at 3 * p.m. Supper sarved from 5.30 to * 8, afternoon tea 15e, supper 50c, * children 35c. Under auspices of * the Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt * Memorial Church. • DR. H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, ,every Thursday and Saturday Main Office,- Hartleib Bleck, DASHWOOD, ONT, DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon 'AcDomell's Stables, John St., Exete* (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a ni.-"That Blessed {Hope" , p.m. -"For What Purpose Did God Give the iBblei.C' Rev A. A. Trumpet; Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Tames Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved" 7 pan.., -7-, "The Struggle of the Early Church in England" Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH 10.15 -Morning Class. 11 a.m.-Rev. Professor W. A. Potter, 'Victoria University, Toronto. to 3.00 -Sunday School. 7 ram -Pulpit Editorial-;-• • 'Whirlpools Of Beer in Quebec!' Evening Subject- , "The Religious Faith of Abe Linea s" BAGSHAW & EASTON Welcome LITTLE CHILD DEAD. The death occurred on Wednesday, No: v 28 as the parental home in Mc- GiJivray ot Russell Earl, the little son, of .Mr. and Mrs. Cecia Jones, at the age of 2 years., 8 months and 5 days. 'the funeral took place from the non-! ents home, Lot 10, north boundary, eirGlIfavray, on Saturday to the Ex- eter, cemetery. LOOK Al' THE LABEL. Advocate abeis were changed Ion Nov. 29 We think we have every sub- scriber's label right. If you think dif- ferently, let us knows We want to have them all correct, If you haven't bald up, get busy, and do, so, It is only fai,r that we should have our money. Otherwise •s.rou may be re- quired to pay (if isesmas distance in aa -L - rears) a aligner rate than $1.50 a year and costs of collection besides, DR. TURNBULL DEAD. Rev. J. A. Tumbull died in Toronto on Nov, 26, after a brief illness at the age of 70 years. Bonn bs Usborne Tp. near .Eiseter be ;graduated as silver medalist in arts in Toronto University at the age of 25 years. He graduated Iran, Knox College in 1881, later get- ting the degree of LL.D., and in 19eS the college presented him with the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. He preached in Goderich, St, Marys and Toronto, retiring from active ministry in 1921, after thirty years of service. He married Annabel Steep of Clinton, who died in 1905. Rev Turnbull is survived by an only daughter, :Mrs. W. V Roberts of To- ronto; .one brother, W. A. Turnbull. of Exeter, and one siRter, Mrs. G. Ful- ler of San Francisco, ,N1r, Archie Davis returned to To- ronto on Saturday. air,s. James Wi1ii of town spent ni few days in London. Mrs, T. S. Woods returned Friday from a ,visit O. Detroit. alas Chas. Ford left Mo,n,day for Hamilton to take, a PG'S itiOn. MTS. 3. N. H,oward spent a few days in London during. the week. Mis; Mooney a Ripley visited Miss Elva, Harvey for a few, days, MT. Gerald Fitton of London visit- ed ,4i3 parents here, on Wednesday. Miss Margaret Kuntz Of London Nor- mal was home Over Saturday and Sun- day, Etherington and Chas. jia- Eery returned from the, West last week. • Ur. Moen of 'Wycliffe College, To- ronto was a vjeltor at the rectory over Sunday. Mrs. James Ford returned home on Friday from the West, after three months' visit with her sons. Mrs. Fisher of 'Watford visited her sieter, Miss Auld last weeek,'' Both re- turn,ecl. to Watford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Young and Children of Louden were waek-end -visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Complin Mr. Jas. Handford and daughter', Miss Annie,' returned from Toronto Friday where they visited relative's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson have returned to their home in Stephen, after spending the summer in the Wes t. Miss Mary Elworthy of Loridon,ac- Gann:varied. by hier ,cousin, Gordon Geary, visited at her home here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Case Howard of New York arrived there on Monday even- ing to visa the farmer's mother, Mrs. J. N, Howard. • Warden.B, W, F. }leavers of Exeter ReeVe Wil7,tilur Coates of 1.1.3'sbOrne, ,Reeve "Ne,eb and Deputy Reeve Hayes of. Stephen are attendsng the County Council at Goderich, p,$ fr 7 4,0 0 Ma=4110-MEC..-Wiesaaass"-Weeslio-MTe-'400---- , JONES & MAY PHONE' 32 Christmas Gift Suggestions CHASE A good looking, man- nish cutaway front model of unusually good lines. ARROW COLLARS Cluett, Peabody St Co., of Can, Limited Our Stock for the Christmas Trade is now complete, We have a srery large range of nov,elty and practical lines to select front. We would ,advi,se an early aelection of Christmas Gifts, as many Ines cannot lie replaced. Beautiful Kimonas for Ladies We have a beautiful range of. Kimonos for ladies', in heavy eider- down cloths, large range of colors to ,select from; 'satin trimmed, at the yery 'Special price of $8,00 each. We also have bedroom slip- pers to .match at reasonable pr'iceas. Handkerchiefs fle;or • hristmas We have by far the largest range, ,of Christmas thandkerchiefs we have iever shown. Pictured handkerchiefs for the little tots, mercer- ized for boys, Pure linen, plain and initialed for men and ladies, as well as hunsleeds of fancy lines, many in fancy boxes. Make your selections now, especially inStialed, lines, before many of these are sold out. Men' zt Farnishings New Ties • Mufflers in silk and wool; Braces, Garters, Armbands 'Umbrellas, Shrts, Sweaters, Cuff Buttons, Initsaled Hadfs, Etc, SPECIAL -7 dozen nten'a beautiful quality Silk Ties, regularly ,of 31.50 value. These were bought from a manufacturer going out of business, so ave Are a,ble, to offer them at ,6,nly 51.00 'each. Ask ta see our 'extra heavy all wool fancy 'coot ,sweaters itt 35,75 each Suggestions for Gifts for Ladies Fancy Linens, Boxed Hdfs., Fancy Parasola, Kimonos, Blouses, Strings of Beads, Hand Bags, Purses, Sweaters, Dresses, Fur Sets, Etc. EURS-All Fur Sets and Muffs at exactly half price. LADIES' DRESSES -Many odd lines arid isines at greatly reduced prices Special Shoe Bargains for December Ask for these lines if you need them. We haven't room to display then. 30 pairs Men's Valentine -Martin Work Boots at $3,75 30 pairs Men's round -toe fine shoes at $3.98. 30 pairs Young Men's Fine Shoes, Goodyear welts, blk or brown, 54,75 WOMEN'S EMPRESS SHOES, AND OXFORDS at $5.00 30 Pair Women's Empress Oxfords or High Lace Shoes, will give wonderful wear, special $5.00 Wonderful Overcoat Values Ken's at $12 to $25. Boys' at $6.50 to 517.00. ▪ Men's New Felt Hats, newest shades, at $3.50 each, A JONES & MAY AGh.,NTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Young Men's and Men's Overcoats This Season we are showing some snappy well as the mare 'staple styles f Or older men. Our prices, foo, are very reasonable, - $13 $18 models for young men, as We want you to see these $25 $30 Men's and Women's Underwear In the best makes Penman's, Turnbull's and Stanfield's. We carry slack of these well known brands in Children' Women's, and Men's. We have a Special in Ladies' Vesit and •Drawers at per garment 75c. Rubbers and A pair of good not pay to let your Miner Rubbers. Dominion Long Rubber Boots Ise"' Rubber Boots The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on appjecation. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1,50, Miscellaneous articles of not more than eve lines, For Sale, To Rent Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found loeals 25c. an insertion. • Local reading notices, etc., 10c ,per line per insertionNo notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 13 foc one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertis&ng 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. - each insextison fop one month of four insertions, When Looking for Xmas. Presents Take a look through' our store. Yon will find many useful things, such aS VACLTETTE-A VACUUM CLEANER, FIRNEYS-JARDINE STANDS, TABLES, ROCKERS, ETC Our Stare la. full of Good Furniture y ,s rubbers adds greatly to the life. of any shoe. It does at the verlowest pricepossible.. feet get wet this weather, We sell Dominion and Call before you buy. •R N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral, Services Phones-13usiness, 20w. Residence, 20J ,at $5.00. Southeott Bros. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices R,easonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. No 1 Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock sales a specialty. Four years experience, OSCAR Kl..OPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- ti.onal School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Ratesin keeping with prevailing market . prices.- Satisfaction assured: Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Osear 1(10pp Zurich Ont G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S,, DENTAL SURGEON - Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontaribi, and Un- iverrsity, f Toronto. Late. District Dental Officer, Milk-, wry District Number one, London, Ont. Main Office-Dicksion Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont. litours-‘9 am. to 530 p.m, Phone 34 Exeter, Office ait Zurich Ont., Phone 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 1.0 a.m. tic) 5 p.M. ANDREW, EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR FOR HUR.ON COUNTY. Orders le,ft with Advocate OT at the Central Hotel. Prioa.s reasionable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario I. R. Carling, B.A‘ Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance - Office, Caling Block,•Main St' Exeter Dr, G, F. Rawls ten, L. D. S'., 11 DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and -village property at low rates of interest. Gl..ADMAN &' STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. - Honoa Graduate Toronto 'University Office -ow Madman & Stanbus7, Office, Mein Street Exeter. • TH 11 but wit owl he thir his Brit t gov im wer plat like the min Balt its' larg ,ber. the ac ti •pea TH. Gat' on ed thre the agai. elan: hurt ;incr ada. vtiev to 1 pr,ei E. ' othE s was 1 serv 180,0 sma ins; has visfe ble you shot Pera will tre tion the; accc Pato yo