HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-11-29, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Whe Oats .. 95 45 Bari ey ••• ••• . 55c, Man'toba's test FlAmar • ' 3 55 FamilN Flour .. ..i . 3.40 Pastry Flour , 3.05 Fe -id Flour ..... .,,..... ....... ..... 1.90 Bran 1.50 Shorts ... ... . i 1,60 New Lad Fggs , „ . 72 Held Eggs ..... .... ..... ... • 45 Creamery Butter tS ).try Butter 35 to 37 Lard 1S to 20 Hogs .. . 7.75 EXETER /1111/111311TE. THITEB.DAY, W. R. Goulding A. T, C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St, Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory, Instructor ofMusic tin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EX,h,TER HOUSE TO RENT-Apolv to Mrs. Cottle., Exeter. --- RANGE FOR SALE. -Wood or coal: warmne' elose•t; good condition cheap -Gordon Apleton, Exeter. Busine.ss for Sale -Rooming house, first classfurniture„ always .full of paying r..-,,omers; in a residential part of London open for inspection -Syd- ney Smythje, Nlarket Lane, Loraclon, S TR AY ED -Onto the premises of C. Pym, Usborne, about Nov, 10th, a young Yorksoire sow. Owner may have same by proving property and payng expense,s. • • .11••••••••....11 FEED GALORE. We have just unloaded cars of Bran Tankage and Western Oats. Besides the w have Shorts, Midangs, Oil Cake, etc, • ' Harvey Bros, PULLETS FOR SALE. -3 dozen Rock pullets. Apply to Clifton Prouty Exeter P. 0. Hear Rev. W. E. Donnelly in his most popular lecture on "Marriage, the Pike's Peak of Success" in James St. Church, on Monday evening, Dee. 10th. Admission 50c. ESTR AY STEER. -Thera strayed from Lot 26, Con. 1 Usborne, on about Nov, .6-th, a red; two-year-old steer with horns. Kind- ly send information to Wm. Sillery, R. R. 3, Exeter. POPLAR POLES FOR SALE, ap- to Thos. Harrison, 4th Stephen, Exeter Po s tof floe. BARLEY WANTED. 5J0 bushels barley to be delivered at Cannng Factory barns, Con. 2 Stephen. Highest price will be paid. Byron E. Hicks. Por the delicious calces rand pies ou? mother made use our Welcome Flour. Harvey Bros, HONEY FOR SALE. Dark variety at 6c, WIJ.l pay high- est cash price for raw Furs of all kinds JOHN CARRICK, Phone, Dashwood, Hay, P. 0. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SAL. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND. -A place where you can buy British American Gas,oline at 28c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the cCorporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber Goderich, at 2.30 o'elock the afternoon of Tuesday, the 4tli day of December, 1923. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council ;Goderich. Nov, 17th, 1923. Geo. WHorn n Ccun'y Cle:k WANTED- . • KEEPER AND MATRON. Man and lvif t ak-i charge of the Huron County Home noar Clinton, and the 'farm connected therewith. A.Kficatic..ins, personal rireferred,i to. be mach to the undersined by Mon- day, Dec. 3rd, 1923. No apple:Won necessarily acccpecl. John Torrance, 1111..0,70°r Huron Co. Home. • Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors As we are just starting Itni the, Tailor- ing Bus aess wie are going to give to the publii a bargain, and this is what the bargain 's going to be. -We havie a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast color; never fa,cle Indigo Dye. This suit is regular $40.00 and for two dollars we are going /o give you an extra pak of pants of the same cloth. But this bargain is limited, Six suits is all -will be sold at this price. So, don't delay, TRUCKING • NIEIST.29 1923 To be openina f thie Sunday eni ievibil Local Doings service M James S treet Church with o 1O1101\"44 an operation in Landoll frs, Clarissa Snell of Usl5orne, is get - ting along nipely. • n..' I . V- P,-,eD stan ears able to • be out -op,i afinr Laving his, leg broken, and drove out to town last week. Full arrangements are about corn - pieta(' for the taking over of The Bank of Harniton by me Canadian Bank of Commerce, Miss Martha Fulton, a former Ex - et -n- lady, and sister of Mrs. George Coward of town, died in Midland on N'or, 16th at the,age of 75 Years. • OLD MAIDS' CLUB. The League of James Street Church is putting on a play, entitled, "The Old Maids' Club," in the basement of the church on Tuesday night, Dec, 4 at 8 o'clock. This is a real funtrY play and ,everybody -will enjoy it. Ad.r mission 25 and 15 cents, Our Truck makes a regular trip td 1..ondoal each week. Consult us for Truk Work and General ;Delivery BA.G5HAW & EASTON FOR SALE, -2 used 10 in grinders in good working condition; one 3 h.p. gas engine, good,; and one coal heater and cooker; also new, grinders, roller crushers and pulpers. WARD & MORGAN, ----- Sparkling with wit and brilliant humor is Rev. W. E. Donenily's lec- ture "Marriage, the Pike's Peak of Success" to be given in James St., Monday evening, Dec. 10th. For tlja past four and a half years M Thepoisons Bank has conducted a sub -Agency of the, Exeter Branch at Centralia, It has been decided to clis• continue the service th.ere, and after the first December next the business of the Centralia. Branch will be trans- ferred to the Exeter Branch of the Bank, and will be !conducted from this point as formerly, * * * * * * • CHICKEN SUPPER * Bazaar and good supper of chic- * ken, scalloped potatoes, pie, etc. * In Town Hall, Friday, Dec. 7th. * Sale of work and cooking at 3 * p,m. Supper served from 5.30 to * 8, afternoon tea 15c, supper 50c, * children 35c. Under auspices of * the Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt * Memorial Church. • * * * * * * * * * NOTICE The barbers of Exeter have agreed to the following prices: Hair cut 25c; Children under 12 years, 20c, except on Saturday when it will be 25c; shave 15e, including neck shave. F. M. Boyle A. M. Hodgert M. Mitchell N. Hockey HOUSE TO RENT, Brick house on Huron Street, apply to Byron E, Hicks, or at this Office, GRETA H. LAMMIE, A. T. C. M. Concert Violinist, Teacher of Piano and Violin. ,Terms very moderate. Box 58, Exeter. Phone 113w. DP.. H. H. COWAN, L,D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, 4 t McCormick Block, Zurich, every • Thursday and Saturday Main Office,- Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. DR. A,. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exem (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w I15.."011.-,-,-Yg...-.4-71r-t".---.41-M.,,Wift4.,Er<410N-1.,---,,,"W11.1=r,,,...-4111B3M11MailEaltaft-Lr---iii...-..°11;72-C-10WIL:all . , . , . . '' , .IYIAY ' . • PHONE '32 fifteen minutes of community singing was 'enioY'ed, as -wa-s also the .pulpit, h. editorial by the, pastor on "The Con, t PHONE 32 valescence of Russie and the talk .4 • ' on "The, Lite • of Glad.stoner.. - 1 1 i Mr. end Mrs,. j. D. Atkinson of Clin- ton, formerly of Exeter, had a star- 6 ro-w escape at the ;railway crossing in Pi'' iLucen on clay last week. Not hearing i/S the electlic bell they thought no train w was coming, and proceeded to cross.10 Wen only a fewfeet away they ticed the _train quite near; and with 4 h, tiot-1V great presence of mind Mr. Atkinson 1 tA switched into the ditch and up against , 7 the fence just as the train went by, ' only some four or five feet away. N AR ROWLY ESCAPED • IN JUR Y. d An accident that thre.atened ,sen'ous i results happened at Thames Road' Church corner on Friday. :Mr. John A Selves, accompanied by Mr. L. I). Ful ton, was driving horneWard, when a Mr. Gormley of between Dublin and • 1 Seaforth driving in sea - antomobike crashed into Mr. Selvesbuggy, knoek- , 1 Mg all the spokes out of one wheel' and otherwise. ,damaging the buggy. Luckily both occupants escaped injury but it was a very close call, . • SALVATION ARMY SERV IChS Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 aan. -Holiness Mee ting 7 p m.-Sajvation Meeting. Z.30 pm. -Sunday School and Bible CPA& Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Hobbink, Captain,. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"An Arousng Statement" ,p.m. -"The Corr4ng of Our Lord" Rev A. A. Trumpet, Rector. A WONDERFUL FALL. The autumn sea,son of 1923 has sure- ly been a•wanderfully Line ,one for everybody. The farmer has had a great chance to; get the work done before winter comes, Mose using cars have bad the finest of 'roadsto drive on. Hunters 'have had ,grand weather for a tramp in the woods, Even we townspeople ,have enjoyed the. dry sidewalks and the bright sunr shipe. It has helped the fuel pro- blem, too; for it cannot be denied we still have that worry to contend with. SCALDED HIS FACE. Mr. Chas.. Davis, who is . engaged with Mr. W. F. 'Abbott, met with a very painful accident on Sunday .eV - ening last. Has was removing • the ketth from the stove and the handle on one side became .detached, allow - g the kettle to, &all., and spilling con- siderable ot the boiling water, which came. in contact .with his fac,3..., He was rather badly burned,15ut notwith- standing this he was loath to break his engagement, and sang a colo with eXcielieni: effect in the Main Street Methodist Church the same night, IEN MEET. ()ate a large number of the men, of James S tr eet Methodist Church met on .Monday night in i;he basement of the church, for a social evening and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. - Alter a period of community singing a program was rendered, and ably: presided over by the pastor, Rev. Don: nelly. The program consis ted of sel- ecticns by the S. S. orchestra, quar- tette, solos, and addresses by Mr V. Snell, A. Pienhale lend W. Shapton. , Discussion followed. and it was de,- eided to hold such .meetings monthly. The Mission. Circle served 'lunch and iccliection was taken to d-efray,ex, penses. There was a get-together sprit about the meeting that was com- mendable., and should be helpful in the church work. CAVEN 1'RES33YTERIAN CHURCH' James Foote, B. A.. Minister 10 a. tn.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 p.m.—"The Forgiveness of Sin" 7 p.m.—The First Christian Church to rise on British Soil" Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST., METHODIST CHURCH Sunday.AjDeic., 2 10.15 -Morning Class. 11.00 Stibjec t-- "The Uncompromising Test of Christ- . 30, -Sunday,: School, 7,00 p.m, 811;bject-"The Faiith of Tennyson." Piapit Editorial -"The ICht,ELux !Clan" • • Miss Manner Ur, Oran Winer has gone to St. Thomas to work. Mr. "Wes Dearing attended the stock show in Toronto est week. Th ;Missies Carling visited :n Lon- don. the latter part of the •Week, Mr, D. Ferguson of Teeswater vis- ited his son, f. R. Ferguson over the week end. Miss Lulu Hastings of Landon has been spending a few, days in Exetei and Centralia. James Fraiser -of Port Huron spent Tuesday herewithhis nephew Mr. Wni. Fraser. Mr, 0, F,Ferguson ,of Man., visitewith Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. 'limey over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Peters of Alvt:nston were -wisitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Andrew last week. rs,tr, Thos. Coates leaves Thursday for Detroit to take up a course of study in... elec-trical work. Mr. and Mrs, Latimer Grieve and Mr. red Gould of Stratbroy motoredhere , In the best makes - Peninan's, Turnbull's and Stanfield's. We carry an I spent Sunday With relatives, Mrs. John Westlake 11,3 spending .a - a, stock of these -well known brands in Children's, Women's, and Men's. few w,:eks n To:onto the guest of We have a Special. in Ladies' Vest and Drawers at per garment 750,' her daughter, Mrs. D. A. McNicol. •• ' ' • omplete Showing of Christmas Goods. Our Stock of Christmas MerchandAse is now nearly complete and on displa5' far your inspection. We have an inunensie stock of Useful Gifts to select from, such as neck 'scarfs for ladies and men ; Tles, Hand Bags, Handkerchiefs, Bath Robes, and Kim 01P2S„, Fur Sets, Etc., Etc. Come early while the stocks are complete, . Ladies' and Mises' "Burberry Style" Coats at $19.00 Ladies' and Misses' Extra Meavy Cloth Scats in Burberry Style, good coloring of Heather, Lovat, Etc,; on ly a few to sell at the very special price of $19,00 each. , . Clearing Sale of Dresses We are placing am Ole, this week a number of Ladies' and Misses' good quality Cloth Dresses in Serges and Tricottnes. These are odd lines and, sizer, but good' styles, To clear at greatly reduced prices, Men's All Wool Underwear at $1.50 Garment 7 dozen Mei's All Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, sizes 36 to 42; a real bargain at $1,50 garment. Silk Remnants at $1.00 We still have a number of silk remnants, worth up to $3,00 per yard to clear at $1,00 yd. Furs Remember we are clearing all our fur sets at exactly half price. Men's and Boys' Overcoats at Popular Prices MEN'S AT $12, $17, $20, 125, $28. BOYS' COATS AT $7,00 to $17.00. Small Boys' Overcoats Our Small Boys' Coats, made of the same cloth as the Men's, are unbeatable. The prices are low- $5.0(f, $.6.00, $9.00, New Styles Boys' Bloomer Suits Just Received - 3 dozen new Styes Smart Tweed and Worsted Suits for Boys. The new Style, fancy back Suits,. just-, the kind your boy will want. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES P-4 SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Young Men's and Men's Overcoats This Season we are showing some snappy models for young men, as well as the more staple styles for older men. We Want you to see these Our prices, too, are very reasonable), $.13 $18 $25 $30 Men's and Women's Underwear Mr. Reg. Elliot, late of Norwich, af- ter a sliort -Osit h,ere with relatives, left. Thursday morning for bis new home in Toronto. fias Je,esie Manson, who underwent an operation, for appendicitis in St Joseph's Hospital London, was able to return to her home, here Friday, rl.rs, Harry Waghorin and little son, Harry, havnt returned home to St Marys after a very pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs. j: P. Stephenson i>f Oshawa. • . ss Verda Fassold, who has been engaged as m Liner here with Msq Yelland, has completed the 3,eisAcin, and lett last week fOir her home in Da hwood. Mrs. Jos Da -vis and, child, after a,• few weeks with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Risher, returned to Merlin on .Friclay. They were ac -t• compatrOccl as fair as London by. the former's mother, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. W. N, Manning, of Sherlock 8i Manning Piano Co, London, a' former Exeter Old Boy, was a pleasant. caller onj The Advocate Wednesday after. noon. Mr, Manning was ort hisway borne from Clinton where he had at- tended a fowl supper, given to the, employees iof the Doherty Organ Factory, together with their wives and families, including soma. thirty from the London factory. The event . was the outcome of, the ")iggest year tional School of 4.,ucticoneering. Spec - Rubbers and Rubber Boots A pair of goad rubbers adds greatly to the life of any shoe. It does not pay to let your feet get wet this weather, We sell Dominion end Miner Rubbers. Dominion Long Rubber Boots Sell at $5,00. Southcott Bros. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for, Counties of , Huron and Middlesex Prices:.12.easonable and Satisfaction Guarante,ed Phone 138, Exeter„Ontario -ARTHUR WEBER A.uct;oneer - R. IL No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock sales a specialty. Four years exp,erience, OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER 1-lon,o Graduate CareyM.Jones' No., r Na - in the, history of the company, they 'ial Coarse taken in Regi'stered Live having shipped 1655 instruments, be Stock,. Merchandise,Real Estate and eides h2nenes. and stool'r ven.t .F.0,-M.Landsr;,,,Rates, in keeping • with Was niost 'enje,,Yable,„,:one, showng,t he prevading''xinarket pw18-93 rice.s. .8atlifaction W te` ire ,Zurich. harrnonY that emsts be:tweeo ''dm1P1°Y7'8 !3'and elnployces kfopp, ztlaah, Ont. G. S. ATKINSON, L'D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioi, and Un- iversify of 'Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milk-. airy District Number one, London, Ont Main Office -Dickson Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m,. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Ont., Phone 79, Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.M. A.NDREW•„EASTON LICENSED'AIJCTIONEER FOR . . HURON COUNTY. Orders,left with AdVocate,4ornt the Central Hate , 'reasonable. Satisfaction guarintebd.. rhe Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on appltcation. Stray Animals -One insertion 50e., three ,insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading in,otices, etc., 10c. _per line per insertion: No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sailer S3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in - serum) if usidez fiVe inches in longth. .Legal advertisrtng 10c. and 5c. aline, Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion fo te one mouth of four insertiona. We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT LOW PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral Services Phones -Business, 20w, Residence, 201 Nrjr,0.0 1. R. Carling, B.4k Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, - Investments Insurance Office, Caling Block, Main Si. Exeter • t tor' Dr. G. F, Roulston, L. D. S:, D. Si "4 DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday 'afternoons', MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates 1 interest • GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S,D. D. S. HQUOT Graduate Toronto thuVersitY blike—c!rei Gliclnl- 8c 'StW5i!27.11," Exeter 0.4._1 Ontario Office. Able Strixt. Exeber, . . ke +la Un $16 thi be the at of no litt Th rat is of un ou the shi me te WI Lo lat the s trz a I day' of Tb Iivc vax stu ly out the wel to the ga:‘ \ day d ha the we cen day to 4 CO for 1 fo Th cen hc kn me eye • Ph