HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-11-29, Page 1fa THIRTY• -SIXTH YEAR, Our Corner Many ;people who aim ,lo satisfy are pretty bad sots. Honking your horn dpes,njt ,help as much as steering wisely. Tiler* .e .s till ream at the tap, t ut r. t takes • a well balanced. fellow to a!tay there, ! m" The man w,ho will lose a friend for adollar might some, day find himself without either, Instead of cutting off her nose to shite hier face the anoderms woman of- ten. cuts off her ,haat to spite her rel- atives. The best money-maker on the farrn is the hen. She turns grass into green ,tacks, grain in;stoa gold, and from sand she, tonus Ssavler. Wingham is :having their municipal election ,early this year, Dec, 3rd. al he earlier election is 'well worth consider- ation by other municipalities. Premier Baldwin of Great Britain from aai uncertain position of defence has assumed the offeaspvie as his elec- tion drive, and curnent opinion is that he will he re --,elected. The King Government's placing a sales tax on insulin, which' is given away at less than gout; for the benefit of bumanity is surely an ill-considered thing. There is surely no 'argument in favor of such a tax, Theme is greats danger in the faur- wheel brake in as far that the speed fiend thinks they are far the purpose of stopping quicker when on fast speed. While in reality they are fox the pur,pewa of stopping more steadily with less 1eaar CO titre, and chassis, Farmers sometimes think that busi- ness mean, have a 'snap and are making Money fast. And on the other hand, business men think farming as: a 'very profitable industry, There are many instances where the one has tried the other's jab.,and they almost, invariably wind up by leaving "the other fel- low's" business alone. nesZernember that thousands of other pe :ale axe mailing ani unusual number of letters and parcels, .too, at this season, and if they all pile up togeth- er the last few days, it is impossible to get iev'erything handled and; deliver- ed on time,. and ,somebody is bound to be ,disapponted. Mail early and see that your friends get your Christmas greeting before the day's festivities are over. 'I'I1E PUBLIC EYE B/rog4, a In proof of our statement that we can serve you in. our professional opto- metric 'capaci'ty we cite the numerous cases of afflicted eyes =in this town that we have helped back to clear vis - inn. We askyou to inquire about out professional conduct and our abilities and then consult us. We wliil render you scientific remedial services ands tnoderabe hitt DR. JOHN 'WARD. CHIROPRACTOR and OPTICIAN Phone 70 Main St, Exeter Make It Early That Sitting For Your Christmas Photograph NOVEMBER is the month that we can give you the best attention. 12 Photographs 12 Presents Think of the economy. Make an Appointment TO -DAY 3. Senior Photo Stildi ixeter, Ozit.� EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOV.29, 1923 SAND RS 8 CRI.ECH No bake calri pay Ithe fiddler,'s bill by y ilir, and Mrs. Emerson Vitond and l.®®Ceal ,News daughter, Miss Margaret, of Alivwri,- I't take,s less effort to make good rm. stone visited .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mr W Kuntz a=s movirg into his Jodinston last week. impressions than to re -make bad. en,es. ,newt/ bonen doing the fiddling • himself. The man who len''t good for anything else can always teR yotat how it should be donee, exclusively by the time when it hap- pens to arrity e. The boss as the man who gets down to work an hour latter and not have to ti4t1k of a gated. lie, Mr. Merchant, if you want ashare of the Christmas business, now is the 'tame to advertise. It must be nice fa be a handsome society boy and have nothing to da but look for a rich widow. The date of Indian summer. is fixed The objection. 'to liberal thought in the church 4s .that it seems to resemble doubt more: than anything else. Fiery marl should hunt alone until he has trained hip lshotguru to climb a fence without getting hysterical. A thoughtful -girl is one 'who parks ger gum under the table while eating instead of throw4ing it on the floor. It is uttrea,aouvable, however, to •ex- pect the farmer to keep raesing eats 4fanday aerate.. cap tured the hearts of hawhile th,e city keeps raising wages. i hearers by quoting long memory scrip- T•he Exeter Lodge a Oddfeltows, aural lessons of the day, Mr. Rogers Some folks think That a conscience elected officers far the ,fre=t six has been blessed with more than ord- iR good enough to tta1ae to church, but m -:nibs of 1924 on, Tuesday evening, inary gifts of memory. The '/hank of - an obstacle to take to the business. as follows„—Noble Grand, T. Pryde; fering al one -hundred we undred dollars an or - Vice Grand, H. C. Rivers • Rei: -Sec. , •er subscribed by about 25 per cent. The .open car is less comfortable R. N. Creech; Fin, -Sec., W. Johns; a tribute of the splendid loyalty of but you don't absorb so much glass Treas., E. M. D,;gnan; Trustees, W. tie congregation when you decide to pass the other Johns, W. 1•Iaa•tin, R. N. Creech; Med-' fellow at the curve, icai Examiner; Dr. Graham i Miss Love of Grand Bend spent .lt Sunday with Mise Gladys Wolfe. The Exeter Salt Works cloae&doww�r this week for the winter. . Miss Ariel Beverley is off duty at Crediton at the Baok of Commerce owing to ._.0.00.0.......... Anniversary Services, --The anniver- 141r, Thos. Johns, who has commen. , sary services of the Miethodist Church ced a produce business in Dashwood on Sunday last were very .successful„ is moving thence thiia week. , !The weather being all that could be ' elrs. Rich, Murphy, who has been i desired at the y frilled church greeted the Rev; corn - confined to hes- bed for several weeks, Clysdale; of Main. Street Church, Ex - stili continues in :w*ery .poor health'_ eter, who, . n a clear, powerful way, Ur. Arta Delve as n,ur ain.g a sore delivered a sermon that was much, ap- hand these days, the Aresult of a rusty predated by all present. In the even - nail penetrating it at considerable ing the services of the Evangelical Peng?/'• Church were withdrawn, and every The Alain Street .church Mjpsian ( available chair and space had to be Circe held a Bazaar in the Town thessi d intoservithat gathered, mdate Hall on Saturday/ A good crowed at- the whom had crowds be turneaway tended and about $75 was realized, through lack of room inside. The Rev, McTavish of Crediton preach- pastor, Rev. D, McTavish, assisted by ed in Main Street Church on. Sunday Rev. Dreier of the Evangelical Church morn n�g, the pastor 'taping miniver- who led in prayer, conducted the ser - sexy services at Credtiton 17,ethadist vice; his subject being "Self-righteous cvuxch. Bfigotry," and his plea was for amore 1 bene erly attitude toward each other; Mrs. ,David Mack reaeived word last espec„a11y in aur religious life. The week of the death of her siater••inn chavr,anointed by !Mr. Frank Taylor of lawn, Mrs. William `Mack, who • died in Exeter, maintained its reputation, pre - St. Marys illness Friday last., after a ling- aiding suitable music for the day. erJmg ilsu-ss from meniazrittis,, Mrs. Ttev David Rogers of St, Thomas Mack, Mrs, McEwen and ;Mr. and Mrs,' rebase presence graced the marnrng Wilfrid .Mack attended the funeral on adlm es s, With their new inc • ts5>oan Circle of James Street the Ferguson Moving picture plant Methodist Church gave a Raiuubow Miss Trellis Hodgins of London g,government will likely Tea in the basement of the church f spent the week end with her parents take a picture of Hatt Peter Smith's an Wednesday evienang of last week, •Mr, and firs, Alonzo Hodgins. surplus,. and Hon, Bigg ,road exp,endi- A goodly number were present. ',The ;fir, S, S. Jordan, of, Elgin, Ill.,, is here tum.',• , supper was served iiia, courses, the pee- , g ole go xkg from q h.er, addressing ?hoe •evangelistic meet- 12rs. Slow' was vexed, "Mary, . tell one table to the nest Has uw the EvangAIica1 Church. 12r, Slawv I'm ready now, I thought fc*r some site tables to obtaisn the he was dressed and wvaatin ,•' rtiTar various courses. The tables were deo. j Twenty Fifth Wedding Anniversary: g Y, orated in •rainbow colors, A program Saturday, November 25, 1923, .wean a on meturni:ng, "Please, ma'am, he was, was even during the supper. but he says now youjil have .o wart d- pp Tlr,e, red-letter day in the life of bar. and s until he have agaiau(' goose amounted to about X70 Mrs, Jacob Gasser, when their children r2 1B� !Mrs. Jacob Ratz and Mr.. Albert Gals - . In 1911 Godenich voted on a money ` n ` FRACTURED, er and their companions, the grand - by -lawn to help the hospital and it was Male going for milk on WrEnaan children, six in 'number, also brothers defeated by 367 to 326. Last week street Monday night Mn Robert A, and sisters and other near friends and they voted an another by -lore, for the Sanders f,.11 unto an opera ditch near relatives, numbering about 40 in all, same purpose and ,it was defeated- by Mr, W. H. Armstrong's residence, re- assembled;_ to ,participate in the happy nearly the same vote,• 390 to 325, - ce.v_ng a bad shaking up, .as -well as celebration. A sumptuors wedding injuries to his side and a couple frac-dinner .via served and a very enjoy- able people have money;.in,flue bank tired ribs, able program was rendered ,,n honor of the ,esteemed parents, consisting of duetts by Miss Clara, Morlock and Mrs. tIvA bank d d Albert Geiser; readings by Mess Flor- three per cent interest while the mer- 9umte a number of the young siren ence Turnbull, dialogue by Alma and and do not thank tit wrong to enter a store and charge goods. Why should TAKING COURSES your money lay in pie. am raw chant has to borrow from the bank and women of the country district Croydon Ratz, greetings by friends at the rate of seven pen cent to meet around Exeter are laking Bourses here from afar were read, address by Rev.payment on the goiods;hfe sold you. Do on Elementary Agriculture and Home WV• Y. 'Dreier, who also acted as you imagine that you oris saving any- Economics. The boys classes are chairman The. children and friends thing by charging goods? If -you do, being conducted in ithe Town Hall, presented the happy jubilants with loll are mistaken. The merchant has and the girls' classes in Senior's Hall, two lovely and comfortable upholster - to charge et to someone. 'That some- The studies commenced onNov.26th ed chairs. The following address was one as Haat the ice h> customer. It is the and will last infill Feb. 211th, and ora , read and Mr. Jacob Galanmade a fit - under the management of the OntarioHaig and touching reply: Department of Agry'culture, Hurori To Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Gasser,- County Branch, of which Mr. S. B. . Dearly beloved parents and grand- Stathers o! Clinton is the represent- parents, it seemed impossible for us at;ve. Thecourse comers a - great to permit the occasion of your 25th earns he attendance in :each ,braneh� rodding anniversary to pass 'by with - on the attendauice seas not largo out observing the event in a festive on the, iopen ag days, it is expected to manner, . Tbus we have assembled here he augmented considerably La ai few to -day under this very happy and days when the fall work, is completed• pleasant circumstance on this dear old bom•estead so full of imperishable and HOCKEY MEETING, sacred memorises, a,nd.where a wonder- fully kind Pravidenoe has measured -On Wedrhesday night last a meeting out. to - you His unceasing, temporal of those interested in - hockey was and spiritual blessings,. And as God, held in F. Bayles Barber Shop, and lour Heavenly Parent, has been to leve• by discussion took place on the you, so you have: been, to us,, and be- pas'ibnli:ttes ;of ,exut(ermg a team or cause of all this you goodness to us, teams ,in one ar 'bath of the league-, your Christian example and influence A canvas of Abe field of playing ma- in, the home, your safe, moral and, spir- aerial vas made, and a list of players itual guidance in the home and family recorded, The 'deciision, as to enter our hearts are overflowing with land- ing the leagues as 'well as other pre- rLess, appreciation and thankfulness to liminary platters rvpls 'loft 'with the you, for things are valuable beyond the executive. T. ,R, Ferguson .presided price. of rubies and disonands and all over the meeting and R. N. Creech . material l peasessllons, -ibis parental ole the minutes. Officers were el- home has serer been fragrant with cted as follows,—Hoar: Pres., J. G, peacre, love, harmony and .happiness4 )throne ; Pnes,, W. J, .Heamatu; Vice and above all, it has ever been a mel - resident, 1. N. Creech; S,ec.,-Treas„ low and fertpla garden plat in which R. Ferguson; Manager, F. Boyle; Christita,n- ehrerecter might will cense xe('utive Committee, Pres., Vice-. tw its richest maturity in the lives of e'.-Treas., ivLaavager, and H. O. ynur offspring• For five do w-11 to outhcatt H. C. Ravers, l,. O'Brien, aba.erve that the Chrrastian home is 'customer that lets the bills run. The news published in any news- paper naturally does not please every- body, To produce. a newspaper that would gratify the whirns and desires of ,every ,individual would probably re- sult in the newsless ' journal. Keeping 'etc/dents out of the paper or color- ing them to suit theviewpeinnts of sera taint readers is unfair to the general run of patrons. The newspapers do not make the aware. They make events public ' after they have happened ar cbros;cle those which are scheduled court 'trials, arrests, b.oatleg raids pol- itical activities and other happenings uz, daily life. It is their duty to pub- lish what has occurred. EGGS -FOR HUMAN FOOD. The - regulations utnder the LiVie Stock and Live •Stock Products Act respecting "The Grading and Mark - mg of Eggs,", provide that "no per- son shall buy far sale or resale, or ea expose, offer for ;sale, or sell eggs C which are Unfit for human food. p The grades of fresh eggs are `spec- ,T ia.ls, `extras,' 'firsts,' 'seconds,'" ♦ S L. Hoffman and E. Steele. Several the most fundamental institution in Exeter Council of the Zurich boys were presenfi, the w^sld, I't is the sheet anchor of ;Monday., Nov, 26th, 1923 -A A regular . meeting of the Municipal, Council was held- in :the office of the . clerk, with all mienvbers eare.sent. Tlie minutes of the meeting held Nov. 14. E were read and arppravied. The auditor's report for October C was mead and accepted, iti A grawnt ,of $25 was made to'the as Stephen and 'Claiborne Agritcuitural So- ei cilety on motion of Feancis and, Hoop- wen ex. -Carried , ag The following accounts were ;read Y and passed,—J, Senior, prepaid ac- count re respecting. of weigh scales 14 a telephone message 10c.; H. Bierlimg sa extra street watering 2:20, CecilRowe up sand SOc. ; E. Treble, repair acc•ouant to 5,15; Well Heaan,, painting 11.39.; J cf Jewell, mason work town hall 25.10; E J, Dignan &' San, [repairs 5.00;; Cecil t' Ford, labor cemetery 1.75; John ! yid of do., 8.75; R, ,MacKenzip: & Son, sup; io' Plies e eme tery 2.90 G. A. Hawkins, supplies library 1.85, 'roads and bridges 7 tr 22;89, town hall 17.73, cemetery 10,55 in —53.02; •Hillary Horton, rep 7,60; Div -h? ision, Court Clerk and bailiff, fees, b 48,00; Advocate Printing Co, printiriig ye and supplies 282.42; Times Printing Co' , printing 81.45, Board of Health' 8.90 ,1 -90,35; Frank. Mellott, part salary, l `i 18.00; Dr; J. W. Brrowrri`ag„ .YT>H O.: 50:00; C. H. Sandors, chairman Board ofn of Health, 10.00; T CollOigwvaod, tru ant -ofi'iicer 10,00. Ad j. by Davie. of , Jos, ,Sear, Clerk. las the neaten, In it ()enter the peace PPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT. and prr'apen_'ty of the whale race of Mr. • Ed Irwv son -lin -law mankind; ti is Gal's nursery for an, mj-iml-law of Mr. rowing souls, and nothing an ,make nd Mrs, i'kios. London town,, and gen- en for the lack ,of it. It is th,e chief e -al a�g;e.nt at for the Ontario cornerstone of .society, the preserver cluitable Life and Accident Insurance of }ave and order and of a xeserian o., has been •nten need to the poo- citizew an that makes for stren;;th on of okSue beaent of ,t1_yenciea and safety far beyake 4hat of m:d.i_ar id wall maloe his hleaidquarters at Wat- Y rleo after January 1, 1924. Mr. It' and saiwt p1170m.s a started his insurance (career as Happe the home where Jesus' name est for the ,Equitable.Life of Nese Is .ie,rcet to every fear,. ork at Norwich, same 20 years ago, Where children early lisp His name Janfu ur'y 1916, he, ,,was ;• apptointed And Farenuts hold it 'dear; enc runt sir at Landon for the Happy the /tome where prayer ';s heard, � Y wig i dlZdd praiseisrecant' �ariseme connpamy wfhienMr. Tweed gave here arerzts lovle. fluenettedrward that po:s,ition to become superio live but tom 'tihfe skies. eden:t'of agencies of the Mutual Lila Dear parents, it is our fond hope Canada at Waterloo. When, the axed prayer that by the kind Pro'vid- guitable Life of New York 'discos- eaacc of God you. may be ;pniied to sued business: an Canada at the end share f ath us the joys and felicities 1920 Kr, Irwin Tweed his .associates of the golden anniversary of your sed with !VIr, in the organ- marriage 25 yarn hence, and that all atios of the Ontario Equitable,Life: of life's ,even! nig nanny ice full. of joy . Irwviefs agency has ben the lead- axial gla'dn uses Arm now, per'mi.t us to g agency of the Ontario Egaitabl;e, place lin, Your halrids ltlrius'taken of our sang produced over 1,000,000 0l'. Placeakg irrue• and esbe m toward you. afr usi.umesis in + ;ach of !the past three and \lids it groes lour. ,prafypr that God's a bless,`(rug may constantly ;attend you and that yo!,t may :continually ' find in Gaderic'n nosy asses strewau 4n.yau,r pathway.,, alr. John Hand, was tesday cm, •bust less. So^aved ,ign. behalf ;.of, your ,children Wardens Beaver; was :tri 'Godea'i�o]i and grrai�dchildreri, brolth�ers and sisters. County 'business. Mr, Ernest •Rachier and Ms. Beatrice, ark of London visited alt the home '• ,.\VJme,rh .i:-ooanairn marries she not only` Mr, and Mwrs, Jlolhn4 Hind on Sunday takes the Ytia(r,'s name but everything t, else :ve hat A maiden fair Witli sun kissed hair Came tripping down The street, Her fac e serene, Her age nineteen, Gee whiz, but she was sweet. Ore the sidewalk slick, She came dawn quick With a jolt that shook her curls, But the words she ` used Must beexcused, For shewas one of our races tg irls. MARRIAGES Hooper—Oke—At the 'Methodist par- sonage, Centralia, on Saturday, Nov. 24, by Rev. Walter I<itley, Mr. Waw. Ilam H. Hooper of Exeter, to Miss. Grace Oke of Centralia. Parke—Consitt—At the home of sIr. and Mrs. Thos. Cansitt, wear Zurich, on Nov, 21, by Rev. R. A. Lundy their younger daughter, Annie Pearl to Clarence Parke, son, of ilIr, and Mrs John Parke of Heenan, Bremner—J `rue.>—At• St. James Pres- byteries.; maxrse, Leloxsoin, on, Nov, 20, Floreeace Emily, third daughter of Ur. and Mrs, Wm. Jones, Granton, to John Bremner of London. Pearson—Hubbart--•At Bayfield an Nov 21st, by the Rev. Basil P. Colclough Maud Hubbart to John Pearson, both of Bayfield, DEATHS eacEwen—In Stanley, an Nov. 21 Male colm McE woven, aged 78 years. Morrison—In Detroit, on Nov. 19th Mary Morrison, widow of the late. Alexander Morrison, formerly o£ the 14th Con. of Stephen, aged 91 years. McDonald—At Mt. Haile, London, on Nov, 25, Bary :McDonald, formerly of the 14th Can. of McGillivray, ag- ed 39 years, Home is a plane where a man's, oth- er pants are. rss. best gu?des we have, known are . . experts :m hunting everything but a bathtub, Our old fashioned opinion is that People wrens happier when they trusted in God insead of consulting lawyers. ' PouUrymen5 Have: you ever considered the ad- visability of forming an Egg Circlet Medlar you have or not, try to attend either of the fallowing meet - i nga, EXETER TOWN HALL. Dec. 6th, 8, e m, HENSALL COUNCIL CHAMBER Dewe. 7th, 2 p. m. These meetings will be addressed by T, A. Benson of the Department of Agriculture Ottawa., i1r, Benson' is just fresh from Oxford County where egg circles have been. ;ucra a success, S. B. iSTOTHERS, Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontai is STEWART'S Only 22 Days To Shop for Christmas. Come in and see our display of useful and attract rte ,gifts. r Here you will find gifts suitable for every member of the faily, and your friends as well: Our select.iom, is large, tlz;e quality guaranteed, and prices are at rock -bottom for Christmas Shoppers. Give us a call and we will lay away any article you may choose until you are ready for it. We will not even ask you for a deposit. Choose That Dinner Set Now. We have 15 different patterns in stock, and new sets are arriving ev- ery few days. Our sets sell because all patterns are attractive, qualities are guaranteed and our prices are, right. See .our special white and gold' set — 97 pieces for $25.00, Visit Our Display of China, Cut Glass and Reed Work You - will most certainly wish to choose several gifts from this dei partment, Complete stocks of Bridal Rose, Blue Bird and Overland. Your friends are saving these patterns—leelp them add to their colectlan;% Special Bargains Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats $37.60 and $35.00 Coats for $31.50 $30.00 and $27.50 Coats for $22.50 $23.50 and $20.00 Coats for $18.50 54 in. Pure Wool Holnespuns for $1.49 yd Warm Cashmerette Hose 5c. Silk and Wool Stockings $1.15 Pure Wool Sport Hose 75c. Chamoisette Cuff Gloves 98c. Ladies' $1.25 and 1 Vests for 75c Everyone of the above is guaranteed Barga'a on seasoaha.ble articles., Coma in. and take advantage of the saving we -offer you, - men Get our Prices - Before You Buy Underwear, Sox, Sweaters,., Sweater 'Coats, Overcoats, Suits, Rubber Boots, Winter Caps, Shirts, or Mitts, Grocery Prices Rubber, Mixed Cookies, fresh and crisp 19c.15 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for zya Sweetheart Peanut Butter;. 1lbpail 29c Shredded Wheat, 12c. per package Comfort, Gold, P. is G, and Sunlight Soap, 7c. a ar 3 for 20c. Our Best Bulk Tea, 65c. per Ib. Special Blend Coffee ..,...40c, lli. Salavla Tea 65c per lb. Best Bulk Cocoa, , , ,.,..1$c, lb Odd White Cups lOc •each, or 6 for 55c, Royal Yeast' Sc. Grape Nuts, ` 17c Lux lac:. 6 lbs, O'Meal .,. 25c. Raisins ,., 3 1-2 lbs. 50c. Lemons, 2 for •5c, Christie's Soda Biscuits, , ixeah ; and - crisp, 15c. lb ti 1 r i t 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 4 1 4 1 1 1 ,1