HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-11-22, Page 8EXETER • AvSIDC;ATE, 'TRURO A Y. MTV. 221 1923 Exeter Markets CH EVERY WEDNESDAY, ., O.ttS ,,. ;,.,55 5 e. 3.55 , 3.40 3.05 „ 190 ...... for 1... ,170 45 B Y . 'ri..t^ba's Best Flour Family Flour Pastry Flour Feed Flour Ben Sla arts ,,..... New Laid Eggs H L1L Crz•aniely Butter Dairy Butter , Lard ,.. 48 to 20 Hogs ... ... ,,.7,75 W. R. Goulding A. T. C. ,M. Orga:n.st and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music in the Public Schools • Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER ESTRAY STEER. --There strayed from Lot 26, Con. 1 Usiborn*, an about Nov. :nth; a red; two-year-old steer with horns. Kind- ly send informa,tion to tVm., Sillery, R. R. 3, Exeter. -N POPLAR POLES FOR SALE, up - to Those Harrison, 4th Stephen, Exeter POs toft ic e. --- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - A comfortable house centrally located in Exeter. Apply to Frank Del - bridge Exeter. We have a good supply of feed - bran, shorts, feed flour, middlings, GV ester,a, oats, a:1 cake, tankage, etc. Harvey Bros. Get your reserver seat at Howey' Drug store for the Spinsters' Retur next Wednesday night. You will b sorry if you don't. S n e BARLEY )WANTED. S aO bushels barley to be delivere at Caun`ng Factory barns, Con. 2 Stephan. Highest price will be paid Byron E. Hicks. d Our Western Wheat Flour will • give you just the bread you want Try et. Harvey Bros. HU.NEY FOR SALE. Dark variety at 6c. Will pay high- est cash p -ice for raw Furs of all kinds jOHti CARRICK, Phone, Dashwood, Haya P, O, PIGS FOR SALE -19 York pigs weighing around 100 lbs. Apply to j. A, VanCamp, Phone 57r2, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT El) FOR Exeter and district, to sell the "Old reliable Fonthill Nurseries:' Spring selling season now starting. Largest demand for stock since the war; exclusive territory; Highest com- missions; Free equipment., Stone & We111ingto , Toronto, Large Tulip and Hyacinth bulbs for sale at cost. Fall premiums now ready for members of Horticultural Society, at office of Secretary, Mr. 3. G. Stanbury. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND. -A place where you can buy British American gasoline at 30c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1923. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council Goderich, Nov. 17th, 1923. Gets. W, Holman, County Clerk WANTED - KEEPER AND MATRON. \taea anal"' Wife to take charge of the Huron County Home. near Clinton, and the farm connected thereviith. Applications, personal preferred, to be mad: to the undersigned by Alan - day, Dec. 3rd, 1923, No apa'ication necessarily accepted. John Torrance, Inspector Hurotn Co. Horne.- Elliott ome. Elliott and johns Merchant Tailors As we are just starting ler the Tandpr ing Bus,:res> we are gointo give to the pubic a bargain, and ''this is what the bargain i;s goring to be. -We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast color; never fame Indigo Dye. This suit ;is regular $40.00 and for two ,eodinrs we, are going to give you an extra pai,pf paints of the same cloth. But this bargain is lumiited. Six suits is all will be sold at this price. So don't delay. Wood for Sale We have a limited quantity, of cord a •c .,: e wadi foss e.: -'S .oak` u. k lx,.fo • 't. l' tp' q re 1. *mars ...samara BAGSHAW .& EASTON Local' RECEIVED DEER _ ' .loin •s The o. rtrzdae season closed.-, Tues-' day, Nov 20th. Mrs. Wm. MelviOile is recovering from her recent alltrireas. Mr, ' Luther J. Penh -ale s confined to his home With Ian attack of quinsy; The infant (laughter of \Ir. and Mrs, W. L. Phinn (nee Labelle Handford) died in London I, Mx, Prank. Woo last week aieceived a Vale doe, shot by ;his son Dr. Clair \Toad of Sudben'y. After cutting it up, Frapic remembered lets friends and spent a busy ,lacy distributing the meat The pu'blis,hers of The Advo- cate acknowledge with thanks a cou- ple of nice ,piieces, which they thor- oughly enjoyed' Rpays to advertise, The,sack of e Br;:gadier• General King of London, ith goods advertieed in last week's Advo- av others of his staff, was in town eate as lost, has been d restoreto the on Wednesday night last inspecting owner through the advert red nt in this local volunteer company, who, far the Advocate, some,tinve, have been in,training under Major Heainan, Under the command The chicken pie social given in the of the major and the sergeants, Nor - basement of the Presbyterian church man Norry & W. Davis the boys went on Thursday evening attracted a large through many manoeuvres, and stood number, who. are fond of that delicacy, up well under the inspection. A short program seas ;also given, INSPECTED VOLUNTEERS. Ur. Rogers, High Schoai Inspector, EXETER OLD BOY HONORk,D. tof Toronto, spent 'Their sday and Fri- day on Ilia o'h.cial inspecttan of Ex- i For -26 •years, Reginald Elliot, an Ex- eter School .On Thursday evening he eter, Old Boy, has guided the destinies met this Board of Education and ills- . (If the. Norwich branch, of the Molsons cuseed. conditions bate. Baaak. When he retired from active service to move to Toronto a few Rod and Gun cs among: the most in_ days ago, the business Men of Nor- • (teresting magazines coming into our wsieh held a banquet in his Honor apt sanctum, It always has an interesting he Norwich Inn, known as the-Da•kej collection of sporting articles from House. 111.r. Elliot was presented, with good writers and it would be an ex- a beautiful gold headed umbrella. and c•eihent magazine for those interested a club ba;, i.n fishing and hunting. On Thursday morning when plough- SENT HOME DEER. ing Reeve Beavers' Barden ones of Mr. Richard Davis' horses broke through )'tach amusement was on tap at the covering of an old well. A gang Rivers' Beat (Market last week when cal men with the Help of a derrick Harp bad the bays guessing as to the lifted the animal out, and it was little av'eag.ht of the larger of the two deer the worse for the experience, sent down from the north country by Word has been received from Pt- Messrs, Joih Hunter, John Hunkin tawa,whichand Bert Kerrliek. The' animal :was permits theextension of partly dressed, and its length when) the time. far the legal disposal.of pro-) banging on the hook certainly fooled praetory or patenta medicines mention- the, boys, many of whom gtuessed from ed in Order it ,Council No, 2010, dated 200 to 600 lbs. When weighed it September 17, 1920, for one year from January, 1924, until January 1, 1925. Rev. C. E. Maiming of Toronto was the special preacher on Missions in the Methodist Churches here Sun- day -in James Street in the morning and (alit Streit in the .evening, Rev, Clysdale of Main Street preached in James Street Church in the evening. Rev, Donnelly was in Parkhill, \lain Street Mission Circle are hold - ring a Bazaar tin the 'Town Hall, Sat- urday, articles 1e, and 1hHorneat 3 baking will L be homet„•on John age Strieet., years, irs. ElliTatt bad been fouling in health for a few months, but was able to trs about as usual -until that morning, when she suffered. a stroke of paralysis and died fat a few hours. She had been a resi- tipped the scale at 127 lbs, The deer were 'shot, we understand, by Mr. Hunter and lir. HunkLn.. VIr, Kernjck also, got a deer, buit it did not arrive until Monday marling, It weighed 142 pounds, The hunters got home this week. DEATH OF MRS. ELLIOTT. An aged resident of Exeter passed away suddenly on Thursday of last week an the person of Mrs, Susan sold and lunch served, NOTICE The barbers of Exeter have agreed dent of this district adl her 'life and to the following prices: Hair cut 25c; for many years resided in Eeete Children under 12 years, 20e, except on Saturday when it will be 25c; shave 15c, including neck shave. F. M. Boyle A. M. Hodgert M'. Mitchell N. Hockey There will be a hockey meeting in F. M. Boyle'a barber shop Thursday evening. Those interested will please attend. HOUSE TO RENT. •.Brick house on Huron Street, apply to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office. GRE'TA H. LAMMIE, A. T. C, M. Concert Violinist, Teaches of Piano and Violin. Terms very moderate, Box 58, Exeter. Phone 113w, DR, H. H, COWAN, L,D,S., Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, Thursday and Saturday D,D.S, every Main Office,- Ha.rtleib -Block DASHWOOD, ONT. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon icDemell's Stables, John St., Exeteo (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday, Services in Town Hall 11 &M, -Holiness Meeting 7 p:m1-Salvation Meeting, 2,30p.m.-Sunday School, and Bible Gts. Cottage hieetikalga ?at North, End or Tuesday knight, Habbins; Captain. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 era. -"HOW 10. Please ,God." 7 ram, -"The Sin of the Settled." • - Rev A. A, Tzumper, Rector. CAV.EN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey. 'James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a, m. --Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 aim.- St. Andrew St. Andrew Day Service 7 p.M.-"The Weapons of Our War- . fare." Boy Scouts' meet Friday evening. Her husband died several years ago. Two daughters survive,, Miss Laura, and Mrs Jahn Walper. Mr. George Windsor is a brother and Mrs. Geo, Sneil a sister, bath of town, The funeral which was of a private nat- ure took place on Saturday to Exeter cemetery. FIVE GENERATIONS, The London pagers last .week con- tanned the group picture of the El= lintt family, in which are represented five generations. T.he pictures- were good and those represented therein are; Mr Thomas Elliott, sr., Kirkton, Thomas Elliott, who resides ran Slain street, Exeter, near the bridge; Mrs. Norman F. Lloyd, grand -mother of Lrucefield; Mrs, Victor Kennedy ot, South Battteford, Sask., arid ha- son, Christopher. Thomas Eihott, sr„ of. Kirkton, though over 83 years of age is still hale and hearty, able to do his share of the farm -work. and looks goo far another 20 years. Born in Devon- shire, England, he. came to Canada 50 years ago wn,th )is ,wife, and twa chil- dren, a daughter, nolo Mrs. Wm. Hill of Plane Mich., and Thomas, who has lived in Exeter for' the past 30 years. The family settled on the homestead at Kirkton and there the children grew tea manhood and womanhood. Thee youngest son, William, lives an the farm with his father and another son, Samuel limes cin Exeter The mother died several years ago, Thom- as Eil:ott, jr., is the lather of five sons, and two, daughters, all of whose are: alive. He is the grandfather of 14 grandchildren and one great -grand c.brld, Christopher Kennedy, the lit- tle child itt the ,picture, Mr. Reg. Elliot of Norwich spent a few days with relatives here, Mr, Ernest Wells and iMr. Cecil % ord returned Saturday from Flint, Mich, Mrs. -T; S,- Wood left Thursday fax a few weeks` visit In. Detroit wilth rela t14 s': • Mr Gordon Wejisi of Windsor was hone thf-s week to ,see the new babe and the mother, Mr, Jas " Handford, and daughter Miss Annie, left Monday to visit nelatiws in Toronto. Mr, .Geo. Wylliis, 11r,. j. E. McGuffin, Mrs, Smith, and Mrs. Douglas of Lon- don spent Tuesday in. town, Mr, W. W, Taman was in Blyth o1v Sunday for see his brother-in-law, Mr. Samuel Gidliey, who is still canfi.ned to his bed, fohowing a stroke, e1essrs• Rob1. Skinner, Fred Eller- ington, Arthur bltchell,i Wm. Coates and John Ratcliffe are attending the Fat Stock. Show at Toronto this week, Who Is !She t Tl e identity of "The Wonderful Herone" , whose amazing life ' story appeared in the family Herald and Weekly Stas`, is •causing 'widespread speculation.' Her remarkable achieve- ments under appalling conditiions,. handicapper) lione often than aided byler .peat g beauty, most certainly IAMES ST METFIQD`IST CH[J)CiCIi have; justified• the °claim that - she was: aorta ^svcman ntta, teat rtr>J:11,on. " 10,15-Motnrna;g Class It Is nom,- announce d that a heautt- 13.,00-Morning Warshap�-"Fire roof fill •portrait of 4th. Wonderful Hero- „ n • ) e' reproduced •' E'ai;th. ine,' 1s in all. the�tia(ors of ., r-- ..+ti'.. the', or,gr l}'.> .e ,i• r r, l' , _ rt Ub nal rrlast:.r LCLv "W l! q'•'A .p .be, a 0-- u a r- . b .3.R S, nxf ... Sdha .. y, off, - 7. - free to subscribers .,,of .the FamLly.an; F ith � a 7.00" -The 7 U i{,"i Borne WEL.COMI:• • eekly Star, Mioirutreai,• that is, `4 .1tb, those who subscribe 'in time. s PHONE 32 _ .. .. JONES & MAY ornplete Showing of Christmas IA 4 \m/ dy rl 7.\ \!I PHONE 32 X Our Stock of Christmas Merchandise is now nearly complete and on display for your inspection. We have an iann1ense stock of Useful Gifts to select from, 'such; as neck scarfs for ladies wnd Teles' ; Iles, I•Iand Bags, Handkerchiefs, Bath Robes and ICim oras, Fur Sets, Etc„ Etc; Come early w,bile the stocks are (complete. Ladies' and Mises' "Burberry Style" Coats at $19.00 Ladies' and .Misses' Extra )Heavy Cloth ,Coats in Barberry Style, good coloring of Heather, Lovat, Etc.; o,n ly a 'few, ta sell'at the very special price of $,19,00 .each, , Clear-ing Sale of Dresses We a,rw:- placing out, kale this week a number', of Ladiies,' and; Misses' good quali ty Cloth Dresses ittt Serges andTeico:tgnes, These are odd liners and sizes, but good styles, To clear at greatly reduced prices. Men's All Wool Underwear at $1.50 Garment 7 dozen Men's All Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, sizes 36 to 42; • a real bargain at $1,50 garment. Silk Remnants at $1.00 We still have a number of silk remnants, worth up to $3.00 per yard to clear at $1,00 yd, Furs Remember we are clearing all our fur sets at exactly half price, Oft O 0 TA CI) ci N in 42 C3 104 Men's and Boys' Overcoats at Popular Prices MEN'S AT $12, $17, SZO, 125, BOYS' COATS AT $7,00 'to $17.40. $28. Small Boys' Overcoats Our Small Boys' Coats, made of the same cloth as the Men's, unbeatable, The prices are low- $5.00, $6.00, $9,00, New Styles Boys' Bloomer Suits are Just Received -, 3 dozen new Styles Smart Tweed and Worsted Suits for Boys. The new! Style, fancy back Suits, just the kiind your boy will\ want, JONES & MAY'. AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES • �k� •,rte\ '•a" �. �°�' .e��". .:i SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Young Men's and Men's Overcoats This Season we are showing some snappy b models for young � men, as well as the more staple styles for older men, We wtgnt you to see these Our prices, too, are, very reasonable, -s $13 $18 $25 $30 •a Men's and Women's Underwear In the best makes - Penman's, Turnbull's and Stanfield's. • We carry stock of these well known brands in Children's, Women's, and Men's, We have a Special in Ladies' 'Veit and Drawers at per garment 75c, Rubbers and Rubber Boots A pair of good rubbers adds greatly to the life of any shoe. It does not pay to let your feet get:wet this weather, We sell Dominion and Miner Rubbers. Dominion Lang Rubber Boots sell at $5.00. Sonthcott Bros. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer "for' Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable ,:and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER •Attctioatreer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock sakes a specialty. Four years experience, OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional -School of Auctiwineerisag,, Spec= ial Course taken in- Regi,stiered Live Stock, -Merchandise, Real •Estate ' mond Farm : Lazeds ' Rites 1n lceepim$ with .,Prent,Alang, market prices. 'Satisfaction asked" Write or wire 18-93,Zuri Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. h, G. S. AT,KINSON, L;D,S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate ,of the Royal College of Dental Surg,eootns of Ontariol, arsd Un-. iveersu,ty of Toronto. Late Dilstnict Dental Officer, AIi1�t•, airy Distrvct Number one, Landon, Ont` Main Office -Dickson Block, Main street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m, Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zdnich Ont„ Phone 79, Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a:'m. tlo.5 ip.4r1 ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON' Orders .:A . th, dvlocat:oat at~t1t�e• H e , Central ' ort L. E �'rmc�es ' reasonable. Satisfaction giiaratteteed, Exeter: The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known an apaatcatia Stray Animals -One insertion SOc., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous a holes of not more than fine links, Fol; Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found lodela 25c, an insertion Local reading notices, etc„ 10c ser Line per insertion.? No notice less than 25c. Card of Thank§ 50c. Auction Sales 53 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fiivje inches in length. Legal advreert&s$ng 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Reall Estate' for sate 50c, each insertion fait one'monith of four insertaoat8. We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture 'AT LOW PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R N. ROWE conductor of Funeral Services Phones -Business, 20w. Residence, 21))J 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor,' Etc Loans, Investments _ Insurance Offeree, Coling Black, ;,Main St. Exeter' Dr. G, F. Rroulsboni, L. D. S,., D. S, DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We drove a large amount of private' funds to . loan on farm and village property ,at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY; Barristers, Solicitors, "Exeter Dr. A R. ,I KINSMAN, L.13. S ' D . D H, onor , Graduate._'T o orotnt U ' rsh t Y ( Office -,over Glaedman & ;Steelier a Office, Again Street, S ietea.