Huron Expositor, 2007-03-28, Page 3News • Susan Hundertmark photo Gwen Devereaux, Huron FHT board member and Huron East Mayor Joe Seili chat with Maplewood Manor residents and their families while touring the facility last Friday. FHT tours Maplewood Manor From Page 1 having architect drawings made to build a facility for the FHT near the hospi- tal, Maplewood Manor could end up being the FHT's new home. "It depends on the money and it depends on how quick we can get going," he said. "We are pre- pared to build but if we don't have to build, that would be great," said Devereaux. After touring the facility, Devereaux said Maplewood's front hallway - now used as a lounge - could be used as the FHT waiting room while four to eight main floor rooms could be converted to examination and consulting rooms for family doc- tors and allied healthcare pro- fessionals. She said it would be likely retirement home residents would live on the sec- ond floor of the building and possibly in the four rooms at the back of the facility. "We'd probably need a lab facili- ty as well but this might work very well," she said. One of the staff members at Maplewood responded that it would be very helpful for both the residents and the staff to have the FHT move into the building. "It makes good economic sense for the town to support Maplewood Manor. The seniors have paid into taxes for years and for the town, the development trust and the health team to buy the building could be a good thing," she said. Seili said the municipality would not be contributing financially to the building without a part in the ownership of the building. "We've been .. there and done that where we gave money to people to reno- vate a building and then wouldn't tell us how it went and we won't do it again," he said, referring to Huron East's contribution of $100,000 to the S e a f o r t h Medical Centre. When resi- dents, some of whom are mov- ing out this weekend, asked how quickly the change in own- ership could o c c u r, Devereaux said they couldn't make any promises. "We know you're down to eight with more leaving this weekend and we can't blame you - we understand the predicament you're in. We can't ask you to stay in hopes somdthing can be worked out," she said, adding that there are probably other buyers interest- ed in seeing the building as well. She added they are working as quickly as possible to find a home for the FHT since the Ministry of Health has been calling asking how they can help Seaforth's team find a facil- ity. "All we can tell you is we appre- ciate the dilem- ma of the resi- dents and want to keep this (Maplewood) a working asset of the community. We don't know our opportunity to purchase or rent yet but you've got our commitment to explore it and move it as quick- ly as possible," added Chris Lee, a member of the FHT board. Devereaux also said plans were too prema- H. REID ALLEN ItR\IItRI. RI STOIR.1•I•IO\ 1 I\ISHIN(, Pick-up & delivery SEAFORTH 519-527-2717 ture to approach the town's doc- tors about the possibility of moving into Maplewood. The Huron Expositor • March 28, 2007 Page 3 In our previous articles we touched on topics like our professional investrnen process and our unique approach to investing in mutual funds. Today we would lik; to briefly share some of our thoughts investir:q in traditinai common shares. 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