HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-11-8, Page 8EXETER Ai1ITF1FMTL, THURSIJAY; NOV, 83 1323 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wit eat ;,., 45 95 Oats, „ ., Barney ..... 55c. alar neba's Best Flour . 3.55 55 Fam'ly Flour r . 3 Pastry Flour ...... Fed Flour Bran Shorts ,,.. New L 1.1 Eggs H 1.1 Ergs Creamery Butter D ry Butter ,..;., Lard 1,90 , L50 160 54 35 .41-4Z' 35 18 to 20 ,.8 25 W. R. Goulding A. T., C, Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher. of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music in the Public Schools Terms ModerateEh EXETER. Box 57 REME:MIBE.R the Chicken Pie Sup- per at Caveat Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, Nov. 15 fr'b�m 6 to S v c'o:k, Admission 50c. and 35c, PIGS FOR SALE -19 York pigs, J. A, weighing VanCamp, Phone100 b Apply 'to 57r2. The people of Exeter and! District should patron.z.e the High School Ex- et._nes iii theOp._. ra House on Friday evening el: t_iis week. See programs and securr ti-ltets from the students. FARM TO RENT. -150 acres of first class pasture land lots of running water; Con. 2, Lot 18, B.iddulph Town- ship. ownship. Apply to Mrs. James Herbert, Box 23 Lucan. Finn' die. H. S. Orchestra., the Choc- uses, and the Quartette at the Com- nattneenceaf Exercises, Opera House, on Nov. 9.11. Admission 25c. HOUSE TO RENT Goal brick house on Huron Street, wit,, stable, fruit trees, hard and soft water. 2 lots of land -Appy to Herb. For -1 or C. B. Snell, Exeter. BAZAAR The Hurondale W. I. will hold a Bazaar of home-made cooking and fancy and useful articles, on Satur- day, Nov. 10th at 3 o'clock, in the Sample Room of the Central Hotel. SMASHED BUGGY SBY AU Local Doi.n s s l IL Q. �• ., � � / sa, �' 6cQ \. .a : O Sunday, night the buns, d • O n uni n!g un°' riven -""" •by Mr, Jas, Arurth of Usbarn,ewas, 'Mrs. (Dr.) Hynrdman will be, at home bit near the bridgein Exeter North , to her friends ,on Friday, Nov, 16th- It seems that the car driven by Mr, from 3 'tto 6 p.m, i Fred :Dabbs when tur:h ng out, to pass The Vorkmen's Compensation aid- another car an the road, skidded ant !tor has been in'townlfor several, clays j the; slippery pavement and sle-ved, into auditing employer's books, l the ditch. When turning back nn? the toa• d .a a ' ini �'gy carne tine bub E along an I Mrs, Cecil.Walker we:f taker to Vic. ' crashed into, it and completely wreck - i torus Hospital, London, last week 'to ed it. The car had :the windshield undergo ain operation for cyppendicitis! I broken and a rear fender tarn+ off and A meeting of the Exeter U.F.O. Cub, will be held in Senior's Hall on Thursday, Nov. 8th. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT El) FOR Exeter and district, to :ell the "Old reliable Fcnthill Nurseries:' Spring selling season now starting. Largest demand for stock since the war; exclusive territory; Highest com- miss ions ; Free -equipment. Stone Sc Wellliington, Toronto. 50e a doz. are being paid for new laid. eggs not over one week old, by C. F. Hooper. Use made -in -Exeter goods, You can.tot find better. Use• Exeter Flour FOR SALE 'i0 bred tn: lay Barred Rock pul- lets, utlets, June and July hatched, 65c. each; 50 culled Barred Rack Cockerels for breeders, .2.00 .each. Quantity seed potatoes, Irish Cobblers, Booleys. This is choice sto;:k. Also 40 barrels ap- ples, Spies, Baldwins and Greenings. Order quickly as owner is leaving farm 1,- L. V. HOGART I, Ivit.olm Farm; Phone, Crediton L8r31. Large Tulip and Hyacinth bulbs for sale at cost. Fall premiums now ready for members of Horticultural Society, at office of Secretary, Mr. T. G. Stanbury. •1'Tertday nest is Armistice. Day and . other manor damages. k'ortu,nately, Thanksgiving Day. Places of business ;beyond. a fele bruises' suffered by floe w111' be closed and the, day will b occupants of the :buggy no one was observed as a public holiday. seriously hurt, • Exeter High School Commencement: Exercises, Friday, Nov. 9th, in the' DIED IN MICHIGAN. Opera House. Admission 25c. There I ,lir. W. H. Dearing:of town received will he an attractive program. a telegram on October 27th that his The directors of the Agricultural untie. Charles Switzer had died in Satiety held a meeting on Saturday I Sebewaertg, where. he had (been a resi- for the purpose of wending up' the af- dent for many years. The late Mr, fairs •of the Society !for the year, the Sweitzer was aged 69 years., and for payment of accounts and prize money,, many years previ,aus to gaitng to Se- T1re youngsters of Exeter had a big 1 b;�va`ing' sesrd d in Gredvtoin, where hie was ve11 .nowt e di much respected time- in a quiet way on Hallow they -Mr, 'Dearing also. received another Dressed in all manner oft garbs they ' telegram on Wedrvesd'ay of as week, made the �ev+eniin•g merry upland down aruZouruc uta the death of his brother - the streets, Little damage was done, l.+`_ Mr. Henry }hist, of Marlette, although there were a few pranks that : Abell, The late Mr. Hoist was could well have. been ornatte.d, erly a resident of Stephen, and for The patrons of the. Exeter barber ( a 'r..untber of years resided an the shops are .in for che:ep shaves and hair I farm now occupied by tMr. Preston cuts, the barbers ,having .game back . Dearing and was Oen. and favorably: to pre-war prices, 15 cents for a hair kno-vn to the oldest residents of this d> cut and ten cents for slue-ne andistrict. who will regret -very much�to neck shave. • The barbers ire about ; learn of hes death;, Mrs. Dearing left the same day to attend the funeral, the only ones to set a goad example return ng home. on, Saturday. to reduce the cost of living, FAR \r FOR SALE. 100 acres, two miles from Exeter, two story frame house,, two bank barns, and implement slued. Ten acres of bar:!wood bush, about ten acres in wheat; good arable land watered by -creek and wells. Apply to I. R. CARLING, Exeter, Ontario The Women's Institute will hold i DOLLAR DAYS, its regular monthly meeting at the Thursday, Friday and Saturday gave home of Mr. Thos. Harvey, next every evidence of the gratifying suc- TuesdaX evening at 8 o'clock. The ces: of Dollar Days in Exeter last important feature of the evening is! week. People from the surrounding a demonstration given by Mrs. Gra-.I di tri g?-verefaqu t e numerous flora ion acchh ham. The roll call is "Don'ts for' of the three days, and the large par - the kitchen. Come and join the In- stitute. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY. FOUND. -A place where you can buy British American gasoline at 30c. -R, Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Robe Stolen—A robe was stolen from a buggy in the James St. church church shed Saturday evening. Un- less the robe is returned prosecution will follow and an example made of the guilty party. FOR SALE -Renewed cow. Frank many of then remaining wee an to Conlin, Clandeboye, Phone 24-31 Cred• mvi,r,al;t ito,n, • Th:: - onion. guessing contest put an by the various merchants was one EYE SPECIALIST COMING.NG. around which was centred a greatdeal A. E. Almond, 0. D.,, the noted eye ,f ;vLrest, A. large glass globe hart sight specialist, of Toronto, will be been filled with Dutch setts, placed in at- the Central Hotel, , Exeter, on, the Times window, and the guessing Wednesday, Nov. 14th. ' contest lasted the three days and up to ten o'clock • Saturday nicht, when Nowthat cooler weather has come they were counted - by Messrs. T. R. Fergu son, R. N. Crelech, J. M. South - can and C. H. 'Sanders,c There were 657 guesses registered, ranging from 340 to 9540. When counted there were found to be 2415 onions. No one ,had guessed the exact number, but several were close. Following are the win: hers of the prizes, the ,number guessed and prize awarded, -Clifford Haywood 2420, 100 lbs sugar; H. Complin, 2408 50 lbs. sugar; Mrs. Lizzie, Morley, 2425 25 lbs sugar; Joe Bullock, 2425, L5 lbs. sugar; Garnet Ford, 2432, 10 lbs su- gar; Jack Ganrtbrill, 1384, 10 lbs. sugar; W. Thompson, 2450, 10 lbs: sugar ; jos. Yellow 2451, 10 lbs. sugar; Mrs. Percy Dunsford 2456, 10 lbs. sugar. cats they lugged ai\;ay with them wore indicatioas that they -were not here merely to see what bargains aur mer- chant, ban in store for them. They were here to take advantage of the bargains The days were ideal as to weather arca all that could bn desir- ed Saturday as might be expected, was the tbiggestday of the event; both sines of Main Street, and even the sides streets were packed with auto;, awaiting their budens to return home, there :will be mane bread eaten. To make the Best Bread use Harveys' Best Flour, As we are lust startingin the, Tafw,or- ing Bunlaess wle, are going to gi'vie to the public a bargain, and this is what the bargain- is going to be. -We have a piece of Blue Sergei, guaranteed all. woo?; fast calor; never fade Indigo. Dye.. This suit is regular $40.00 and Lor two dollars we, are going to give• you an extra papa+ of pants of the: same elotb. But this. bargain is limited. Six suits is all will be sold at this price. Sa don't delay, Woodf0rSale We have a limited quatutity of cord. wood, for sale:: Speak quick before 1 gone. BAGSHAW & EAST0a, HONEY FOR SALE. Darkvariety at 6c. Will pay high- est cash pato for raw, Furs of all kinds JOHN CARRICIA, Phone, Dashwood, Hay, P. 0. FOR SALE. -Six roomed cottage on Simco- Street. Hard and soft water; electric light; 1 acre of land. Apply Mrs, A. J. Perrett, Exeter GRETA H. LAMMIE, A. T. C. M. Concert Viroliaist, Teacher of Piano and Violin, , Terms very moderate. Box 58, Exeter. Phone 113w, D.R., H. H. COWAN, L,D,S., Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday r • Main Office,- Hartlelb Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables,John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. . Services in Town Hall 11 am, -Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. -Salvation Meeting.. 2,30•. p.m, -Sunday School and Bible .,,G14Ps. Cottage sn,eetikngs in North End on Tuesday night. ',T. Hiab!bimisy Captain. Trivitt Nlomorial Church 10.45 a.m.-Special Church Parade of the: local Veterans of the, Great Wax. 7 pari: -"Thoughts for Thanksgiving" Rev A.. A. Trumm er, Rector, CAVAN PRESBYTEIIAN U.ri.uitWH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 ' a.m.--"Thanksgiving Day" 7 p.m.—"Hope and Victory". Boy Scouts meet Friday evening, JAMES cT METHODIST CHCJ7i2.CH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES' Sunday next: November11•th Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P; •M, conducted by the pastoir. v.• Wi., tE troupe n Special inttsic A'tttra:ctive services, EVL_•. ii;3DY WELCOME Mr, and Mrs. Percy Webber ware cis itors in London last week. Mr Richard Bissett of Landon vis- ited relatives in town on Saturday. Mr, Wm. Webster of ;Exeter North, left for Windsor Tuesday morning. Mr, Lorne Baskerville of Wingham spent Friday'.last with friends in town, Mr. Peter Case visited in Dungan- non and other northern parts lais,t week. Mr, Benson. Carse of Taranto was the guest of Mr. Peter Case over the week -end, • Master Johan Carling of London is V;i,sitinig with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carling. Mrs, John Routledge of .Dutton has been the .guest of her pareruts• Mr. and Mrs, W.- C. Rivers. • Mr. Archie Davis of Toronto is at his home here suffering from a rather acute attack of shrin.gles. Mr. Thos, Seed who has been living wiith his daughter, Mrs. W. F. Abbott, has gone to Chicago (to Spend several months. • N''essrs. Wm, C. Rivers and Well: Johns; left Tuesday morning fat 4i'hite:Church, ,-t-here they will. ,sh.obt for the week. Mrs Billings of London and Mrs. Chas Dale were ;here last week at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs; William Treble. , . Miss Ruby Treble;, - wlho was: here at- tending, ttending, the funierral of lien mother, re- turned to resume her duties in Tor- onto on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Jas. Green, )A11,0, has b,eeut, nurs- ing drs. Fred. Green, Exeter North,. for several weeks, returned to iter bailie. in Hay ,Township on. Monday. Mr .,and Mrs Isailalh. Hall, of Exeter North hieft on Saturday for Redford, Mich., where they intend spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs, ,Chau, Rensb e ct, 1Ir. ,A • J. Perritt, 'who! has been with the Jackson Cornpalny here for ten years has accepted a position with the Greene Swift Company mi London and left for that city last week, A W ONDERFUL WOMAN, A remarkable pcture'''of a wonderful woman wlvase life story provides chap-. ter after chapter of astounding heroism. extraprdinary self-sacrifice and almost nui,raculous achievements, is, we hear, to, be ,given Ince; to each subscriber, of the; Faintly Herald anct W...ekly..Star ,of Montrreal, The . le'f,e' story 'of " The Won''lerfur Heroine" cait'`a<l,so • l��e .olid'' as tained cost fret by acne in , a post caard to, the Family Herald, and, Weekly Star. 1 PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Special Values in Coats for November We, are offering exceptional values in Coats for November selling. All our blighter priced Croats have been m asked down in price, so you can pur- zaizc3 aria. In; auoo sselo-q sf `e asucra of a cheap one, Call and see these very attractive Coats at attractive prices. Woollen Blankets We have the celebrated Ottawa Valley, Brad of wool blankets, guaranteed absolutely all wool, the softest, finest blanket we know ,of in white, with either pink or blue borders; large size 7 Ib. weight, very special value at $10 a ,pear. First Showing of Christmas Goods Our stock of merchandise for the Christmas Showing is now nearly complete. New Neckwear, Ties for Hien Gloves, Linen Handkerchiefs, Handbags for Ladies, Etc:, on great variety. Our stock of Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Children is now complete. Silk Remnants - We ,have a large number of silk remnants, many withenough for dresses. These were values up (to $3.00 yard. Good range of colors. Td clear at $1.00 yd by taking the end Underwear and Hosiery W. carry only standard makes of Underwear and Hosiery for Ladies, Men and Children. The following, makers, whose lines we icarry, will guar- antee you satisfaction,-Turnbull's Watson's, Penman's, Stanfield's, Len - nand and ,Mercury Brands. New Shipment Boys' Bloomer Suits and Overcoats New- Styles with fancy pleated backs, the kind the boys! like. Sea these new, styles, JONES & ] IAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT '\4 SHOES SOUTHCOTT BROS PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Young Men's and Men's l'he Exeter Advocate • Display Advertising -Made known on appl cation, Stray Animals -One irisertiew 50c., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Remit, Overcoats Wanted, each insettiion 50c.- Lost and. Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c- _ger line per insertion.. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Saes S3 for rine insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fivie inches in length. Legal advertising 10c: and 5c. aline. Farm pr Rea Entails tar sale c. each insertion ton aSO one •montth of Lour insertnont, This Season we are showing sone snappy models for young men, as well as the More •staple styles far older men, We wla{nt yoi. to see these Our prices, 'too, are very reasonable,- $13 $18 $25 $30 -Men's and Women's Underwear In the best makes - Penman's, Turnbull's and Sta;nfield's. We carry a 'stock of these well known brands In Children's, Women's, and Men's. We have -a .Special. in Ladies' Vel1 and Drawlers at peri garment 75c, Rubbers and Rubber Boots A pair of ,golad rubbers adds greatly to the life pf any shoe. It does not pay to let your feet get wet this Miner Rubbers. Dominion, Long Rubber Boots !sell weather, We sell Dominioun, t and at $5,09., Southoott Bros. FRANK TAYLOR. Licensed Auctioneer for Counties u, Huron and : Middlesex Mon Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer R. R.. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock saes a specialty Four years experirence OSCAR ICLOPP AUCTIONEER • Honor • Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School od Auctioneeriamg. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, MerchanIise, Real Estate , and Farm Lairds. Rates ;in. keeping . with prevail ng market prices.. Satisfaction assured. Write or ware 18-93, Zurich. rtO.vcar Klapp, Zurich, Ont. G. S. ATKINSON, L.D:S„ DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgelons of Ontaralas, and Un-. iversfity of Toronto; Late. District Dental Officer, 111i1it say District Number one, London, Ont, Main Office-Dscksrori Block, I1Io&n. Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -,9 am. -to ma p.m, Phone 34 Exeter, Office. at Zurich Ont., Phone 79, Zurich Tuesday and . Friday from 10 a.m: tit 5' p.: ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY.' •Orders left with Advocate or at the CentralHotgel Ptti;ces reaspnable., Satisfaction uarante . , Exeter -_-_ Ontario We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral Services Phones -Business 20w; Residence 20j 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Laoans, Investments Insuralnce Office, Caliung Block, Main St. Exeter Dr, G. F. Roulatoa, L. D. S., D. D. L DENTIST ° Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to Loan on farm and villastle' ptope t9 at tow rates of interest. GLADMAN &-ST?.NaURY Barristers. Solicitors, Free Dr, A, R. 'KINSM:A.N, L. D. S„ D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Unirversit 7 •Office•-+o'rer Glnttiman' &' Stgtubury's Offrice, Mein Street, Exeter.