HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2007-02-07, Page 8News Huron florists contribute $2,300 towards breast screening for county women The Huron Expositor • February 7, 2007 Page 7 Marc H u l e t imansionmem The Huron County Health Unit is encouraging all women - especially those 50 years or older - to partici- pate in the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP). Even those women without a fam- ily doctor can participate by calling and making an appointment at 1- 800-461-0640. Luann Taylor, of Luann's Country Flowers, feels women under the age of 50 should also be tested regularly. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age 39. After being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, she devised the Take Care campaign. Each year area florists - including Blooms and Rooms and Flower Magic in Seaforth - donate $5 from each bouquet of carnations sold dur- ing the Month of October to the Huron County breast screening clin- ic. More than $2,300 was raised this past October and more than $4,300 has been raised in three years. All the money raised stays within Huron County to help raise aware- ness for breast cancer and screen- ing. Each bouquet sold also comes with a pamphlet about self breast exams. "Even if it helps just one woman, it's worth it," Taylor said. Anne Haley, public health nurse with the Huron County Health Unit, said, "With breast cancer remaining the most common female cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in women...finding Brussels looking for new lights The Brussels Business Group has asked Huron East for help to replace its downtown Christmas lighting with "heritage looking lanterns" with energy efficient light- ing that can be left up yearround. A letter from co-chair Chris Ten Pas said replacing every fixture will cost from $8,000 to $10,000 and the business group is approaching coun- cil, local organizations and the Brussels trust for financial assis- tance. There are 15 light decorations and a star for the Christmas tree at the Medical -Dental building. The cur- rent lights were made by the Brussels fire department approxi- mately 25-30 ago. "The business group is not in a financial position to make this pur- chase," said the letter. The request was referred to coun- cil's budget deliberations. breast cancer earlier through screening, when treatment has a better chance, makes sense." She said the OBSP's goal is to screen 70 per cent of the 1.4 million Ontario women aged 50-69 every two years by 2010. "In Huron County, we are current- ly screening about a third of our eli- gible women," she said. "So we have work to do to get the message out there for women to participate." According to the OBSP, three- quarters of the women they diag- nose with breast cancer have small cancers that have not spread to the lymph nodes. For many women, earlier detec- tion of cancer may allow for breast conserving surgery. As well, chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy may not be necessary. For every 200 women screened by the OBSP, 16 are referred for fur- ther tests and one will have breast cancer. Most women - more than 95 per cent - are alive and well five years after early detection and treatment of breast cancer. AND TO CELEBRATE THE GOOD NEWS YOUR ONTARIO FORD DEALERS ARE GIVING YOU SPECIAL OFFERS" OR HANGER BEST STUIH6 COMPACT PICK-UP 2007 RANGER SPORT 452 SUPERCAB VIRE AIR PURCHASE PON • s.a SOK vs ENGINE ,334' • 15•ALIJAARAIMYVFEELS • BOGY COLOUR FENOER FLARES • B00Y COLOUR FRONT GRIlE MSRP. FNE1GHT 11.150. • AM/FM/CO PLAYER • FOG LAMPS OR ROWSE MEW $239- sinnt FFE)GIfT 1.150. wrTH 12.000 DOWN PAYMENT. 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