HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-11-1, Page 8Exeter Markets
Wh_•at , 95
'1lai`.teba's Beat Flour ......... .,. 355
I ,.. 3.40
Sit its . 1.60
New 1a,'1 Eggs 50
Held Eggs 35
C tm:ley Butter 41-4?,`
D..lry Butter 35
Lard ,,,., .., 18 to 20
Hugs 8 25
Fant y Flour
Pastry Flour
Feed Flour
W. R. Goulding
.. T. C. VL
Orga.nsc and Choirmaster Panes St,
Methodist Church,
Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory.
Instructor of Music Oar the Public
Terms Moderate
Now that cooler weather has come
there w•iil be more bread eaten. To
make the Beet Bread use Harveys' Hest
Flour. --
Good. brick house on Huron Street,
with stable, fruit tre,es, hard and soft
water. 2 lots of land -Apply to Herb.
'Ford .or C, B. Snell, Exeter.
The Hurondale W. I. will hold ;a.
Bazaar of Homemade Cooking, Fancy
and useful articles, on Saturday, Nov.
1Mth, at 3 ,o'clock, at the. Sample
Room of Central Hotel, Exeter.
The annual meeting of The Huron
County Childrens' Aid and Humane
Society will be held in the Childrens'
Shelter, G.':aerich, on Tuesday, Nov.
bth, at 3 p. m. Officers will be elect-
ed, reports received .and addresses
given. Ali interested in child welfare
are invite& Representatives from dif-
ferent parts of the 'country are ex-
pected. 7.1
Use made -;,n -Exeter goods. You
cannot find better. Use Exeter Flour
'0.0 bred to lay Barred Rock pul-
lets, June and July hatched, 65c. each;
50 culled Barred Rock Cockerels for
breeders, $2.06 each, Quantity seed
potatoes, Irish Cobblers, Booleys. 1'his
Le c:h;?ice stook. Also 40 barrels ap-
ples, Spies, Baldwins and Greenings.
Order quickly a. owner is leaving farm
Nov. 1,-
I�itolm Farm, Phone. Crediton L -r31
Large Tulip and Hyacinth bulbs
for sale at cost- Fall premiums now
ready for members of Horticultural
Society, at office of Secretary, Mr.
J. G. Stanbury.
100 acres, two miles from Exeter,
two story frame house two, bank barns,
and implement shed. Ten acres of
barctwood bush;, albout ten acres. in
(wheat; good arable land watered by
creek and wells, Apply to
• Exeter, Ontario
Having sold my farm and moved to
Exeter, Lam in a, position to give
better service than ever to .farmers
and others intending to hold auction
sales, My home phone will be install:-
nstall-ed shortly No. 138. For the present
ring the Advocate Office, No. 25.
Frank Taylor, Auctiomeez
GIRL WANTED -For general stove
Apply by letter to Advocate Office
Box U., Exeter.
Well built, attractive and modern
bungalow, centrally located, Apply
FOUND. -A place where you can
buy British American gasoline at 30c.
-R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontarioi, and Un-
iversity of Toronto.
Late District Dental Officer, :1Iilit-
ary District Number one, London, Ont.
Main Office -Dickson Block, Mira
S' tree t, Exeter ,Ont.
Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34
Office .at Zurich Ont., Phone 79.
Zurich Tuesday and Friday from
10 a.an. to, 5 p.m.
Elliott and Johns
Merchant Tailors
As we are just starting iyrb the Tailor-
ing Bun. zess we. are going to give .to
the pubic a bargain, and this is what
the bargain 6s going to be, -We have
a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all
wool; fast color; never fade Indigo'
Dye. This suit is regular $40.00 and
for two doliers we are going to give
you an extra paper of pants of the. same
cloth. But this bargain. is limited.
Six suits is all will be sold at thin
ysrtice. So don't delay.
Woad for dale
We have a limited quantity • of cord
wood for •sale. Speak -quick before
i§ gone, •
J Y N❑1/. 1, 1823
LocalDorn SMrs. James Stanlake; of Stephen,
�- lei
the. chickens one day last week,and
as a result she as •now;confined tr
bed and ;under the 'doctor's ',are,
was taken Budd
ly 11 while teednng
Mr. Em: ,Etchell disposed tof• his
two showharises on Saturday last at
good prices for both of teem.,
Rev Clysdale of the ?'fain Street
Methodist Church and Rev, J, E. Hun-
ter of Granton exchanged pulpits on
Sunday, as .dad also Rev. Doe nelly of
James Street church and Rev, Cope-
land of Anderson
The Main Street Leaguer' visited the
James Street League on Tuesday ev-
eding Rev. Clysdale gave an. ad-
dress, and a program and lunch were
fu.nis.hed by the home league, Gane,
were played and an enjoyable even-
ing was spent by all.
the United Farmers' Co-ope.rative
Company has decided to go out of the
retail business and will confine their
operations to the nnarketingof farm
products, It is ,expected that by the
end of October, the last of the stores
of which there were some 35,- will
have been discontinuled:
i On ?YZo:(.•day evening idle ;fowl,supp;er
given lly, the 'T'ha;tnes Road. Presbyter
lean Church attracted the largest neseni
Wage in ,its hi.atory. .A very excellent
supper .was serred, :after which a con-
cert was given in the church.: Rev.
'Ir, Ogden of Chatham gave -a bright
and interesting address. A highly
trained - London quartette rendered
several delightful numbers, both•vn-
dividually and in unison, and Miss
Brant of London gave several enter -
1 twining ,arid interesting recitations, Al-
together a -very enjoyable 'evening was
spent by all in, attendance.
Pang 1;:w,ong, who for a number of
years has conduete.d a laundry here
en,-) has done the "Wauhera' with the.
very best of satisfaction has sold
the bus,iniess to another Oriental, who
is now in charge, Fong I(,woag was
kindkinand obliging in his business deal -
wti;th the public and of more than
the average. integrity, and was respect- t
ed by all our citizens who did busi-
ness with lair(, Being over 65 years
of agge he has retired from active du -
tires and leis ,now enjoying a well earn:
ed rest in London,,
The fali assizes at Goderich open-
ed on Tuesday with Judge Masten pre-
siding. There were three cases for
the grand jury and in two cases true
hills were returned. The first was
that of Donis and Gladys Naeble of
Grey Tp, against whom charges of con
sealed birch and not providing assist-
ance were made. They were sentenc-
ed to one week 5,n jail. The case of
John. Jardine for rape started "fuel -
day morning. Another case is J. Bent- i
ley of Blyth whols charged with crim-
inal assault upon a young girl of Bly-
A meeting of the Exeter U.F.O. t
Cub, will be held in Senior's Hall on
Thursday, Nov, 8th.
Word has been received here of the
death of Mrs: Richard Treble, who
died at her home in Huronville, Sask.,
on October 18, .Mrs. Treble .was, a
former well-known resident of Exeter
North, but left here with, h'r husband
and family a number of years ago ;tor
the West, where. she has since resid-
ed. She was a member of the Chos-
en Friends here, ,which membership
she kept up till cher death, Mr, Rich.
Treble of London, formerly of Exeter
is a son,
Early Sunday ,morning death sum-
moned one of the oldiest pioneer resi-
dent of Exeter, in, the person of Mrs,
Wm. Treble, Huron street, She had
been confined to bier Ued,' for about a
month suffering from a complication
of dgs.eases and her den;:tse was, ,not
unexpected, She had been In rather
poor health for past few years and
at dimes previous to her last attack
her life had been (despaired of. Born
in Dayton}, Devonshire, England, she
carne to Canada wwth her parents, thie
late Mr, and Mrs, John Sheers, in 1847
and her -whole life has been spent in
this neighborhood. Sixty one years
ago she married her !now bereft hua
band, and to their happy( union was
born a family of teen children, eight
of whom are still living: *Mrs. Richard
Hoskin of London; Mrs- Samuel Par-
sons, Exeter; Mrs. Roger Crocker,
Toronto; Mass Effie, at home, Mrs.
A. E Andrew, P,ontex,Sask.; Miss
Ruby of Toronto; Edward of Exeter,
nd Fred of Seattle, Washington. Al-
a one brother, Christopher, of Lon-
don survives. The deceased was a
member of James 'street M;elthodhst
Church, was of a quiet, retiring, lov-
hle disposition, a kind friend and
neighbor, a faithful wife and fond
inn�ther, ever solicitous for the w�el-
re of her husband and, children. The
uneral which was private in, character
tvas hell from Iver late residence on
Wednesday to the Exeter Cemetery,
50c a doz. are being paid for new
laid eggs not over one week old, by
C. F. Hooper. •
The Hurondale W. I. will hold a a
Bazaar of home-made cooking and
fancy and useful articles, on Satur-
day, Nov. 10th at 3 o'clock, in the
Sample Room of the Central Hotel..
* * * ,r *
* The Girl's Auxiliary of Trivitt
* Memorial Church will serve Hot
* Oysters on Saturday, Nov. 3rd,
* from 4 o'clock till 10.30 p.m, in
the Sample Room' of the Central
* Hotel, also afternoon tea, 15c,
' from 4 to 5 Come and enjoy
* a Hot Dish of Oysters before
* taking that cold drive home.
Price 35c and 20c.
* * * * * * * *
ED FOR Exeter and district, to sell
the "Old reliable Foothill Nurseries:'
Spring selling 'season now starting.
Largest demand for stock since, the
war; exclusive territory; Highest com-
misaions; Free 'equipment.
•Stone & ;Welllin ton, Toronto,
DR, H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S,
Dental Surgeon,
at M1cCorni ck Block, Zurich, •every
Thursday and Saturday
Main Office,--
Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT.
Veterinary Surgeon
•v1cDonell's Stables, John St., Ezete;
(lately occupied by Dr, Vining)
Phone 26w
Services as usual ,next Sunday.
Services in Town Hall
11 am. -Holness Meeting
7 .p.m. -Salvation. Meeting.
2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible
Cottage •ni.eetinga' in North End on
Tuesday night.
"T. Hiobbitr s, Captain,
Trivitt Memorial
11 a. hi, -"The Complete Maws".
7 p. m, -"The Two Foundktiotvst',
Rev . A. A. Trumper, Rectors
Rev. dames Foote, B. A., Minister
10 a, m. -Sunday School and Bible
11 a.m.-Service withdrawn in fav-
or of Main St. Anniversary.
7 p.m. -"The Elder Brother"
Boy Scouts meet Friday evening.
W. 7 , Donnelly,. B. A., ;Pastor
1015 -;Hornig Class,
Servacse in' the len•ortiang , as 'usual,
in •the eeveneng there will be no ser-,
viae in favor of the, Main Street Ann--
versary Service's. , I
:Moss.; S. llcDonruell is visiting with
relatives In HensalL
;Mr, Ed, P.reszcator of London is
visiting at his hone here -this week,
Mrs. Carr of Detroit visits. here
for a few days during the wetk.
Mrs. Esti Heywood is spending a few
days with her, ,;ester, v1rs. J. W. Mal -1
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. 'Connor of Wind-
sor are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W,
J, 14elvigJe,
Messrs. Cecil Ford and Ernest Wells
left on Tuesday fa_' Flint Mich., to se-
cure; work,
Mr. Harry Trick vistteid in Stra.t-
ftoId, Kitchener and . Toronto this
Mr. Harry Parson of Chatham spent
ti, few days in town last week with
Mrs. Gorgon Wells of Windsor is
visiting with her parentts Mr.;.and Mrs,
A. 5.. Davis.
Sam -1 Ross, who has been in, the
West for :se,veral months, returned to
his .home Saturday night. 1
• lire Bolden Cunningham, student of
Huron College, London, vosated at his
home here over the week end.
Mr. Samuel Sweet left Friday morn-
ing for L,ond,on where he will be em-
ployed at his trade for a time
Mrs, Chas. Birn,ey was in Belgrave
for a few ,clays last week atftendainig
the funeral of MM{iss Jessie Budget
Mrs. Wm, IVi;itchell went to Brant-
ford on Saturday last to visit tiv;ith:
her (Zughter Mrs. Garfield Sheenet
Sfra. John Taylor was, called Monday
to, the hone of(' her mother in LaParte,
Ind,, owing to the. ,serious illness of
her mother.
Mrs.' Roger Crocker of Toronto was
called here least sleek owing to the
continued illness of her mother, who
has since passed .away,
Mr. Fd Hoskin who was here at-,
tending the funeral of his sister, Mrs,
John McLaughlin, returned to his home'
in Chicago, MVIonclay ntoraing.
Mir. a, .1 Mrs. Geo. Coinntor; of Wind-
sor -('ere visitors neve this) week. They
m:'tore t here in the: new Connor car
w th the air cooled engine,
Mr, and Mrs Jos, Hawkins and thie
daughter Mrs. Geo.. Hunter of .Us -
borne' have returned from. the West
wl•,ere they spent some months,
Mrs, John Snell left on Tuesday for
Sarnia to visit for a few weeks, she
nail th n go to Windsor to spend the
winter with her dau ghter Mrs, C. H.
M2r', Jaa,,'H Grieve, who has. been
confined •to Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, for the past seven; weeks, return-
ed home on 'Thursday last and is im-
iroving .slowly.
Mr. Philip Beaver .of near R,i;dge-
town spent a week with his son W. A.
Beaver on the 2nd 'concession of Hay.
While there he' celebrated ills 69th
bir thday.
After a}n 'enjoyable shraoting trip
north .of Wiiar'ton, Mesisrs., C., C. Phony
W. E, Sanders, H. C. Rii ers, atnd R.
N Creech returned.. Mostday even;(;;,
W.hi.ie game was not overly easy to
get they got a fair 'share;
Pi ONE 3.2.
Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Nov. l st, 2nd, 3rd. k,
3 Days of Real Bargains
Space will only permit a partial, list which we
offer below, <There are scores of other Bargains.
Cotton Staple Bargains
36 in. White Flannelietltte, 30c,
quality for , 25c,
Extra Heavy White English Flan•-
telette, 49c. quality, for 35c., yd,
Extra Hea vy Colored striped Flan=
nelette, 40c. quallty for 35c, yard
Pure Linen Towelling 5 yards for $1,00
Extra heavy pure linen towelling
35c, quality for 35c. yard
White bleached cotton, 25c. qual-
ity for 19c. yard
Extra heavy Factory Cotton 35c. ,
ua `t
q U Y _, , 29c, yd.
Galateas, all colors, reg. '35c, for 29c,
Light colored Prints ......... 22c. yard
Ginghams 27 in. wide for 22c. a yard
Heavy Sheeting 59c. yd.
Heavy Pillow Cotton 49c. 'yard
Heavy Sheeting 45c• yd. for 39c. yd,
Men's Wear
5 dot Men's Fine Shirts, regular
price $1.95, dollar days for 21.49
Ties, reg. $1.00 ties for 69e.
Men's $1.25 Work Shirts for 9.84.
Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts for $1,95
Dress Goods & Ladies' Wear
Hair Nets with elastic 5 for 25c.
Princess Pat, single mesh without
elastic i.4 for 29c.
Princess Pat, double mesh, without ,
• elashic, 3 for ?Sc.
Bonnet's guranteed black Taffeta
re„ 23.00 yard, for .....$2.35 yd
Colored Pailette Silks, good range
of colors, reg., 22.50 for ;1.79 yard
Raiv Silk -100 yds, Raw Silk„
beautiful quality, reg. $1,25 for 98c.
Serges-all wool, good colors 98c, yd,
Homespuns-reg, $1,50 yd. for 98c. yd.
Georgette Crepes -colors, grey,
navy, white, maize, wine, pink, $1,00
25 Georgette Blouses, reg. up to
$8,50, all at one price $1,95 each
25' pair odd lines of Corsets, up to
$,4.06 value, for ...,.... $1.69 pair
Aprons -large sizes up to $1.50
value for $1.00 each
Silk Hosiery -popular colors, in-
cluding black at 98c. a parr
Cashmere Hosiery, black only, 2
prices at 79c. and 98c. pair
Bargains in Rugs, Curtains
' Wool Blankets, all wool, beautiful
quality, 7 lb, weight, at $8,95 pr.
Sweaters• -Ladies' Pullover Sweat-
ers, to clear at $1.00 each
Dollar Days in Shoe Department
Men's good Work Boots, regular 54,50 for .,,,,,,..
30 pairs Greb Work Boots at $395
30 pairs Best 25,50 Williams Work ,Boots, Dollar Day ......... $4,50
Men's Rubber Boots at F,.•,,,,,, $4,50
Rfen's White sole Rubber Boots, on'sale at $5.00, Grey at $5,50
60 pairs Men's genuine Goodyear Welt, Fine Shoes, round or English
toe, black or brown -Our Big Offer for Dollar Day , $4.75
30 pairs Merle's Fine Shoes, on sale at 43,9E
, Women's Shoes
Fmpress Shoes -Sizes 2%, 3 and 3% only at 51.00
15 pairs Women's Cushion, Sole Silo es, on sale at 43.50
30 pairs \Vome is High grade, regular $8,00 high shoes, the very best
we keep. Don't miss these at otos, , ..,,,,;,. . ..,, .$6.00 pr.
NOTICE -10 per cent. Discount on' alll Women's Hig Grade Oxfords and
Slippers. All our Best Empress, Chums and classic makes- Dont
miss these if you need new slippers. t
10 per cent off All Children's 'Shoes
Straight Ten per cent, discount off• all Cbildren's Shoes, Hurlbuts, Pussy-
foot, Chums and all other makes. Also a big assortment of ,Children's
Shoes on sale at .1,49.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
10 per cent, Discount off all our Best Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Pants, Over-
alls, Etc, On Dollar Day we believe in giving bargains on our be,s,t
merchandise for Dollar Day, not ,on out of date goods that rro one
Lennox Soap .25 bars for 81,00
10c. Toilet soap 4 for 25c.
Special Toilet Soap, 8 for ,,,,,,. 25c,
Cloride of lime„ large. size 15c,
Karswood Poultry Splice, 20e. and 40c:
'Space does not permit a full list of ,
Bargains -Come in and see for yours self,,
Heinz Tomato Soup, large tan TIIG•
Pink Salmon, 2 large tins for 25e,
Red Salmon, .targe tin ... ..... ...... 22c.
2-ln-One Shoe pola,is,h; 2 for 25c,
Pure Lye, per lin;.desems 10c.
Orders left with Advocate or at the
Central Hotel. Princes reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Exeter Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer neer i,or• Counties 9'
Hupoat and. Middleman
Prices Reaarntable and Satisfacrior
Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario
Auctioneer - R. R. Na, 1, Dashwood
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co
Farm and stock ;axes a specialty
Four years .experience.
Horror Graduate Carey. M. Jones'' Na-
tional School of Auct ottee ing. Spec-
ial Course' taken in Regs Bred hive
Stock, ,Merchenclise, Reaa1 Estate and
Farm lands. Rates in keeping with
prevailing market prices., ' Satisfaction
assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich,.
Near R1oP,p, Zpricb, Ont,
The Exeter Advocate ire CarryDisplay Advertsing-Made krsown
on applircatson,
Stray Animals -Ode insertion 50c.,
three Insertions $1.50,
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than Live lines, For Sale, Th Rent,
Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and
Found lot?,aIs 25c, an insertion.
Local reading notices, etc., 10c. per
line per insertiian,, No nolticle less
than 25c. Card of Thaktk's 50c.
Auction Satles'53 for one insertiotn
and 51.50 for each subsequent , in-
sertion if under five inches in length.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline.
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c,
each insertion for one month of four
We have a large amount of private
until to loan on farm and
'property at low rates;; of interest.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter
Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S,, D. D. S.
Honor Graduate Toronto University
Office -ower Gladman & Sttenbury',
Office, Mm Street, 'Exeter,
A Big Stock
of Furniture
Conductor of Funeral Services
Phones -Business 20w; Rescdenco" 20j
I. R. Carling, B..A
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc
.. anis, Investments Insurance:
Office, Caking Black, Main St. Exeter
Dr. G. F. Roulatoq,, L. D. S., D. D. III,.'
Office over Carl ng's Law Office
Closed Wednesday afternoons