HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-10-25, Page 8EXET`ER 7,7" aea•ea",a'aeat-e-7-"--------e-ea'ia-'''''.:-..-7-""'"'-' AIM EICATE,TBUI3UAY, OCT. 5 1823 Exeter Markets CHANGED e.VERY WEDNESDAY W h eat . a- 9c Oats ...... ... . .. 48 Barley • 55c altratoba's Best Fleur ......... ... 3.65 Family Fic>ur .....,... ......... 3,50 Pastry Flour ..... Feed Flour Brin, .. Sa arts Eggs—Special and Extra. Eags—Na 1 Creamery Butter .. .41-411 Dry Butter 35 18 ta 20 8.00 3,20 1,90 , 1,40 1.60 44 301 Lard Hags W. R. Goulding A. T. C. IL Organist and Choirmaster James St, elethodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music in the Public Schools Termsilloderate Bax 57 EXk..TER. ANINUAL MEETING The annual meeting of The Huron County Chileirens° Aid and Humane Society will be. held in the. Childrens' Sheller, Goaerich, on. Tuesday, Nov. atle, at 3 p. m. Officers will be elect- ed, reports received and addresses given. Al! interested ia child welfare are iavated. Representatives from dif- feaient parts of the ;country are ex- pected. The anniversary of Thames Road Presbyterian Church, will be held on Sunday, October 28th. Rev. Arnott S. Orton, M.A., S.T.M., St. Andrews church, Chatham, will preach morn - and evening, 11 a.m. and 7.30 P.M. Hot fowl supper on Monday, October 29th, served from 5 to S. Program, . the Harmonic Quartette, of London, assisted by Miss Grant, elocutionist, I Admission 60c and 30c. Large Tulip and Hyacinth bulbs for sale at cost. Fall premiums now ready for members of Horticultural Society, at office of Secretary, Mr. J. G. Stanbury, WATCH FOUND,—On Oct. lath, north of Exeter. Owner can have same by proving property and pay- ing expenees.—W,es. Lampert, Exeter. BROOD SOWS FQR SALE.. Four pure bred brood Yorkshire sows for sale, due to pig Dec. 5th, J. A Van Camp, Box 251, Exeter; Phone' 57, R. 2, The Ladies' Aid, of James St. church intend holding a bazaar on Saturday, October 2 itu. •••••••••••11•• WINTER POTATOES—Order your winter potatoes from j. H. Grieve and get good ones. FARM" FOR SALE. 100 acres, two miles from h,xeter, two story frame house, two bank barns and implement shed. Ten acres of hardwood bush, about ten acres in :wheat ; goad arable land watered by creek and wells. Apply to I. R. CARLING, Exeter, Ontario Having sold my farm and moved to k.xeter, I am in a position to give better service than ever to fanners and others intending to hold auction sales. My home phone will be install- ed shortly No. 138. For the present ring the Advocate Office, No, 25. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer •••11111•111•••• GIRL WANTED—For general store Apply by letter to Advocate Office Box U., E.xeter, NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractiye and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADalAN & STANBURY FOUND.—A place where you can but British American gasoline at 30c. —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North G S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Un- iversity of Taranto Late District Dental Officer, Milit- ary District Number one, London, Ont. Main Office—Dickson. Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Ont., Phatnie 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from .10 a.m. tto 5 lame.— Elliott and Johns IVIerchara Tailors As we are juststarting in: the, Tailor- ing Bus,jness wie are goingto egiale to. the public a batgalin, and this is what the. haraain ,'s going to be.—We have a piece of Blue Sec-gee:guaranteed al1. wool; fast calor; never fade Indigo Dye,. This suit iis regiular $40.00 and for two dollars we are going to give you, an extra pa an of pats • of the same cloth. But this .barg.ain Is - Six -sults is all will.. be_sold. at this peace. So don't delay. Wood for Sale ° We have a limited quantity of cord wood fox sale. Speak quick before is gone. . BAGSHAW & EASTON Local Doings Hallowe'en will: soon be here, Blyth last week passed a by-law to nstai1 hydro by a large major -ate Mr, Garfield Stanlake has purchased the. _home of -air, Fred Cornish in Exe- ter North. , Mr. A. E. Kuhn, whohas been con- fined to his bed far some time, is now improving 'nicely, Order your Wedding Stationery 'the Advoocate Printing Office, a good 'stock always. an hand. Exeter High Scbooll baseball club defeated Clinton testi on the local diamond on Thursday afterreae•a hao a score of 7-1. ale, W. B. Eader, of Exeter, WOO", the econel. prize ri Class 4 tractors at the big provaucial plotting . match at Sarnia last week. 9.ulte a number of Exeter Peo.pe attended the laig provincial plowing match at Sarnia, last week and visited friends in Sarnia and Port Huron. On Thursday afteraooa the alieldday prizes were peasetraed-ap the. success- ful high school stticlents.. Rev. Mr, Trumpet. and Mr. Medd of the board of Education attended the ceremony of preeentation. The Crystal City .Courier oflast week, says.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks have purchased the residence of the late Joseph Rollin,s on Conklin street nor. th,—Mr. Brooks was a former well known resident of Exeeer. A race matinee took :place at the track on Thursday afternoon in the go-as-fas'fbap -you can class. Three heats were run, and four horses entered. Ned Hicks • \MO. first, Win. Mitchell neer John Hicks third, and Frank Taylor :fourth, Alla; Pearl Adria Godwin, daughter of Mrs. Godwin and& the late Rev. Wil- liam Godwin of London, formerly of Exeter, will • be married to 'aValliam Ernest Hartwick of Toronto, son of ;fa and Mrs, George Harwick of Kin- cardine, next month, If gatherers of mushrooms wish to conserve the supply and have larger bets of them next year, this can be done by leasing the stems intact and only pulling on the tops. The ttems contain the spores that produce ad- ditional crops and they are anly thrown away if plucked .up, so why not leave them undasturbed. On Monday, Nov. 19, the rate- payers ioof God,eracb will vote on. a by-Iaw to guarantee bonds of the Al- exandria alarane and General Hospaal to the extent of $50,000 for the pur- p.ose of erecting a ,ne'w' hospital on the site known as "The Maplea", at the corner of Napier street and Cambria road. It is a taerial bond issue for 30 years, bearing intertest at the tate of five and one-half per cent, --- WATCH LOST 9 -raver watch, half male Northof Ex- eter, London Road. Finder will leave at Advocate 'office and: get reward, - FO:R. SALE 10 bred tr lay Barred Rock pul- Leta, June and July hatched, 65c. .each; 50 culled Barred Rock Cockerels far breeders, $2.00 each. Quantity seed pocatoes, Irish Cobblers, 13o0leys This is choice stock. Also 40 barrels ap- ples, S.pres, Baldwins and Greenings Order quickly as owner is leaving farm Nev. 1, — L. V, HOGARTH, Iv olm Farm; Phone, Crediton 18r31. Remember The Advocate has a newspaper clubbing list that includes any daily or weekly newspaper or any monthly journal. We save you the trouble of sending far them, and in most cases save you alittle money besides. DR, H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday Main Office,— Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.—Sglvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Clams. Cottage nieetingis in North End on Tuesday night. T. Hobbinir, Captain. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a m --"tyallso" 7 pan.—"The Value iof Whole -heart- edness." • Rev A. A. Trumpet, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN •tatuRCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 aan,—Rev. Dr. Wallace, of Tor- onto. 7 p.m.—The Minister Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. C. Copeland, R. A: of Kirk - ton, wi1l have charge of, -both services. Sunday, Oct. 21st 10.15--iv1o,rning Class. . • 11,00 a.m.—Monning Worship. Sub- ject, "The Meaning of Life's Clouds:1' 3,00 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7.00 p.m.—"The. Worst Bargain a Man ever Made 1• Ur T. R. 'Ferguson,„ accountant of the 7\lolSou.s Bank here was , ,deeply shocked on Monday night last *hen be received the sad news of the death of his brather, Dr. 'Ferguson, who died suddenly at his home hi Tees - water of, apopleiky. The doctor was pootder in social circles, enjoyed a large medical priactice. in Tseswater and his ,suddene demise came as a great shoc,jr and surpriSe to that co.m- nitaitY.. He was known to many in Exeter, he having. visited here with his brother on several occasions, . . DEATH OF •.MRS, ' alcLAUGHLIN Taie, death of airs.. John laraleareg,h- lin, which took place at the Brant- ford Hospital on Saturday night, Dee 20, was an event of much regret among the many friends and relatives of the deceased. Mrs. McLaughlin had been a long sufferer from creeping paral- ysis, and while her deathi was .not un- expected it leaves an Ineffacable, void among those who kaeie, aid estaerned her for her loveabie quateit;es. Mrs. McLaughlin, about a month ago went with her husband to live with their son, Mr. Will E. _McLaughlin, in Brant- ford,. an the hop.ethat the change might improve ber condation, but it did rot seem to have the depared effect and ,gradually kerowing ;worse she was taken to, the hospital in that. 'city about a week Igo where she died, Mrs, alcLauahlin ware born la "'Exeter being a daughter of the late 'Aailiiam Hoshin and her whole aife was spent in Fxeter. She was a consastent and valued meralaer of the Presbyterian: Church and she was admired for her Christian character. Besides her hus- bana .she is survived by, one .sion, Wni, E„ of Brantford, and one daughter, Mra, Stanley, of .Wintriapeg, both of Whom were in attendance at the fun- eral, She alas°, leaves five brothers— Riebard Haskin; ,.of London; Edward and Charles, of Chicago; George, of Woodstock and Nelson of Aberdeen, S. Dakota; and ane 'sister, Mrs. Mos- es Amy, Exeter North. The remains were brought here far burial, the fun- eral takiag place from the Presbyter- ian Church on Tuesday. The deceas- ed was aged 67 years, 7 months and 20 days. Mrs.. \Vin. Carr of Detroit is vis- iting with Mrs. W.m. Mr.. and Mrs. ,Evan Dew were in Sarnia and Detroit during the week. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hooper return- ed Saturday might from a visit in St. Mary's. hiss Lizzie Carling .returned tSat- urday from a week's visit Pith rel- atives in London, Mr. and Mrs, J„ R. Inksater of Par- is, are isilting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Bissett. Mess Liila Johns after spending a few weeks at her home here returned to Sarnia on Friday. airs. Albert F:ard returned Satur- day night from Buffalo, where she was isiting her daughter, Mrs. George Mantle returned Sat- urday evening, after visiting Mr. iand, Mrs. A. E. Duncan, London. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gleed of Ham- ilton spent a tew days with their grand parents, Ur. and Mr. Richards. alias Ruby Treble has returned to her home here from, Torontea, awing to the critical condition of her mother, Miss Margret Sharp of Sancon visiting among friends in town the guest of Mr: and Mrs, J. G. Stanbury, Miss Irno Sweet has returnecl to her blame after a two incatiths' visit in -Covent% Ingersoll and Tilsonburg Mr, and Mrs. Bert Grigg :of Montreal visited with the farmer's sister, Miss Griigg and Miss McFalls the latter part of last week. Mr. W. D. Sanders was among the numb.er who, attended the Provincial plowing match at Sarnia the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin BrintneiLand family of Stratford visited over the week -end with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jamas 13raritaell, Messrs C. C. •Pilon, H. Ci. Ravers, W. E. Sander S and R. N. Creech are spending 24 few darts lin Bruce county ,on a shooting trip. Mr. James Greenley who,has been thane an alatchellaals nowt at has home in Clancleb,aye. He is und,er .the arse of a doctor, but was in town for a day or two: last week, Mr. Clarence Marley who has been in WirialiPerg for the past threa years returned to is home here last week Lc visat his parents. He orill return to Winnipeg on Saturday. Banes and, .her . daughter, Mrs, Mollarel, have returned home ..after a• most enjoyable six weeks at Wn- nipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Washington State, Chicago and 'other aitie.s. •i. Mr. anal Mrs... Evan Dew . -aa Usborne and Air, and Mrs. Clarence .Heywoad Of town visited in • De trait • last week.' returning home Monday. Mr. .William Sims accernPanied them and iaa stil in .the city, , • • • • Mr, 'and Mrs, John W. 'Taylor, and. son Gard on,''recentlY bf Windsor-, spent part of last steeakwith Mrs, Mc ravish in Sliake,peare. • • Gordon left from Shakespeare ,for California where he intends to go ainito • a busaniss of has Mass J. I. Muir, accompanied by her mother, airs. lalutir, Motored. from Staathroy last week and are visataig among friends and relatives, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Makins; Lake Road. They purpose extending the tap -to Mount Forest and Callingweed • Mr. Paul Coatea and wife and Mrs. Slid Davis matured to Sarnia to atte,nd the :big, Provincia1 plowing mach. While there they Vilei(ted iinjPt. 1-luran at She home of Mrs. John Northcutt. They were accompanied as fax as Far* est by Mrs. S. Martin and Mrs. Amy who remained- there until their return: Mr, Fred Walas of Decker, Mich. .a former Exeter Old, By was among, our -visators. during theweek, having, ,arrived Saturday and returned Tues. Ile, also viaiteal &s Hensall with his old fille,n,1 Mr, Alf Taylor; and Mr. 'Thos. W•Ts n C.eatialaa. Fred is 'enjoying good 'health and very much enjoyed his visat to his native town. • Ij --4iaaiessa PHONE 321 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Special Fall and Winter Values Men's Flannel Work Shirts at $1.95 Five dozen Men's Heavy Flannel Work Shirts, large, roomy gar- ments, sizes, 141,4 to 17 neckband, colors, grey and lehaka Very Special Value this fall t $ 1.95 each. Men's All Wool Ribbed Underwear at $1.50 Garment lie ti Ten dozen of the Celebrated Dodds knit, heavy ribbecleall wood:Shirts and Drawers for men, all sizes. The cheapest garments we have shown for years, at only k1,50 per garment, Men's All Wool Socks 50c. Pair Five dozen Men's all wool heavy weight grey Nviark socks, a real bar- gain at 50c, a pair, Fall House Furnishings Prices are much Lower an nearly all our lines of House Furnishings for fall, We car] save you dollars on your purcahses of Linoleums, Con goleum Rugs., Blind's, Curtain materiials, Tapestry and Axminaster Rugs, eta, Get our prices before buying Furs at Half Price Tapestry Rugs—bedroom sizes clearing at greatly reduced prices. The first week we advertised, Furs at Half Price we sold, nearly hall our stock. We still have several zood sets—Fox, Seal, Wo}f, etc, Also odd Muffs to Clear at exactly Half Price, Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits and Dresses We have just received new shipments of Coats and Dresses at prices that will surprise you by their reaaonableness. Call and look them over, Wet also have a large stock of Children's Coats, from 1 to 14 years. MONARCH 'YARNS—New colors and shades now ready for fall. Underwear We handle a large range :of Underwear for Ladies, Men and Children in • such well-known brands as Stanfielid's 'Watson's, Velva and Mer- cury. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate, and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Adviocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction. guaranteed. Exeter Ontario DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ' ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock sales a specialty, Four years. experience. FRAN'K TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties et Huron and Middles Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario SOUTHCOTT BROS. , PHONE 134 PHONE 134 FOR OCTOBER WEATHER WARMh,R UNDERWEAR HEAVIER HOSIERY COLD' RESISTING OUTER GARMENTS, This Store is well stocked, and ready fa supply you with your Fall needs. Ladies' and Children's Coats Every week finds new models in Ladies' Coats, at prices that cannot be beaten. Children's Coats are well assorted in styles rnoiSf b:ecoming far the Growing Girls. Come in and see them. • Winter Underwear and Sox at a Price • Men, don't purchase underwear at any ,price until you have seen SPECIAL ALL WOOL RIBBED GARMENT at $2.00. Heavy Wool Socks, Hanson Make, nearest to home -knit, at 59c. , • ,01.13 Men's and Boys' Overcoats Our Range of Overcoats is now at its bestfrand we can assure you of the very 'smartest and most reasonably priced garments in the trade— $20 $25 $30 Southoott Bros. 1 The Exeter Advocate Display AdvertIsing—Made known on applkation. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions 11,50, Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found loenls 25c. an insertion Local reading notices, etc., 10c, .per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 13 for one insertion and 11.50 for each' subsequent in- sertion, if under flute inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. andl 5c. a line. Farm pa Reg Estate for rale 50c. each insertion foto one month of four insertions, We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral Services Phones—Business 20w; Residence 201 1. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Efc Loans, Investments Insurance Office, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter Da. a F. Royalton, L. D. S., D. U. IL. DENTIST Office over Carlirsg's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -ever Madman & Stanburfti Office, Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a karge amount of privatie funds to loan on farm and. village Proilerty at low rates of ksterest. GLADMAN & STAN�UZY panillterl, Solicitor" s, Knew .;. et•