HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2007-01-03, Page 3News The Huron Expositor • January 3, 2007 Page 3 Skating rink under the influence of global warming Frank Phillips photo Rachel and Samantha Robinet put their ice rink at theft John Street home to use on Christmas morning, despite the mild weather uncharacteristic of Huron County. Cosmetic pesticide ban still on FOBR agenda for 2007 Cheryl Ile u t h The Friends of the Bayfield River long for a day when lawns are natu- rally green. Ray Letheren, president of the grassroots group, told supporters at the recent year-end meeting in Clinton that one plan for the coming year is to encourage municipalities to pass a cosmetic pesti- cide ban bylaw. Letheren says while councils often initially balk at pesticide ban talk, it is important to note the Friends' proposal is soley focussed on cosmetic pes- ticide use on lawns, and does not address pesticide use on farms or orchards. "We have been pound- ' ing the earth from Grand Bend to Saugeen Shores to get bylaws into place," says Letheren. The group's work has been so targetted, says Letheren, that one munic- ipality's committee asked them to "call off the hounds," while pledging to deal with the issue. Letheren adds Bluewater is one of the municipalities that has promised to address a pesticide ban bylaw in the coming term. And, says Letheren, banning cosmetic pesti- cide use is the most responsible course of action given that many scientific studies suggest there is a direct connec- tion between pesticide use and several forms of can- cer. Letheren notes the five most common cancers in men and women can be linked to pesticide use, including non -Hodgkins lymphoma. Letheren says the fact one study suggests farm wives have the highest rate of breast cancer, with women golfers running a close second, should tell people something. "We, as a group, have always had this on our plate," says Letheren, who notes 40 per cent of Canadian municipalities have already banned cos- metic pesticide use. Letheren adds that those that contend cos- metic pesticides do not lead to cancer are chal- lenged to "come spend an afternoon with me." rn�tuYe village qL� NA E p\ Ontario's Fu YS r 04(19 weeWHITE SALE TUESDAY JANUARY 2 9-6 EXTENDED WEDNESDAY JANUARY 3 9-6 THURSDAY JANUARY 4 9-6 FRIDAY JANUARY 5 9-9 SATURDAY SUNDAY JANUARY 6 JANUARY 7 9-6 12-4 Final rnarkdowns on hundreds of FLOOR MODELS! ONCE A YEAR BOXING WEEK CLEARANCE PRICES! GG GQETTLER of ouNin FINE r-uatviruae L�t.oc;tbfin KwORKs co. CO CarronLrooL Fu 'hi Monday to Saturday 9-6 • Fridays 9-9 • Sundays 12-4 Halfway between Stratford and Goderich on Hwy. 8 • 1-800-265-6584 www.ontariosfumiturevillage.com