HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-10-18, Page 2None Better
P Adelaide St,, Toronto. Allow we
weeks for receipt of pattern.0.'
Alms in Autumn..
Spindle -wood, spindle -wood will you
Is the finest uncolored green
tea * r ;•curable an the world.
Superior to the • best japans. -- Tr7 it.
lend me, pray,.
A little flaming lantern to guide me on
my way?
The fairies all have vanished from the
meadow and the glen,
And 1 would fain go seeking till I and
them once again.
Lend me now a lantern that I may
bear a light, The jury was out soznething more but not for the whole interval between.
To find the hidden pathway in the than an hour. The news of the verdict Rose had the best reason in the world
darkness of the night. was brought to Kirby at the city jail fox• knowing that.
by his cousin James. •
But what was she to do? What
"Jury finds that Uncle James came' ought she to do? If she went with her
to his death from the effect of either a' story to the district attorney, her sis-
n lei. Trails
(Copyright, Thoxzzas Allen.)
CHAPTER DCIV.—(Cont'd.) might have been there at both times,
Ash -tree, ash -tree, throw me, if you
Throw me down a slender branchof .blow on the head by some heavy in -tar's shame must inevitably bedrag-
strument or a bullet fired at close ged forth to be flaunted before the
fear the gates
russetofn keys, Fairyland may all quarters by some unknown person," whole world. She could not do that.
IJames said. I She could not make little Esther the
be shut so fast "Good enough. Might have been . scapegoat of her conscience. Nor could
�_ That nothing but your magic keys will worse for me," replied Kirby, I she remain silent and let Kirby stay
ever take xne pant, "Yes. I've talked with the district in prison. That was unthinkable. If
I'1I tie them to my girdle and as I go attorney and think I can arrange for her story would free him she must tell
along . bond. We're going to take it up with it. But to whom?
« to
`c. r' t 3` a k „ rn_; ` -:'� _j tinkle of their song. the Hulls did this. All through his , Cunningham was endeavoring to per -
CHILDREN AND GROWN-UPS. dren are always delighted with the testimony the fellow sweated fear. I've suede the authorities to accept bond
My heart will find a comfort in the the court tomorrow. My opinion is that( She read in the Post that James
little round slices. Holly -bush, holly bush help me In my put it in the hands of a private de- for his cousin's appearance. Swiftly
tective agency to keep tabs on him." Rose made up her mind what she
The round cans are ideal receptacles task, The cattleman smiled ruefully. ; would do. She looked up in. the tele -
for cold mush that is intended for A Pocketful of berries is all the the "Trouble is I'm the only witness to' phone book the name she wanted and
frying. The mush, if molded in them, alms I ask; their panic right after the murder. jmade connections on the line.
will come out in smooth rounds that' A pocketful of berries to thread in Wish it had been some on else. I'm a°'Is this Mr. Cunningham?'' she
can easily be sliced The lids are nice golden strands, prejudiced party whose evidence won't! asked.
count for much. You're right. They've I"14Ir. Cunningham talking," ;came
somethin' to do with it. In their evi- the answer,
deuce they shifted the time back, "I want to see you on very import -
thirty -live minutes so as to get me into
!ant business. Can I come this morn-
They'll set the realms of fairyland a• Apartment 12 that much earlier, . affee
We certainly do have a time getting
the children to brush their teeth regu-
larly, at least once a day, preferably
after each meal. Lately the children
are staging a comeback, "I clean my
teeth as often as father and mother
-clean theirs," said one girl. "Oftener
than dad does."
Could it be possible? Having op-
portunity to visit a few of the fathers
and mothers I made some discreet in-
quiries which took the form of asking
what make of toothbrush enjoyed their
preference. Time and again I met the
reply that the present equipment was.
worn out and no opportunity had oc-
curred for its replacement. The tooth-
brushes that I saw in many cases were
sorry specimens of ancient vintage,
getting bald as to bristles and gener-
ally ` decrepit and discolored as to
frame. No matter how conscientious
father or mother might be in attempt-
ing to ply such an instrument it would
be quite impossible for it to do good
"One apiece" is the rule for tooth-
brushes, and it is just as important
for grown-ups as children, The brush-
es should be well -bristled, large enough
to give a good comprehensive stroke,
yet not so large that it cannot be
readily turned to reach all surfaces of
the teeth. It should be flexible but not
wabbly. It should stand up well under
wear, but considering the fact that a
toothbrush gives service three times
every day it is not surprising that one
wears out now and then. Fifty cents
is a fair price for a good brush. If
you use it faithfully you will put it three or four tablespoonfuls of kero-
sene, When well blended, I pour the
mixture into glass containers having
This paste is excellent for cleaning
water marks and other stains and dirt
from bathtubs, lavatories and porce-
lain sinks, and I keep a jar of the
paste near at hand for these pur-
poses. It cleans without the hard rub-
bing that one finds necessary with
most other cleaners used for this pur-
pose. Every housewife will find it an
inexpensive and efficient labor -saver.
—A. M. A.
for baking little cakes for the school l I would not go a visiting with nothing
luncheons, or little tarts may be baked) In my hands—
So fine will be the rosy chains, so gay,
so glossy blight,
in the round ones.
dancing with delight.
If I could answer that question, . '1 think I didn't catch your name,
Instead of laboriously sewing carpet —Rose Fyleman. I could go a long way toward Jamessolvin' :madame,
rags, whether they are to be used for • y I the mystery of who killed Uncle "My name doesn't matter. • I have
an'why he did it."information about—your uncle's
carpets, woven or braided rugs, join King George Swaps Stamps "Probably. As I see it, we have death•,
them by using the weaver's knot, three leads to go on. One is that the! There was just an instant's ansa..
'lith American.
Overlap the ends of the two rags 1 guilty man is Hull. A second possibil- Then, "Ten o'clock, at the office here,"
to be joined about three quarters of King George is known far and wide ity is the unknown man from Ary Rose heard.
an inch. Then cut a small lengthwise as the most democratic monarch rule Valley. A third is Horikawa," A dark, good-looking young man
• slit through both rags. Next take the ing to -day. He is as equally famous "How about Horikawa? Did you rose from a desk in the inner office
free end of the rag that is on the top as a stamp collector and takes a deep know him well?" when Rose entered exactly at ten. In
' and slip it up through the slit. Draw interest in matters philatelic. One never knows an Oriental. Per- his eyes there sparked a little flicker
theknot tight d thetrick is done At the recent International Stamp haps I'm prejudiced because I used to of surprised appreciation. Jack Cun-
makes a neat, firm, a joining, ' Japanese fully, His sense of right beauty of women.lThis girl was love -
is much more quicklydone than sew- King visited, he pointed to one stamp and tiv • is so different from mine. and f form The
D. Horikawa is a quiet little fellow whose
went grace of the slender youngbody'
said:nem American philatelist, and thought processes I don't pretend to was charming, but the weariness of
said: "Too bad you were ouwbidding understand." - grief was shadowed under the long-
me for that the other day." "Why did he run away if he had lashed eyes,
no an is live in California, but I never trust a ningham was a wa s susce tibia to the
I Thisfi flat j i Exhibition held in London which the g Y p
i the collection of Arthur Hind a g ly both of featureo
ing and it also saves thread. k 1 1 f ll h
When a cake of soap becomes so Mr, Hind said he had no idea he was nothin' to conceal?" j
small as to be annoying to use, I lace She looked around, hesitating. "I
Y g p bidding against the King, and offered "Looks bad. By the way, e.Japan- have an appointment with Mr. Gun -
it in an enameled basin reserved for him the stamp as a gift. But the King, ese house -cleaner was convicted re ningham," slie explained.
this purpose. When enough pieces being a sport, refused to accept and l cantly of killing a woman for whom he t,My name," answered the young
have accumulated to make it worth said; was working. He ran away, too, and man.
while, I shave the soapand melt it in was brought back later." I "Mr. James Cunningham?"
"I'll tell you what I'll do, I have a "Well, I don't know a thing about ( "Afraid you've made a mistake. I'm
Japs except that they're good workers. Jack Cunningham. This is my uncle's
But there's one thing about this busi- office. I'm taking charge of his af-
ness that puzzles me. Thin murder fairs. You called his number instead
doesn't look to me like a white man's of my brother's. People are always
job. An American bad man kills an' confusing the two."
is done with it. But wheever did this 1 "I'm sorry."
sufficient water to make a good soap stamp you'd like; let's swap." And
paste. For sufficient pieces to be they did.
equivalent to a good-sized cake of soap, -
I use about a quart and a half of How Cameras help Doctors.
After this is thoroughly melted I Photography is receiving the nutans
remove from the fire and stir into it
through the toothbrush drill over five
hundred times in six months and Ly
that time it is not surprising if it
clamors for retirment, Spending valu-
able time in applying a worn-out
brush that does not get results is
about as bad as wilful neglect.
Fathers and mothers, please take
stock of your toothbrushes and see
that there is a good one per capita
through your family. Remember, that
you are neither too old nor too young
for the chore; the only persons ex-
cused are those who disdain teeth be-
cause they live wholly on a milk diet,
and those who are not dependent upon
the usual methods of cleanliness but
can take out their teeth and wash
them in a bowl. If you would avoid
this latter unenviable distinction get
a good brush and use it with persist-
ent regularity, no matter whether
young or old. Remember, that in
brushing the teeth you not only
cleanse them but you improve the cir- A COMFORTABLE HOUSE OR
culation of blood through the gums, HOME DRESS.
sweeten the mouth, prevent pyorrhea.
—Dr. L
To mend a tear in kid gloves, first
buttonhole around the edge of the tear
with silk of the same shade, then draw
the stitches together firmly, one at a
time. This is not only a neat way to
darn, but a durable one as well.
It is the little personal touches that
make a house a home—those things,
usually small in themselves, that show
you are interested in the art of house-
keeping. And many times the most
attractive houses are not those that
are the most expensively furnished,
but those that show the greatest am-
ount of taste and care or attention.'
One of the most charming kitchens I
ever sawwas a farm kitchen and the'
expenditure of money for the furnish-
ings was small indeed. 1
The floor was painted and the walls `
were painted apple green. - But the one
thing about the room that added more
to its attractiveness than all else was
the array of enameled cans that filled
the pantry shelves and were in evi-
dence in half a dozen places about the
room. They were all sizes and shapes.
There were baking powder cans, cof-
fee cans, -cocoa cans and spice cans of
various sizes. With automobile ena-
mel these had been painted apple
green and the name of the contents f08J
had been painted on in black. There - {
were cans foreverything that a can
could be utilized for about a kitchen.'
A large ten -pound coffee can held the 4081. Long'waisted effects still pre -
sugar and several five -pound ones held vat as this style shows- It is nice
h d h for tub silk gingham voile and also
tion of doctors as a means bf early aimed to torture an' then kill, looks "Ifyou,"
diagnosis of smallpox and other tits -
like. If not, why did they tie him ug he suggested.
eases involving a rash.
Photographs of children have shown
the asymptomatic measles rash devel-
oping under the skin days before it
was visible to the eye.
"I have been able to tell in advance
by means of photography that child-
ren were sickening for measles," said
a London practitioner.
"This method should be valuable in
smallpox cases. People in contact
with known cases could be photo-
graphed before any rash develops on
the outer skin. If the camera reveal-
ed the disease on them, they could be
removed to isolation before they be-
came infective."
The Westwood Oaks.
Where moaned the forest, now the
pasture sleeps,
One oak in twenty acres you may
The rest went sailing, full a hundred
When the. Armada swelled before
the wind.
They' moulder by hid reef or loud sea-
They bear the weeds, who bore the
leaf of old,
Time -rotted and tide -ridden are they
Save one in twenty acres of bare
—Eric Chilman.
Do. You Know the Animal?
Nave a packet in yoi.w
p".oiiet for ever -ready
Aids digestion.
Allays thirst.
Seethes the throat..
For Quality, Flavor and
the Sealed Package,
would like to get this spiek and-spaiz
riding -school model on the back of
Wild Fire and see how long he would
stick to the saddle.
(To be continued.)
first?" 1 "I read that your brother was try -
James nodded, reflectively. "Maybe ing to arrange bond for Mr. Lane. I
they have the red Indian habit of tor- want to see him about that. I am
lure in Japan." !Rose McLean. My - sister worked for
"Never heard of it if they have,' your uncle in his offlee."
but I've got a kinda notion—picked it "Oh!" A film of wary caution set-
up in my readin'—that Asiatics will tied over his eyes. It seemed to Rose
go a long way to square a grudge. If that what she had said transformed
this Horikawa had anything against him into a potential adversary. "Glad
Uncle James he might have planned to meet you, Miss McLean. If you'd
this revenge an' taken the two thou -'rather talk with my brother I'll make
sand 'dollars to help his getaway." an appointment with him' for you."
"Yes, he might." "Perhaps that would be best," she
"Anyhow, I've made up my mind to said.
one thing. You can 'most always get 1 "Of course he's very busy. ,tf it's
the truth when you go after it good anything I could do for you—"
an' hard. I'm goin' to find out who "I'd like you both to hear what I
did this thing an' why."
James Cunningham looked into his
cousin's face. A strong man himself,
he recognized strength in another.
Into the blue -gray eyes of the man ing urbanity.
from Twin Buttes had come a cold "That seems to settle the matter.
steely temper that transformed the I'll call my brother up and make - an
gay, boyish face. The oil broker knew appointment."
Lane had no love for. his uncle. His Over the wire Jack put the case to
resolution was probably based on a his brother. Presently he hung up the
desire to clear his own name. receiver. "We'll go right over, Miss
"I'm with you in that," he said McLean."
quietly, and his own dark eyes were They went down the elevator and
hard as jade. "We'll work this out to- passed through the lower hall of the
gether if you say so, Kirby." - building to Sixteenth Street. As they
The younger man nodded. "Suits me walked along Stout to the Equitable
fine." His face softened. "You men- Building, Rose made an explanation.
toned three leads. Most men would 1 "I saw you and Mr. James Cunning -
have said four. On the face of it, of ham at the inquest"
His memory stirred. "Think I saw
you, too. 'Member your bandaged
arm, Is it broken?"
He felt the need of talking against
have to say.''
For the 'seating of a pulse his eyes
thrust at her as though they would
read her soul. Then he was all smil-
The Test.
"Funny how some people try to get'
along with no household equipment at
all," remarked Juggins, "Why, these
new neighbors of mine haven't a lawn-
mower, a hose, a step -ladder, a saw,
a flhing,rod, an ice-cream freezer, or
any new books."
"How do you know they haven't?"
asked Muggins.
"Why, the day'after they moved in
I tried to borrow these things.'
Mhnard's Liniment Heals Cuts.
the evidence at hand, the guilty man
is sittin' right here talkin' with you.
You know that the dead man an' I
had a bitter feelin' against each other.
You know there was a new cause of
Betty's Spelling.
Father—"How do you spell 'rat'?"
Little Betty—"R—A- T."
"Yes. Now, tan you spell 'mouse'?"
"Of course I can, father! You spell
it just the same way, only with little
Shoe polishers now use electric pole
fishing machines.
Literary AssIstarice
Prepared speeches for every occasion, Materia! for
orations, addresses, lectures, memorials. Books m-
ound. Newspaper clippings on any subject. Par-
ticulars upon rottneat. INTERNATIONAL PRESS
CUPPING BERME, Dept, 0.. Quebeo, Que.
Holland Bulbs, tt-
Have a beautiful window Garden In the depth of
winter at a small cost. Special Collection. 7 Beau-
tiful Assorted Bulbs. postpaid. 600. Special Col
)codon, i5. Selected Bulbs, postpaid. S1, Freq.
Illustrated List.
C. E. BISHOP & SON. Seedsmen -*-
.Belleville, Ont.
trouble between us, an' that I told you an inner perturbation he did not want
I was goin' to get justice- out of him to show. What was this girl, the sister
one way or another. I'm the only man of Esther McLean, going to tell him
known to have been in his rooms last and his brother? What did she know
night. Accordin' to the Hulls I must about the murder of his uncle? Ex -
'a' been there when he was killed. citement grew in him and he talked at
Then, as a final proof of my guilt, I random to coven it.
slide out by the fire escape to get away "Fall down?"
without bein' seen. I'll say the one "A horse threw me and trod on my
big lead points straight to Kirby arm."
Lane," "Girls are too venturesome now -
"Yes, but there's such a thing as adays." In point of fact he did not
character," James answered. "It's think so. He liked girls who were
written in your face that you couldn't good sportsmen and played the game
have done it. That's why the jury -said hard. But he was talking merely to
a person unknown." - bridge a mental stress. "Think they
"Yes, but the jury didn't know what can do anything a man can. 'Fess up,
you knew, that I had a fresh cause of Miss McLean. You'd try to ride any
quarrel with Uncle James. Do you horse I could, no matter how mettle -
believe me absolutely? Don't you some it was. Now wouldn't you?" '
waver at all?" . - "I wouldn't go that far," she said
Country Magistrate — "Well, what "I don't think you had any more to dryly. For. an instant the thought
have you been arrested for—shootingdo with it than I had myself, nswer- flickered through her mind that she
•ed the older cousin instantly,with -
conviction. '
Sam—"No. sah, jedge, your honer, Kirby gave.him his hand impulsive
I'se 'rested fah on'y les' shootin` a lit- ly.' "You'll sure do to ride the river,
tie craps." with, James,"
the rice an of er cereals This done "When are you going to pay for CHAPTER XV.
away with the unsightly paper bags for taffeta, gabardine and crepe. Blue that sewing -machine I sold,you?" A GLOVE AND TIlE HAND .irr'IT.
and pasteboard cartons that make. a and white checked gingham is Here "Pay for it? Why, you said that 111 a As Rose saw the hand of the law
shelf look so untidy., portrayed with bandings of blue'cham- short time it would pay for 'itself i"
closing in on Kirby, she felt as though.
Another practical use for the
tin brey and organdy for collar and cuffs.
cans is to steam breads and puddings The sleeve in wrist length is fitted Among Lancashire miners there
in. They are particularly suitable for with, a dart was formerly a curious old belief that,
this if the pudding or bread is intend -1 The Pattern is cut in '7 Sizes: 34, when having a bath, they must not
be baked in these cans and ed for school handles. Bread may also 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 .inches bust
wash the back, as'water weakened
measure. A 38 -inch size requires 8 , _ f the body.
® � �� e SCHOOL
��� at the foot is '2%` yards with plaits 1 Insects which live on vegetabl
Iextended. Collar and cuffs of con-' foods are slow and inoffensive, while
One of the Best Equipped in Ontario, ! trasting material require g/a yard 32 those which feed on animal substances
have rat lass Instructors I
We Y!a e r'i C to inches wide, { are _ very active, pitiless, and quarrel -
Pattern mailed to any address on some.
receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by,
the Wilson. Publishing Co., 78 West Mtnard'o Liniment fo, Oandruft
-� ..,
yards of 82 -inch meteriab. The'width
an ironic fate were laughing in impish
glee at this horrible climax of her woe
He had sacrificed a pot of gold and
his ambition to be the champion rough
rider of the world in order to keep her
out of trouble: Instead of that he had,
himself plunged into it head first. {
e She found herself entangled in a nett
from which there was no easy escape. `
Part, at least, of the evidence against!
=hake you a Real Expert, Write or see
'W. G. Paton, Fal Queen St. E., Toronto,
MUSE No. 41---'23.
Kirby, or at least the implication toi
be drawn from it, did not fit in with
1 what she knew to be the truth; He
had not been in the apartment of James
Cunningham from 920 until 10.15. He
Rememberto ask for
,p Wben }roil order
on the J
Yon, n bank on a"444"
Day at do inon.th after month
Smear s'i4 4-c Axe will stand the
going where the going is hardest.
4 et yoltr hardware anan too show
you a444. Note the'han0 and the
"feel" ()lit- A real axe with a
firebluea. finish that resists
Don't. ref
use the mustard when it is
passed toyou. Cultivate the habit of
especially fat meat taking it with meat, castle, and aids in
It etimelates the.dig
assimilating your food. '
PA 3�