HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2006-10-11, Page 25Sports The Huron Expositor • October 11, 2006 Page Doig earns player of week honour for Guelph Storm Seaforth native Tyler Doig is off to a fast this season with the Guelph Storm of the Ontario Hockey League. Doig was named the Storm's player of the week for week of Sept. 25 -Oct. 1 and nominee for the OHL's player of the week. In two games, Doig picked up 2 goals and 2 assists to help the Storm pick up 3 of a possible 4 points. In his third season with Guelph, Doig has been a consistent offensive contributor for the Storm with 10 points in the club's first 5 games. • He is currently tied for fourth overall in scoring in the OHL. The overage forward began the week with a powerplay goal in the Storm's 3-2 shootout loss versus tl`ie Plymouth Whalers and added an unassisted shorthanded goal and a pair.of assists in Guelph's 5-3 win over the Kitchener Rangers on Sunday. e For more information contact o rk ass 1 1 e s ; Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! Your local newspaper NOMINATE an outstanding young person, aged 6 to 17, for the 2006 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards before Nov. 30. Nomination forms at www.ocna.org, from this newspaper, or call 905-639-8720, ext.228. AUCTION = OPPORTUNITY!!! Real Estate, Automobiles & Chattels to be auctioned on Saturday, October 14, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. Address: 84 Pioneer Drive, Holland Center (Owen Sound area). For more information CALL TOLL-FREE 1-866-583-7653 or Visit: www.thompsonsauctions.ca MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. 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