HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-13, Page 87777, EXETER ADVOCATE, TB.URBDAY, SEPT. 1920 Exeter Markets r H 11' GED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wh:. it Oats ?q 95 �.. 35. Bar uy 48 nil n>ba's Best Flour ............3,75 Firmly Flour - • .3.60 Pa try Flour ......... ...... ....... 3,20 Feed Flour i• ., 1.90 Bran, ..,,,.... ,.. .., 1.40`• Shorts , , 1,60 Eg, Sueeia1 and extra ' $5 Eggs -No. 1 ...:..... ....... .........27 Eg_s-No7 21 Czeamery Butter ,,,,...., 39-41 Dairy Butter ,,.33-36 Lard , ..., y 18. to 20 Hogs , ,.9.50 W. R. Goulding A. T. C. X. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church, Teacher of Piano, Vocal and l Theory, Instructor of Music tin the Public Schools Box 57 Terms Moderate EXETER. APPRENTICE TO DRESSMAKING WANTED, -Apply to \%ss Tom, Ex- eter. ( 1, ; BUSINESS PLACES CLOSE, All the business men of town have agreed to close their re.specti,vel plac- es of business on F'aiia Day from 2 tilt 4 o'clock, BRICK. HOUSE FOR SALE,. Comfortable Brick House, well sit- uated ; price reasonable. Apply' to F. J. Delbridge Exeter, IVIHOLM FARM. Potatoes for sale, Also Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Chi,'cks any, age up , to (4 months. Phone your wants. L. V, HOGARTH Exeter, Ont. Phone Crediton 18-31, FARM FOR. SALE 150 acre choice farm, being LQt 11 and 12, Con. 15, Township Stephen; situated 5 west of Crediton, on good gravel road. Good two story brick house, two bank barns, good imple- ment shed and garage, never failing rock well, 10 acres good bush, well fenced and underdrained, Must be said to wind up estate. Apply on premises, -Jessie McKenzie, adminstra- trix, Dashwood, R. R. 2. FARMS FOR SALE, 21)0 acres, being lots 5 and 6, Con, 2, Usbarne, ail. An first-class state of cultivation, well underdrained with tile. 7 acres hardwood bush on each place. Lat 5 all in pasture. Good brick house and two bank barns on lot 6. Abundance of water. A young orchard just starting to bear. 3% miles from Exeter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter mile from school. Apply to Richard Coates Centralia P.O. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE, Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND. -A place where you car but British American gasoline at 30c. -R.Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North G S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. • DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioi„ and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, AMU-, ary District Number oase, London, Ont, Main Office -Dickson Block, Mein, Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34 Exeter, Office at Zurich Ont., Phone 79, Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. tja 5 p.m, gtarting at Exeter on Saturday,the 26th hasp LET ELLIOTT & JOlTNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. LOOK! LOOK! TO LONDON EXHIBITION'-` 'FARE - 51,50 Our truck will leave Central Hotel Wednesday, Sept. 12th, and Thursday Sept. 13th. at 8.30 aim.. Arrive Exhibatian Grounds 10.15 a.m. BAGSHAW & EASTON We Carry AlligStock : of furniture AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EEAEN. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED B. N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral Services Phones-Buiiness 20`r; Residence 20j Local , Doings • 'W'allae:eburg has a tax rate. of 56 rtmmlis. .. Many people are daily nassirng through town on their way to and from London Bahr, Lu' an lost the first of same and home games of baseball with Wingham on Saturday gin. Lucapm;, by. 7-1. Mr, John Floyd w'ho has been un- der the doctor's case, is improving slowly, and able to 'bel out again. Mr..Victor Hogarth of Stephenn, will conduct a c?zickepn farm for Silver - woods of Landon, after Decentb;er 1st; lIr, Andrew Boa conducted the ser- vices Sn Main Street Church on Sun- day, Rev, Clysdale being, on his vacat- ion. t The. partial eclipse of, the sun 'w s vis:.ble• here for an hour or so Monday terraoon. Slightly less than half the the sun was darkened. Sidney B„ owned by Mr. Yearley, Crediton, won .first money, in the Far- mers Trot or Pace, in straight heats, at Goderch on Thursday. Rt. Rev. Bishop Reeve, assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto, will be the special preacher at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service of the Trivitt Memorial Church ' to be held on Sunday October 7th. While in Toronto Messrs. George and T. R, Ferguson, and Messrs. -W. E. Sanders and Donahue took part in the Globe Scotch Doubles, but were el- iminated the first day. The first nam- ed' pair won their first game, MILLINERY The, Ladies of Exeter, and Commun. ity are invited to inspect our up-to- date stock of New Yor k Models and latest styles in hats and trimmings, Miss Fassold, an rexperirenced mill- iner i' with u, fox this season, A. 7ELL,AND WINTER POTATOES -Order your winter potatoes from J. H. Grieve and get good ones. J. J. ;Maloney, ex -cleric of the Rom- an Catholic Church, will address a big mass meeting in James Street Church on. Sunday, Sept, 16, at 8 o'clock p, M. He will also becture to men lardy on Monday, Sept. 17, atm 8 o'clock p. m. in,. James Street Church under the aus- pices of L. O. L. 924. Wm. Litman,, War. Master DARK HONEY FOR SALE, Excellent quality, 60. a ib. until sold, JOHN CARRICK, Lake Road, Stephen, Hay P.O. NECK CHAIN LOST. -Lady's long g'oid chain last week in August, on road from Bayfield to Grand Bend; Finder will receive reward on leaving 1 same at Adv,ocate Office. HOUSE FOR SALE. Two storey brick residence on( Will- iam ,Street, Exeter, in first-class con- dition; modern conveniences, ,flood garden., Apply Mrs. W. J. Russell. RANGE FOR SALE. - Happy Thought, six hole, reservoir, etc., in condition, Apply at this office. FARM FOR SALE—On Lot 16, Con. 1, Stephen, 69 acres more or less, a good frame house, good wells, and a large bank barn in good con- dition, and other buildings. Apply to Ardagh Rollins, R.R. No. 1, Cen- tralia, P.O. BABY BUGGY. FOR SALE,- In first class condition:. Apply at this office, DR. H. H. COWAN, L,D.S„ Dental Surgeon, Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT, SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.iii,-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m, -Salvation Meeting, 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible t',113LSi9. Cottage meetings in North • End on Tuesday night. T. Hobbling, Captain. Trivitt 'Memorial Church 11 am "Without Us,;" 7 p, m• "The Mission of Jesus." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote; B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and 'Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Communion ,Service "The Vision of the Dying Christ" 7 pan. --"The Handing on of the Personality" The Minister. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST, METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor 117, iS a, ..m. -..Morning Cass, 11,.90 a m. -Morning worship, 3.00 p.m« -Sunday School, 7,O0p.m,. -Preaching Service, Rev. 3, E. Hunter, Granton: 8,00 p M. -Mass meeting •add°r'ess'e"d by M_ J J. , :Maloney Ex -priest, . James, the butler, was in ar sorry Plight; his mistress had returned and found James sleeping, 1listress. "How is it, James, when I return unexpectedly I fid you slee.p- James; "'Well, you neje mam, I'd bate to have you catch me doling noth Mrs, J. H, Grrevei was taken to Vic- toria Hospital, London, last week, to take treatment for a few weeks. The girl friends of 1lfxssi Coirsina Par- sons tendered her a. miscellaneous "sl'owe " Qat. Monday evening at the bome, of Mrs, F. Boyle, Will the London subscriber ,to the Exeter Advocate who wishes the ad- dress changed to 239 Grand Avenue, please send us his Boz! her name? A large number of scholars attend- ing high schools commenced their term on Tuesday. Apparently most of the district are. 'going to Exetert,' which school made, such a br1?iant s'Aowing the past' year. -Zurich Herald The regular F_t,day •evenang bowling tourney was won by C. Wares, E. J. Christie. and R. N. Creech, with three wins and a plus of twenty. Second prizes went to J. Pryde; E. J. Wethey and R N. Rowel with two wins and a Plus of 15, They monthly meeting al, the W.M.S. was held in Jaxne.s,St. Church on Wed- nesday last. Some 40 members answer ed the roll cap,1. A most interesting program, was given by; thq laidi•es con- sisting of aiea,dings by Mrs. R. Kers- lake, Mr -s.. Powe and Mrs. Pecitla+r, also a.•i instrumental by Miss FlossieI .muter a duet by Mrs. R. Kerslake and Mrs. W, Johns, and a solo( by, Miss V. Ess- ery, The musical part was very nice indeed, Rev. Donvnelly, the new pas- tor, met with the W.M.S. for the first time and gave a splendid address of encouragement and faithfulness to, our church work and W.M.S. work in gen- eral It being the September rally a special. offering was asked for and heartily responded to, Hiss M. A; Tom spent several days u:m r:ororzdo. Mr. Melvrile Gladman spent the week end in town. ldrs, Rmcha,rd tQuance, sr., 'was in London last week. Mrs. Billings of London spent a few days here, returning on Monday. Warden B. W. F. Beavers was in G•oderich on business on Tuesday. :1Ir, Oliver Davis of. Toronto, is hol- idaying At the home of his parents bene. Mr. J J. O'Reilly .of Detroit i,ormer- ly of Centralira, called, otri friends here'I Monday. Mrs, Stambury of Clinton is visit- ing at the home of herr ,s,an, Mr. J.G. Stanbury. Mr. and Mrs. B. 'NI. Francis, and •Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Rowe spent a few days in Toronto, ' Miss Ellen Stonehouse 01 'B• lgrave is, visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and 1.rs, Chas. Birney, Messrs H. O. Southcott and H. S. Walter returned Friday aft•ar spend - in; a week in Toronto„ Miss Ruth .Andrew left on Wednes- day for Sarnia to train as a nurse in the hospital in that city. Mrs. Fred Sanders and son Gordon of Toronto are visiting at the home of 'Ir. -and Mrs, Thos. Sanders. Mrs. EdKaufman of Brantford is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Eacrett, and other relatives. Mrs. J. J. Delonnay and son, Arthur Detroit, are visiting their grandmother Mrs. Ann Mitchell and other relativs. v1rs. Gordon Wells, of Windsor, is visiting her mother, Mrs, A. S. Davis, who ' is ill. Mr. Wells spent a few days here. Mr. Alva Keay of Bott:neau, N. D, is: visiting at Mr.' Luther Reynold's, in Usbonne, He will spend the winter in Ontarito, - Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Woad, after a wish with relatives here, left Thurs- day on. their return journey to their home in California.. Scouts Kenneth Stanhury ,and Tarn Fryda returned Friday from B;gwin Island, Muskoka, where they spent three weeks in. camp. , - Mr. and Mrs. Roht. McCrae{•and sin James, and. Master Gordon Stonehouse, all of •Belgrave,, sent 'the week end at the hone of ;Lr, and Mrs, Charles Barney, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Tatman, were fa Blyth last Wednesday to see the farmer's brother-in-law, M. Samuel Gidley, 'vvho,;recently suffered a stroke of paralysis, and • is quite 111. Mr, Ed Howald who is not feethig well, is taking a few weeks off from his work at Harvey,'s. Milli al -d with'•hits wile and daughter are visiting in Kit- chener and other eastern points. Rev. C. C. Kai ne, Methodist minis- ter in Thamesville, and family/ are here visiting in the, hopper of his brother -in, law, the Rev. F. E. C.lysdaae, pastor of the Main Street , Miethodist Church, \Ir. Ed Harness who has been work- ing with Mr. H. T. "Rowe, for some years, left this week for Windsor, to go into the produce( business In a re- tail way. The Advocate wishes him every success„ Mrs Hartness and , 18c, Tea Towelling98 dauighter.will. rezna:nu stere for a tine at least, 130c, Pl3ONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE .' Exeter Fall Fair, Mon. and 'hues., Sept. 17 and 18 Wonderful Values in Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dreises. See our Special Coats at 525,00 in Burberry and Fur Collared Styles, large range of Lades,' and Misses' Dresses ready for Fall Showing, Children's Coats ages 3 to 14 years at reasoata1ble prices, SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR, FAIR WEEK. Heavy quality White Flannelette, 36 in wide, for Fair week only at 27c, yd, Heavy. quality 40 and( 42 in; circular pillow cotton only 1 Feb',. each at 49c, yd Pure linen dish & roll,er! Towelling -a real bargain Fair week only, at 27 ,c. yd, Canadian and Anderson's Scotch Giughams, all must go at 22c, 29c., 39c. yard Ladies' black Cashmerette Hosiery, 5 dozen only to sell at 59c. a pair Ladies woos and cashmere hosiery, 10 dozen only to sell at 79c. a pair Men's heavy all wool work Socks, - ver good value at 50c. a pair Our Fall Stock of; Underwear, for Ladies, men and children, gloves, hastens dress goods, bats, caps, clothing etc„ is now complete. • Bedroom Rugs -in tapestries, at real bargain prices Fair Week. Clothing for Fair Week Boys' Stets Sizes Men's & Boys' 25, to 35, at .4„7S' & up, New Overcoats. Smart Oxfords Boys and Girls' and Slippers SchoolShoes - - Special Tents Su'ts at 517 and up Meats 'Stripe Overalls at 1.79 GROCERIES • On Fair Day and every, day buy Groceries here at Money Savin prices - Lux 11c. pk.,Yeast 'ic.pk, Red Salmon 22c for l lb tin, Mello; Corn Flakes 3 for 29c, Wash Boards 55c.' Cascade. Salmon 15c. Laundry Soaps 7c. bar Broom Specials 45c, & 65c, .Maple' Leal Salmon} 40c PICTORIAL PATTERNS -We are ocal selling agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. Pictorial Fashion Books and Magazines in stock. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES �-�b ` OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Janes' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regii,;tiered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates irr keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Kropp, Zurich, Ont. • ANDREW EASTON LICENSED- AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Paces reastanable, Satisfaction guaranteed. . Exeter - Ontario OR A E. TENNANT veterinary Surgeon vtclaonell's Stables, John St., Exete, tlately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stack sates a specialty Four years experience. FRANK ,TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer far Counties 9, Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton., - Ontario. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Visit US on Fair Day WE WILL BE DELIGHTED TO SHOW YOU OUR CHANDISE FOR FALL AND WINTER. WR BELIEVE THAT OUR PRICES COME IN AND MAKE YOURSELF A.T HOME. NEW MER - WILL SAVE YOU MONEY LADIES' COATS Our Shoveling far this Season is an exceptyonally, fine one. All we ask s'tho pleasure of showing you the isew models, LADIES' SERGE AND SILK DRESSES . , We can always show new'styles an :Silk and' Serge, Dresses, Our prtcas should interest you. ' Boys' and Men's Overcoats. The Cloths are, the very latest in coloring. The styles are snappy. It will pay you to seer them. Specials for Fair Day reduord to 12c. 25 u r, Boys' School Schoen, red. to 41 151,.0 Ladies' Winter Vests spud White Flaa,erette reduced to 24c Drawers reduced to ..,85c, 51,50 and $1.75 Boys' V. Neck Roller Toweling reduced to 18c. Sweaters, reduced to. ...75c. Mrs H. F. Johnston and littledaugh t 25c. ter, Mary, of Washingtontl, D. C. is. viisiting in, the. home of lVItr. and Mrs. W, Ii Johnston. Her .,husband and ,SPECIAL IN. :MEN'S :SWEATER COATS A few only' at the special pace, These are textra value at'51.98, .,. Captain .Atilt, . both members ' of •the, Department .of Terrestiai Magnetism Carnegie ' Institurte,. Washirrgtors, are in San Diego, California, making •obsei'.- •Vat tonfi :n connection with the sola,r! eclipse, that took placeson 1•Ionday o f' this week Mr. Johnston , has charge o1 the obserrvat',tn, in atmospheric clec t deity and Cmpfat' Ault in magnetism,. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS •- 89c., Zegular $1,25 values. All, . sizes in this lot, Fair day only 89c. ►`outhoott Bros. The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on app.l;tcatnon. Stray Anirmais-Orae insertion 50c., three insertions 51,50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found •logia, 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 100 per line per insertio s No noitice less than 25c, Card of Thank's 50c. Auction Satles .$3 for one insertion' and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fivfe inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and Sc. a line. Farm per Beall Estate for sale Sec. each insertion foto one month of Lour insertions. THE' DOUBLE TRACK BOUTts- Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO celled dining car service Sheepdog carie on night fridges and Parlor cars on principal day trains), Fri information from any• Grassi Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Haas► - hit District Passenger Agent, Tarte N. J. DORS Phone 46w, Agent, Exeter L R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance Office, Cal.ntg Block, Main St, Exeter Dr, G. F. Raulaton„ L. D. S. D. 17. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons;' Dr, A, R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. lion* Graduate Toronto University Office over Madman & Sta busy'/ Office, Main _Street, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN We bane a large amount of private funds to ' loam on farm > and Mage property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & ST A.NBURY Barristers, Sklicitors, ErICe �2