Huron Expositor, 2006-09-27, Page 2tember 27, 2006 • The Huron Expositor
eaforth earns five blooms during first year
in Communities in Bloom competition
Susan Hundertmark
Seaforth was handed a full bou-
quet of five blooms and finished in
the top three of its category at the
Communities in Bloom competition
in Brandon, Manitoba over the
Competing in the national
Canadian Classic category part-
nered with Petrolia, Ont., the two
lost to Kelowna, B.C.population
100,000, which was partnered with
Summerland, population, 10,000.
"B.C. has the climate and the
scenery but I'm told we did an
exceptional job," says Huron East
deputy -clerk Brad Knight, who
attended the awards ceremonies
over the weekend with fellow
Communities in Bloom committee
member Barb Dalrymple.
"The budgets of the winners
wouldbe overwhelming and we did
well withainimal budget," says
"We didn't want to let Petrolia
down and we didn't with our five
blooms," adds Knight.
Of the six part-.
nered communi-
ties in the compe-
tition, Seaforth
was one of three
receiving five
b l o o m s.
Communities in
Bloom does not
release the point
spreads between
competitors so it's
not known how
Seaforth and
Petrolia placed in
the top third and
what the point
spread was
between Seaforth
and Petrolia and
the other top
three partner-
"We are ecstatic
for Seaforth,"
says Pat
Harwood, of the
Communities in
Bloom committee.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipality of Huron East passed By -Law No. 52 -
- 2006 on the 19th day of September 2006 under Section 34 of the Planning Act; R.S.O. 1990.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in
respect of the By -Law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Huron East, not later than
the 17th day of October 2006 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the
reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by an Ontario Municipal Boardfee of $125.00.
Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by-law to the Ontario
Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group.
However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the
association or the group.
AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the
by-law applies is provided below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at the Clerk's
office during regular office hours.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION and copies of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law are avail-
able at the Huron East Municipal Office, Huron County Planning and Development Department,
Seaforth Public Library and Brussels Public Library and on the website:
Dated at the Municipality of Huron East this 27th day of September 2006.
J. R. McLachlan, Clerk -Administrator,
Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East
72 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO
Phone 519-527-0160 Fax 519-527-2561
1-888-868-7513 Toll Free
The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Huron East consists of text and
maps that apply to all the lands in the Municipality. It repeals and replaces the current Zoning
By-laws for the 5 wards in Huron East.
The new Zoning By-law affects all of the lands within Huron East and consists of detailed text
and key maps.
The Zoning By-law consists of new General Provisions that may apply to all zones in the
Municipality in order to implement the Official Plan. Each zone section outlines the Permitted
Uses, Accessory Uses, Permitted Structures and Zone Regulations for that zone.
Official Plan Amendment (OPA#2) applies to portions of the new Huron East Zoning By-law and
has recently been considered by the Municipality of Huron East and the County of Huron. The
Notice of Decision for OPA#2 to the Huron East Official Plan has been circulated with an appeal
deadline of October 10, 2006.
Brad Knight, Barb Dalrymple and Bob Fisher with a certificate recognizing
Seaforth's flower boxes in the Communties in Bloom competition.
"It's huge (that Seaforth future," they said.
achieved five blooms during its The churches and the fire hall
first competition). It often doesn't were also singled out for their floral
happen the first time out," she = displays.
says. Seaforth's three lowest categories
Harwood says the Petrolia com- involved environment awareness,
mittee "snuck up to Seaforth" tree/urban forest management and
four times to take pictures of the landscaped areas.
progress in town and they were The judges commented that
"quite worried we weren't going Seaforth should encourage more
to keep up with Seaforth." backyard composting and rain bar -
"Wow, there was a total change rels and encouraged council to enact
in your community. It's not all an anti -idling bylaw to prevent
about flowers. It's about civic vehicles from idling in the munici-
pride and signage and much pality.
more and we really saww that in Higher efficiency vehicles in the
Seaforth. You did a super job," municipal fleet using higher effi-
she says. ciency fuel and creating bike lanes
While Seaforth earned 859.5 and expanded recreational path -
points out of 1,100 in the compe- ways were also recommended.
tition, its top marks included 111 While the judges were impressed
out of 125 for floral displays and by the new fencing at the Seaforth
110 out of 125 for tidiness. Lawn Bowling Club, they wanted to
"The quality and quantity of see more of it throughout town and
excellent residential gardens is recommended heritage ornamental
extremely impressive, and the grasses on municipal property.
very active Horticultural Society While Communities in Blooms
is to be commended for its dedica- rules stop Petrolia from partnering
tion and work in the community," again with a community that has
said some of the judges' com- already been involved in the con-
ments, adding they noticed the test, Harwood says she'd like to be
strong spirit of volunteerism in able to convince the organization to
Seaforth. let Seaforth and Petrolia partner
Seafdrth also received special again.
recognition for its flower boxes on "We want to be able to finish the
the three bridges in town. partnership and win together with
As well, the judges remarked Seaforth. We've had a lot of fun
on the strong role preservation of together and created some great
heritage plays in Seaforth. friendships," saysHarwood.
"The community is encouraged "You've got a gr at team up there
to continue to leverage this and you'll do well no matter what
strength to promote itself in the 'category you compete in," she says.