HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2006-09-20, Page 1946. In Memoriam
In memory of our son, brother and uncle Craig, who left us suddenly.
Three years ago on September 20th,
Our world stopped turning when you took your last breaths.
If only we knew,
That God needed you.
We could have said goodbye,
Instead, now you're our rainbow in the sky.
It isn't fair you died too young,
Your story had just begun.
We're lucky to have loved somebody like you,
And now we have a guardian angel watching over us too.
We miss you more than words can say,
And pray that we'll meet again some day.
- Love Dad & Mom; Scott & Lisa; Angie, Wayne, Kyle & Jilaine; Becky and
Chris 46-38x1
38. Auction Sale
38. Auction Sale
38. Auction Sale
Municipal Act, 2001 .
The Corporation of the County of Huron
Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale
by public auction at 10 o'clock on the 3rd day of October, 2006 at
Huron County Court House, 1 Courthouse Square, Goderich,
Ontario N7A 1M2
Description of Land(s): Minimum Bid
1. LT 45 FJ'S Colborne St PL 136 Ashfield; $2,006.41
lbwnship of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
2. LT 10 PL 133 Tuckersmith; SAP R117614; $12,799.11
Municipality of Huron East
3. LT 26 PL 305 Grey; LT 27 PL 305 Grey;
LT 28 PL 305 Grey;
Municipality of Huron East
4. PT LT 6 CON 1 Usborne as in R175326; $10,301.41
Municipality of South Huron
5. LT 31 PL 211 Stephen SIT 8162961;
SIT Execution 92-0197, $14,055.59
if enforceable; afr Execution 92-0233, if enforceable;
SIT Execution 92-0246, if enforceable; 87 Execution
92-0471, if enforceable; SIT Execution 92-0476, if enforceable;
Municipality of South Huron
6. PT LT 10 CON 6 Stephen;
Municipality of South Huron
7. PT LT 4 PL 211 Stephen as in R316157;
Municipality of South Huron
All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable
in full at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation
regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be
sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the
potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required to pay
the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to
the successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale, contact:
Treasurer, The Corporation of the County of Huron
1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2
Personal information contained on this form, collected pursuant to the
Municipal Act, 2001 will be used for the purposes of that Act. Questions
should be directed to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Cooralinator
at the institution responsible for the procedures under that Act.
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The Huron Expositor • September 20, 2006 Page 19
Recycled misprint in just nae of the many useful products made from old newspapers. Recycling Steps the ri spaper you're reading from the
• landfill. And, it helps us ill to or money.
*dapsred,ntrie. Aid tte1dowpit We7aelip"
38. Auction Sale
38. Auction Sale
38. Auction Sale
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell
Viewing 11:00 a.m. Sale Day
Antiques: Ornate oak high bed, washstand and dresser; blind cherry 4
door comer cupboard; two*and single drawer lamp tables; open pine flat -to -
wall; omate cherry 2 door bookcase with drawers; jam cupboard; 3 piece
poster bedroom suite; early Duncan Phyfe one drawer table; Queen Anne
style curio cabinet; cherry five drawer chest; 36 inch flat -to -wall; narrow
walnut bookcase; blanket boxes; Quebec dry sink; Victorian fireside chair;
oak library table; china cabinet glassed on 3 sides; inlaid grandfathers clock
curio cabinet; 2 drawer 2 board pine harvest table; music cabinet; oak
hoosier cupboard; and many more pieces
Lamps and Old Lighting; Two cranberry hanging hall lamps; approx. 75
coal oil lamps with approx. 25 coloured including snowflake cranberry,
cobalt blue princess feather, two cathedral lamps etc.; 20 miniature lamps;
Moorcroft table lamp; finger lamps etc.
Glass and China: Doulton 18 inch vase; 5 pcs. of Moorcroft; 30 covered
animal dishes in various colours; nine pc of Cosmos; early Staffordshire;
cranberry including opalescent and enameled lamps, water sets and brides
basket; 8 place setting of Wedgwood grape vine pattern china; Medatta
china; numerous pc . of milk glass; greentown glass; glass slippers; pin
cushion doll collection; and much more
Misc: Small Gerhard apt. sized piano; blue flowered crocks; old clothing;
poultry memorabilia; quilts; Supertest items; wicker, Carling -Kunz beer tray;
tin toys; milk bottles; early miniature sampler; many small collectables; J.D.
STX 38 riding mower and a few household effects
Note: An exceptional offering. See jacob.ontarioauctioneer.com for more
details and pictures. An interesting 40 yr. collection.
Prop: Wilbert and Fran Maloney; Helen Roedding and a London area
Doug Jacob
* * * * * * * * * *
Antique furniture and collectibles from the Estate of Bill McCall plus •
many good additions of antiques, furniture, appliances, glassware,
thickness planer, jointer, tablesaw, 95 Chev van to be held at
Seaforth Fair Grounds Agri Plex Building
Saturday, September 23 at 10 am
EVERGREEN SHRUBS - approx 35 various evergreen shrubs VAN 95
Chev from Avon Maitland School Board sells at 11:30 am POWER
TOOLS King heavy duty 15" thickness planer, King 10" table saw, King
heavy duty 6" jointer, router, flex drive unit w/foot pedal APPLIANCES
apt. size freezer, washer and dryer, GE upright freezer (good One) 2-500
BTU window air conditioners 1 yr old, small Claire Jewell cookstove,
Electrolux vac w/power head, Filter Queen vac, KNITTING MACHINE
Singer knitting machine w/attachments ANTIQUE FURNITURE Large
flat to wall cupboard, 2 side boards w/mirrors, 5 drawer chest w/spooled
comers, drop front secretary bookcase, 4 drawer chest, baking cup-
board, heavier style cupboard, blanket boxes, cedar chests, music
stand, trunks, 8 Batten pattern pressback chairs (refinished, 6 matching
pressback chairs, Queen Victoria pressback chair, parlour tables, rock-
ing chairs, various/Washstands, antique dressers w/mirrors, fancy iron
bed, wooden beds, treadle sewing machines, hall mirror w/cast hooks,
wicker fern stands, wall magazine rack, wall clothes rack, floor lamps,
wooden dining tables, round dining table w/centre pedestal, commode
D.Blake Walton pocket watch, 2-Walthon pocket watches, Pillar mantel
clock, kitchen shelf clock, Forestville mantel clock, large oval wooden
butter bowl, ladle, butter print, pipers chanter, Big Ben alarm clock,
Shaeffer pen set, large old bible, enamel pieces, stereo scope w/ T.
Eaton Co. viewng cards in original box, blue finger pianted crock, toy
metal garage 50 yrs old, tin flute, Indian arrow head, 6 -oil lamps, Salada
Tea box, 1913 Christies Derby hat, washbasin, 2 pitchers, chamber pots,
2 wheat pattern water pitchers, cold books, office desk, corner china cab-
inet, good box spring & mattresses, chesterfields, upholstered chairs,
large wall unit 5 pc wicker set, mason jars, small plant tables, metal floor
grates, milk can, old doll, crocks, jugs, Beaver jar, wooden planes, cop-
per boiler, coal skuttles, draw knives, dishes, glassware, etc.
2 auctioneers selling
Terms Cash or cheque w/proper ID
Auctioneers Richard and Ben Lobb 519-482-7898
46. In Memoriam
In loving memory of a dear son who passed
away September 20, 2003.
Some say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time or reason,
Will change the way I feel.
For no one knows the heartache,
Behind the smile I hide,
No one knows how many times,
have broken down and cried.
want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to live without.
- Love always, Mom 46-38x1
NIXON: In loving memory of Bill, a dear bother
and uncle who passed away September 20,
If we could have a lifetime wish,
And one dream that could come true,
We would speak to God with all our hearts,
Just to see and speak with you.
A thousand words won't bring you back,
We know because we tried,
Neither will a million tears,
We know because we cried.
You left behind our broken hearts,
And precious memories too.
But we never wanted memories,
We only wanted you.
- Still missing you. - Tim, Greg, Laura and
families 46-38x1
NIXON: William (Bill): In loving memory of a
dear grandson, who was taken suddenly from us
three years ago, September 20, 2003.
Another year has passed,
Since God called you away,
But still we miss you,
Each and every day.
What we wouldn't give to take one more walk,
Or just quietly sit and have one more talk.
Miss you Bill and always will .
For though you're gone we love you still.
- Love always, Grandma 46-38x1
COLEMAN: In loving memory of our dear
husband and father, Francis, who passed away 1
year ago September 24, 2005.
God looked around His garden,
And He found an empty space,
He then looked down from Heaven,
And saw your tired face,
He put his arms around you,
And laid you down to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He only takes the best.
- Missing you Dad, Love Edythe and family
38. Auction Sale
38. Auction Sale
Auction Calendar
CLINTON 482-7898
Sat., Sept 30 at 10:30 am Snowplow
trucks, hopper sander, dump trucks,
Champion road grader, industrial tractor,
35 -ton float, 16 ft trailer, gravel hopper
trailer, 3 -Ford diesel ambulances, 12
pick-up trucks, cube van, 2 -vans, 8 road-
side mowers, 2-Lucknow snowblowers, 3
fire trucks, 94 GMC top kick w/11 ft
reversible snowplow plus related items to
be held one . mile north of Auburn at
Huron County Highways garage for
Counties of Huron, Middlesex, Lambton
plus additions from other municipalities.
See www.huroncounty.ca/highways/auc-
tion/ for detailed listing, some pictures
and terms and conditions of sale or call
Walter Johnston at 519-526-7231