HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-13, Page 4•
rye Exeter Advocatel I)comon weth r C R 'd
Sanders 8 Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In advance, $1.50
per year in Canada; $2.00 in the
United States. All subscriptions not
paid in advance 50e, ,;,••t charged
.000.11.01•00041411 .1.0702=7...t0=nr.r4.0•1.0...trarmmelMENNIM
T leUESj .y, l' 13, !.923
ere and There
' Protection of migratory birds has
been added. to the duties of the
• 'Canadian Pacific Railway's con-
Airplanes attached - to the On-
tario Fc+restry Department are now
equipped t ith radia sending appa-
ratus se :the, Gar. keep in con- z numbs; at
start toucl; wit?, ti -e chief and other au previous to that' west a very
.rangers. i an.l active woman Tie tuner
} A'',:,' was held at the home of
There wa4 an z zariase of sixty-d•zughte -airs. Alex. -Sparks ,a.
'three per seize iz, the number of iend was conducted by a farm
migrants to Canada during the last , to-' of deceased. Rev. Johnston
three months s;•: tampered with the , can. assisted bs• Rei. Lundy
corresponding period of last ne r, and
year. i hayfield eld ,The s were into.
"""""' deceased s sure
Canadian . 'fie anerae in Brit 1,.- n- and five daunt
ain recruited ;z; • five sant daughters. 'h
e y five thousand band died twelve years ago, th
men for «L.rl the harvest fields 'foul years after they had .retire
of Western fa rain,., to r'
lackC 'ae and, through the at.$
of steep,,hip aseommodatiun gglas of Henson le one,.of the so
closed that. 1.•<,•: .,n a.
who, attracted b • teary •h u
vest rate. song y the special haze. :
„ht to enter Canada, 1
• The t blotch Trinee grogram of the _
Canadian Pe efrie Ra away carried
out this year will tiring into opera- - The late James Ow:rltolt who
tion on the prairies a larger mileage ;drowned at Goderich harbor last
tban any one year sines 1914. Of. its-, well known in 'these; parts h
the 431 miles cf Hee tinder construe- !Lira ed in Hay Tp. practicably all
tion, 251 }riles will he ready for ! •1'tt', th,e last •hrenty y-tiars kct
Hardline grain in the Fall, and of 'Bauble I:aue, unto this spring whe
the biline-•. Ale re, -,:es will be ready ..mored to Goderich. The remains
for steel L. ah^ wigter freeze-up. . i brought to the Bronson Linc. cern
A burl lir �; of ear nzterment on Thursday,
'the Universitye f we,,,,F.n to b en- .e Mt' and Mrs. Steinbach of H
tirel + . riztxd to Mach., lx., who have. been, visiting at
ay the inanufacture,,wl3:or'r'"•' of air, and Airs. Stade, have
aetmsul i,; This will be the only :fumed home. Mr, and Mrs. Stade
y Ce maua to manufacture , son Harold acoompareed them fo
the curative Cuid in commercial ' visit•
quantities and. although it is mann- . Evelyn Ayres, the little daughtei
factures! in the United States Great 11rs, Ayres of the vi• ag , h.
Britain and :Miers:l,, the Canadian fortune to fall and fracturedher
product will b� sold throughout the '1r. N. Reichert and son Harold
world. _ Detroit have been visiting at the D
Dawson City recently chart home,
City twenty-seventh n.rllyyvicelebrated. Miss Clara Weber, who for so
the twenty -s a the Blond key of time has been visiting with her sis exhibition of Yukon Y In qhs. Foster at .Detroet, has return,,d
cabbage: 16 inches in Products 'home.
wet diameter Y lett
big p t ..ds. potatoes as �visited Zurich , of Detroit,
- big
' barl
with thee- rZr �,? ;;old nuand Airs 'Wm. Kloppj have return
gold dt c i cheer liars. nuggets, ed tc their field of. labor, at Elzni
- __-__-- Iltnnois,
Dr. Jame: 1 , yrr�, Commissioner I s 11r aryl Mrs. Edgar Broderick an
of Felice.U •t: . end a gnest at the fat the homarl e of .ala Alex. Rennie,
e day
Canadian r s < ifie: Faingalow Camp at yion Lyme.
.name, Bain
biggest tweet
trout aught e record in the r the` 1 to`Cioss and
e 1, M Chas. Weber motore
Nipieon River this season, havingi * 1' Lfh., family
c4 and lees
captured a fieri weir,: 3 cam. i ndlavt- and Owen So who have bee
This catch � � ing 7 •� pounds. ;camping
was above the average, 1 `en's'• ng at Sound.
but a large number of sixjn-ss at J Freezer of Detroit, is vis
have been taken from the poundersiotin, J Procter's./
this season, eral years a,, Nipigon . Misses Sussautna and Discola Smith
fromhise son, S the :yea place,, D d and Cec;11a Farwell. left for Detroit
J. W. Cook, of Per:. Williacaughtlir, Theo Iy. Mr left He Herbert
tech weighed
speckled trout, r i eU t1Scson Mr. :alb -g d fourteen and twoon-ha,d • Kalbfleisch,t 16th Con.Mr. nHay, d iaisoJ eft
pounds, and was more than
a half feet long,to attend this institution.
ez ge Clot as'
eeka'a ar eFess Pearl,' Icraft has also ac-
cepted a 'po,saxtion as assistant.
and Mai -Schlemmer and - Mr.
and, Mrs,,. frank of Detroit, lisztedl„:their
nerents, Mr, and Mrs. •...ltauingartezl,
last 'week.”
Miss Alice Riehm of Chicagoe;s vis-
ataig .with Miss Pearl Kraft.
lflss Edith Walper spent e few days
at Exeter en route to Detroit wheq
she w -i11 join her father for a week's
visit with relatives. .
\las Olivia Welkin and Mss Clara
Kraft, vlseted with =Sass Eolith Wal-
ser Monday evening.
r#enaail -
The death ,occurred here of Mrs`,
Peter Douglas, formerly. Miss Ma
garet Irvine at the age of 33 years.'
Mrs Douglas had b
health for tz„ nest { +'clini::.a
Ver. and Mrs. Solace spent a ;lay m
S,lratfnrd .last week visiting ;riend•
Airs. Hugh hfcDbugall, of the ear
eat' of the boundary moved to Sea -
forth' last week ata lies got settled in
her ,t,ew wine there.
Mr; Tom • Glen of Toto called
os Mr and :Mrs. r. M , Grein, one day
last week.'"
ear' Tom Ford and his mother cf
Windsor are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bolton at present.
Mrs Stewart McQueen and fam-
ily returned home after spending a
week with her sister lairs. John Reid
of Landon.
Miss Violet Stewart and sister vis-
ited a few days at Mr. and Mrs. ti'i� .
Centralia 1
1 Aft, wafted Anderson and baby
wh.•z ,have. been venting •ly rtlx this ., f oz•-.
mer's parents hens 'this• summer, have
returned ltd:I ,don.
Mrs. Connor of Lindsay, who has
been a v :star at the, ;home of her
brother, 1Ir. T. Oliver, is returning to
her homeSturday.
tilt. A. iiaaucocl Pram the west .vis-
with friends • a s e the past week.
See the horse races at Exeter Fair
next Tuesday
Exeter Council.
years, Monday evening, Sept. 10 1923
el sir- A regular session of the Municipal
her Council, absent Councillor Davis. The
f town,. minutes of the meeting held August
forme pa 27th, were read and signed, Corres-
01 Lu- pondance was read as follows: Cir -
RtP ruler letter from the Bickle Fire En-
rre l a
n ed by Siris Coiupar,y, Woodstock, :re -Fire
r 1 t ee Engine and other apparatus. Filed,
see n•. A. letter from solicitor I: R. Carl-
,[ from tug, re an appeal for damages eus-
Dou- tained by Mr, Jonathan Lydd to his
ns• crop of potatoes by
by cows running beingg.ora over
I The requisition from he Secretary
of the Board of Education for the
sunt of eleven thousand 'dollars for
1 school purposes for the
read. Per Ellerin ton•--- year was
yCe•e1c, g Francis—
eying That in view of the fact that the
the theool Decemrd berhrepodrta big surplus.,that
n ea the Council ask the board of Educa-
we.-e tion to reduce this amount by at least
eteryt one thousand dollars. Carried.
il , I The auditor's report for .August
1y was read and accepted on motion of
'112 Francis and Hooper.
and!The following accounts were read
and ordered
paid: Fred Kerr, brick
and tile, $70.02; Ernst Elliott, Fire
• of insurance, Town Hall,
mos-, '3enior, $15.60; J.
fire insurance, town hall,
r . $7.80; Frank Mallett, $i8. Passed
, on motion of Hooper•—Francis. Car-
d -1
met Adjournment• by Francis.
ter ( Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Shing thirtyo+� a' ' er an r, and Mrs. Ra Oh
as a man's head, pumpkins as ' Rev and :4lrs.rH r„son Becker,;tnd�
as watermelons, wheat, oats and two daughters, who eisi;ted some time
ey bore witness to the fertility �at t
the Yukon sail, Side b b'= tonic of Mrs. Becker's parents,
h Y side :Mr.
rz 1 Mr, and Mrs.. Brokenahire and chil-
dren and Mr: and Mrs. Geo
of '�'Virr, Wright,
are visitin
d dsor, motored to Crediton and
s Eli .Lawson.eir parents Ir. and Mrs.
'Ir. Dave Redfoat, of Pigeon, Mich.,
I spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry .1Iotz,
, See the horse races at Exeter Fair
a next Tuesday
I Mr. Victor Kestle has returned from
-, the West where he spent the last (3
Mrs, A. Oakes is 'visiting her father
_ and mother Mr. and Mrat G. K. Braun,.
Miss Martha Wenzel has returned to
Detroit after visiting a few weeks with
her parents air. and Mrs.Wm Wen-
'Tr. and Mrs. Joe Brokenshire, and
son.son are resiting Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lot
I The Hoist Bros. of Pigeon, Mich.,
are renewing acquaintances in the v71_
la„c the 'past week.
i?r. Merton Morley Principal spent
Friday a'n'd Monday in Stratford try, -
=ng his •examinations. . e•,
Mr. Albert Beaver and family moved
to Welland on Saturday last.
Eests thevacant lot George
xth, Either
purchased, nly
owned by Mr. A. Beaver.
We are pleased to state that Mrs.
C Trick is able tot be up again,
air. C. Trick was in, London on, a
business trip .qln"Monday:
Mr. P. Pearson of the/ Canadian Bank
of Commerce is been transferred to
Barrie, :Mr. Nichols of Parkhill` is
taking Airs po'sitr'on as junior here.
Mr. NelsenDrier is visiting Rev.
cal leas Dreer for a few d
A. record was established blished recently
when one of the latest type of Cana-
'dian Pacific locomotives drew a train
of 42 cars of -•
more than 1,100 tons,
,of the Abitibi Pulp' fr°m the plant The Holy' Tr pity Church, Lucan,
and Paper Co.mbeautifully decorated with autumn flow
Ammer, North Bay, to Toronto, with- ers, was the scene of a very
out mishap. Ordinarily, it Would wedding on Wednesday, Pratrat
Shave taken two passenger engines high oto Sept. 5th, at
lt. haul such a Ioad for the 320 united in marriage Alice,ddaughter Tr of
piles. After proving its worth by Bernard W.gSt to
phis feat the huge engine, together Mr, amof Lucan,ato
th an all steel train consisting of J. Archibald Tom of Stratford,
he latest model tourist, diningson ri Mr. and y of
J. E. �T'Om he l
/sleeping ears, and a baggage and i Gode;,ch, fo given
e Exeter. The
l Pa env car, formed : her -father,
who was , a in, marriage by
iridian P exhibit part of the ther: •father, wore a charming gown, of
/Canal ��. at the Nu i white chiffon taffeta with veil
reel ge Tprgntc, • • orange blossoms, and she carried and
bouquet of roses and lily of the vada
ley. Miss Helen Stanley, sister of the
bride, as maid of honor,, dressed in, i
shell pink, and Dr. 'Mary I. Tom :of a
Cramer yvere the bride's , in havender ' ._5s Ileeln. Lampert is visiting with
1lrs. Cru Left last week for her grad , attendants The friends in Flint, llMrich., for afew weeks
rrhome in :Detroit after spending; se user- 1 117s f was upparted by his c:ousiru, Mrs. Chas Roeszler .eft
al weeks thge guest of Mr, and •Mrs. "Yaitr" ed Fri-
Dr of Saaar die Mr. C,, a y last from London where she
Matthew Re A. M. I k y acted we'th friends.
, while ,
Mount Carmel
Goderich, as br.,desmard
Afro. Newbie of Detroit and form,.nip zriatbroys h.I Mrs. w'
of this Y, .s H• Muanra of - .
place is set e a a b ter. Aly during the
alnces in this n•ee wyng old acqua,ynt �'sianing of the register. •
ghborhoad,After ,the ceremaay a wedding lun-
Miss Tillie Edighoffer left last week I &aeon. was .served )at the h
for her Home near Dashwood
c •e
Mr. and iIrs. Alex lafcIsaac of De-
troit is visiting the former's brother
Mr. Neil
Mclsaac of the 14thTp1vlcGill-
.lir. Phailip Doyle of Toronto!, called
on, friends here for a few days.
A number from this neighboithaod
visited Landon Fair this week, -
a few days racevoh .her data speinding
Harold Ryan,
allYjer, .1M s
-Mr. John Ryani attended the( Taranto
Fair last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy left for their
home ;in +D,etroit after spending several
weeks waiting in this locality.
Mrs. Foley, accompanied by her two
grandchildren, of Detroit were visitors
rlrb this neighborhood last week.
oris cif th
baade's pareolts Lame a Green
Tom 'left for Taroneort takeMMrs.
Lawrence and Saguenay the S't. -
guenay trip. Guests .i12r_, and Mrs. Ed McP ,re.
present from Goderich, Toledo cbi o& y;
Buffalo, Stratford, Toronto, Lond, , vert—Sed their family rear Logout Ajay.
e stoevell and Exeter. on, viz.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shetler, Mr.
various fraternal lodges of tiffs, and lairs. Rob McPherson, and Mr, and
'tillasge.,heed a decoration, servic •Mrs. Gztenzxnel.of Buffalo lair
James Gezneter a rn St. Gilbspze •of Detroit, Mr_'and Mrs Ray
Y onn Sunuday : It was Pollock of Kerwood and, Miss .Emma
theoTirst ceremony of the kind ever
field, here and attracted a crowd es- McPhersonr of London and eight grand
i.t.rma'Ged at 1,500. It is likely to hie_ children.
rome: an anneal off aaa: Two auto loads of friends
I . The speakers ' Woodham called b from
• MTlae r, Rev. G. were e Rev. Kenneth son on Saturday, n Vis' A. M. Wal-
JohnstoncGand Rev. C. Gifford, Rev. D. Mrs. Mueller acid family of Detroit,
I latter of. the Pliriel, the elaited her ,sister Mas, Medlin
Kirkton; and Saintsbury M,ss Eva Hoyte rand friend Of pe—
=9.nn lvcaat churches. es •to'The a guar b
past 1uz, the ceremonies. g a't oncLoup took ,salts. r ay.,with 1i�er�>ar-
frolioan. Oranitge Lod o L to and trait, sp=nt Labo D
Amonue the dgeti The; High School .etude
lodges taking Pan',`' i,
the Dashwood
envi a were Irvin Lodge, F. and n e retunned ,to their studies t with ' Olive
A�. M' ; Harcourt . LLdge,eL. 0 BS acid Alma
Rock added
Helen Hay.
B d, ulph Lodge, :No 493
Moan rests s; Wrier of C f the Worts.and Services• in the Methodist Church
Mrs will
L. G. 1 dei to the ranks.
Canadian Ceder oaf For esters; Oda School, Kennedy,
opened here last Tues with
Fellows • Independent Order of For- Francis
Ke,nirnedy, Mss iyIark aril Italia*
resters ,
Woodmen of the Wor tonic s .n charge.
be withdrawn
Mr, aria Mrs. Gregg and, Hrs.
and son Samuel of 'Detrort ;acid
Isaacs and sant. Jrimmin of, London, spent the
Sunday with Ma. and Mrs. William rim:
bliss Verdi Fassold has accepted
D to
Lumley 7
�yxr R°y-RYckrnaln, drug usb a
elton; ,snem;di,n,g a couple
off ti`�. tyo,d.st S. S. arucl Pi, i the..�� . H.:.,_Reed .d @tztfount,fcaif'•be fed —
at his ho weeks faithful Vice r»s. and; •,
Harold Keller �Horton of St ford w m person of Roy Tl1om
who W Rev ..anti Mrs.. D. U. Tho
hospital Woodham melt
rneighbarhood ,on hearing of th :esadd'ee I e inete di --
dea.tli of gradualp
�, , din • ease the gi?antity • un-
a farmer,.. member:eta'
COierF'ER,h,NCE OF W.'1M.S.
The semi-annual conference of the
Huron Presbyterian W. M. S. was
held .oat Tuesday in Carmel Church,,
Hensall. There was a large attend-
ance of interested women. The 1 res-
ident, iIrs. Hogg of Clinton, occupied
the chair,
1'h opening 'e7.ere res
ing were coreductedt by ladies1pfe. r
pen, Hillsgreen and Blake. a.eports
were made' by the treasurer, Mrs, H.
C. 'Duntlo,, of Goderich, and .tvIrs. W.
D Fair supply secretary,, Rev. J. A.
1TcConnrell of Hensa;ll presented the
greetings of Huron Presbytery, after
which the Presbyterial delegate, .Miss
H. I. Graham, read a report of the
prov_,rtcial meeting at Windsor. "Each
auxiliary responded to the roll call.
An awning mid-day meal vvag served
by ;the Hennsall ladies.
Members cf Exeter auxiliary presid-
ed at the afternoon session., Mrs. J.
L. Morgan ,Mrs, T. Cameron, Mrs, G.
1Iartsoat and Miss Jeckejl'taki,ng part,
An important feature was an address
by Doctor Struthers .of Horan, China,
on evangelistic, ,educational and med-
ical work, who in,troc1i ced his subject
by a selection of Chinese music on the
gramophone, Miss Olia Cook, of Hen -
sell 'contributed a pleasing solo. Mrs.
Johnstone, president pf the Toranto
Presbyterial„ gave a helpful address.
A motion, song by the King's Own
Mission Band, Hensall was greatly
appreciated. Prayers were offered by
Mrs. ,Tames Hanaltoe, Goderich; Mrs.
Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Mrs. R.
Kydd, Thames Road; Miss Jeckyll,
Exeter, and Miss M. Johnstone, Blake.
Exeter is to be the next place( of meet -
A Much Too Common Trouble
With Farm Horses.
Usually Due to Faulty Condition of
the Teeth , Symptoms Described
Prescriptions and General Ad-
vice as to Treatment --Cultivation
of the Hoed Crops.
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
IIP ONIC indigestion, or indi-
gestion without engorgement,
is caused by improper food;
imperfectly masticated food
due to the process of dentition or
irregularities of the teeth, voracious
feeding, irregularity in feeding, de-
bility, or partial inactivity of the
digestive glands.
Symptoms. --A capricious appetite,
often a tendency to eat filth, usually
increased thirst, the animal becomes
hide -bound and has a dry scurfy
skin, irregularity of the bowels, gen-
eral unthriftiness, dullness and more
or Iess well marked inability, to
perform work. When caused by inn_
perfectly masticated food, the cause
can usually be told by the appear-
ance of the feces. Colicky pains are
sometimes present an hour or so after
feeding. The animal has a general
unthrifty appearance and lacks vigor.
is due to inabiliety of masti-
cate \
properly, the mouth should al-
ways be carefully examined. If the
teeth require attention and the owner
las neither the necessary instruments
nPeelle he
should taker the l the horse to l to correct a veterinar-
In horses about three years old
the trouble is very often due to un-
shed molar crowns, Nos. 1 and 2 in
each row. In a horse about four years
old No.' 3 in each row. These crowns
can be easily removed by the use of
a pair of small toeth • foreeps or a
pair'�of pincers., In. older horses the
trouble is very often due to sharp
points or projections of tooth sub-
stance on the outer edge of the upper
molars or the inner edge •of the lower
ones; to. a long.tooth that requires
shearing;:ar-other month trouble that
can be corrected only by an expert
with the necessary instruments When
the fault is not in. the.mouth, and the
patient be not too weak, a purgative
of 6 to 8 drams aloes and 2 drams
ginger should be givena.
In all cases where a purgation is
to be given, and prompt aetinn is not
necessary, it Is wise to prepare the
Patient by feeding bran only for 18
to 24 hours, In all cases after the
administration of a purgative, the
animal should be given rest, and bran
only to eat until, purgation co
mences, which is usually 18 to 24
hours,' and 'sometimes longer, When
it fails to act in about 48; hours, a
second dose, a little smaller than the
first should be given.
After the. bowels have regained
their normal condition, mix equal
quantities of powdered sulphate of
iron, gents
an ginger, nux vomica'and
raven rnext Sunday en ac-' bicarbonate of soda, and
1 count of Anniversary services 'at this tablespoonful••three tunes daily.
G e
Bend food of y Give
,gloom watt cast aver Gee good quality .in sedan
titles and•
s_ _on it all Muss Y a
- -:Mass Tema Edme e11a¢,d 'of Lxetur.
¢roan of Chicago
*irg acquaintances with friends :worker m our. A • Coils e;
and melati'u�es im town;.: m,„ here:.... Mrssi�oi: Baatd';•Guglbh:• ..,.., ,..,
`.Czar .and 'Zr. Wm. i'� the •
newt'. ,s
• ofpses son
mison of
gestron • unproven,
Tcsan,o. Exhibitionmann were ;at unde:rwearC an. rat
last week. operatiazu itt th
theirs 1•a;, itearly rec -
Qss Margaret Hamra
Buff la with 'relatives ' is visutnng, an iyrdl be able to resume:
and goon sympathy of all
fir. andlMrs.rO O'Brien,
dwties ,gain. Many. ers of oris, heard of the siert
A7s; Riclam�m,d of $1y:li •h�s accepte�ct_ ted n; of Staffa,e•is- jbus
e t e , Idrs. Braadffoot teat week. e illness of Me. is ho tt but
while ther:, s life there- is hope.
fiiI the'f desire ,:
w. o have
parch the •sincere,
The, shades of night had fallen fast,
Breakfast time had comae at
A plafte,of food before hidipl.a:
He wondered et"the fuptln ny taste
Eke el.sloe •! -
The Best Way
N" 'try bL,, , : fiRB. . ;� : a the
Money ;It rs ass ed • s Ba
safe and cone • e a
�@�� ay of paying
your out -.ole town acco ' s.
Our Trifler can issue t.henzw$ out delay at the
same cost as Post OfEice or Express Orders.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch M. R. Complin, Manager
Crediton Branch G. G. Maynard, Manager
Dashwood Branch -• G. G. Maynard, Manager
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 123 Branches.
are provided at every one of our branches
and assure to our depositors prompt and
-courteous attention.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited.
T. 8: WOODS, Manager,
Centrals Branch open for business daily,
B2ddulph, Sept. 5.—A large fa
fay reunion took place on Labor Da
on the fourth concession, Township 1
of Biddvlph, when Armitages fr
Lucan, London, Hamilton and ma Y
otber places joined with local friend
and ,relatives at the old
homestead to ,clo honor to generation tag
long since gone. The crowd numbered
120 people of all ages. Al fine address
was delivered to the - -
SEAEORTH-Mr, and Mrs G. H. 0.
Thomas, of Bracebridge, announce the
~' engagement of their only daughter,
m- Shelagh Evelyn;, to Mr. Russell Max -
,} well Best, of Bracebzidge, son of Air. .
i J. tr. Best and the; late Mrs. Best, of
r Seaforth,. the marriage to take place
n ] quietly la, September.
s I GODERICH.—On Sept. 4th there
took place at the residence' of Dr, and
1Mrs. George Elliott Cook, Toronto the'
marriage of their daughter, Gertrude
2,Marjorie,C,c of themlatein WSena or Proud-
foot and Mrs. Pnoudfoot of Toronto.
They were formerly of Goderich.
R. Armitage, of Hamilton. He do elt
entirely pn the history of the family
and brought to neinld the labor and
struggles of the past generations.
The crowd partook of a splendid din-
irer and the remainder of the day was
spent in sports and ,games,
Clinton—Robert keitzsimmons was
quite seriously hurt when his horse,
which he was leading td pasture, turn-
around - and kicked, him in the mid
die qaelees back. At present :air. Fitz-
simmons is in the, hospital, where they
have not yet determitn;e,cl the full ex-
tent of his injury.
MITCHELL—The death of Valentine
Paulen, which occurred on, Sept. 3rd,
removes the oldest resident of Mitchell
Mr, Paulen was born, le Alsace France,
nearly 92 years ago, amid came to this
country when a young man and had
b:c•en a resident of this section for 75
years. He purchased Lot 14, con-
cession 3, Fullarton, almost 75 years
ago• Her and' his wife were of hardy
stock and raised a family of 11 sons
and daughters all airing.
SEAFORTH_Wm. Mulholland, aged
78 years, died here. on Sept, 6th.
only son George was killed, in the g His r g
wan. Two .daughters survive, Mrs6Le- e
tittiaDudley and Miss Elizabeth at
home.. The funeral took
Hensel' •cemetery. place to the'8
CHISELHURST—air. John Fitz-
erald, who passed away on Aug. Z9th,
vas one of the taldest/ and most eighty
steered residents of tiree township of
uckez•smith. He was bonn, in. Ireland
8 rears ago,, and came, to Canada el
I his youth. He settled on, a farm in
this locality and married bliss Merg-
er Latta, who predeceased him some
years He is survived by a family
three daughters elect three sons, Mrs.
m. Mooney of London, Mrs. Cham-
rs of Chiselhurst, tabs. Geo. W.
rein, of Hilebert, George toe South Da
ta, and John and, Frank at home.
SEAFORTH.—A quiet wedding took ar at St. James Catholic ,Church,'
on Sept. 4, at 5 o'clock when Loretta 'of
Margeret, 'second daughter of Airs.' i W
Catherine 'McCormack, was united in be
marriage to htz. Thomas, Healy of Tor- r W
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