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Huron Expositor, 2006-09-06, Page 22
..d•" -:."-iii way «I.^ Page 22 The Huron Expositor • September 6, 2006 Sports Skeet Shooting a new challenge? Amis But, after seven straight misses, as if Jamie had inserted a special disc which was made to detonate in mid-air, my eighth shot connects with the disc, splitting it into several tiny pieces. - , Speechless, I look to Jamie who helps vocalize how I'm feeling. "Cool, eh?" • With my confidence now past high and still rising, I look down the barrel, ready to prove my last phot -was no fluke. I miss. And as before, I consecutively miss many more. In between shots Jamie, who stands behind me watching to see how far off my aim is, lets me know why I've missed each shot. "You took your head off of :the stock....you didn't lead your target...you aimed too high..." It's this kind of personal ' attention that any beginner can receive at the Kippen Gun Club. "For a beginner we give them two free rounds and I offer instructions to them," Jamie says. "And if they want to join afterward they can, but they don't have to." "That's the good thing. They can just show up and shoot - and we supply the equipment." Finally, with only a few shots left, my persistance pays off, and tomy disbelief once again, I connect with one last target. Two out of 25. "Not a bad score for a beginner," I tell myself. "My first time I hit 15," recalls Jamie, reassuring me that pursuing journalism rather than . trap shooting was probably a good decision. The Kippen Gun Club is operated year round, offering trap shooting during the summer and skeet shooting during the winter. Jamie explains to me that skeet shooting involve s firing at two targets, as opposed to one in trap, and that the targets are initially projected from behind the shooter, as opposed to out front in trap. A new challenge. Now that just might be worth another visit. Scoreboard SIIUFFLEBOARD Aug.30 Ladies high: Jean Wilbee, Wilma Pennings, Joyce Pepper 3 wins Men's high: Harry Pennings 4 wins, Frank Golding, Art Scott, Ken Lingelbach, Bert Bachert 3 wins. KIPPEN GIJN CLUB Aug. 23 trap Jordan Ritchie 25, Jody Mosurinjohn 25, Wayne Peachey 25, Chuck. Krieger 25, Doug Dalrymple 25, Jeff Darling 25, Ernie Marshall 25, Rob Coneitt 25, Jason Darling 24, Glen Greb 24, Mike Smith 24, Brittany Caldwell 24, Barry Como 23, Bill Cameroon 23, Bill Stewart 23, Steve Vennor 23, . Terry Caldwell 23, Kirk Krieger. 23, Marco Van Driel 22, Jake Homuth 21, Stewart Books 21, Tyler. Taylor 20, Glen Mogk 20, Greg Taylor 20 and Grant Laws 19. Aug. 30 trap Bill Cameron 25, Chuck Krieger 25, Wayne Peachey 25, Steve Vennor 25, Jody Mosurinjohn 25, James McDougall 25, Jim Hill 25, Terry Caldwell 24, Jake Homuth 24, Wayne Peachey 24, Doug Dalrymple 24, Bill Cameron 24, Marco Van Driel 24, Chris McGregor 23, Glen Mogk 23, Steve Vennor 23, Bo Dill 23, Stewart Books 22, Glen Greb 22, Tom Allen 22, Kirk Krieger 21, Matt Fischer 21, Greg Taylor 21, Steve Johnson 21, Kyle Mann 19, Barry Como 19, Pete Caslick 19, Beinhardt Cotz 19 and Jake Caldwell 18. Network Classifieds: immemmami WWW.ONTARIOBERRIES.COM - ONTARIO STRAWBERRIES & RASP- BERRIES ARE READY TO ENJOY! Buy Local, Buy Fresh, Buy Ontario. For Strawberry, Raspberry Farms and Markets in your community, recipes and more, visit: www.ontarioberries.com MOTOR VEHICLE dealers In Orltarlo MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint. visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. 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