HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-6, Page 4rhe Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Cree,. h, Proprietors
Subscription Pricer—In advance, $1 50
The young peoples' organized class ' Hensall
are haven; a coin roast on Friday ev
ening in Mr. Thos. Morley's woods,
• The following were the guests of Word has been rec'ei'ved from M
John T.. Wren of Winnipeg of. the
• deaf, p f Mrs. Pengally, fortheriy • of
Ce:aelhurst and Hensall, in her 7.4'
year, She had' lived abreast ail her
. l:ae time in Hibbe•r't Towmishipi Aire
her marriage to Mr. Pen.gally she liv-
all from netroit: Miss Rei'.ey of Balt- • Mr. J. H. Holtzman hes received a, in Hensel', until .,laau't fawn years ago
intore, Nterylp,nd, Prof. Geo. Klin ,of wire from the Missionary D•epartnient site pent'West and lived in Winnipeg
New York, Mr. and Mrs: „Herman the Methodist Church, Taranto, in- This is be last • Dile of -Mr, and Mrs'.
pf Stratford and Mrs. Henry formng hien of the, 'safety(' of . Rev, and Thomas iWreds, Sr., family.
Willett of Centralia, Mrs. Whiting and family who are re- ' Mrs. Archie Robertson. postmistress
Messrs Art and Oscar Graupner and siding in. Kobe • Japan, Their massy at Cromarty located a half-brother,
sisters, Louise and Clara, of Ft. \\ ayne, felends were anxious for their safet • Mr Chas Jinks of Hensall thrbugh
spent 'the week rid with their par- and wilt be. pleased to/ learn of the rel seeing his name 'o, a post-eard.t She
in the• Mr and Mrs. Win. Znnmer at the
per year in Canada; $2,00
United States, All subscriptions not Commercial Hotel; Mr.and 'Mrs, A.'
paid in advance 50n. t • haraed andfont .y, :lir. Louis Ruppert
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Burnette.,
Misses Rose and Annette Zimmer,
'THURSDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1923
• I T,::n Shin:tt i' at present • very
law:la, with .na ,ape 'reovery,
A large number 4f people in motor
car, calienris.e are attracted to
the .' e n. eel' thr reveewhich l; 1
in sire +ed.
Mr. era] M. a Al Rea e .airs. Jahn
• Rata' a ` 1...•cb Katz tnetored to
lane Ane' . 1' .: t cz=it with friends.
1: '3i." 11. 11•uemner"'ant
it Mee i♦. 'I'_tieem:r-and sari i'.l-
nene, n::' ala. Lu_ t of - Pigeon. At__ h .
tt . + s' O:..te „aal aline J to u„
Geiser .and . ta, ufrit, , is last w ck.
'. eel h e l end 31e .,,1C,
M-. lean Fill,. ein o" Crediton +s ere
Sunday z:`:to, s at AL Albert Gainer's'.
Mr. �end Mrs. Frei. teeiser of Cied
ton, Mr and Mrs. Haberer of .Zut't•h.
Mr.• and -_\Ir: D..: 'Truernner, Mr end
Mrs. Gt.et,: and nephew of Dtshu+,•i t
tan .-znests of initl Mr-,. lanai:,
e , • . 1 .ul'ty
firma.. are i•usy harv,:,t'ne
Elda Preeter and Mr. Alfred Z mater
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fr:t rile y, of D
troA,. spent the holiday. with \Ir, and
Mrs.Fred Genttner
Miss Matilda Miller, accon:eanietl by
Mildred and Calvin Shore, have re-
turned to Woodbridge after .pend -
'!n; the past few weeks with Mrs. Mill
assuring news. r wrate to hen pang the maiden nameMrs. Will Heatherley and daughterof her mother, Martha. Truax, and her
Thelma, of London, -returned howl, on maiden name, Rasa Tern., Mr. Jinks
Friday, after spend ng the week at Mrs. tak:nn with him photographs of his
Heatherley's parents. - • mother and himself as a child drove
Mrs• Henry Motz and Mrs, Eli Law, over tri see her, and 'the. fact was es -
son are visiting friends in London this tablished that they wane brother and
Week. sister.. Mr. Jinks has been here for
About th'r,y friends gathered at the ti''c'nt;five years and Mrs. Robertson
\1;;,s Gladys Guenther is at present home of lir. John, Roe.szler on Mon, has lived within ten miles of this town
Lu Baden and Waterloo. da) evening. A Iovely luncheon was fora the past forty'yea�rsy+yet had neo
?.Liss Hazel Snell left on Monday foreerve I ani a good time was spent eylknowiedge of each other.
:uu, c^t_11e where she has accepted .t all. Mire W A. Miller or Windsor, form -
pe tion,. ' Mr. and Yrs. Alf Wuerth and tam- erly of our village, •is, spending a couple
Mrs H. Hoffman and daughter Alice ily and Mr. J. Swartz, motored to De- of weeks here with her sister, Mrs.
ar visiting in Detroit. trot on Sunday to spend a few days Ceras. Jinks and Mrs. Putman, the tat -
Mess Hilda Snell returned to London Rev. and Mrs. McTavish , have re- ter being here on a visit from Dakota.
on, Monday after spending the summer turned alter a couple of weeks' holo- Mr. Hugh McEwen of Hay Tp., left
at brier home here, days near Ripley, here on Tuesday for a tr:,p to the
Messrs. M, Koch, R. C allfas and Bill MIr. Russell Clarke of Detroit spent West,
\Iu iiia of Detroit were holiday tis- the week •end with his -parents re- \4.5ss Tann of London spent part of
in, town. turning .on Aloardaya east tte.ek, the guest of Mrs.. T. Mur -
:I r E r;n Schatz left for 1'orento \Iiss Delavern of Walkerelelo, re- dock.
an. Fr:dav ,where he is teaching acitin turned to her home on. Monday after lir W. Johnston, of St. Louis is here
Seine)! re -opened on Tuesday with visiting •Mrs. T, Clarke for a few days, on his annual visit to his mo-tlte.n ire
Mr. P, Mioifatt as principal, and Musses - Miss McKay, of Seaforth, hasp return- law; Mrs• R. Hunt and her sister, Miss
Mountt Guenther and I el11erman as• assistants, ed to resume her duties; in: our public \I Bell.
i .OUill .carne Mr, ana Mrs. Harry Harris of • Sar- school. M'1r. and Mrs. MlGilne, Rennie and fan
a l visited relatives in torten; this week, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H11 are . visiting.41r are moving from here to London.
Si, •al neopened on Tuesday ,: ;h \1r. and Mrs. Will Kuntz and claugh- friends he Detroit fora couple of Mr. Rarattie is. travelling salesman for
?`- f` 1`, n ::11 end Queenil in, tars Dorothy and Ella, were visitors weeks Hay Stationary Co,, and finds it would
charge at the home of C. L. \Vaiper. on Sun Mars. Rtigers of New York who has be much handier for him( to live \in the
Miss Merlin M errisev lett on Men -day: been Visiting her mother Mrs, A. King city He conducted a shoe business
dos forSt J•?seph 1.o'.p_tal. 1.on•lan Mir, and Mrs. Claude Snider and lam returned home on Saturday last, here for some •years and, was leader of
where she will train for a nurs_, :..ly aeturned to,: -their home in Detroit Ala and Mrs, Garnet Baker of Tor- j the. Band and of Cannel Church hair
Miss.'s Rose' Doyle and Winnif'-'d after a two weeks' stay at the home onto spent the week end with Mr. and while Mrs. Rarnnee hat be -en organist
Mads -, left then we,e. for the Pines of C. L. Walper. They were accomp_ Mrs. Everett Fahner. ' iof the church.
Chatham, anted by MTS. Snider's father wh'o will MLss Mary Holtzman; is visiting for, Mr. C B. Shepherd of the Molsons
Air and ;ter;. Ferran of Detroit are spend a few weeks with his daughter'; a short time with heti sister near Clin-'Bank staff hese, left -rare, on Tuesday
speeesd n a fee- days with the latter's at Detroit,
Mr. Tarn Collins
tlissLr.retta Morrison left Thurs-'
ilii, for her home in Detroit, attn.!
se ..:d re •evenal weeks with friend;,'
',leeJ.,lo.r. a -co rp n ed by Mie'
l•. : Lenlen :t ten week ---£rJere. s. daughter Jeannie, of Battle Creek,
end Mi .0 leaOs K. ;.den this' acek,• Rev. K.itely took charge. of the ser -i Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fahner are vis Mich., are visiting at the -home of Mr.
Caine . en Monday tar vice on Sunday after a. two weeks' va-' sting in. Toronto for a few days to and Mrs. R. Pollock.
at Jc ,eai t B Carey foe Essex, S. o' cation„ see the Exhibition, I Miss Me G. MlcEwe a has returned to
Haze en. l'ieee:.e.4: e= ti*1; for Dur -1 The �niontltly meeting 01 the: \'4'. MI . ..1.. and Mrs. N. Holtzman and Maur -,Vancouver•, B. C., to re -en gag=_ en
I ael 1 : ,t..,..
. , will take. S. will be held at the home -of Mrs ray of Detroit, spent the holiday with, her duties as supervisor in a large
1 c , •. 1 D A. Johnson on Thursday afteren en Mrs. Geo. Holtzman, returning home: sewing institution.
i •1t,,- tor, is _ �.4a and Gardiner at the usual hour, on Tuesday. Miss Ida Hotham, who is now•'r esiel-
Miss iiia. .I s 'c
In Mary,. Cora Schroeder oedex._•
t•, ._e__..:�.. n I . n nt the week end! Hazlewood of Ii., bion, is r has commenced I ,n in the West s et1t, few •t
p a f vt days with
nal; :e:. ,• :. -'': r{i:t O'Rourii., i visiting at the home of her brother, her duti'e,s as teacher in our• public 1 friends.
C ,' 1 1 daughter, a' • , Mr. John Hazlewood. school, ; Miss MIary Hoggarth .of Toronto is
: z...1 a A. .firs, Jonuette � Mr. and Mrs, Nat Ogden of Exeter, I Mt incl Mrs, E,: Z'w cker and Gerald home spending a couple weeks' vasa -
1:. 'o:ed hate an ware Sunday visitors at the home of, have returned home after a short trip tion with her parents.
t' uest of Mr,,! AIr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning. to New Hamburg and Toronto,
.mr. T. Morrisey. i Al;, and MIrs. JohnWright, of Lend I Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist and Fred,
. , ;eft thus week on, are spending the 'holiday with their and ilii and airs, H. Baiter motored
ft Sand.vtt'lt friends around here. , to Hamilton on. Sunday to spend the
,_ a e he- nnitee. 1 Mfrs, Geo. Aillson has returned from hoi:day returning hone Tuesday even-
'dn. Ai O'Erlen end Airs. Martha • Exeter where she spent a few days 'ag
.MI:Fit ant]:.tart v'- via
ele to visit £nds'with her sisters, Mrs. jaHern and Mlrs, MIr, and Airs. E. Truemner of hes-
t D. • D. Parkinson lip visited at the home of Mr..+act
• Men. Win d• Gee -un is risingThose attending Toronto Exhibition urs, W B. Geiser, thence motor-
t , ,..• .^ \'11..1 % from around here are; ee!„ B:sea:ng to Toronto Exhibition. •
Morley, Mrs. Thos. :Alorley, Miss Bei' Mr. \Vin. H. Geiser returned home
the Batten„ Mr. and Yrs. Jas. Squ're, from New York on Monday evening.
Ur. and Mrs. Harry Rodd and MIr, and He has spent about three months there
airs. Edgar Hooper and family, the past summer.
SEFOi,TH—The funeral of Alex- Master Howard Morley spent a few Miss Loretta Holtzman returned to
'ender :.",,:e, who foe- Si years has days in Stratford with his uncle Air, London the past week to resume her
Barr.:. e,tee :ted resident of. the town, Gordon Morley.duties as nurse in Victoria Hospital
took Pelee on Saturday afternoon. The lrnster Clifford Pollen and Aliso which through illness she was forced
de.ceas.ed was held in. high esteem by Florence Pollen are spending the hol- to leave for several months,
the community. He was Chief of the iday its Woodstock,
Sons of Sec'tiend, an -of fice>i in the An.- Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gunning at- --.f- _-
chieeat Oruer of Foresters, and a vet- tended the. Cooper Church anniver-
ernn, of the Fenian Raid. sary on Sunday while Rev. Sinclair of
Hensall, our former pastor took charge CLINTON—Mr. S. Merrill of town
of the services, suffered a stroke of paralysis on Tues-
aiiss Eunice Young:ston of Lucan, is day, while out at the home of his son,
visiting Miss Dorothy Parkinson for a Mr.I'ierr. ll of the Base line, where
few days. he still is. -
The many friends, of Mrs. John Par-
kinson, of Granton, will regret. to learn
that she is quite ill at her home.
ton. for Walters Fails to relieve,
Mr and Airs. Everett Heist visitedI Mr, Jas, "Bullard, accompanied by
Air, and Airs, Fred Heist over the hot his wife, motored here from)] their home
iday. lin Ml nneapolis, Minn, spending a few
IMr. and AIrs, Nicholson motored to days with his mother.
\lith to spend the holiday with some Mrs. H. A. Vane Huyseea, and little
CLINTON- Elton Rozeii had a narrow
escape of being -electrocuted last week
at the Creamery, Something went
taro n,. t h the motor and when Mr.
Rozell went to shut it off he :got a
sh a_.: which rendered him unconscious
ear seine time.
s. +iiia
STO -i
—J I) .11Doolo inescP.)
iiia / -_.•:..43-1 re, e.w•HEN any means of saving
money has been perfected, is
it wise` to continue the wasteful
McClary'sary's Electric Range saves
money by saving current on -the
"stored heat" principle.
You can bake for hours in lIc-
Clary's Electric Oven after the cur-
rent is turned "off" because the
oven has double insulation.
You can do practically all your
boiling or frying on "low": because
"TOR -RED" Protected Elements
retain heat.See these exclusive McClary's
CCIa 9163 .lectric Ran e
CLINTON—lir. F. W. Holloway, who
has been the baggage man( at the Clin-
ton, station since 1916, excepting, some-
thing over two years which he spent
overseas with the Canadian forces, has
resigned from the employ of the rail-
way, after 11 years service, and has
accepted' a position in the head, office
of the Prudential Co., at' Windsor,
CLINTON—On Sunday, Aug. 26, af-
ter a lingering illness, John Jos. Mc-
Caughey, son of Mr. and Mrs: J. :Mc-
Caughey, passed away at the early age
of 27 years. He is survived by his
wife, one little daughter, 15 months
old, Shirley, his parents, one brother
and four sisters, •
"What has become 9f Dodge, the
speed king?"
"He married several years ago.'" -
"is he a speed king' now?"
"Nope. You cant speed_ a baby
Modesty. j
"What makes the leaves an red?"
She asked him with a stare.
"They only blush," he softly said..
"To see the limbs so bare."
Mind Reader.
Flapper—What are you thinking
Sprout, Sid? •
Sid—Weill Seemething nice, I guess.
"Oh, Sidney, dear, you make me so
.happy 1"—Rehoboth Sunday Herald.
Not to. Her Taste.
"Sorry for poor Heleh, but I know
she's not the girl to eat, her heart out"
"No, thank3 goodness! She'•s a vegee
tartan." -
Roamer Resident Dead.—It will be
sad news to many of our older rest
dents to learn; of tlies death, of a for
mar well-known resident of Zurich, in
the person of Mrs. William Z•ent, who
died ,at the Soldiers' Home at Grand
Rapids, Mich., on Friday Aug. 31; at
the age of 75 years; For tthe past'
few years the deceased has been in
rather poor health and her death was
not unexpected. Mrs. • 'Lent's maiden
name was Snell, and she was born in
New Hamburg, comim.g here when; quite
young, and continued to reside here
until about 35 years .ago, when she anti
her husband moved to Sand Lake,
and after her husband's death she
went to live at Grand Rapids. She is
survived by one daughhter, Mrs. Paul
of CIeveland Ohio, and three bro-
thers, Jacob Snell of Ayton, John
Snell of Zurich; and Henry Snellof
Waterloo, The funeral took place at
Sand Lake on Monday.
Mr. Wellington Johnston, who had
not been. -enjoying the best of health
Tately, was stricken down, with a se-
vere attack of appendicitis and was tak-
en to Victoria Hospital, London, and
operated on.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Koehler; and fam-
ily are visiting. at Baden, they also
intend taking in the, Toronto Exhibition
Mr. John Hey, Jr., ,m-e,t with a pain-
ful accident when he was driving west
on the Zurich road with a colt. The
animal got freightened and took to the
ditch, and stumbling, fell, with the re-
sult that Mr. Hey went over the •top
of the colt., landing on! the -hard, rough
ground and in doing so fractured both
bones of his leg above the ankle. He
is resting nicely. We hope for a per-
manent rcovery,
• Mrs.. P. Koehler is visiting in Port
Huron, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and fam-
dour . Pocket
used as a bank has many dis-
advantages. .
Money carried in it is easy to
spend, on trifles or may be, lost
or stolen.
Weekly deposits in our Savings Bank
652 will accumulate rapidly.
Small or large accounts are welcome.
Capital Paid
Exeter Branch
Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch
up $15,000,000 `•
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
- M. R. Complin, Manager
• G. G. Maynard, Manager
. G. G. Maynard, Manager
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 - Branches,
This institution offers depositors safety for
their savings, reasonable interest compounded
every six months, and freedom from red tape
in case of withdrawals,
Savings Departments at every Branch
Deposita of $1,00 and upwards,inv'ited,
T. S. WOODS!: Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
E' -:•-re: '-i Via- _--_-=== -=r-
__= ____- :-
=__ ___ = '- ==1=-
Clothes a Good Color
To have Clothes perfectly clean-
sed and good color, the Soap
must remove all the visible and
invisible impurities. SURPRISE
will do this thoroughly.
rt r-FEF=1E:Er=
ily of Detroit are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. , W L. Siebert. r
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller of Detroit
left Tuesday, after spending their heli.,
days, with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howaid,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Dasher and son,
Frank of Detroit visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lelbold, Babylon Line.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. 'Steinbach of
Holly, Mach., are visiting relatives here
Miss Auntie Beattie left for her home
in Landon, after spending a few days
with her aunt Mrs. J. Douglas.
Miss Nora Siebert, nurse of Detroit
is spending hex vacation with' her par-
ents' here. C, -
(Western University) Nr„yaw • ;..i„0. •,
The University offers Gen-
eral Courses, Honor Courses
and Special Courses: It has
130 professors, instructors
and assistants. , Degrees
and diplomas granted by
examination are: B.A., B.
D., LL.B., M.A., M.Sc.,
M.D., D.P.H., C.P.H.N.,
and D.D.
T.he,University is .developing,
an Extension Department
for the benefit of all
classes, rural and urban, within its terri-
torial constituency. It is affiliated with
the University oiz•Cambridge, England.
It is recognized everywhere as a standard
institution of higher education.
The University requires, for admission
to degree courses, Pass.. Matriculation
of Honor Matriculation or equivalents.
QualifiSeptember cation certifi2Othcates- must be filed
Opening day Oct. 1st:, 1923 •
For annouficeinents and further par-
ticulars apply to -
K. f'. R. NEVWLLE, M A.; Ph.D
Re$•'istrar 18
' .d
0 fir
St. George St,
and College Ave.,
London, Canada.