HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-6, Page 1THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. EXETER., FARM, T f).'R.SDAY. SEPT. 6, 1923 Our Corner Themushroom s,ea;sa,, is again her; being lather:earlier than, usual. Wear a pleasant smile. You may not see your face often, but others do One piano player and one gramo- pbone n a black is ab.out all we can stand 'clueing the summer months.. There are few matters in the world so argent that they caret wait until the train; gets past the cross- ing. Free insulin as now bieiing distributed to,, all parts of tlee1 province, according to the 'statement of Dr. Forbes God - fres', minister of health. There will be a total eclipse of the sun for three minutes on Septtember 10, although Canadian watchers will be able to witness only a partiatl eclipse. No advertising reaches the homes like newspaper advertising, Get an advertisement in The Advocate, so as to let people know, you, want to do • business with" them. Tbe'world has for' us just what we have. for alt; it is •a great whispering gallery which filings back the echoes of our voices, If we laugh it laughs back; if we curse, it curses back. The Liberal members of the Ontar'o Legislature have named W. E, Sinclair, K. C. Sotuth Ontario, as leader of the party an the house, to succeed Well- ington Flay who was, defeated at the polis. The herd of Buffalo in Wainwright Park, Alberta, has become so large that it has become necessary to kill 7000 of them this fall to have xoom for the thousands that will be left. The, meat,heads and hides willbe sold. It is noticeable all along the shores of ,the lakes that the waters are •,re- ceding. This is due to 'the fact that Chicago is draining they lakes for het own ;purpoge. The Canadian Govt. ns trying to have, it stopped, and rightly so Exeter Fair well be Meld o,nt Sept. 17 and 18, Combined effort ore the part of the whole community ins necessary to make the Farr a success. Become a, member and help, to get others. Three big races will, beton the( program of special attractions. USBOR:NE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Tp, of Usborne, met at the Tp. Hall on Saturday, September 1st. All mem- bers were present with Reeve Coates in the chair. The minutes of the meeting of August 4th, were read and approved on motion of Ballantyne—Skinner. By -Law No. 6, 1 9 2 3—Reeefixing rates for 1923, was read and passed on motion of Stewart—Hannah and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. The following bills were passed and orders issued for the payment of same on motion of Ballantyne—Stew- art: Times Printing Cq., on acc't printing for 1923, $190.00; Treas. Hibbert Tp., Usborne Assessment for Scott Drain, $62,75; Arnold Wise- man, levelling Anderson Drain bank on 14th con,; $,10.00; Geo. R. Fer- guson, gravelling rd. 5, $ 3 5; Harold Jeffrey, work, $28.75; Harry Ford, work, $20; Bert Boulter, work, $11.- 50; Jas. Brooks,, work, $2.50; Verne Pincombe, work, $2.50; Alfred Hicks work, $1.25; Wm. Moodie, work, $38 Council adjourned to tneetkOctober 6th, 1923, at 1 o'clock. Henry Strang, Clerk. Stephen Council The council met en. the Town I:Tall, Crediton, on August 6. All members•'n the employ of the Standard Drug present. Previous minutes approved. Co, corner Dundas and Richmond'.. The following orders wereallele'- London, has been fortunate enough to London; Rolling Ms, iron and freight receive a promotion to a responsible 64.15; Collector Excise Tax 1.34; judge Dickson, acct. revision of lists. far election 130.90; C. Lackner, re- pairs 3.75; Samuel Kuhn, cleaning ditch 1.50; Canada Company, gravel 1.75; Hy Clark, contract 28.00; M. Madden. cam'. 5.00; Hy. Clark, gravel 15.00; Albert McLinchey, gravel 1.40; Geo. Either, bal. contract Creditors drain 115.43; George Mason stet. labor 25.25; Well- ington Hoist, rep. road 18.00. Adjournment to Sept. 4th. A special nteetitel was held in ' the Town, Hall Credits, on August 9th. Snell-Penhale-That the reeve as hereby instructed to have the Victoria itt lvtemorial Church, Miss Ada Bel ce Mr. Alex Stewart of London. was stre et drain completed either by day second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam here eotier this holiday. labor or by ditching machine." --tarried Case of Exeter, became the br'de of 4fiss Pearl Sanders of Toronto vise Penhale-Hayes-That whereas the Mr, Elgin W. Rowcliffe, son of Mr. report of Geo. A. McCubbdn., O, L.S., and Mrs John Rowcl_fte of Hensa' ed here over the holiday; \lE,I.C., sn crefereltene eaYvhat is The Rev. A. A. Trumper p.rfornied' ',Ir:" Chas. Harvey is attending the knotwr. as "The Sbipka Drain" in the the ceremony in, the presence of c.at',y Toronto Exhibition this week. Township of atep1 eee was' filed with the immediate relatives. The young rd o Ford f Min; Viola LandourJ spent the I the clerk on July 26th; _and whereas couple were unattended. week ,end la fir! ltoNorth End. . i the clerk has certdfned, that) he has note T. M. C, ANNIVERSARY Local . News -1 SA''DERS BE CREECH Mrs, Hubert Jones is visiting, in Tor- onto. or - onto, \'it•� W. E. __ 1 The anniversary services of the Sanders xis attending the Monde last was Labor Day,rad a Trlvitt Memorial Church were. held on 1 ai a[sta Farr MondaySunday last, both services being well public holiday, attended. The church was tastefully. Mr.. 'Win Manson returned to Tor- Mee Tor- M e Jas. Grieve is quite ill 'and un, decorated with flowers and the ser- onto on Monday der the doctor's care. vices were bright and inspiring, Spec -\;r, and Mrs. Thal, DSnny were in last, when she was the recepient of ee ll music was furnished by the choir Toronto this week. a miscellaneous shower of gifts, Air Robert Austin.. of Wingham was which was ;highly .pleasing and much express wagon suitably decorated. killed Meaday when he jumped from enjoyed by all. The services were eer, and Mrs, allot Snell were in Toronto last week, and piled with the gifts was brought an automobile, conducted by the Rector Rev A. A.Trumin by Louis Keddy and Margaret d scour eser wholrtp the evening n ng he took two excellentfloss Grace Craech was in Strat- Rogers. Congratulations and wishes People are retunnunfrom the sum- a , mer resorts, to allow~ the kiddies to get le tent tram Chan 3, Ve -se 9. St, ford over the holiday, life HF7RONDALE The home of the Misses Keddy, Hurondale was the scene df a gath- ering of friends and neighbors of Miss Ada Case, on Friday afternoon @ for long i e andmuchhappiness back to scholar. Paul's 1st Epistle oto the Corm an ; .Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart spent a were the order of the hour. The en - F or we are feeble -workers meth few days en To(ronta, ' You cannot make- money any call:•. joyable afternoon closed with a dein- than by paying you daily. newspaper Gad." Me and Mrs. N J 1Dore returned last ty lunch. subscriptions at the Advocate Office. "Thi thought uppermost in the mind week from their vacation, On Wedensday afternoon, August. of St. Paul when hewlitened theMiss Iva Francis has accepted a pos- wards of this text was! that God's work 1'Itss Forbesof Landers. spent the 2 9th, the Hurondale 'W.I., met at the' otic, as teacher at Harpley school, near links i Bel): with that of man. Every week end with Mrs. Thos. Pryde, home ox curs, txeo, istnerington with+ Grand Bend, starting her duties Tues- matt, wee. tries to teach others of the Miss 'Vera Rawe has returned from an attendance of thirty-five. An ap- day, great loge of man revealed by Goid's a visi- in Peterboro and Toronto, i peal for fruit from the Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto, was read by' R. G. Seddon and R. N. Creech had works as a fellow worker with God. Ms life, a , .t rinks of bowlers in Condor{ on Each one is to consider, \ianoay ,sp ,ritual temple a'nd himself as th but awhile to the nine the games were der. From the stauitipont of postponed untie Satwrclay afternc*n' Milcleaansing a sin -stained world, nothing James Overholt's body has been r e - can. supersede each person's putting covered from the harbor at 'Goderich. forth his finest and noblest efforts •to He apparently fell into the, water while build a temple for God to inhabit; working„ at the harbor. He Lias 60 men have often asked the quest•ten- years of age, contcern:ri this work; Is it worth On Friday evening Mr. John Luxton Lvh'le? But ,nobody at present can comprehend the beauty and. dignity of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. received a telegram seating that Jackie, this work which -each one is carryingforward. In spite of partial defeats McLean, of Fillmore, Sask., had died of scarlet fever; etre McLean was and temporary setbacks this work of formerly, Mess Jessie Luxton of EN- God's ani man's will inevitably prove eters triumphe nt and each ane is, called upon to have good courage, secu.rs 'n the \fir, Mervyn E. Carom, who has been tenewtedge that He has been web us ire the past, is NY4ttll us, at present,, and will continue to be with us foi•ev position; with the same company in their St. Thimas store, commenting Mr. Chas. Acheson Sept, 1st the week end. Exeter High School regstrat en -t Aljo Sanders visited 'ni, Stratford ov pup_ls shows a gain of about 25 aver er the holiday. last year -being few about 200. It has been found ,necessary to engage Miss Gladys Harvey left Monday for a sixth teacher, and the public 1•brary Tars, to teach. basement will be fitted up as a schooS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweet, spent Mon - room for Miss Taylor's public school day in Lc ,don. class and her room used as a High. School Broom. • Miss M. A, Tom s attending Tor onto Exhibition. ROWCLIFFE-CA.Sk• t Miss Ruby Wood has returned from On Wednesday morning in thef Tris- a \sit n Toronto. was in London Every town, village and littlest that ified all persons interested in the said 80 LB. RAILS ON L., H! & B. \Ziss Muriel Haggarth has gone to Eighty -pound steel rails willbe drill Part Lambton to take her first school. on the Huron, and ,Bruce) section .of the Miss Mildred Norry of London visit - Canadian National Railways line be-, ed at hef bsome'hiere over the holiday. twwee,n D.e.afiield and Centralia, a ds - Miss Tia Johnston, of Seafarth•4vis- •taw er to miles, ,in acourse of a, iced at her home here aver the hal- few days, The road from Hyde Park ida . junction to Denfield is already lair Y with the 80. -pound rails, and it is ex-' Mr. Ed. Preszcator of Londorevisited ppected' that the niece, as far as Caen, at his home for a few days over the tralia will be newly ,equipped before holiday. cold weather sets in. Efforts will beZl;ss of way department to lay the heavy Army Jahns left Monday for made on the part of the maintenanceheavy Bartanvlle where she has accepted a rails as far as Wiagham :before the Uos;oro as teacher. fall of 1924, When completed the Mr. Gea. Windsor has returned after heavier ,engines will be able to run ov- spending some weeks in Toronto and er this line, other eastern places. - -e- 1 Miss Auldt of Watford last "W"ASH' COLLINS DEAD. - resumed her duties as milliner Washington G. Collins, aged 75, a Miss May Armstrong. resident of Calgary, Alta., for the past .Mr, Wit' Edinunds of the. Molsons 20 years, and a farmer well-known old- Bank Windsor, visited here with time, resident of Exeter, died suddenly friends over the holiday. bas a name of which its people are not dram, by post -card pursuant to the ashamed, ought to have suitable signs,', Drainage Act and the sant report has bearing its name and greeting tacked ,this day been read! and considered in up somewhere so that passing strafing- .open coun,cii; Be, it therefore resolved) ers can see an nerd et. In motoring' that the said re,pert he received and tbrough the country it is a pleasure' adopted and uinstea,d of publishing the to note these signs, and, they show that by-law in a newspaper a copy of same the residents are alive and up-ta-date including the notice of the, sittings of We would like to see Exeter have the Court of Revision and/ proceedings' such signs. Why not, Council? ' necessary to appeal of, to quash the !same be printed in pamphlet form and With harvesting operations practical- served on each of the( assessed owners (y aver, farmers throughout the coin as provided by sec. 25f of thet Municipal try are at present busy turning over Draistrage Act and that a Court of Re - v5 the furrows. This has been, madespos- 1011 be held in ,het Town Hall, Creel- the by the recent rains. It is stated itorn on Monday, the 1st of October that plowing operations forefal:l seed- at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of ap- ing have _never been sol backward as Hearing and trying, complaints and this year owing to the long continued• Peals against the. assessment or any drauth, not five acres, in 100 on the part thereof whpch shall be filed with average, having been prepared, prey- the !clerk pursuant to the Act. -Cd. ious to last week's. rains; The following orders were passed - Dr. J. J. Williams, charity re Alma Williams, $19.50; Municipal World, FEWER SUBJECTS supplies 1.33; Grand & 'Lay, filing , I case 10.00. en that city on August 22, It .was Mrs. C. H. Smith motored here front The new minister of education,, tine Adjournment to Sept 4th at 1 pare about the year 1882 that the laltte ''vii• Windsor and spent the• week end with Horn. Howard Ferguson, premier, bas Henry Either, Clerk. Collins came here from Kinncardn•e, her mother, Mrs. Jolnld Sne1L ;s a¢nd tolak a p°siteon ;r>4 the stores Mr. Harold Kuntz, Miss Dorothy and week with tirade announcement that he intended having fewer subjects taught in the � public .schools. It would be a step in the right direction. Centralia ue4 •eir. and Mrs. Kitley have re- -+--- tunne 1 after their holidays, Mr. I{itley taking charge of the services on Sun- K.ILLED 1N MOTOR ACCIDENT. day. 1 t , . , Miss Fortner has returned after the Grand Bend ,Sept. 1 -Gus McCarty lholideys to take charge, of the school. •f K bee earth f Generical., 'Miss Ford of east of Exeter, has 'en- a*here ho was•drill 'tele' mercantile busn 0.4 , of the late James Pickard, and which Margaret motored to Walkers -01e last he retained far a number of years. week to visit with Miss' Link. 142x. Collins was born] in Kitchener, and \t,1ss Irmo Sweet is in. Toronto at - was' one of the pioneer' insuraince men tending the Exhibition, Site wilt also of the West. When in Exeter, the de= visit., in Ingersoll and Tillsornburg, , dee he Iv was an enthusiastic member Messes. J,eam and Irene 1 loannfiextl of the. Mascenic order, and in 1888 was' Master of the. Lodge. He. kept up his have, returned home to Goderich after o ngs r ge a as , nnembeesh_ep with the order up to the visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloomfield dear.:, and Jack and Lorelei Bonacher of gaged a's teacher far Fa reueld for the tine of hie, death, his funeral bens Mr.; and Mrs. Harry Baker and son Detroit, and Leo Brindley of Goderich teeming year. • under Masonic auspices. W2sh, as law Mr. Carl S. Raltvlings of De - are ,injured as the result of an auto-' Mr. J. Smith is spending a few days• he was commonly known was =a con- non, visited with relatives over Sun mobile accident this morning en the at Toronto Fair-, geareal character and was a mrost in- day. Lake Shore road, north of Port Blake, Mr rind Mrs_ Frey. and family were teres'teeg conversationalist. He is sur- -a Bend.. Clinton over the holiday. 'deed by his widow, Onetdaughter, Miss .l'tr. and Mrs. IL T. Rogers, son ands and two miles Mirth of G, nd I3 su T Frances, and two sons, Fred, and Har- daughter• of Detroit,, returned Monday The young mem all of wham work Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Howard of Lucan,,after two weeks' inset with Mr, and in Detroit Were spending their' 'vacs- were vis=tars orn Sunday. at Mr. .and old B. ' time here, and had started for Godsr- ?Tis. ate Jecltell, F. Taylor's. - Leh for a holiday, Jack Bonacher was Messrs Wm. Dobbs and S. G. Essen' AGED LADY PASSES. I_ leiaster Harold Carling, Who has dr:see ,, and, it is said •by his campan-: were, on a fishing excursion to Wier- be•on. vie.i ng his grandparents, Mr, and sons, able to talk of the a,ccidernt,, was ton over the holiday. One of the aged resile:nts of 1Js- yfrs. W. J. Cailirtlg, left far his home. proceeding -slowly along tlie^•lake shore f.-.. The, flax twill has conunenced ober- borate Tp„ pessped' away, ore Thursday, .:: London out Sunday. I 39th the, erseanl of T 1Qr, and :errs, T. S. Woods Bund two the Secy and it was decided to send: daughters spent Sunday 6n Stracf r d, a barrel. The prospect of having a Miss. Hazel Dani.son of Landon. spent booth at the Exeter Fair was discus : the week 'end with Miss Fern Francis sed and a committee appointed to �4r. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and baby I see if arrangements could be made. have returned to their home in Mer- Miss Katie Sanders gave an instru- lin, ental and Miss M. A. Horton gave an Dr, and yrs, neeeeton and son, excellent paper on "Our Country's \'rine, 'motored to Keecardine and Resources," the, greatest of which spent the holiday, was her boys and girls. The mem- Mrs. Thos. Pryde and children re- bers took part in community singing turned Saturday from Ipperwash Beach and spent a pleasant half hour over where they spent ten •days, the lunch, Mrs. Ford was the assist - errs. Dearing and Mrs. J. Paine were ing hostess. The next meeting will Gedericb assisting in the Salvation be held at the home of Miss L. M. Arany services over the week ennd Jeekelj, Exeter. Roll Call: "What Mr, Funk Bawden of Toronto, was I am most thankful for." here last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred; Bawden and Mr. T. Baker return d with bin, to attend Toronto Tsar. BIRTHS 2v1e: and Mrs. C. H., Sanders and ear,' ren,, left Wednesday morning for rStanley to take the boat for , land, where they will. visit rela- 1 B lord I t road tiihen'tlie'car roar, luta erase; gravel atiouns for `the 'seasons tltreshang August pa Mee and Mrs, Gilds Ztuefle and son- e' 1 1 t ',haa'1 e an -law, Ed Morgan, • of Flint, Mich., accompanied by Mrs. Sandf9rd, of Pt. Huron, =Meeh., visited over- Sunday with relatives and friends here. turned around, hurled .the occupants •N'itlt ,great violence clear'of the auto- mobi e, 'rhe car then, turned over in the ditch.. silent the halz'iday 'with friends here., three• months riga,, when she sudt.enl It was, seen ant once that Gus,,Mc,'- - AL'S. M. Elliott and family spent the' took el and had since been dfuae; Carthy and Jack Bornach•er'we.re sera holiday at:Grand Bence I to her 'bred. The enli canoe gradually. y ously hurt. Thein• companions slum- ,Miss Veraia Connor of.Londoe spent from the epifirmeilti�es txf old a,ge. Born •o Terone, she ! came: to Canadar at the age of 13 years, :Mass E, Baynharn visited with her. Hazletoau, wallow, o, t t•e 1 •e sister un Toronto last week. Washburn, aged 95 years., he had Mas. 'Archie Robinson and baby 'been # her usual good h anti r up to ,nonett assistance and a doctor was the week end at her,' home m Centralia ion the. County f , int ..on, but c ar y about t - siettl.r, first an. York County, where o'clock, as the restult of internale .n didnrecover conscious- D AT VARNA. she married Mr:. Waslnbuno, and soon juries, . H notBARN BURN); after they canne to Blannshard Tocvn,- fter the accident. Jack }3anacn 1 btMC t died bot 2 • mess a - --- er is also injured interniilly, while his Varna, Sept. 2-. Tb•e fine `big barn shard, fare rtg 'tate;re for some years C brother orrode and Leo Br nelley are of Wm J. •Taylor, saltuatc.d in Stanley , b,elo,t mov,:syg to Usborne Township. - considerably cut and 'bruss�ed,. 'Tp,; about three miles from here, was, Deceased was a most 'estmtable worn- ' loose ,gravel, recently placed on 1 t ht f' t a�� a¢id hlgltly respecter' •by ail who the road bas been a menace, to auto- mobiles, but this is, the first: seri,aus acsedeinrt. • DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED 1'0 MAIM STREET, SOUTH of Y,P.C.A. EXETER Phone `70. 1 L! i _l I destroyedas nig by ere, due o,ao, a her during her -long residence Exeter North. spontaneous combustion. The season's an thi:, ng los d nee craps were' cornsumed, 'I'hes )ass is a- ` of •seyeautY years:• t Mr. Challis of Detroit, . accompamee, $7000, aat 'covered b , insurance of K!rktoun,. She was a mentvb,el: of .h b, Airs. Ed. Saundeers: of- Muskegan bout p Iy Y About 6.30 last eevemr'rrLg. me�mti,ers of Engldlsh church, and -when able •eguelar• t•;hts, >\kiclr., i41r. , a,nd VIrs.`"Johan: the farnily.,:whie were melting, h,earde,r,n 1 in: her attendance., at, the church ser- cltraelt aM another Mrs. Schuye{J of exl oseoin and almost instantly flames 'vices. Hes husband /died 24 years ago. SZurichchee were Sunday: visitors with Mrs. Al - broke nest -and :'soon: the 'entire steric-eShe es secerivied by 'fine`/eons and fan,, Snell, Huron Str•.eet turre was ablaze. The live stock, in, the, two daudlliters-Allan of Comber, Ra- are but it was impossible beet ,of ' Hanilstore George, Los Angeles miss E ` S, Wisca . and Miss e„ liar was . S ,ed, Pp to save the Grope. Mr..TayIen had''Cae, Thomas; of Usbonen,Frinke of .Nesvle, Messrs. H. and AS Hayden, Mr.. , ^thre -led only the day before Guelph Mas Golwal, of Heunsall, and A IS Wilcox and tittle(sen Alf and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trebles Miss Efiie Tre:ble, and Mr. anld Mrs. Ed. Treble were, can London Monday, to sere Mrs. Wm Treble's only brother, Mr. Chris. Sheere and other relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Kydd and daughte> Vivian and Mr. Milton Kydd of Detroit.and Miss• Ea Schaush of Kite chener were holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mies, Jonathan Kydd, :Sr, Harold Kuntz of Windsor spent last week with his parents here, Miss Dorothy returned with him as far as Essex, where she will teach the com- ing year. Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Newell and son of Stratford and Mr. J. A. Macdonald of Lashburn Sask., formerly of the Bank of Commerce hers, were Sun, - day visitors in town with friends. Mr. L. C. Tapp, who has been spending the summer with his uncle. 141r, A Francis of Stephen,, has accept- ed a position as High School teacher at Chesley, leaving for that place last week. Grand Bend Larry Dunn, of Detroit, a member. of Paul eeeilson's Orchestra, owes his life to Arthur Gillies, well-known London athlete, and another man. Dunn, with others, was playing hall in the lake on Sept. 7,nd and in going after the ball„ went beyond the sand bar and airy water over his head. He called for help several times and his plight was not!ued by Mr. Gillies, who went to his assistance .and brought him safely to shore. The musician could swim, but bad been in the water far some time and when he attempted to regain Joseph's Davis -In Usborne on Sept. 2, to Mr. and Mrs Clifton Davis, a daughter, 1 _ e - n St. osep 's Hospital,. Lan- don, on Aug. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. I Leon Bedard of Hay Tp., a daughter." MARRIAGES Green-Hoggarth-At the Manse, Kip- ; pen, day, J^t es LesleyeRenGreen, to Mary: Irene Hoggarth of Tuckersmith. Rowcliffe--Case-At the Trivia Mem- oriel Church, Exeter, by Rev. A. A. I Trumper, on Wednesday, Sept. 5th; 1 ler, Johr. Rowcliffe, son oaf Mr. and i Mrs. John Rowcliffe of H•ensal , to Mess Ada Belle, second daughter of Mr and Mrs. Adam. Case. of Exeter. DEATHS McMaster -In St, Marys, an, August 27 Lillian, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. i . John McMaster, in her 21st year. Washburn -In Usborne, on Aug. 30th, Jane Hazleton, widow of the late Charles Washburn, aged 95 years. eleCaughey-ln Clinton, on, August 26, •Jelin Joseph McCaughey, soon of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. McCaughey of Clin- ton, in his 28th year. Thompson -In London Hospital on . Sunday Sept. 2, Roy, son of Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Thompson of Wood- ham, in his 22nd year. the sand bar his strength gave rue i PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE STEWART'S FOR SCHOOL CLOTHES Free with Every Boy's School Suit —a Belt' a Tie, and a Pair of Braces. We have a 'dandy range of bays' suits its good serviceable cloths and snappy styles. With every sunt sold for school open- &ag we will give; free, a belt, a knitted tie atm a pair of braces, Carne in and let use save • you +money, We have sons good suits as low as $5.00. School Shoes at Special Prices. If your girl or boy, needs new shoes for school, come is and see us. We have several odd lines of solid leather, and canvas rubber soled shoes on which we will save • you real money. Black Stocking all sizes -25c.' a pair. These stockings are just right for school wear. A good black in plain oe heavy rib. All 'saes, 5 to 10, for 25c. a pr. Girls' School Dresses for $1.00 For school ,opening we will sell; any girl's gingham dress in the store for $1.00, Lots of good cloths and styles, and every size from 5 to 14 years' for $1,00 Reduced Prices on all Ginghalzls We have sale prices. on ali gingbams left` in stock, including Anderson's Scotch ginghams. Good dress ginghams as low as24c. a yard. , Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats Make c•ertath n to; see our, display before selecting your new coat, You will Burd only the. newest styles on our racks and the low prices we areasking for quality garments will surprise yor, Are you Taking :A.dvantage of our Grocery .Bargains 9 Choice Seedless • Raisins 15c. a lb or 31i lbs los .., 50c Large can guaranteed Red' Salman for ...... 25cc Granulated Sugar, just a little cheaper tban you can b uy it elsewhere: 7 bars Comfort, Gold,' or P. & .G, hlaptha Soap for 48c. Salada Tea 65c. a kb. Cascade- .Salmon 15c. lb: Best: Coffee $5c, a ib. ': Cbristie's Sodas .5c, lb.. Royal Yeast 5(c.: k , A good stron,g••Broom, 50c. Y D � HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR• LIVE POULTRY ALL KINDS Tbefldyites tliriea'tenedy1 spread tot Miss S J•, of Toronto, The funeral err: and Mrs. Eertyy and seam William tee drevesbece, bit this was sawed. The troll place on Saturday fromthe -es.- motored over ;iron, Detroit and were J. A■ STE RiT house was not'endangered, as the wind dence •af hier 'son,;. Thoma's to the .week pend visitors at the home of Mr.• was blohv;.rtg in the •opposite direction1(jiatoui cemetery. and Mrs, T, E, We'b.ster, Exeter North - EXETER