HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-8-30, Page 8r EXETER 2rIllt11;i1Tr. AUG. BB, 1923 Exeter Markets CH ANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY 90 35 48 3.75 3.60 Wheat Oats • B z:* Y In".toba's Best Flour ...... ..„. Family Flour Parry Flour .......... Fe.ed Flour 2.00 Bran. 1.50 1.701ficb and paying for this notice. Local Doings Mr and Mrs. Adam case, London • Road, north, announce the. engagement of their second daughter, Ada B,elle Mr, Norman Ward of Philadelphia has been it gue,st at the home, of Mr: John Norry, to tr, Elgin W. Rowcliffe, son of alr. and Mrs JOhn Rowclffe, Hensall, the tmarriage to take place early in Sep- tem her NE,CK RUFF FOUND.. Mr, David Tiernan of Dashwood last On, Main. Street Exeter, on' Tuesday, am ostrich neck ruff, Owner :an have same by calling at the Advocate .<f - Sb ;rts Eggs -Special and extra .... • .. . 32 Ezgs-No.. 1 Za Eggs No 7 . 20 Creamery Butter . . • 33 to 39 Dairy Butter Lard Hogs - • ...... ..... • . 28 18 to. 20 10.00 47P * met r. 361 Richmond Street, London. Give individual instruction in Tele- graphy Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Pit- man & Gregg), Cost Accowiting, and General OfE.ce Work. Register now for Fall Classes, sta.rt- ing Sept. 4th. W J. O'Brien, Commercial Special- ist, Principal. FAams FOR SALE. 100 acres, being lots 5 and 6, Con. 2, Usborne, all .n first-class state of cultivation, well underdrained with tile, 7 acres hardwood bush oz each Place. Lot 5 all in pasture. Good brick house and two bank barns on lot 6. Abundance of water. A young or..'hard just starting to bear, 33 miles from Exeter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter mile from school. Apply to Richard Coates .Centralia P.0, 1,1•1114,01.111,,, NEW BUNGALOW FOR SAI.1. Well. built, attractive and mordern, bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLAD\IAN & STANBUR.Yr FOUND. -A place where you can but .British American gasoline at 30c. -R, Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North .111110,61111911,MMOMMOIYOMMINerr. CLERKS NOTICE. OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS.: VOTERS' LISTS 1923 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILL- AGE OF EXETER, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have complied with Section 10 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Exeter on tho, 14,th day of August, 1923, the list of all persons entiged to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection and the last day for appeals being the 3rd day of September, 1923, And I hereby call upon all voters, to take immediate proceedings to have any errors, .or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Exeter this 14th day of August, 1923. JOSEPH Sh,NIOR, Clerk of Village of Exeter,.., Exeter, Ont G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College. of Dental Surgeons of Ontariol, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer., Milit- ary District Number one, London, Ont. Main Office -Dickson Block, Min Ctreet, Exeter ,Ont. I -lours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34 Exetea-. Office at Zurich Ont., Phone 79, Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. Aar 5 p.m. GO 'WITH. THE CROWDS. Go 'to- Goderich Fall Fair next. week, Wed., Thurs, and Friday, Sept. 5th, 6th and 1th. Increased prize list, $900 in:purses for racesThursday and Fri- day, 2,20, Farmer' 'Trot, 2,30 and 2,12 classes. Goderich manufacturers are putting on a fine exhibit of made in Goderich goods in main, building, which ft m--;11, be worth coming a long way to see. Large midway, including side- shows and riding devices, on the grounds. RANGE FOR SALE. - Happy' Thought, six hole, reservoir, etc., in' condit• ion Apply at this office. 1 FARM FOR SALE -On Lot 16, Con, 1, Stephen, 69 acres more or less, a good frame house; good wells, and a large bank barn. in good. con - 1 dition, and other buildings. Apply to Ardagh Rollins, R.R., No, 1, Cen- tralia, P.O. SPECIAL MEETING There will be a special meeting of the Exeter Branch, 924, L.O.L., on Friday, September 7th, to make ar- rangements for the coming of J, 3. Maloney, ex -clerk of the Roman Catholic Church. BABY BUGGY FOR SALE,- In first class condition. Apply at this office. IVIHOLM FARM, Potatoes for sale, Also Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Chicks any age up to (4 months. Phone your -wants. L. V. HOGARTH Exeter, Ont, Phone Crediton 18-31. FARM FOR SALE 150 acre choice farm, being Leet 11 and 12, Con, 15, Township Stephe,n,", situated 5 west of Crediton, an good gravel road. Good two story brick house, 'two bank barns, good imple- ment shed and garage, never failing rack well, 10 acres good bush, well fenced and underdrained.. Must be sold to wind up estate, A.pply an premises,-Je,ssie McKenzie, adminstra- trix; Dasbwoad, R. R. 2, --- BOAR,DING HOUSES WANTED FOR STUDENTS. Those -wishing to take students as boarders please leave their names with Aliss K. MacFaul at once. HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION., Students wishing to attend Exeter High' School next term will do well to register with Miss MacFaul, stating previous standing ,at once, as the list is rapidly filling up, --- HONEY FOR SALE. Any person or persons wishing to procure a Quantity of honey at reas- onable rates phone cal call on • JOHN, CARRICK Lake Rd .Stephen, Hay P.O. jr11•141i WANTED -More salesmen (whole or spare time) to sell our high-grade Trees, Shrubs and Plants, aver 1000 varieties -to select from. Lowest prices excellent commissions weekly. Free outfit and iristructonsi, steady respect- able employment. Welland Nursery Co, Welland. DR. 'H. H. COWAN, .L.D.S., D.D.S, Dental Surgeon, starting at Exeter on Saturday,the Hartfelb Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. 26th inst. LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. 'When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO -Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery We make trills to London each week, leaw your order's at our office or at the Central Hotel. Cars for hire at all times BAGSHAW & EASTON We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES 1 , THAT CANNOT BE BhAEN, SATISFACTION GVARANTEh,D Conductor .of Funeral. Services: rlionts-Business 20w; Resid.ence SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual "text Sunday. Service,s in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 P.In..---alva.tion Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Cottage meetings in 'North End on .Tues‘lay night. T. PliabbinIse Captain, Trivitt Membrial Church Anniversary 11 am.-' 7 P.m. - Rev A. A. Trimer, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, James Foote, R. A., Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible .hDin'e 1-lam1tm• Sunday., the Doctor Classes. • !having motored here ancleaccampanied I her home week received a car of Alberta coal at the Exeter station, and a sample of : is to be nreen dr thle Advocate of- fic-e. -1 he coal looks to be of a good variety, and Mr. Tieman hard, no trouble idisposing of it, Rev, Clysdale ,pastor of Man St. Z‘fethodist Church, and his wife, are spending their holidays in Blyth and Sarnia. Four boys of the Young People's Class take the, next Sunday 'Morning service and the evening' ser ViC e is withdrawn in( favor t of the,' Triee_ itt Memorial. Anniversary, kliss Blanche Senior, the popularso- rano soloist of Exeter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Senior, is this week offering a repertoire of classic and popular songs at the Allen Thea- tre, London. Upon completing heren- gagement at the Allen, Miss Senior in- tends make an extensive tour of the larger theaters of Canada and United States, Miss Senior possesses o, voice of rare power and sw.eetness, and we feel certain she will meet with success, BASEBALL. Lucan Juniors defeated Clinton, by 4.-4 in the play-roff league game be tween, the two groups, on, Wednesday last. Their next opponents may be Ofwen, Sound, BOWLING Mr. C. B. Snell took a rink of bowl- ers to the St. lvfarys tourney last Wednesday, but did not ,succe,ecl gettin,e, in the list of prize winners, The Friday night prize winners in the regular tournament were, W. C. Rivers, T, Pryde, R. Mawhinney .with three. wins and a plus of 10; Second.: Dr. Roulston, Ed. Harness,, R. G. Sel- don, with two wins and a plus of 12. Quite a number of Exeter bowlers went to Hensall on Monday .evening and mixed up with the, bowlers of that village in a tourney, with the result that T. Pryde was one of the win- ners of a first prize, while Trueman Elliott, Geo. Snell. and Clifford Link I were second prize winners. Mr. Frank Mallett went to Oshawa Saturday to. spend a few days. Mr. Percy Gillies of Sarnfa visited with his parents here last week, Mss Taylor of Cleveland, Oh toe 3rs he guest of Mrs, Rolat. Gillies. Mrs. Singular of Nairn is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw. „Mr. Ira Spicer is spending two, or three, weeks in. Toronto and Brantford vT and Mrs. Samuel Rowe of Galt were visiting relatives 'here last week. Mr. S. G. Bawden of Goderich spent a day or two here with ,relatives last week, Mr. Samuel Ross left Friday for Saskatoon, Sask., where he will remain for a time. "\Irs Nelson Sheera and daughter re- turned on Monday from a boat trip to Fort William, Mr. W, Heideman. of Toronto several days in town during the with his parents, Judge Dickson and daughter, Dolly of Goderich spent a few in town last Friday. Mrs. Tbos. G. Sanders left this morning to visit her son, Mr, Fred J. Sanders an Toronto.. Miss Edith Walter is visiting, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Garvey Acheson in St. Thomas. Mir. 5. K. Schroeder, wife and family and other friends of Detroit, were vis- itors here on Saturday. spent week Miss hours Ur, C. H. McAvoy returned home from Thorold last Wednesday, where he has been for. aome months. Miss Jessie Manson of London, and Mr. Wm. Manson of Taronto are hob:- daying here with their parents, ,M.r. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr returned last week from a holiday spent; in To- ronto Niagara., Buffalo and Kitchener. Mr. Fred Kay and daughter, Miss 'Uona, of Pueblo, Colorado, spent part of last week with Mr. and Krs. J. Stewart Mi', and Mrs. Louis Statton of Port Huron, and Mrs, Fred Stattoa of Cross well, Mich., are visiting at. the home oil Mrs. 'William Fletcher. Mr. C. H. Russell of Weltaskiwin, Alta.. after a visit -With( his parents„ Mr, and Mrs, Win. Russelkof town., ,left on Friday for his home, Dr. Case of Diungannon and daughter Miss Ethel .of• Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Case of Hensall spent Sun- day with Mrs. P. McTaggart, Miss V, McDonald returned) to her home in Detroit on Sunday, 'Her el:m- ain, Miss Mary Nelson, accompanied her hame, and will visit' for a few weeks,- , , • grs. (Dr.) Lannen, who ha.kbeen vis- iting with her mother,. Mrs. Campbell for a couple weeks, returned to her 11 a.m.- ThoS. Glavfn of Detroit was a 7 p.m. - The Minister, ang anion old -friends, a,n,ct relatives I"n Boy Scouts r'raeet Friday evening. IriarqnocGrill...ivelays';where the Y resided for sO 1 pleasant 'caller on the Advocate Sat- urday. Mr, and Mrs. Glavin are 't JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH ivkrs, .Ell•en.H,eni.and Mrs..Sadie An,- /Lis.Scarboro village *leturrsed qt;c0' 'Rev: W. E. Donnelly, II, li(a'aor • 10.15 „a. m.r,-:Morning, Clas.. • • 11,00 Worship. Sex-m.6n Stibjeet , "The. S try �f'Life' in -Sday'Scbo-o-j 7,00 pan,r-7."A Good ,ChurreN, Memb.er". heir homes last week, 'after visiting hele couilin, Mr. 5. W. Taylor, nd other relatives. • Mr. and 3/Irs. F. A. Brianacorabe and- roatelids• - "41811.01110mr ifsVa....oare.,atas le la Nall PriONE 32 'JONES & MAY PHONE 32 neat Clearing Sale 1r Girighaifis We wish to clean out our entire stock of Gingharns insitlees,thatae next l two• weeks,. In; order .to do so we offer Greatly. R.educed Prices" Gin,gharns. :Tji,e;se are divided Into three lots, -"VA= LOT NO. 1 -Good quality Canadian Gingbams, 27 inches wide, in a large fangof colors and patterns, to Clear at 22c. yard. LOT NO. 2 -Good quality Canadian Gingbams, 32 inch:ea wide, regular 35 - and ,40C, 113'1 checks and plain colors to clear at 2.9,C. yard. LOT O. 3 -Anderson's Celebrated Scotch Gingharns, 32 and 30 inches wide all the new colorings k checks and plain colors, regularly 45c. and 50,3 yard, aa ari on 'clearing price 39c, yard. Get your supply early. Pure Linen Towelling 25c. yd. 514 yards real good quality pure Linen Towelling, suitable for roller and dish totvels. Get a good Supply at this price, only 25c., yard. Clearing of Ladies' Voile Blouses All Ladies' Voile Blouses must go, so we offer our .entire stock of these lines' at real Bargain Prices -many half and less than half regular prices, at 98c., ai.9$ ain.d $2,95. Clearing of Ladies' Silk and Silk and Wool Sweaters We plaice op, Sale at 'Greatly Reduced prices all our ,Sillek Silk' and Wool Sweaters in Tuxedo and ..Pull-avr styles. We have a Inhere range of color: and styles, at greatly reduced prices. Ladies' & Misses' Fall & Winter Coats Dont forget the Fall and Winter Coats are here. New styles, new cloths, new colors. Prices much Paver than last seasori. Call early and look them over. We also hava nice' range of Coats for Girls. Get Ready for School EXTRA VALVES IN Boys School Suits, Odd, Bloomers, Khaki, Bloomers, Running Shoes, fine Black or Brotvp Leather Shoes, Caps, Sweaters, Etc. Growing Girls' Slippers for School Buy _Slippers that will wear, reliable makes. We are offering Big Val- ues in both Oxfords and Strap Slippers in Patent, Browzi or Black. All stamped Makes, at $3,75 and $4.50. We are local Selling Agents forPletarial 'Review Patterns, THIS STORE dLOShS EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES elli".4116.41110...111110"4111 OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regits;tered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klapp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, ol Exeter Ontario OR_ A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon NicDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter Mately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctiorveer - R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and .stock sales a specialty Four years ,experience. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties or Huron and Middleton Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Creditor's, - Ontario. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' Aprons and Dresses. About 50 in the lot. These sold for $1.75 .$2.00, and $2.25. For quick selling we have reduced them to the low price of $1,25. • White Canvas - Oxfords In Smart styles and good fitting „ lasts. Regular $3.50 values. Clearing at per pair $2.48. Black Canvas Oxfords 98c. `r. A very comfortable Slipper for wearing around the house. Comes with' rubber sole and heel -pair 98c. New Dresses and Coats Office -over Gladman & Stanburyt • We are showing a new rage , dresses and, co--1Or Fall. The . -• • uttsce, man street,, Exeter. early buyer woll find her* the xservest tyles in I did. ort 1,10,••••••••., The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on apPlircaticon. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions 11.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than fire lines, Fpr Sale, To Rea, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found lot'als 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c,.tper line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 33 foe one insertion and $1.50 for each sulis'equent in- sertion if under 11* inches 1n length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Real Estate for sale 51k. each insertion fen one month of four insertion:8, RAND TRUNK WNW THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTki , Between UONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO • „ r Onexcelled dining car stervircer Sioeping care on night trainn ) Parlor cars on principal day t Full information from any li Think Ticket Agent, ar C. R. Ronk; kg District Passenger Agent, Tara** • N. J. I)GRE Fame ridw. Agent E • I. R. Carling, l3.A - Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investrneliits . Insurance!' Otfice, Carling Block,, Main, St, Exetier Dr. G. F, Routston, L. D. S., D. D.11; DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office, Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A, R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., a D. Si Honot Graduate Toronto I.Tniversity daug,bter Air:roe:have returnedytor iito,•Nr.. andMrs,. Richard ,,Welsh =Stored 'dOwn Wirth thern;anck.will visit jj Hamilton Niagara, Falls AO TorontO before rm:eirng • Satithoott Eros. • MONEY TO LOAN We home a large amount funds tio loan on fa ins and tint property at bow rates of interest. GLADMAN &' STA:Multi •fibnistere. Solioitoriii,a111100