HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-8-16, Page 8EXETER Afl1ZUE i,TE,, 'PUURE rn Y, AUG.. 161 1926 Exeter Markets Local Doings C 4NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY BOWLING. Wheat , , .», . 90 Oats 45 Barley........ 50 \l:t,rt ha's .Be.;t Flour 3.85 Family Flour ,. ,... 3.70 Pastry Flour 3,40 F ee.d Flour 2.00 Br in 1.60 Sh xrts 1.70 Creamery ,flutter 37 to $8 E;Igs—sneeals and extra; , 27 Egg s --:V o. l's .. , 20 Eggs—No, Z's ...... 17. Dairy Butter . 28 Lard 17 to 20 Hogs .,, 9,00 L on-rr7ED 361. 1?'chnzond Street, London. Give individual idual instruction in Tele- graphy Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Pit- man & Gregg), Cost Accounting, and General 'Office Work. Register now for Fall Classes, start- ing Sept 4th. W. J. O'Brien, Commercial Special- ist, Princlpal. FARMS FOR SALE. 100 acres, being lots 5 and 6, Con. 2, Us I; orris, all n irst-clas s stat e of tile, 7 acres hardwood bush an each, place. Lac 5 all in pasture. Good brick house and two bank, barns an lot 6. Aburielan,:e of water. A young I ordhard just starting to bear, 33,1 miles from Exeter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter from. school, Apply to Richard Coates _Centralia P.O. PROPERTY. FOR SALE, Consisting of house, stable, and 8 tots of land, situated in Exeter North on Main Street. Apply to H. Bier- FOUND.—A place where you can but British American gasoline at 30c., —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS': VOTEP.S' LISTS 1923 MUNICIPAL= OF THE VILL- AGE OF EXETER, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -that I have complied with Sectio.n 10 of tho Voters' List Act, and that I basse posted up at my office at Exeter thr 14th day of August., 1923, the List of all persons e.ntlitled to irotie the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there los inspection and the last day far appeals being the 3rd day of F...eptember, 1923. And I hereby call, upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors, or omissions corrected according to law-. Dated at Exeter this 14th day of August; 1923. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk af Village of Exeter,, Exeter, Oat: DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontariol, and Un- iversity of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Milk, ary District Nurnber one, London, Ont, Main Office—Dickson Block, Mvn Hours -9 am. to 5,30 p.m. Phone 34 °dice at Zurich Ora, Phone 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from tarting at Exeter on Saturdayithe 26th inst. LET Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you ,want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery We mak.e trips to Landon each week, leav: your orders- at aur office or at the Central Hotel. Cars far hire at 2.11 times We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BB BEAEN. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE') Conductor iof Funeral Services lilones--Business 20w; Residence Zoi The, Friday ;evening bowling tourney was won by Dr, Romblon, E. J, Chris- • and R, N. Creech ,slap, w2th thr got second with three wins and a pl Some Exeter bowlers are at Blyt tournament to -day. in Landon last Wednesday at:e.ndin the big Old B.awlers game at th RC:wing Club, when fatteen rinks played two games against th London bowlers, The Exeter rin made the high scare for the day, get ting a total of 45 points, but Lando w on the match on the aggregate The ✓ isit was a very enjoyable one, IDEATH OF J. E. HOWALD.' The death occurred Friday in Toronto. Hospital of Mr. J. Howald, a form- er barber of Exeter, and brother of Mr, E A Howald of Exeter, at the, age of 29 'years, Deceased while in ee the army contracted pheuraonia which k- lett his. lungs weak and this was the p, cause of his demise, had been in us the hospital about four months, Born at Zurich he bad lived. in various parts b of 'Ontario, just prior to his last -ill- ' ness re.sidin, in Stratford. The re- , mains were bb rouglacto St. Marys by bis brother, E. A.., on Saturday, and e th4 funeral taok place. from there ta g the Zurich Lutheran cemetery on San - K. , dee., and. Ted of United States ; and - I one sister, Mrs, Ed. Rupp of Detroit; R. G. Seldon's rink of bowlers is attending the Ontario Hospital tour- ney at London to -day, President Anderson's Scotch Double bowling contest was concluded on Monday night, when the finals were played between the two pairs who had gained high place in the qualifying Stewart, the former pair win,ning by a score of 13-5. This was a case where the president, Mr. Anderson was able to take hornet one 'of his own prizes, which were beautiful hand - painted cloths for talale. use, HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION, Students wishing to attend Exeter High Schaal next term will do well to register with Miss MacFaul, stating previous standing at once, as the list rapidly filling up. HONEY FOR SALE. Any person or persons wishing to procure a quantity of honey at reas- onable rates phone or call on . JOHN CARRICK' Lake Rd Stephen, Hay P,O. HOUSE FOR SALE. That desirable property on William Street, belonging to the estate of the. late David Johns. For particulars ap- PlY to Miss L. Johns ,or Messrs. Glad - mars Stanbury, ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID. All accounts due the Exeter Canning, Co, rnust be paid on or before Aug. 15, otherwise indebted parties will be subject to sight draft, or accounts Placed in other hands for collection Across from the Metropolitan Hotel Exeter. Prices reasonable. M. MITCHELL LOST—A black silk umbrella lost or left in a store or home in Exeter. The -finder will please inform Mrs. Fissette of Brantford or The Advocate. ESTRAY CATTLh. There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Con. 3, Us - borne, five two-year-old stockers— three heifers and two steers. Apply LIMBER SALE bY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 7 pan. on Satur- day, August 18th, 1 923, for the Lumber as taken from the wrecking of the old Weigh Scales Building. Said Lumber may be inspected in the rear of the Town Hall. By Order Jos. Senior, Clerk. Dental Surgeon, SALVATION ARMY SERV IChS Servrces as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 &m,—Holiness Meeting 2.30 'p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Cotta,ge meetings in North End 'on Tue.sday night, ',T. Hobbints', Captain Trivia Memorial Church August. charge far Rev A, A. Trumpet ReCton Rev. Jarries Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.- The Minister. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. LA.sigs ST. METHODIST 'CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, a. Pastor • Ls I31LLINGS DIES. Word was received here last week of the death of Dr. 11, L. Billin.gs, former well-known dentist of Exeter, who passed away on July 29, at Dunn- ville, where he had lived for a num- ber of years. Born in Oshawa • he graduated from the Ontario Dental Colle,ge at the age /of/ 21 years. Short- ly after passing his, exams. he opened a dental office here and pricticed for a number of years. About thirty years ago, be left town and 'has since heen located in different parts of Ontar:o, and travelled extensively in. NartW Am- erica, besides Making several trips to the Old Country. He was a vilc.thn of cancer on the neck which was the cause of his death, He leaves a sis- ter, Mrs. Rena Hovey of Clinton, and a sister Edith of Riverdale, Cal. 1-19 is; also survived by his wife. here, Mr. A. E. Fuke is spending a few daya In Muskoka. Judge Dickson. of Goderich was in town Thursday on business, .Miss Quance ,of Toronto( v.:sited relatives here /during the week. INliss Hazel Webb has returrued from a visit in. AlcGillivray with friends, Mir, and Mrs, Frank Durdle of Wal- kerville are visiting with relatives here. Mrs, R. R. Rogers of Toronto has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. Chris tie, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfrid Campbell of R.egina are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Mcln,rres. Mr. and Mrs, Schwartz of Toronto; are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. ,Thos. Brock. Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Crocker and fam- ily of Toronto are visiting with rela- tives in town. merce.. has been transferred from For- est to Strathroy. The Misse,s Sweet have moved their household goods to .Tillsonburg, where they will reside, are holidaying in Kitchener and Niagara. Falls. Mrs, Jos, Davis of 'Merlin is here visiting with her parents Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis of SartiSa spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Coates, Usborne. Nfr, 'Wm Schroeder and family of Detroit, spent the w.eek end with rel- atives in this vicinity. Allie Eacrett of Toronto was visiting, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Eacrett, and other relative.s. Mrs. A. Duncan and two sons, Jack and Rabb, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mantle, last weekt kin, Roger Crocker of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Treble, and •ather relatives. W. J. Statham and son and daughter •kvere in, Acton last week at- tending the Old Bays' Re -union. Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet, Mrs. Reid and Allss Ola were in Gode,rich visiting few clays. May Jones .aricl Miss Allie Allie Handford ,leit Saturday morning far a trip up the, Great Lakes, as fax as Duluth, Nilinn. • Mrs. Janes and • dau.ghter return,ed lo their hame Toronto. Saturday, after visiting, with relatives and friends here guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. New - Mr and Mrs. Robt. Stonehouse and family sMr, and Mrs. Hopper and fam- ily of Beigrave„ and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- kinson and family of .E.scana.b.a, Mich.,. Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles BirneY, Rev. E. C. le -hidings; af Dresden who assisted in, the s.ervice.s of the •Triv- itt M.emarial. church on, Sunday, is visiting with. his sister, Mrs. p. C. Ward, Mrs. Jennings of Parkhill is also visiting . with her daughter, Mrs: daughter, Mildred; ;enjoyed a lovely boat trip last - Week, When on the. Steamer. • "Taranto" they . sailed through the Thousand Islands, as far plaees of importance and beeutY on 1.Mr. Bowers of *To.nanto was a visitor sc:ienc,t.• master, of Exeter School .and Ilifoiriclay look a. look Over 'the equipment 'af. .hiS department. He left an Tuesday . for Walkerton a friend With- Whom her ,carrip arid.. Dr. A, W. Plotharn of' Strassborough Sask.., .called on a number of, old fniands in town cotk Thursday„ he hav- ing rnotered in from Staffas where he is visiting relatives. The doctor was an old school teacher, hassing taught for several years in NO. 3,. Stephen, over 30 years ago. Later be studied' medicine arid for a number of years practised in, a, Marys, later movirig to, the West, PHONE 32 PHONE 32 Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats We have just received our first shipment of INTorthway Coats for the coming Fall and Winter Seasons. Prices are P.,Oinsiclerably lower 'than last season, and for •early buyers we are offering wonderful values. We have dozens of beautiful coats to select from. Comje early and look them SUITS .AND DRES5ES We have 40,4ens of, stylish suits and dresses to‘ select from for the comi- ing, fall season. Snits, Serges, Tricatines and Gaberdines at reasatiabile, prices. Dresse.s in a great range of different materials and colors. We can give you an all wool. fine sierg,e dres's in either blacri.,or navy, very special at $9.85. CLEARING OF SUMMER GOODS GIRLS' WASH DRESSES AT 79c. AND $1.00 Lot No. 1—Girls; Wash Dresses in Ginghams, Percales, :etc., ages 1 to 6 year stizes,—a rearbargain at 79c, each. Lot No. 2—Girls: Wash Dresses, 10 to 14 year sizes, regularly up ' to 13.00 values—all at one price to clear at 51.00 each MEN'S STRAW AND PANAMA Fine Sailor Straw Hats, newest styles at $1.60 .each. Fine Panama Sa4or Hats, a wonderful Bargain, only a few odd sizes left Boys' Straws as Iow as 25c, each SILK GLOVES—New Cuff Styles regularly marked from $2.25 to $3.00 a pair—all at one price to clear only /1,50 pair. Boys' Cotton Jerseys at 49c. each. Boys' Wash ?Suits greatly reduced in PriCes Ladies' White Wash Skirts at from $1.0,0 to $1.95, Seven only Ladies' Silk POplim. Skirts at $1,95 each. Ladies' Tricolette Blouses, popular colors, at $2.95 ,each. Ladies' Voile Waists at 98c. Big Reductions in Outing Shoes Women's White Canvas Slippers,at Children's White Rubber -sole Running Shoes at 98c, Women's Canvas House Slippers at 98c. Specials for Young Men Black or Brown, No. 1 Calf, genuine, Goodyear Welt Oxfords. Greatest Shoe values on sale at $5.00 pair. Also Men's Light Shade Outing Trousers at 14.50 and $4.75. Monarch' Knitting Yarns for fall now, in. stock. We are local Selling Agents forPictorial Review Patterns, THIS STORE CLOSh,S EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JONES & MAY AGh,NTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M.. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in, Regia;ttered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction aissured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with, Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices rea,slonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St„ Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Ca Farm and stock sales a specialty, Four years experience, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties ot Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Creditor). — Ontario. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 aches' Aprons and Dresses. Ahont 5 Q in, the, lot. These sold for 11.75 32,00, and 12,25. For quick selling we have reduced th,em to the low prAce of 11,25. White Canvas Black Canvas Oxfords Oxfords 98c. In Smart styles and good fitting lasts. Regular 13.50 values. Cleaning at per pair $2.48. A. very comfortable SlipPer for wearing ground the hOuse. Comes with rubber sole and heel—pair 98c, New Dresses and Coats We are showing a new range of dresses and coats for Fall. The early buyer find here the newest styles in a splendid assortment of Southoott Bros. rhe Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made lonown on aPPIlltation. Stray Animals—Ode insertion 50c, three insertions 11.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lides, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each inStrition, 50c. Lost and Found ape,* 25c. an. insertion. • Local reading notices, etc., 10c..per line per irusertion4 No notic'e less than 25c. Card of ThankV 50c. Auction Sailes 33 for one insertion and 11.50 for eacli suliteluent in- sertion if under fivle inches- in length. Legal advertisrmg 10,c4 and 5c. aline. Farm pr Rea(1, Espatte Ace tele 511.e. each insertion fon one mobltli of four THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTU MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled awn car =rim Sbeepft care on night truly NW Pular case on principal day tress, Fa information frOm any Grstlid Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Hoe* Pismo 441w, Attest. Batel* Barrister, Solicitor, MC • Loans, Investm,ents Insurance Office, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Honor Graduate Toronto thriverilit, Office. Win Street Exeter. ZIONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount -of privet funds So Icon on farm and stiatelt Prenerty at low rates of interest. Barristers, Solicitors. Enter 11