HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2006-04-05, Page 3News School board employees make over $100,000 From Page 1 District School Board, Education Director Geoff Williams made $143,994.08, Janet Baird Jackson, superintendent of finance, made $120,579.28 and Jim Sheppard, superintendent made $143,994.08. Marie Parsons, superintendent made $120,579.28, Patricia Stanley, superintendent made $112,238.90, Central Huron Secondary School principal Herb Klassen made 111,173.24 and Ted Doherty, execu- tive officer, made $100,065.46. At the Huron Perth Catholic District School Board, Education Director Larry Langan made $143,449, Martha Dutrizac, superin- tendent, made $123,884 and Gerry Thuss, finance superintendent, made $120,931. Superintendent Dan Parr made $110,728, Tim Doherty, principal, made $103,859 and Philip McMillan, St. Anne's Secondary School principal, made $105,803. Huron Perth Children's Aid Society executive director Tom Knight made $118,058.16 and Huron Perth Community Care Access Centre executive director Kathy Scanlon made $115,50.7.59. Organizations with no salaries over $100,000 to disclose included the municipalities of Huron East and Central Huron, Seaforth Community Hospital, the Cahadian Mental Health Association, Huron Perth branch, Family Services - Perth -Huron, Huron Perth Centres for Children & Youth, Huron Safe Homes for Youth, Victim Services Huron County, Victorian Order of Nurses - Perth Huron Branch, Women Today in Huron and Clinton Public Hospital. Seaforth native climbing ladder at McCain Foods Melanie Segeren, a native of Seaforth and gradu- ate of St. Michael Secondary School in 1993, has been promoted to business development manager with McCain Foods Canada. She joined McCain Foods in 2000 when she served in sales and mar- keting posts.. Ater a brief stint with Coffee Shop Talk Seaforth Scuttlebutt another Canadian food compa- ny as mar- keting man- ager, she returned to McCains in 2004 as senior account manager. In her new post, she will be responsible for the development of new sales opportunities. INDIAN RIVER DIRECT *Citrus Truckload Sale* Florida 20 1b. Box Seedless Navel Oranges 20 Ib. Box or Ruby Red Grapefruit $20.00 IBOX FRESH FROM THE GROVE INDIAN RIVER FLORIDA The Huron Expositor • April 5, 2006 Page 3 Notice Of Public Meeting Concerning A New Zoning By -Law Affecting The Municipality Of Huron. East TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 7:OOpm in the Municipality of Huron East Council Chambers (72 Main St. Seaforth) to consider a proposed Zoning By-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. This proposed new Comprehensive Zoning By-law repeals and replaces the Zoning By-laws for: Village of Brussels Township of Grey Township of McKillop Town of Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed Zoning By-law. If a person or public body files a notice of appeal of a decision of the Municipality of Huron East in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law, but does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Huron East before the proposed Zoning By-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, you must makea written request to the Municipality of Huron East at the address below. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION and copies of the proposed Zoning By-law are available at the Huron East Municipal Office, Huron County Planning and Development Department, Seaforth Public Library and Brussels Public Library and on the website: www.huroneast.com DATED AT THE MUNCIPALITY OF HURON EAST THIS 31st DAY OF March 2006. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk Municipality of Huron East P. O. Box 610, 72 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO (519) 527-0160 or 1-888-868-7513 Toll Free Purpose and Effect: The proposed new Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Huron East consists of text and maps that apply to all the lands in the Municipality. It would repeal and replace the current Zoning By-laws for the 5 wards in Huron East. • This Zoning By-law implements the Official Plan which was adopted on July 29, 2003 by the Municipality of Huron East. Official Plan Amendment #2, currently being considered by Council, proposes to amend the original Official Plan. The proposed new Zoning By-law affects all of the lands within Huron East and consists of detailed text and key maps. The Zoning. By-law consists of new General Provisions that may apply to all zones in the Municipality in order to implement the Official Plan. Each zone section outlines the Permitted Uses, Accessory Uses, Permitted Structures and Zone Regulations for that zone. Some highlights of the new Zoning By-law include: • Some new zones have been created such as: Restricted Agriculture for the retained farmlands of Surplus Farm Dwelling severances; Recreation — Commercial Facility zone which recognizes the existing Walton Moto -Cross; Fringe Highway Commercial-Seaforth which allows for a transition area of Commercial uses. • In addition, Adjacent Lands are being applied around existing Natural environment areas. These lands will be subject to review of development proposals by the Conservation Authority. • Special provisions have been added regarding livestock on larger parcels of land in settlement areas. • All properties are subject to the new zones requirements. • Sample of a typical Zoning Key Map is below. . .... P ;I:!. ERIf: G, tx AG4 r''. II InII ,III 1 IIIII frlslers RPM NE' NE2 Zone Riv ers Poach r"N__„, Natural Ernirpnriert V7F:1P.rnl Ir. R (U -t) 4ja3ent Lands an i,n r Co nEerr atio 1 Autrority RegiIat5d Linds Y •