HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2006-03-22, Page 15Corning Events "CAVAN'S CABARET" featuring an Elvis Tribute by Jack Storey and Friends, Harpist by Huron Harp Ensemble and Bell Ringers by Nancy and Alex Ross at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2006 at Cavan United Church, Winthrop. Tickets $10.00 each. For tickets call Irma at 519-527-0917 or Lori at 519-527-1180. Everyone welcome. CE -12-3 BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS 0 - European Excursion - Sunday, April 2nd, 2:30 p.m. North Street United Church, Goderich.Choral music from Europe. Special guests - Cow and .Sow viola and piano duo. Tickets $12.00 adults, children $6.00 12 and under. Blyth Festival Box Office, Goderich- C a m p b e l l' s Photography, Clinton - Dutch Store, Zurich - Tasty Nu Bakery, Seaforth-Nifty Korners, Bayfield -Village Bookshop, Wingham- Snyder Studios, Exeter -Don McCaffrey. CE -11 x3cc Coming Events AUCTION: Duff's United Church presents: "Raise the Roof" a Live and Silent Auction at the Walton Hall. Saturday, March 25th, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Preview and Silent Auction and Children's Penny Sale. 7:30 p.m. Live Auction. Food Booth available. For more information call 519-887-9996. CE - 1 2 x 1 HIBBERT UNITED CHURCH and Spring valley Products 10th Annual Maple Syrup Festival, Saturday, March 25th, 2006, 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pancakes and Sausage. All you can eat! Adults $6, 5-10 yrs. $3.50, Preschoolers Free. Free wagon rides to bush. Located County Rd. 180, south of Dublin at Hibbert Shed. CE-11x2cc 12. Real Estate for Sale 1. Articles For Sale CANOE & Kayak SALE, Apr. 8 & 9. Over 100 boats In stock. We pay the taxes. 2006 featured kayak...Pamlico 100, great for beginners. Just $559.00. Great Saugeen Trading Co. Paisley, 519 -353 -HIKE www.greatersaugeen.c om 01-12x3cc MOVING SALE: Everything Must Go. Furniture, appliances, kids clothes. Moving April lst. For more details phone 519-527- 0440. 01-12x1 POOL TABLE,. gorgeous 100% solid wood, 1" slate, leather pockets, with $800.00 worth of accessories. New in -box cost $5800.00. Must sell $2250.00. Call 519- 722-4077. 01-12x4cc HOT TUB 2005 fully upgraded, ozone, cover, warranty. Never used - must sell. Cost $8275. Sell for $3800. Phone 519-722-4077. 01-10x4cc 12. Real Estate for Sale 1. Articles For Sale TRUCKLOADS OF USED OFFICE Furniture including: computer work stations, lateral file cabinets (2-5 drawer), task and guest chairs, dividers and more. For sale by: CJ Johnston Office Solutions Inc. Come take a look - back door of old Wingham AVena on: Saturday, March 25, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Inquiries call 519-357-7950. 01- 12x1cc BIRD SEED! Lowest pricesin midwest Ontario...guaranteed. Black oil, Nyger, No More Squirrel and more. Riverline Nature The Square, Goderich. 01-04xtfcc LARGE DEVILBLISS OPENFACE spray booth; heavy horizontal mill; large powerfeed metal cutting bandsaw; large 24" wood cut-off saw; large sliding table belt sander. 519-482-9685. 01-10x3cc 12. Real Estate for Sale Sandra Dale* Res. 519-527-2703 sandradale.com COLDWGLL BANKR � All Points Festival City Realty Seaforth & Area Listings www.coldwellbankerfc.com w •r Unbelieveable Potential. Main floor 6000sq ft. Commercial Main St. storefront with upper 2 bedroom apartment. $79,900 rotiL Brenda Campbell* Res. 519-527-0249 brenda-campbell.com ®� © (519) 527-2103 1 Main Street Seaforth �+4MEL - . w Duplex. Let your tenant's pay your mortgage. Priced at $99,500. Commercial building has been converted into 2 apartments. $79,900 BE YOUR OWN BOSS OPEN YOUR OWN RETAIL STORE OR OFFICE BETTER YET RENT OUT WHAT YOU DON'T NEED AND HELP PAY YOUR MORTGAGE' LET YOUR TENANTS PUT $ IN YOUR POCKET Great storefront! Main floor over 1200 sq. ft. Apartment above is 3 bedrooms. Wow! Lots of room here. The potential is never ending. Formerty a restaurant/pub with over 4000 sq. ft. Possibility of apartments above. Located on a busy highway. Ample parking for your customers. $159,900 1 r' �1t are 1001‘11)._: h,t thiltl,iii ahs ut �l'lllll! (1 1\ UN a fall. \tr Hill i41111c and '„i : t' von a free market anal\Call Today! 1. Articles For Sale KENMORE 28.8 cu. ft. frost free stainless steel refrigerator. Asking $2,400.00. Call 519-524-2071. 01- 1 O'x3nxecc SWEETS, TREATS AND MORE 65 Albert St., Clinton. Growing business over 3 years. New sign, cash register and business name. All this for just $6500. Call 519-482-8811 (Vicki). Everything must go! 01-43xtfcc DOUBLE D COMPANY Billiard Specialist & Games Room. New and Used Snooker and Pool Tables. Moving recovery and set ups welcome. Cues, cases, lights and all accessories, shuffleboards, pub and poker tables reconditioned, slot machines from casinos for home use. Showroom 4 McGivern St. W. Walkerton, 519- 881-2113, Duffy. 01- 10xtfcc WINDOWS AND DOORS Call for a free estimate. Sales, Service and Installation. Bluewater Windows and Doors, 394 Huron .Rd. Goderich. 519-524- 1 5 2 0 . www.bluewaterwindow s.ca E-mail sales @bluewaterwindows.c a 01-02xtfcc 12. Real Estate for Sale 1. Articles For Sale OLHOUSEN 4'-8' SHERIDAN pool table with 7364 teal felt, 3 sectional slate, oak rails, vail oak legs, 2 sets of balls (one snooker, one boston) two piece cue rack, 8 cues, cover for the top of the table, rake, brush for sale. Have over $3000 into it, had for over 10 years, still brand new looking. Asking $2,000. Jim 519-524-5569. 01- 11x6nxecc 4A. Crafts & Hobbies VENDORS WANTED for the Annual Craft and Quilt Sale, sponsored by the Huron -Perth Women's Institute, Listowel Agricultural Hall, Sat. April 8. Contact 519- 291-1448. To consign. your quilts for quilt auction contact same number. 4A -12x1 cc 5. Cars for Sale 2002 IMPALA, 47,000 kms., tan colour, like new condition, 3.4 engine. One owner. $14,500. Phone 519- 522-0731 after 6 p.m. 05-12-1 1. Articles For Sale The Huron sitor • March 22, 2006 Page 15 5. Cars for Sale 1991 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4, 4 dr., higher kms. runs well, V6, automatic. As is. Asking $850 o.b.o. (5.19) 236-7568.05- 1 2 x 3 n x e c c 7E. Motorcycles. ATVs. etc. 1997 YAMAHA VMAX 700. Runs excellent, extra 2 -up seat available. $3,000 o.b.o. Phone 519-396-6705. 7E-1.1x2nxecc 10. Pets FOSTER DOG: Mr. B, one year old male Beagle, fixed, shots, very Loveable little boy, clean, people puppy. Adoption info: call Michelle 519-482- 3642. 10-12x 1 cc 1 1/2 VR. QLD Blue/ Heeler/ /Australian cattle dog. To good home only. For more information call 519- 357-2941. 10- 12x2nxecc 11F. Farm Product FOR SALE: SMALL square bales of . excellent quality 1st and 2nd cut hay. Also several round bales. Carl Bolton 519-525- 6430 or 519-527-0205. 11F -11x2 1. Articles For Sale PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS iee,Mctte17!s 58 The Square Goderich 524-6064 12. Real Estate for Sale 12. Real Estate for Sale aciNTEE 1 (l i!T7 Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * YOUR McINTEE TEAM John Duddy, Associate Broker 482-3652 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel, Sates Representatives 233-3168 Diane Peckitt, Sales Representative 529-3002 E-MAIL: mcintee@cabletv.on.ca www.mcintee.on.ca * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OPEN HOUSE SAT MAR 25, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 31 Regina Road, Vanastra • Directions: From Hwy. 4: East on Vanastra Road, tum left on Halifax, then right on Quebec. From Hwy. 8: South on Vanastra Road, tum right on Victoria Blvd, then left on Regina. MOVE RIGHT IN and enjoy this very affordable, nicely decorated 3 -bedroom home. Bright, cheerful home on a quiet cul-de-sac. Windows all upgraded. Roof and vinyl siding, 2000. Mid-effi- Cient gas furnace. Partially finished basement. Rear deck. Vinyl -clad 8 x 10 shed. Excellent starter or retirement home. $94,500. MLS #060666. NEW PRICE! 98 ACRE parcel north of Seaforth on paved road. Maitland River tributary runs through property. 60 acres workable the rest in river flats, grassland and reforestation. 11,000 seedlings planted in 03-04. $310,000. MLS#040570. We Need Listings! Free Evaluation Call Toda • 11G. Farm Equipment NEW SURPLUS Equipment Bombardier 330 Outlander 4x4 ATV, $7,200; New Idea .3739 Top Beater and End Gate, $17,000; 5 White lawn tractors, call; 6 Wallenstein Honda motor generators, call: 2 Martin 6x16 HD Hay feeders, $1,200. USED - NH 479 9' haybine with f, Cylthoses, $1,500; 18 White tractors 31 to 135 HP, call: 1 HC 4186 4x4, cab and air, excellent, $11,000; ro ct -7740 SLE 4 WD, cab and air; SL loader, excellent, $39,900; B Allis Chalmers and 6' finishing mower, $3,000; 1 HB 414 Diesel, good shape, $3,500. Shop labour rates $35 per hour. Tractor and equipment - repairs. We have been selling and servicing Cockshutt and White equipment since 1953. Stanleys Farm Supply, Kinloss 519-395-2434 9-5 p.m. 11G-12x1cc TRACTORS FOR SALE. 1938 MH red Pacemaker pto pulley, steel wheels, 1953 -MH 22 std. pto, lights and pulley. 1928 Twin City 17-28 steel wheels. 1948 Huber Road Grader. MH Loader - 44MH Parts, needs restored. Call 519-524- 7430. 11 G-10x3nxecc 1927 FORD MODEL T Sedan, 4 dr. needs restored. 1939 Wood wheel wagon with medium heavy wheels and restored bain box. Excellent condition. Call 519-524-7430. 11 G-10x3nxecc 11H. Farni Services CUSTOM CLOVER Application on wheat and pasture fields. $2.00/acre. Call Kurt Beuerman at 519-523- 9234 or 519-525-0538. 1 1 H- 1 2 x 2 11J. Farm Land WANTED TO RENT: Cash crop land. Competitive rates. Good stewardship. Phone 519-522-0937. 11J-10-4 LOOKING FOR LAND to rent or share crop. Perry 519-348-0986. • 11 J-10x3cc