HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-7-5, Page 6A Wise P rchase- 12,....asausulaisaa iS the L s the wisest purc et ••• HSte ase you can make. Pure® Fresh Farad so Delicious—just tzar it. The Dictator Who Was Misunderstood BY BERTRAM LEIGH. , NEW METHOD OF PACKING E GGS. I believe I have discovered the one and only method of packing eggs. The use of water-glass—or sodium sili- cate—$n very satisfebtory• .Egge packed in salt will keep for months, but both water -glass and salt are more or less expensive. . My plan calls for the use of ,neither one. ' I have tried this plan for two seasons and have found it both satis- factory and economical: I dip the eggs to be packed into boiling water twice, then wrap them in small pieces of newspaper and pack—small end down—in egg crates. I use a per- forated spoon for the dipping. This spoon will hold two eggs. I plunge the eggs quickly into boiling water, then lay them, gently on a dough board which has been covered with a tea -towel. By the time the last eggs 9 have been dipped, the first ones have PART II. I Both men dismounted. MIlleson dried and cooled sufficiently to dip "I hate the obsequiousness of that, hitched his reins over his arm, and again. I then repeat the operation, fellow Hayward," said the downright Sloane, wheeling his bicycle, kept pace and after all the eggs have been in kl d y Joyce. "No self-respecting man would withlra along bow and scrape to another. Why trroad. should any man call another even Yes, Mr. Malleson, about the meet - 'sir'? It only shows that men are less ing on Monday." independent than women. It's dread- "And what has your meeting on ful to hear it. I wonder you allow it, Monday to do with me?" John. But I suppose you had so much! "To be quite candid," he began, "I of it in Romario that now you can't have reason to believe that during the the water twice let them stand ten minutes, then pack away. It is advisable to pack two or three dozen at a time, as a smaller number does not pay for the time and trouble and a larger number takes a great deal of time. By limiting myself to A PRETTY SLEEVELESS FROCK FOR JUNIORS WITH GUIMPE. do without it." 'meeting a resolution is to be passed two or three dozen, I find that I can 4886. printed cotton was used for "I certainly had a lot of it out, protesting against your being invited sandwich the operation in at odd mo- the dress, and crepe for the guimpe. there, but then they are a florid lot. , to become our prospective candidate ments—while waiting for the men to This is a good style for checked and Besides I had a. certain official dignity for Congress, on the ground that your come to meals, or when I am obliged main ratfne in combination, or for the to keep up, and a certain amount of administration in Romario was detri- to be in the kitchen with an eye on new colored linens, with the guirnee discipline to maintain. But, upon my :mental to the cause of democracy." the oven' soul, I think you wrong poor old Hay- I "Who says I am going to stand for believe that the theory which ex - ward; he genuinely loves me, you ' Congress?"I know—and love is apt to be hyper- , "It is common knowledge, Mr. Mal- Plains the fact that eggs will keep bolical." I leson, that you are to be asked to "Dignity! Discipline! I don't be- stand." Here in either. They are only other 1 "And that I shall accept the invi- tation. "That is the general belief." "Well, what of it? And how does this meeting affect the matter?" name for conceit and tyranny You were a tyrant in Romario, John, you know you were!" "I frankly admit it, dear. I had to be. But there are tyrants and tyrants," "Since Miss Falloden is to be pres- said Malleson with a smile. ent, I assumed that such a resolution "All tyranny is immoral!" would be one she would be embarrass - "Ranieri° certainly is rather con- i ed to hear put." servative," said Malleson, dubiously "Well?" rubbing his chin. "But it is the con -1 "It need not be put, Mr. Malleson." servatism of the young nation, the' "I don't understand you." of crepe de chine or batiste. The Pattern is cut in 8 Sizes: 12, 14, and 16 years. A 14 -year size re - when treated in this way, is that the i for the dress and 2yards for the quires 2% yards of 82 -inch material 3-4, boiling water hardens the skin which. a te shell and t the same I 811impe. Lifebuoy may be safely used on the tenderest skin. It is wonderfully cleansing for little hands, faces, and bodies. It leaves a delightful fresh. ness and softness. Lifebuoy babies have beautiful healthy skins. is inside hegg time closes the shell pores. Pattern mailed to any address on the sugar At first I was skeptical about this r:-eipt o 15c in silver or stareps, by vanilla. plan, but finally decided to try it. One the Wilson Publishing Cornpany, Th trial would not have convinced me, West Adelaide St., Toronto. but two trials have won me over. I I find that of all the ways of puttingmeringue made of the whites of the ' down eggs it is the best. eggs. In 1918 I packed only fifteen dozen.Sour milk griddle -cakes are made thus: Sift a cupful of flour or corn - by this method. As not one of them I meal with a half teaspoonful of bak- spoiled, I decided to try it again. Last . . . conservatism of high spirits, the con- , They stopped as if m.mutual accordanda i e salt, mix this in summer I began my stowing away ing two cupfuls of stale bread crumbs. servatism that puts more faith in a' and stood facing one another. Malle- Add enough sour milk to make a thin process in July. During July and I gun than in a soft word for turning son's horse tossed his great head and August I put down fifty dozen and with a twinkle in his eyes, "your i "If I have your authority to inform I the, weather was hot, mind you. I Beat thoroughly and bake at once on away wrath. In fact," he continued, the bridle jingled pleasantly. batter, then add a well -beaten egg. friends, the revolutionists, were the the chairman privately beforehand have not found a tainted egg in the a hot riddle biggest conservatives of all. Their conservatism was positively ab- original!" The Mannering twins and the Heul- ing crowd broke into Philistinian , "Why should I give you any author - mirth. ity?" ll "It is avery , well for you to think you would be well advised laugh," said Joyce, whose cheeks were to do so, Mr. Malleson." flushed with an inward anger scarcely "Why?" repressible, "but wit is a self -con- demned argument against truth. And the truth is, John," she flashed out, looking him steadily between the eyes, "that while you were in Romario you were the utter personification of every- thing in political ideals I most abomin- ate and despise, and I don't care who knows it!" "Joyce!" protested Mrs. Falloden. "How can you speak like that? The whole world is ringing with John's praises." "Then it is all to the good that he should learn that the world isn't un- animous. We Socialists just hate all he has done, don't we, Mr. Sloane?" Sloane nodded. "Yes, Mr. Malleson," said he. "I ar?i sorry, but I am afraid we do." When Malleson, in his imperturb- able coolness—the coolness which had been wont to judge the psychological moments of battles to a nicety—con- sidered that the tension had been suf- ficiently prolonged, he drew his cigar- ette case from his pocket.. "These are your favorites, Joyce," he said, and leaned over his chair, his open case, with its neat double row of white cork -tipped cigarettes, tempt- ingly in his hand. Without hesitation she took one and he carefully lighted it for her in sil- Sloane. Your proposition is very like of soda is required—for example one- yolks with a cupful of sugar, add one- ence. Then he handed his case blackmail." around. Finally it came to Slone. "Not at all," responded the other fourth of a teaspoonful of soda to a , half cupful of coco pinchofsalt, a, a "Thanks," said he, and took a gift cahnly. "It is a question of strategy cupful—it is advisable to use baking one teaspoonful of vanilla extract, one from a Greek. —a point of view that should appeal powder for additional leavening in the cupful of rich sour cream, into which Three days later Malleson out rid- to the successful general " he added proportion of one teaspoonful of bak- has been beaten one-fourth of a tea - with a touch of insolence. "Strategical or not, it is a tactical blunder, my friend. Well, I'm glad to have had this little talk with you. I now know how I stand with regard to you. We are enemies. Permit me to remind you, Mr. Sloane, that my ene- mies usually have a rotten time. As for your resolution—pass it and be damned to you!" A little over a mile further on he came up with Joyce, returning home- ward from a tennis party at the Heul- ings'. Onee more dismounting, he put' his arin within hers, letting the train- ed, docile animal—his battle horse, Childe Harold—this time follow at hjs heels. "I have just seen Sloane," he said. "Did he tell you about the resolu- tion they intend passing at Monday's meeting?" she asked. . "So you know all about that, do "Yes, I know all about that, John -1 you? I gathered that you didn't." and I thoroughly agree with it, 1 fear." "Then your friend Sloane was too squeamish on your .behalf." "What do you mean?" "He intimated," replied Malleson with a whimsical smile, "that, in order to save you einbarrassment at the meeting, the resolution need not be put if I tactfully proclaim beforehand my intention not to stand, for. Con- gresis at the next election—tactfully, because of—" He hesitated. "Quilaxo?" "That, too?" said Malleson quietly. "I am afraid Sloane is a poor diplo- matist! He giVes away too much to win his own hand even, Or perhapg he only thought of your public embar- rassment, knowing that privately you that you would.in any case refuse such lot. Each yolk holds its shape per - an, Sour. cream fudge is made with two invitation you may be assured thatlfectly and the whites are not watery.' the resolution would not be put," ans- • cupfuls of brown sugar, one cupful They smell as sweet as fresh eggs. wered Sloane. of thin sour cream, a pinch of salt, When I packed my eggs Our local market quoted them at thirty cents a and two -ounces of chocolate. Cook until it forms a soft ball, remove from dozen. They -were seventy-five cents fire, allow to cool for a few minutes, dozen for honie last January. I reserved twenty-five The add one teaspoonful of vanilla and consumption. i beat until it is creamy, then pour into "I presume you have not forgotten other twenty-five I sold to a restaur- i a pan and when set, cut into squares. what happened at Quilaxo," said ant proprietor. I went to him in De - 1 Sloane, his eyes glittering. "No, I have a very good memory, Mr. Sloane. Well?" c eam coo zes p ease e cember and told him I had some stor- children. They require one cupful of age eggs for sale. I explained to him: •d h sugar, one-half cupful of butter, two "It has never been made public in process• eggs, one cupful of thick sour cream, the States, I believe. It would greatly would try three dozen at "five cents grated rind ,of on lemon, one tea - damage your reputation, Mr. Malle- under market price. He was so de -1 spoonful of lemon extract, one-half son." lighted that he bought twenty-two, teaspoonful of salt, three cupfuls of "That would depend on how the dozen more and begged for the ,resti profit of il,brt flour, one teaspoonful of soda and two facts were put." ofmy hoard. I d teaspoonfuls of baking powder. The the original Siamese twins, Chang and "They would be put at Monday's cents a dozen on these eggs—a totali less flour used in rolling out these Eng, who were joined together at the meeting in a very bad light, I think. Private and unpublished revelations profit .of $10. That is not a fortune, are in the hands of the chairman. But, as I have indicated, no reference to you at all need be made on Monday." "Tell me, Mr. Sloane, why do you make this proposition to me?" asked Malleson, stroking his horse's neck. "Partly because of Miss Falloden— whom I so greatly respect and whom I wish to spare any annoyance—and partly because your personal influence would undoubtedly win you the seat, but, with you out of the running, we believe we could get our man elected, Then add the sour milk and the mol - and that man—to be perfectly frank sary. Souremilk varies in acidity; but —is myself." in general . from one-fourth to one- asses, mix again, pour into greased •• "A double motive—I see," answered half teaspoonful of soda to one cupful pans and stand aside for one hour, Malleson, still stroking his horse's . of sour milk is a good proportion. then bake in a hot oven. neck. "But double motives generally 1f the milk is only slightly sour, C000a calm with nut filling will bring a man to the ground, Mr. and consequently only a small amount please. To make it, beat two egg gradually, and .then the Knew She Would Fly. • "Dad calls the maid Will she get wings?" can't say, my dear, but I know she's going to fly." 'angel,' ma. (4 - The Answer Was in the Affirmative. The recent death of the Siamese twins, Josefa and Rosa Blazek, re- minds the Argonaut of a story about but in this day and age $1.0 is—well, it is $10.—R. H. WHEN MILK TURNS SOUR. graham . flour, one cupful of white upon them for a few seconds and then Sour milk is a food of high nutri- flour, two cupfuls of sour milk, two perfunctorily asked the attendant, who tive value and should never be wasted. teaspoonfuls of molasses, one-foulth stood by, "Are they brothers,?" cookies the more moist and tender they will. be. Brown nut bread is wholesome and delicious. It requires two cupfuls of hips. It is said that when the absent-mind- ed Duke of St. Albans went to see them in London he bent a distrait look It has many uses in the preparation of foods. Considerable care should be taken, however, in using the right amount of soda with sour milk, for many persons use more than is neces- cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of raisins, one-half cupful of nuts, one teaspoonful of salt. Seed and chop the raisins, chop the nuts, add to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. ing in the early evening, met with Ronald Sloane upon a bicycle. "Hello, Sloane!" he said, reining in his horse. "I was coming to look you up later on. I hear from Miss Fallo- den that you wish to see me." Nave a packet in your pocket for ever -ready '. refreshment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. For Quality, Flavor and the Sealed Package, gel ing• powder to each cupful of flour used. The recipes which follow call for either sour milk or cream. As cream is richer than milk, it is even more valuable as a food. Sour cream pie—One cupful of sour cream, one cupful of chopped raisins, one-half cupful of sugar, two egg yolks, three tablespoonfuls of flour, one teaspoonful each of cloves and cinnamon, and a grating of nutmeg. Pour into baked shells and cover .with • ISSUE No. 26—'23, spoonful of soda. Stir until sugar is dissolved, then add two cupfuls of flour mixed with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat thoroughly and bake in two layers in a rather quick oven. Make a boiled icing -with the twd egg whites. Spread part of the icing between the layer's and sprinkle it thickly with finely chopped nuts. Spread the rest of the icing over the top of the cake. If frosting is not desired, the whites •of the eggs may be used in the cake—beating the eggs all •together until very light. The are not embarrassed in the matter at - cocoa can be omitted and a cupful of all. Yes, he'll be a failure in Con- nut meats or small seedless raisins gress, if he ever gets there. He'd do added; the cake is excellent either better on a tub." way. It may also be baked in patty - "What do you mean by my not be- ing embarrassed privately. I may as pa"'"' well tell you that I'm both astonished Sour milk lemon pie requires one and deeply troubled over that aw4u1 cupful of buttermilk or thick clabber- Quilaxo affair. So far as that is con- ed milk, two tablespoons of corn- cerned, I am exceedingly embarrassed, starch, mixed with four tablespoon- John—embarrassed every hour I am fuls of cold water, three-quarters of a with you." "I thought something was between cupful of sugar, two egg yolks, beaten, juice and grated rind of one lemon, us, something more than a mere di- one tablespoonful of melted butter. vergence in political views. There's no iHeat the milkin a double boiler. When time like the present, Let us have t out, here and now. What is it?" it is warm, add the corn -starch mois- "Need you ask? You know what tened with the cold water. Cook the happened at Quilaxo as well as I do " mixture until it is thick, add the other "Apparently not half so well, since ingredients and cook until mixture is you are ashamed of roe and 1 ani not clear. Pour into a baked crust, cover ashamed of myself." with meringue, and bake in a slow of that evening'sa Possibly it was the singular glow oven until light brown. To make the ' sunset which gve . . . his face o unnatural a color. meringue -use the whites of two eggs, s (To be continued.) four tablespoonfuls of sugar and -one- fourth teaspoonful of vanilla. Beat Minard's Linimenj to; eorne and Wart9 the egg,wh4es...untll they are stiff, add Fulfils Its Purpose. Two Iris'im.en had visited St. Paul's Cathedral. One was from the country, and had been taken to the famous building by his friend, who wished him to be duly impressed by its grandeur. As they came out, the resident of the city said, "Well, Mike, and phwat do you think of it? Isn't it grand?" "Pat," said the one from the coun- try, "it bates the divil!" "That," said his friend, "was the in - dation." Minard's Liniment, for Coughs & Colds Hail, four years old, had been going to Sunday School for some tine when his teacher one Sunday asked the class: "Who wants to go to Heaven?" and all hands went up but Hail's. The teacher asked: "You do not want to go to Heaven?" and Hail answered. "No, thank you." Teacher asked why, and Hail replied. "It has not beeni long since I came from there." MATCH ES SO/d by over 14,000 General Stores and 16,000 Grocers ON SALE EVERYWHERE DT CANADA . • . , . ., • • ••' :4; efteS 'e? to got MOTO enjoyment in the great outdoors On picnics and auto; mobile tours — and whenever you go out to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air of the great outdoors. Buy it by the case from your dealer. Keep a few bottles on ice at home. Yaks alone 0 Bottled Delicious and Refreshing THE COCACOLA COMPANY Montreal, Vo7hinipeg, Veil:mower Vh0OVAN 2-05 ' 7 1:d