HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2006-02-15, Page 8Page 8 February 15, 2006 • The Huron Expositor
Seaforth, Clinton exploring joining together in FHT
Susan Hundertmark
Doctors in Seaforth and Clinton team (FHT).
are investigating the possibility of Dr. Dan Rooyakkers, site chief at
joining together in a family health Seaforth Community Hospital, says
. Clinton Public Hospital
St. Marys Memorial Hospital
Seaforth Community Hospital
Stratford General Hospital
Mathilda Anderson
Karen Atkinson
Elizabeth Barker •
Terry Betteridge
Brenda Biggelaar
Susan Blanchard
Gwenda Blum
Monica Boon
Rosemarie Borysiuk
Paul Brown
Charlynn Brown
Lynne Burford
Patricia Cantarutti
Thomas Russell Carlisle
Andrea Carter
Barbara Ann Cox
Audrey Coyne
Lynne Cronin
Deanna Cunningham
Louise De Waal
Marlene Devries
Lorretta Dolmage
Kelly Dubrick
Kelly Elligson
Veronica Farquhar
Michele Alblas
Linda Allin
David Almond
Lori Askett
Barbara Backmund
Debbie Baer
Yvonne Balmain
Linda Bannon
Cindy Barnett
Dorothy Barry
Deb Beavers
Roy Bertrand
Joyce Biehn
Colette Bondy
Suzanna Brown "
Eros Brunato
Christine Cameron
Judithann Carrick
Sheila Carter
Kathleen Chambers
Peter Chang
Vicki Colquhoun
Mary Cook
Janice Cooper
Darlene Corke
Linda Culligan
Mary Helen Dale
Carol Dixon
Margaret Dugit
Rose Edwards
Exceptional Care. Exceptional People.
Please join theHuronPerth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) in
celebrating the milestones of service (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35
years) reached in 2004 and 2005 by our caring, compassionate and
committed staff.
Sheila Feeney
Jane Finck
Barbara Fink
John Fischer
Brenda Fitzsimons
Louise Flanagan
Anne Forsyth
Keary Fulton Wallace
Susan Garner
Azetta Gibbons
Rick Graff
Jane Graul
Kathy Griffin
Sherri Hamilton
Loretta Henderson
Diane Houben
Cathy Hulley
Patricia Illman
Cheryl Jacobs
Esther Jacques
Sharon Jones
Anne King
Patricia Koehler
Kim Kruse
Norma Kuepfer
Sharon Ehgoetz
Kathryn Elliott
Brenda Empey
Gordon Erb
Linda Faulhafer
Maria Faulkner
Marion Fink
Bonnie Fischer
Johanna Fleischauer
Robert Flood
Karen Furtney
Julie Graf
Betty Green
Bill Green
Marlene Gulikers
Sherri Haase
William Harloff
Gary Harloff
Elizabeth Harrison
Marianne Hawley
Sarla Hegde
Barbara Hills
Tony Hirdes
Heather Hislop
Berva Hislop
Bill Hodgson
Susan Hood
Nellie Hoogendoorn
Mark Hopkins
Joan Horst
2004 Award Recipients
Tilly Kuntze
Rosanne Kuttschrutter
Connie Lavereau
James Lesouder
Brenda Linton
Tracey Lobsinger
Linda Loghrin
Janice Longeway
Kathy Lyn Downham
Ruth Lyon
Helen MacAlpine
Lynda Marie Boyer
Nellie Martin
Joanne McClure
Jacquie McGregor
Anne McHugh
Janice McIntyre
Linda McLeod
Judith McMillan
Margaret Mary McMillan
_Loralee McNaughton
Elizabeth McNaughton
Janette Meinen
Jackie Misuraca
Deb Moon
Jane Moore
Laura Morrison
Mary Mueller
Marjorie Neeb
Lorraine Noakes
Linda Paola
Lorna Parkinson
Diane Parr
Maria Passchier
Sandra Pehlke -Hoover
Louanne Plain
Brenda Preszcator
Jo -Ann Marie Radford
Jo -Anne Rees
Wendy Reid
Barb Robinson
Dawn -Marie Runstedler
Adele Russell
Penny Schaerer
Vicki Schlattman
Jill Schmidt
Linda Shipway
Sheila Smith
Elizabeth Smits
Martha Stewart
2005 Award Recipients
Carolyn Houben
Betty Houghton
Janice Houston
Julie Howson -Chang
Mary Lynn lacobellis
Pauline Jablecki
Marianne Jackson
Barbara Jarmuth
Janet Johns
Caroline Johnson
Maxine Jones
Michelle Jones-McKone
Margaret Kaufman
Anne King
Diana Klomp
Patrick Klumper
Sheila Knechtel
Elaine Kuepfer
Lucinda Kwan
Donna Labelle
Michelle Layton
Janice Leonhardt
Bev Leyes
Michelle Lightfoot
Jason Lott
Mary Lou Hyde
Mary Lou Layton
Betsy Lougheed
MaryRose Louwagie-Kroonen
Margaret Luckhardt
Karen MacDonald
Anne Marie Rock
Carol Martin
Jean Maurice
Denise Mayer
Rosemary McArthur
Sandra McCarthy
Alice McGuire
Susan McKay
Debby McLeod
Judith Millar
James Mills
Ronald Mott
Sherrill Mutch
Kathy Mutch
Barbara Nafziger
Susan Napol
Pamela Nesbitt
Irene Nicholson
Doris Noble
Sallianne Patch
Donna Petrie
Valerie Quipp
Tracy Ramseyer
Joyce Raycraft
Anne Reintjes
Martin Rennick
Janice Richardson
Sandra Riley -Alexander
Marina Riordan
Luann Strasser
Lynn Strugnell
Anne Swinkels
Catherine Trotter
Donnalene Tuer-Hodes
Linda Tuthill
Mary Ulch
Grace Untucht
Joan Van Herk
Beth Vandoornik
• Jane Marie Van Nes
Dianne Vanslyck
Anne Watt
Donna West
Murray Wilhelm
Gerry Wilhelm
Mark Williams
Miriam Wittig
Mary Jane Wolfe
Dorothy Woodhouse
Judy Woodhouse
Cheryl Yost
Dianne Youmans
Ellen Young
Linda Yungblut
Mary Ritchie
Sandra Robinson
Doreen Roth
Doris Sanders
Pauline Schade
Judi Schlemmer
Claire Schlotzhauer
Robin Schneider
Karen Schultz
Joanne Skinner
Ida Steinmann
Jane Strasler�
Lesa Sykes
Dori Taylor
Fay Telfer
Vicki Telfer
Susan Tuffnail
Kimberley Twamley-Tracy
Karen Vanderpol
Janet VanKoot
Shirley Veenendaal
Lane Weessies
Sharon Wells
Irene West
Eileen Wettlaufer
Shelley Wilhelm
Deb Williams
Karen Wilson
Dianne Wood
Patricia Yundt
The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA), is comprised of Clinton Public Hospital,
St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital and Stratford General
Hospital, and is committed to being a provincial leader in the delivery, coordination ancj
integration of innovative and sustainable system -focused rural healthcare.
Clinton doctors have been the first
to express interest in the Huron
County FHT proposed to be based in
Last spring, Seaforth was one of
the first 52 family health teams to
be approved by the province.
Seaforth's proposal aimed to look
after orphan patients throughout
Huron, starting in Seaforth and
eventually creating satellite offices
throughout the county.
"We were fortunate to be awarded
the privilege (of forming a FHT) in
the first round and we're attempt-
ing to explore it to the fullest.
There's been a lot of hard work by a
ton of people thus far, all for free,"
says Rooyakkers.
"It's early days and we haven't
decided yet," he says, of Clinton
joining the FHT.
Dr. Maarten Bokhout, site chief at
Clinton Public Hospital says looking
at joining a FHT with Seaforth is
one of several ways being explored
to save money in healthcare.
"The "underlying issue is a lack of
money to keep going the way we
have been. I'm not sure it will make
any difference to the level of care.
All I can say is we're looking at it,"
he says.
Town will replace
work stations
Five computer work stations, at a
cost of $1,760, will be replaced at
Huron East's town hall, council
agreed at its Feb. 7 meeting.
Deputy -Clerk Brad Knight told
council the work stations are five
and a half to seven years old and are
giving staff difficulties.
"As stand-alone computers the
would work but they're having diffi-
culty as part of a network," he said.
Knight added that the computers
could be used to replace older mod-
els at the municipal recreation cen-
tres and the daycare.
Grey Coun. Mark Beaven suggest-
ed the computers be sent to the
Vanastra daycare.
"I, don't want to put these in the
closet. I want to see the kids get
some use out of them," he said.
Huron East buys service
for two generators
Huron East council has agreed to
pay for a service agreement for its
two new generators, located at the
municipal office and at the Seaforth
The cost for the service agreement
for the portable generator at the
municipal office is $395 and for the
generator at the arena is $625.
"It's due diligence to keep them
maintained," said Huron East Fire
Chief Marty Bedard.
By Susan Hundertmark
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