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Huron Expositor, 2006-01-11, Page 19
43. Births 43. Births COOMBS It is with great pleasure and God's blessing that we announce the long awaited birth of our daughter "Jadyn Alexandra Grace" at Stratford General Hospital on Dec. 20th, 2005, 10:26 p.m. "weighing 7 lbs. 9 1/2 oz. What a Miracle! We are forever grateful to the London University Hospital I.V.F. Program for their devoted support and guidance. A special thanks to Aunt Katrena for her "calm" coaching skills. A big thank you to friends, family and neighbours for all the beautiful gifts and well wishes. Jadyn, you will always have a special Guardian Angel "Grandma Thelma" watching over you from Heaven. We are blessed. - Chance, Natalie and Jadyn Coombs. P.S. Thanks Santa 43-01x1nc HENSON Jason and Bonnie are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Molly Rose, on January 3, 2006 weighing 8 lbs. 11 oz. at Peterborough Regional Health Centre. Proud grandparents are Stewart and Doris Bannerman of Seaforth and Doug'and Betty Anne Henson of Pembroke. 43- 02x1 43. Births 43. Births DIETZ Robyn and Jason are overjoyed to welcome their first child, Keira Carnochan Dietz. She was born in Stratford on December 19, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. weighing 8 pounds. We would like to thank all of the many doctors and nurses involved in Keira's arrival. A special thank you to Keira's great aunt Janice and her aunt Kate. for taking such great care of usl Keira is granddaughter to Sharon Carnochan and Norma Dietz. Her grandpas Bill and Mervin are smiling down from Heaven. Great grandparents are Jim and Kate Keys and Anne Mulholland. Keira is excited to share Happy Birthday celebrations with her new cousin Meg Fritz!!! 43-02x1 FRITZ Greg, Jill and brother Luke welcome with love Meg Kathryn. Meg was born December 19th, 2005 weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz. Thrilled grandparents are Jim and Barb Fritz, Sharon Carnochan and smiling down from Heaven, Grandpa Bill. Meg is a great granddaughter to Jim and Kate Keys and Anne Mulholland. Special thanks to Dr. Martin Salter, Sandy Robinson, Tilly Anderson and all the staff at Clinton Hospital for all their special care. 43-02x1 46. IN MEMORIAM 46. IN MEMORIAM MCCLYMONT: In loving memory of Margaret Jean McClymont, a dear wife and best friend who left us 3 years ago on January 12, 2003. Dear Marg, I will remember your loving care and beautiful smile forever, and take comfort in memories of the love we shared. = May the Good Lord hold you in his arms until we meet again. - Love Ivan 46-02x1 cc MCCLYMONT: In memory of our daughter Margaret Jean McClymont who passed away January 12, 2003 and our son Murray Russell in 1947. Precious memories woven in gold, These are the pictures we tenderly hold, Down in our hearts your memory is kept. To love and to cherish and never forget. - Dearly loved and sadly missed. Dad and Mother Russell 46-02x1 42. Deaths The Huron Expositor • January 11, 2006 Page 19 42. Deaths II.I17 Main St. Seaforth 4: Teleflora Delivery Available 527-0555 V)Caftlirn0 n' Rooms Ateit. 9ottim i, & 946vult e, 46. IN MEMORIAM 46. IN MEMORIAM SOMERVILLE: In loving memory of a dear mother, Cora Somerville who passed away one year ago, Jan. 9, 2005. We thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new, We thought about you yesterday, And days before that too. We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, Now all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part. God has you in his keeping, We have you in our heart. - Forever loved and remembered by your daughters, Joan, Lois Ann, Jane and Linda, sons- in-law, grandchildren and great grandchildren 46-02x1 The comfort of others can help you cope. • tt you or ■ timed one l ser bee" f aanoted with cancer, the Canada" Cancer Society vw irt►Vie can put cum in Iw.cl. will. tvn.rorW with a smut= cancer avarienea to help you cape. Support can be tyre to lam ni s t;•vtyr .>• vrc• ft,e 0,.re!• c,.t1 it'a kw? "rxl tanGrirnlirl. Call Ccnrditn Carvite. Society in .our community Nr paws information. work Classifieds: MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To erify dealer. registration or seek help ith a complaint, visit .omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, on't become a curbsider's victim. urbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually in he business of selling stolen or dam- ged vehicles. 1111111111111111111111111111111111.1 11 PEOPLE NEEDED to work from home, for yourself, at your computer. Start nowt P/T, F/T. Up to $20+/hr. .letmeshowyouin.theonline busi- ness.com JOB AT HOME on your computer. verage Income: $493.51 weekly; ode e8 www.MyHomePCJob.com. EXCITING MOBILE TOOL FRAN- CHISE - Complete Business System: Premium Quality Products, Financing programs, Training & Support Programs. No franchise fees or royal- ies. 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To register for an Open House CALL 1-888-246- 6512. www.INTLcollegeof lin- guistics.com BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our home -study course. Leam design principles and how to start a success- ful business. Call 1-800-267-1829 for a FREE BROCHURE. www.sheffield school.ca Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY! 2- Shunters/Local A -Z Drivers. Experience preferred. Steady work, benefits. Must be physically fit. Call for information. McBurney Transport, Hagersville, 905-768-5742 Ext. 2226 TRAVELERS TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC - Celebrating our 20th Year in the Trucking Industry. Traveler's is looking for AZ drivers for U.S. runs. City/Corridor runs also available. Minimum • 2 years experi- ence. Long/Short haul available - $500.00 Orientation Bonus. Competitive Pay Package... sam up to $0.40/mile to start. Bi -Weekly Pay Settlements - New Dedicated Tractors. Company Matched RRSP - FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Helen Tomes 1-800-265-8789 ext: 237 or Gary Brown 1-800-363-8914 ext 222. TRUCKING'S 'BEST KEPT SECRET Our top drivers eamed over $85,000. Our drivers eam on average $62,000 per year. The best new pay package in the business! Late model equipment, weekly home time, family values, flex- ibility. Call now to find out more. 1-800- 668-9691 ext. 214. McArthur Express Inc. Located in Cambridge. LARGE FUND ---Borrowers Wanted. Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don't rely on credit, age or income. CALL ANYTIME 1-800-814-2578 or 905-361-1153. Apply online at www.capitaldirect.ca MORTGAGES - FREE INFORMA- TION - INSTANT PRE -APPROVALS BY PHONE FOR ALL PROPERTY TYPES. 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Browse online for over 400 worldwide properties -- www.holiday group.com/ocn - TIMESHARE RESALES - Sell -Buy - Rent -Exchange. World's largest time- share resale broker. Stroman Realty - since 1979. World-wide selection of resort properties. Call today toll-free 1-800-201-0864. 2ND YEAR, 3RD YEAR, Journeyman Welders required for major oilfield fab- rication shop, Nisku, Alberta. Journeyman shop rate $27./hour + bonus. Fax 780-955-2780. Phone 780- 955-7433, Email: safety@ mastco.ab.ca AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. Joumeyman, 3rd, 4th year Ford expe- rience with certifications preferred. Excellent compensation/full benefit. package. Opportunity of a life time. Email: employment© kinglandford.com. Fax 867-874-2843. Hay River, NT. BLYTH FESTIVAL INVITES APPLICA- TIONS for full time fundraising position at our theatre. Details of job at www.blythfestival.com' under "about us" Deadline Jan. 20, 2006. CONSULTANTS NEEDED for home based business. New to Canada in September 2005. "Signature Homestyles" Home Decor and Gifts. Ground floor opportunity. Call Loma 780-871-0444 NORTHERN CANADA RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES - The North West Company, with over 140 stores, is the leading provider of food and everyday products in Northern Canada and needs employees. Currently seeking: Store Managers, Meat, Grocery, Produce, Fast Food Service, EntryLevel and Non -Management. Attractive compensation and benefits package, including subsidized food and fully furnished housing. Opportunities for Career Advancement. Send your resume in confidence to: storesrecruitment@northwest.ca or fax to 204-934-1696. TNWC is an equal opportunity employer. REPRESENT A QUALITY LEADER - Texas oil company urgently needs dependable outside sales/service rep to call on local construction, trucking, manufacturing, farm, business cus- tomers. ISO 9001 quality & service leader, est 1933, worldwide manufac- turer of cost-saving greases, oils & fuel additives, repeat business, high com- missions paid by the order, full train- ing, flexible hours, office from home, unmatched support & integrity. Contact B.V. Owens, SWEPCO, 800- 866-0135, fax 800-736-5823 or email owens@swepcousa.com SUNWOLD FARMS LTD. is hiring for the positions of Breeding Department Head and Farrowing Department Head in its 2500 -sow production facili- ty near Indian River, Ontario. A mini- mum of two years swine production and management experience is required. We offer competitive starting salaries, bonus Incentives and benefit plans. Forward applications to Brent Lohner, Production Manager, Sunwold Farms Ltd. Telephone: (403) 546- 3818, Fax: (403) 546-4179, E-mail: brent.lohner@sunterra.ca • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northem Ontario $79 • Eastern Ontario $140 • Westem Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136 • All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available!