HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-24, Page 8r,. air EXETER AIIITOBATE THURSf.A.Y MAY 24 irl.2 : Exeter Markets_.. CH •kNGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wh eat „ 1.20 Oats, . 60• Bate' y l . 65 \ta:,'t-oa'.s Best Flour .......,. 3.85 Family Flour ., ...s,.... ,,.'3.70 Pa.stryr Flaur ,... 3.40 Feed Flour 2.10 Bran .1.70 Sh.>sts Eggs, x., 1.70 Creamery Butter ...3625 hliry Butter .30--33 Lard 17 to'20 I -10 4s N. 10.50 U.F.O. eetings An ita.r'ta :7n Es extended to all electors of the Township of Usbarn;e whe. are in sympathy with and willing to- support the principles, and the pal - Ica of the ;h'_atfarm of the United srmers of Ontario to meet on May 79th at 8 o'clock, in the follow:ng, places for the several polling sub- d1vis 7ihS,•— �o. i, at Eden Schaal House No. 2, at Thames• Road Club Roams .Na, 3, at Na, 1 School House Na. 4, at Louis Fjetcih•er's home, N!a. 5, at Winchelsea School House No, 6, at Herman Kyle's home No'. 7, at Samuel Tuft's home for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the convention to be held at Hensel on May 31st. A. H. DOUPE, Director, POTATO PLANTING. Have your potatoes platted this year with a potato planter. Jobs one quickly and well. . V. HOGARTH Phone Crediton 18-31 LOOK AT THE LABEL. • The Adv ncate Ls going to make a determinted effort to clean up the subsi ription list. The labels were all marked up on May 3rd. If, by any chance, your label is not, as it ;should be, let us know at once. We are :go - in; to, give all those, who are years back this onn,e, chance to pay up, .and then it hvrl not be our fault H name are asked to pay $2.00 per year, and perha,hs some costs. We know it i, simply mee.glect ,ori the part of many— but we cannot live ort neglect. WOMAN WANTED To, work by the day. Apply at the Central I9otel, Exeter. HOUSE TO RENT. On Will'a;n Street, suitable to ac- commodate two families. Apply 'to Fred Elle-ington Exeter. FOUND.—A place where you can but British \merican gasoline at 34c, —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North G S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surg'er;ns of Ottaniiorr;, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late. Distract Dental Officer, :Milit- ary Military Diistrict Number ,one, London, Ont, Main Office—Dickson Block, \Iain, 'Street, Exeter ,Ort. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34 Exater. Office. at Zurich Ont., Phone 79, Zurich. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10 a.tn, 'Oa 5 ;p.m, starting at Exeter oin; Saturday,, the 26th inst. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As's'essment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Cre.ditt7:n, on Saturday, 26th day ,af May,: 1973, at 1 orclack p.m. Henry Eilber, Township Clerk. Crediton P.O. m LET ELLIOTT & JORNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry CIeaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery aaaaaa We make trips to London •each week, leave your orders at our office 'oar, at the ce:;,tra1 Hotel; Cars Liar lure: at all times BAGSHAW & EASTON Business is Good WHY Ilexcuse the people are finding out that we are giving goad value. for their monkey., Wehave some excellent values right now. Dcsi't truss them. See our window, Something new and nifty. R ■/�■ R i 9.. ROWE Condttctar of Funeral Services Ph oat* Business 20W; Resiidatice` 20; Local Doings Miss Medd, 'teacher, is toff duty or a few days, suffering from. pleurisy, During. Juane, July and; August adver- tisers • must have. chamtg,es tot, ad, in (by l'lknday at noon • t, '1ajrar E. R, Wigle of Gaderich has been chosen as the Conservative can- didate in Centre Huron„ alas. John Hunter, William street, had a rather unpleasant 'experience on Wednesday of ,Gast weak, She was standing by a rag in the yard, when the horse made a sudden start, and striking her knocked her, down onthe pavement, and she struck her head quite sharply. She has about recover- ed, but it •Was a very unpleasant ex- p erienc•e• U. F. O. MEETING,. Exeter. A, pleating will beheld in. Senit is Hall, Exeter, Ton Tuesday revering, May 29th, at 8 ro'clack. Delegates will be elected to attend. the nominating con- vention in Hensall. Every citizen an Exeter in sympathy with the pr:as` ciples and policies of th-e U. F. O. ics cordially invte,d to attend, TICKLE COMING. W. F ..Nickle, the Conservative mem- ber of the Legislature for Kingston; will address a publiic meeting in Ex- on the public issue's, of the day) am or about June 7th., Exeetr ,may ibis c.ernsidered fortunate in securing such a distinguished speaker as Mrt' Nickle to address them, and every persica should make,' it e paint to heat him on this occasion, Large posters will be issued in, the cp•ursle of tot !few days announcing the 'exact date. EMPIRE DAY IN LOCAL SCHOOLS A pleasant break in, the monotony of school life was made; on the morning of Wednesday, May 23rd, when the pupils and teachers held a brief out- door session. The flag ryas raised to the strains sof the National Anthem and the Rev. Foote and Rev. A. to Trumper gave brief, but enjoyable ad= dresses. The pupils sang, "0 Can--' ada" and "The Maple Leaf." A hearty vote, of thanks, moved, by Prin. How- ard, brought the pleasant meeting to a close. Mr. Wethey expressed the, regrets of the Chairman of the board, who was unable to be pr•etsentk PROPERTY FOR SALE. The bowlers expect to get on 'the green) to -day. ' Ts -day (Thursday)~ is Victotria Day and a public holiday. Ilse. Ocidfelllawa' of Ailsa Craig will erect a ibuilditng otn, the, burned area to, accommodate two business places' and lodge rooms' above.; R.eta Lindenfleld the little daughter inf M;r, and Mrs. Chas, Liadenfi,eld of: Parkhill, formerly of Exeter, was badly bitten by a dlcig the other day. The dog Was shot and the head sent to Toronto for exon 5natildm • At the Huron: Syn.od,rneeting held in London, last • v'eeek, Rev.] R,, J. M. ,Per- kins M. A., !of Chatham, and Rey. D. W. ,Collins of Sarinia, two former re,c- •tors of the Trivia Memorial Church, Exeter, had the honor conferred on theta 'af being made canons af the Church,, l t i The •I, O. 0, ,,Ft D3is;tr ct 2‘1Meetiirng was held at Clinton last week when Dr. Harburn rof Seafarth was re-e1ect;- ed D.D.G1M. for another year. ' W. W. W. Taman ands Mr. Ti. Walperire.. presem;ted Exeter Ltod,gei at the meet- ing. eetinng. The next anniversary raf . the Order will be celebrated by a church parade at Gtoderich. Mr. John Neil, wriiting from Mont- martre, Srtsk., fay 61h, says, "Weare having some very funny 'weather, It snowed all forenoon to -day„ hence it is very had far, seeding and threshing. There is yet much 'to bre ;donein +lames. Se.leding is fairly well. on,—that I is, wheat—same having finished while 'others have just 'startled. Heavy rains agaiin fere on, Sunday, and it begins to look as if much dam- age has been clone to craps .in .spats. The rains of last week had not 'dis- appeared .from tike) laced alrad the wat- er ;still lay in. ptaals here land ttherle. The creeks and river were very high and garden stuff in town, particularly onions were greatly damaged. I\dany cellars were flooded. Mr, John Rainsford• of Clinton who keeps a rrecard of these things fur,- ishes the following dates; int past years an which snow fell in, May -1st, 1909; 2nd, 1908-11; 3rd, 1909; 4th, 1907; 5th, 1917; 9th, 1906; 10th, 1907-16; 13th, 1910-12; 17th, 1916; 23rd,. 1917; 27th. L907. On ;each la these dates quite a little. fall is rectorded, but ar May 17th, 1916, six inches of snow are said to have fallen, Delegates from this district to the London Conference. Methodist Warn - en's 'Missionary Society being held in i London this Avie•eIc, are, Miss Bertha Andrew, ,Mrs Mallard, Mrs. W. G. 'Medd of Exeter; Mrs, Fred Deibridge of Elimville, ales. A, Mitchell of Cers- tradia, Mrs. Orme, 'Mrs. Albert King and Miss Luta, Ki,ngcrof Creditor-, Mrs, Ainsley Neil ra£ Cilandeiboya; Mrs. J. Sl+erritt and Mrs. W. Parkinson of Granton, Mrs. Wi,Gsion of Greenway, Miss Annie Cotn,s:tt and Miss Elva Shaddack of Hen;sall,, Mrs., R. Paynter' and Miss Myrtle Bicknell of Kirktos, frs. Thompson 'af Woodham, Miss B. Morley of Whalen,. Consisting of house, stable, and 8 tots of land, situated, in Exeter North t on Main Street, Apply to H. Bier- ting, Hay P. O. RANGE FOR SALE,-Dphertyhigb even, woad and coal range, Half price Apply at the ,office, P;APEP HANGING. I are prepared to do paper hanging, Charges reasonable. A. T. Harness, John St., Exeter GIRLS WANTED Two girls, one dining room, exper- ietu:ed; ,oche kitchen girl, to Sart last week in June, Good wages paid also one girl ,for Ice Cream parlor experienced, starting June 30th. Ap- ply le. Mrs. H. Gill, Lake View House Grand Bend. NOTICE NO'T'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN •that, the Cpurt of Revision, to hear and determine .appeals and complaints re- specting assessments will h,ald its first sitting for the year on MVlanday, June llth, 1923, at 7.30. p.m., at the. 'Council Chambers . Library Building, Exeter. Dated this 22nd day, of May, 1923. J. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council, af the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Godericlh, at 3.00 &tock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of. June 1923. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Vfonday preceding the meeting of the Council. G. W. Holman, County Clerk Gbderich, .May 21st, 1923. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday, Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m—Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Ctlatgrs,. Cottage meetings' in North End 'on Tuesday nig :T Hlobbit%s, Captain,, Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.mr--"WPiiking in the, Light." 7 p.m.—"Tremiblinvg id th:e, T*Iliglrt" Rev A. A. Trumper, Recto,. CAVEN PRESBYTERIANUSURCII .Rev. Jones Foote, 13. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.ba,-"Faith wilieh Overcomes Feat',, The Minister 7 p.m.—"Time Retilirzt of the Gospel" The Minister Bay .eb'aits ni`eet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, ,M, J. Wiasan, B.A, 11 rami'-".H!orvv the Gospel gets as Wheels " : 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7 p,ns.—A danger spEolt an, the rail- way of.Lite." .Helpful congregational and singing. .Qome and enfay ,9t, TO CORRESPONDENTS. During June, July ,and August cor- respondents are requested to 'send in news budgets a day •earlujer than, be- fore, as we will issue, The Ad.scate pine day earlier, See that all ,news arrives at The Advocate office by Tuesday morning, REMEMBERED HIS CHURCH. The Board of James Street Metho- dost Church called to grant credentials t(or the. delegates, Messrs. Wesley Cole and lf.ljn. Smell to appear before 'th,e Stationing Committee of the. London Conference if necessary, were most' pleasantly ,surprised. when Mr. Victor Snell in a few well chrosen words pre= serrated tie gift of his uncle, the late Frank Smell, .in the, sum. of $500.00, to he used in, the current expenses, The Board by resolution expressed its ap= precia.t`_on. and thanks for the gener,! ous gift, This places James, Street in a very creditable position) of about! 55.00 balance on hand to lreg,ln the new year with the "incoming pastor' Alias Tia Johnista,n of Seafortih is )some for the 24th. Mr. Harold Johnston of London. spent at few days at .Mr,. P. Fraryinlers, Mr. Alex. Stewart of London spent Sunday with his children here. Airs, Claxton, of Detroit is visiting her brother, .Mr, W. W. Taman. tM,rs.. David Ross spent Sunday with her sister Wars. Rprutledgre, in Dutton. Mr. W. D. ;Sanders attended a U. F..0. convention; in Tilbury this week. Miss Margaret String of Western U,niver' ty is home; for the holidays. Mrs, Prebnblte of Ildertoml Vasil d here with her mother, Mrs. Hamilton,, over the weear tend, Dr. l toulston and Dr. Kinsman, at- tended the Dental Convention In Tar- sxxto, last week. Mr. amid' Mrs. J. Sr Harvey :tan tw('1 sons are 'spending at day ar two at: Aurpra and Rockwood. +1?ss. Hermann Droerr and son, Jack. returned last week from a visit with her parents at Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. G,,ordoni Wells and 'Mr, and ,MTS. T.,argfnrd and child of Wind- sor, visited here over Sunday. 111.r, Stuart Stasbury wish has been attending' University in 'I'torronto, ar- rive,d home Saturday even:Ina for the via Mrs. Richard Quanice, sr., has re- turned from Detroit, accompanied by tahrerr dbieeaugh dmill.ter, Mrs. Pattersxru, who Mir. atin+d'Mns. D,'Rrarberts and Mas: ter Tlam of Toronto. ,and Mas. Vivian of ,Mitchell .returned to their respect- ive espective homes Sunday, . after visiting with M•r, and Mr$.. •Herman, W. Doerr, Mrs. (Rev.) D. W. Collins. of Sarna. o has been'visiting, at hien old home Birr, was wrong the T;rivi:tt Mem-' OT itatl Church congregation on.Sunday; en ng. Many ,odd fr:,ends were pleas_ to ,greet her; wh choirev ed PHONE 32 JONES &MAY PHONE 32 SUMMER WEARING APPAREL .liter woven liter tiE Sotits New Tis in the Very latest Tweed Effects, Summer Under- wear, Straw Hots; Caps, Braces Giioves, Shirts, Etc., allow+ ready far the ,summer Trade. Milan Knit Dress Silk We, have just rieaeived a Shiprne,n't of the niewi Mtilan, Kmart Dress. Fabricsl, in the very best-selling colors, This is' the very Tartest azi maiterials• for •dre;ssles, and is of a pure silk in a breauititful wiearv,es' ASK TO :,SEE e'THIS NEW FABRIC. Another Shipment House Dresses W,e have juisit received another shipment of beanritteut House Dreisl'es' in a Mange range of difIfetrent styles, including, black Sateen- with' chintz 'trimming, Prices, friam 51.25 to ,$2.25 garmenit. Silk Tricolette Blouses $2.95 each Ladies' ansd Misses' Tricalette bltaus'es iii a beautitful range of col- eors,, sizes up to 44, very speciall this- Nveelc at $2.95 each. Men's Furnishings WE ARE LOCAL SELLING AGENTS FOR INTERWOVEN SOCKS For URN. THE BEST WEARING SOCK ON THE MARKET Ready -trimmed Wall. Papers A feiw', atolls of Stauntoati's Wali) Patpers will brighten up yiour rooms. Good Kitchen Papers, big variety at 12 1-2 ev 15c. and 20c.. Bedroo n Papers; floral or stripe ,patterns, all colors, 12 1-2c. to 25c, roll' Living Room Papers is great variety, of Tapestries at 25 to 50c. a roll ,ODD LOTS WALL' PAPERS ,Bundles 'of Living Room papers, enough for a large, room, Tapestry design's, regular $1,50 a roll, to clear at $1.98 per aloin lo't. $3.75 a Pair This Week This is thle pi lc'ei wei will sell several limes of Ladies' atnd Growing Girls Slippers This week, ;All sines, 2 1-2 to 7. Patent, Black Kid and Brown,. Lyow heel or Cubrani Heel. Button, or Buckle Strap Slippers;, Thes'e are all dependable Slippers!„ Stamped with the HakeErs(' name, and are the J)ig- gest value on the markte;t: All these tare worth regularly 54.50 to $5.00. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known p+n application. Stray Anirmails—One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not mare than five hoaxes, For Sale, To Renit, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found tloctais 25c. an insertion. Local reading /notices, etc., 10c, per lime per insertion), No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks ,50c. Auction 5a;1eus $3 for one insertio¢a and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion nsertion if udder fivfe inches in length. Legal advrertising 10c. and 5c. aline, Farm tar Reap. Estate for sale 50c. each insertion fon one month of four insertions, OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School' of Auctioneeritng. Spec- ial Course taken in RegiN;ttered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates its keeping, with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with, Advocate, ar at the Central Hotel Prices neaspnable, Satisfaction guaranteed, Exeter Orttari+o 4011••••••••e SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 "Billie Burke' Dresses E+ijli• Street, Parch, or Llause wear. dr•ess;es aremade from splendid washing . materials, are we. mode and the • styles are very snappy. Tpie Prices, t(oo, are reasonable $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 DR.. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDoaiedl's Stables, John St., Exetex (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) -Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stack 'sales a specialty: Four years experience, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer ,for Counties et Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario, THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTis Between MONTREAL TO22.O.NTO DETROIT and ( a CHICAGO UnexcellietgOei Sleeping Cara dMiegeabt r lame awl Parlor cars on pn day trust, Fula information feaaemr any GePail Trani Ticket Agent, ata Com R. IOW LIZ. District Passenger Ate, Tomo N. Ptltoaro !Aw Aimee, Bute I. R. Carling, B.A iBiarrister, Solicitor, E is horns, Investments ;1itatu f d' Office, Caliva;g Block, Main; St., Exelt',er ( Dr. G. F. Rouaeton, L. D. S., D. D. 14. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Linoleums and Congoleum Rugs YOu'will be waptiulg Sante; of these sanitary floor coverings,] ° The "Patterns are Very attractive. Ask to )see them "anal get our'prices., Southoott Bros. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L D. S., 13.13. e. Honor. Graduate Toronto Uwiwerilty Office --over Madman & Steutlitu7'il Office, Man Street, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN We bare a large amiount alf private funds to loan on farm and viiagie ..� property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STAN Ry Barristers, Slot itort'e,. S: A be It eve yYin N find pier abil one T still sjtxt ars wet if n but (c,ex hu h'a: