HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-24, Page 4rhe Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Cree.:h, Proprietors.
Subscription Prsee--In advance,: $1 50
pgr .year in Canada; Seel° in the
United States, All subscritptione, ince,
paid in. advance 50c1, 'xtra charged.
THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1923.
tD•ea'ti -The very sad death occurre
led at the Thome of her parents here
ore eelonday ,May 21st, of Ireat,e Mary,
daughter sof Mr. . and •Mrs. George G
Essery, at to youthful age of 19 years
3 months and 21 days, Miss Essery
had been ill of peritonitis for about
two, weeks, but no thought of it being
of so serious a nature was entertain-
ed until a few •days before her death,
She had been visiting her sisters in
London previously to being taken ill.
She was a popular young' lady and will
be greatly missed by a wide circle of
friends, and the family will have the
sincere sympathy of the whole com-
munity. Resides her parents, she is
.urvived . by four sisters„ Miss Weenie
of Hensall, Mrs. Carling and Mrs. An-
derson of London and Mrs. Turner of
Philadelphia„ also one: brother Fred.
The funeral 'Gook placer to the Exeter
cemetery on Wednesday afternoon.
Numerous floral offerings from the
Sunday School ands S. S. Class, Choir)
and friends byre testimony of the higl
esteem an which Miss Essery was held,
Mrs. C. Tunseir of Philadelphia at-
tended the funeral of her sister, Miss
Irene ES(sery.
Miss Eula Abbott and Miss Lulu
Hastings of Lortdorm •sverei dist the vill-
ege+ this week and attended the fun-
eral .of the late Mass Essery
Aliss T Elleott of Toronto is iii s t
ing with friends here.
gathers' Day was observed here
last Sunday 'swing to the Sunday pre
veous beteg anniversary. Several lithe
children were ba,gtized at the ser-
Mr. Will Baker was home from De-
tneiti for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilfong have 1110v -
ed to their summer home at ,Grand
Mr. Ezra Tiernan and Mrs. Jane
Guenther are having their houses witted
for hydro,
1Tr.R i. Litt ryPreet r and _ , •
J, c . n ..I
Zurich were visitors an town Monday,
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Restameyer and
family spent the week end in London.
Miss Bertha Russell taf Exeter t•pernt
Sunday with Miss Alice Hoffman.
el ss Pearl Krafft, daughter of Mr
H. L Kraft had the misfortune to fall
and brealr her right arm last week.,
Mrs. E. Atkins, formerly Miss Had-
der of Welland, called on Mrs, tJ, K.
Gaet,s on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ireland and soin, Or-
lando of Stratford, were week-endvis-
itlors in to'wan,
firs. C. N. W,ill;ert of Pettsburg(,Pa„
ea -Visiting at Mr. Wes. Wein1's here.
Miss Mary Hioltzmam is visiting her
aster at Clinton for a week or two:
The Ladies' Aird of the Evangelical
pburch are repairing and decorating
the parsonage and Mr, and Mrs. Drier
expect to be settled in their new
home this week.
The business men of the idll,age have
deced el to close :their places of busi-
ness every Thursday afternoon, during
June, July and August.
1Lr. and Mrs. Ed. Bertrand and the
Misses -lialde.11ac and Mary passied,thru
thevillage an their way to ;EsSetet
where they intend to visit for a few
2\fiss Ida Brown, of London is spend
log a week at her home south of the;
Mr. Lorne Brown B,A.,, left the past
week t4r take a position at Creighton
Mine, New Ontario,.
less Vera Holtzman, nurse entrain-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London ,is
visiting for a few days at her home.
Mr, and Mrs. T, Trevethick are
Visiting for a few days an London.
The wet weather for the past
week has held up wlork on the. •Vic-
toria Street drain, but it is progress-
srig very nicely 31(0W.
L-. oca1 Doings
If you think your, work its hard,how
ablaut the bank clerks, who count oth-
er peoples money all clay
Mr: Louis Day sr., .is slowly recov-
ering from bronchial, pneumonia. His
daughter, Mrs. Halnzburg of Sault Ste
Marie, has been holtme during loisyBness.
Mr, A. J. Johnston,.President o the
Diocesan Ladmert's Association, gave
a very instructive address on the
Budget .in•the Trevitt Memorial church
on Sunday evening.
R. P. 1. Dieuga,11, a Hensel]. boy,
,bars been chlasen vabedintonan of the
graduating class of thei Medical School
of . the University of Western Ontario',
Leedom. He served overseas andi_rose
to the rank of captain,
lea .accordance with the plain of do-
ing away with dose of the military
camps this year, the Huron, Regiment
Will inlet go Ilea camp this ,year,, fbut
will carry out training ,at company -
headquarters, which will probably be
on, ea or and
Winigham, Wath 'dettathed platoons at
Exeter and Blyth.
Mount Carmel
On Sunday Rev. Father Corcoran
a'raeeunced the bonds of marriage of
Carnealu' O'Brien to Miss, Nora E. O'-
Rourke; also Patrick J. Sullivan td
Miss Cather ae. K•earrr,s, both rnarriagee
tial take place 'early sheet month, '
The social which took place on 'Wit -
day evening was • well attended, The
pa:needs will go for charitable pur-
Miss Winifred Guinan of Landon
spent a few days last week with her
iter Mrs. M, Ryan,
Mr, and Mrs, John, Rowland motored
Ashfield on+ Saturday,"and will visit
friends for a few days.
Mr, John Walker is quite ill at his
bone,, Khiva.
lIr, Joseph Guainan made a trip to
London on, Sunday,
Sarah Violli,ck, widow of the late
Justus Mellick, diced at Hensall on May
9th at the age of 77 years, 10 months,
She leaves three daugih,tiers, Mrs. S.
141lerner, Hensall; Mrs. J. Wurtz, Pig
ern, Mich; and Mrs, I, Hudson, Sea -
forth; and two sons, Alfred of Zurich
and Jolla H. of Edmonton, Alta. She
had resided in Hay and Zurich and
Hay nearly all her Life, with the ex-
ception. p >, n of the last two years, dui -tag'
which time she resided inn Hensall. Her
remains were interred in Bronson Line
;Mrs. (Dr.); P. 3. CDwyer and lit**
tle Doreen, left to visit the former's
parents and other relatives in England
where they will ;rem en, far several
1Lrs, L. Jeffery left last week fat
Chatham . where she will stay for
some time. r
The soon and daughter of Mr. James!
B. Forrest of the, Parr Line, Hay Tp.!
are quite fill•
Mrs. W. C. Caa,lfas spent a week in
Mrs, J.' Wurtz of Pigeon, Mich., vis-
ited her brother, Mr. A. Mellick.
Mrs, G. Ptollock, who has been tak-'
ing treatments at London Hospital for
a few week's has returned home.
letiss Pearl Wurtz, who has been for
severe] weeks in, Tiargnrta, has return-
ed hopee.
Miss Dorothy Truernner, nurse„ who
spent the winter in Florida, has re-
turned to her homer here.
Mrs. Barrie of Chicago, who has
beer:, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Jacob Howald, left for London to -visit
prior to returning to her home.
HIBBERT-Mrs. Thomas Mabaffy,a
resident of Usbomne before her mar -
page 40 years ago, died stn May"21,:
She had resided an, Hibbert fior 40
yearns. She was aged 61 years. Be-'
sides her husband she leaves flout
sones and one daughter.
Avoid all items reflecting on per-
sonal clnaaactez, but send ALL TelE
Deaths Marriages, Births.
Accidents, Church News,
Suppers or Presentations,
Removals, Visitors,
Lodge News, .Forces,
Public Improvements,
Law Cases, The Crops,'
School bfattess.
Samuelson Production
The And
.']riper Gobbler
Two of the greatest characters that ever lived on the screen
Funnier, titan the "Better 'Ole," greaten than lha "Birth of a Nation.'
Theatre a e Exeter ••
ADMISSION --Friday, Children etc,, Adults 55c, ;
Saturday all seats 55c„
ACT, 1;920.
.AOT, 1.9:22•
TAKE NOTICE THAT .sittings of
the Revising. Officers for the purpose
of hearing appeals or complaints
with regard to the voters' lists to be
used at the election of a member of
the Assembly pending for the Elec-
leatoral District of South Huron, will be
held at the following times and plac-
es, namely:
,tart the Town Hall, Exeter, on the 4th
day of Ante, 1923,
to hear complaints as to the voters'
lists for polling subdivisions Nos. 1,
2, 3, and 4, for the village of Exeter,
and that His Honor, Judge Lewis H.
Dickson, Goderich, will be the Revis-
ing Officer and his Clerk will be Jos.
Senior, whose address is Exeter;
At the Town Hall, Zurich, on tate
6th day of June, 1923,
to hear complaints as to the lists of
voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ? and 8, for the town-
ship of Hay, and that His Honor
judge Lewis H, Dickson will be the
Revising Officer and his Clerk will be
Andrew F. Hess, whose address is
Zurich; ,
At the Township Hall, Crediton, on
the 8th day of June, 1924
to hear complaints as to the lists of
voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, for the
township of Stephen, and 'that His
Honor, Judge Lewis H. Dickson will
be the Revising Officer and his Clerk
will be H. Eilber, whose address is
-At the Township Hall, Elimville, on
the 2nd day of June, 1923,
to hear complaints as to the lists of
voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for the town-
ship of Usborne, and teat His Honor
Judge Lewis H. Dickson will be the
Revising Officer, and his Clerk will
be Henry Strang, whose address is
R. R. No. 1, Hensall;
At Holmes' Hall, Holmesville, on the
6th day of June, 1923,
to hear complaints as to the lists of
voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, Sand 6, for the township
of Goderich, and that R. G. Reynolds
Goderich, will be the Revising Officer
and his Clerk will be A. Cantelon,
whose address is R. R. Noer, Clinton
At the Township Hall, Varna, onthe
5lth day Of June, 1923 '
to hear comp�+'ts as to the lv'aters,'
lists for .polling subdivision's 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7,Tor the Township of Stan, -
ley, and that D. •McDlen,ald, Goderich,
will be 'the Revisling Officer and his
Clerk will be 5, E. Harnwell, whose
addr'e'ss is Varna;
At Welker's Hall, Brucefield, on tlae
6th .day of June, 1923
to hear complrain'ts as to thevoters'
lists for polling subdivisions' Nos. 1, 2'
3, 4, a, .and 6, ear the Township of
Tuckersmeth, and that D. McDonald
will be the Revising Officer and his
Cleric will be, D. F. McGregor, whose
address- is R. R„ Ny,. Seaf'orth; '
At the Toown Hall, Hensall, on the
7th day of June, 1923
to hear complaints as to the voters'
lists or 'the Village of Hensall, and
that D. McDlanald will be 'Revising
Officer, and les- Clerk will be. A. lvlur-
dock, whose address; is Hawaii;
At the Ilown Hall, Bayfield, an the
8th day. of June, 1923,
to hear complaints as to the 'vate.ref
lists Lor to Village of Bayfield, and
that D McDonald will be the Revis-
ing Officer and his Clerk will be ,1L
W. Erwin, whose address is Bayfield.
Each 'sitting will commence at ten
o'clock in the fdrenaorn, and .will con-
tinue until twelve - clock, noon, ar
until the appeals have been disposed
that any voter who desires to com-
pawn .that his name or the name orf
any pension entitled to he !entered an
the said lists has been omitted from
the same, or that the names of ; ens'
persons whoaare not entitled to be
Nesters have been entered thereon
may, duot less than two clear days
and not mare 'than five clear days tbe,-
Bare, the days fixed foe holding th,e.
above sittings, apply, complain crape
peal to have bus.,nam e, or the name of
any other person entered an or re-
e-itwed Eason the fists. -
that such appeal, must be bee notice
im .writing in 'the prescribed florin
signed by the complainant in dupli-
cate andgiven to the Clerk of the Re-
vising Officers or left for him,at his
address as started .above,
Chairman 'c*f the Election Board for
the .County of Huron.
Dated this 12th day of May, A. D.
Quite a number from this neigh-
livorhood motored to Walton on Wed-
nesday esday to attend the, funeral' of Mrs.
Samuel Forbi;s. 1 -ler maiden] rams was
Miss Abbite Love and she lived most
of her girl-hoad days an the bound-
ary, where she was, well and favorably
known, She was the fifth daughter
of the late Samuel' Love,
Mrs, James Horton, who was quite
sick for a whft; is now better . and
able, filo he up and around.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl, Blatt .arid r family
of Saskatcieewan, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs, Jas. Horton,.
Mr. James 'Brandin. of Forest spent
a few days on the boundary last week
A quiet wedding •took place at A11
Saints' 'Church on, May 14th at : h' gh
noon, whea Miss ' Ethel Ryan, eldest
daughter of Mr. arid Mrs.' George .Ryan
of Lucan, became, the] bride of Heslop
Wood of .D,etroi!t Rev. A. A. Bees..
officiating, The bride„ who was giver
in marriage by her father, wore a
smart suit ,of navy blue: with hat to
nratch. She was attended by Miss
Mildred Orr, and Lonniei Brack was the
beet' man. After an, informal re-
ception V1r. and Mgrs. Wood left fot
Eastern cities, afnd,an; their return will
reside ;in Detr(oiit, .
Ti. and Mrs. John S. Park, Lucan,
the e engagement of their
daughter, Marjorie, to 141r. Clinton . I.
Plaskett, son of M. and Mrs. James
Haskett, of London Township, the
marriage to 'take place, early in June.
Grand Bend
Mr. C. Weeper, wh of has been till of
pleurlca -pneumonia, is able to be out
Mr, Chas. Fritz of Zurich„ who
an' oved his cottage from the Parkhill
side to Ecclesanfs Park, has finished
iiepairing et,
Mr. Greb of Kitchener was here
in his ' cottage during the week end,
Mr. Joseph ,Bremner has bad his
house moved • back free of the side=
wOur village trustees held a meeting
on Monday last, Mafy 21, for the pur-
pose of considering street lighting.
Fishermen have set out two nets and
it, may be that we shall get'stomie fish
The heavy rains have prevented the
farmers putting in their root crops,
Messr.;. Stephen Webb, Cyrus Green
and Ed ,and Harmon Gill were en, Hen-
son Thursday the 17tth.
Mr. and Mrs, Eaglesvulwere in Park-
hill last week,
Mr, le Curran; of Landon was here
Rev. Naylor and Mr. G. C. Patty
attended the Synod meeting at Lan-
don last week.
Mrs. Rtabt. Bonehro,n "es visiting :n
Detroit and will later go to New York
to spend severail months.
Mr, E'velyar, Broderick while taking
grist to the mill last week was run
Inver by his wagon when the :horses
teak . freight and ran away. Luckily
he was net seriously, injured.
Mrs, T1ios. Sherrita Sr., and daugh-
ter, ,Miiss ,Dore, registered nurse,ha.ve
returned from Hot Springs, Arkansas;
where they spent a number of months.
Mrs. Sherritt is feeling much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Rollick, w'ho
spent the winter in Florida and dis-
trict, returned home during the past
week, feeling much imprteeed,
)1r. Jas. Sang** last week m'iwed
into the dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. Wm:
Sangster, as the latter are preparing'
to take a trip to the Old sCounery,,,
and well be there for a number of
Rev. R. A. B4sake of the Meth o-.
dist Church, Crediitton, and Rev. Riv-
ers exchanged pulpits on Sunday.
li ev, G. W. Rivers and Mr. folio
Passmore attended the district meet-
ing' of the Methodist Church at Cen-
entrallia, on Friday.
Small amounts saved regularly soon reach
a large total. Deposit each week part of the
money you get from your cream, butter and
eggs and watch your Savings balance grow.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch - • M. R. Complin, Manager
Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch
T. L. Rutherford, Acdng Manager
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branches.
This institution offers depositors safety for
their savings, reasonable interest compounded
every six months, and freedom from red tape
in case of withdrawals:
Savings Departments at -every Branch
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited,
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
Price is f.o.b.
Dearborn Mich.
Dist Fre e
ter . APril 6,�.F.arn4 tabor
' tE f and farmers
!� ecoid in t2aii.loaalttY men: *he
.ih d.• it inPoSelble to•. Secure,4 order
*Ell ,work on the Carrn•
oVercome this difficulty many ey lix t s since
r, saint tractors, as lowered they 4
"the prices have been a. goad team
purchase one as.cheapli li
of horses, and it is possible to accomplish
more work with h ne ttractor than
e, team
Bug YourFordson Now
and you will get your crops i;
on time regardless of the late
ness of the season.
Milo Snell, Exeter
Cook Bros., }Musa.
MITCHELL-Haro],d Harris and
Tinos, Faucett of Fullartoan when in
making a short cut into Mitchell they
attempted to arose the river Thames
on, Friday ]ase with a team and wag-
on containing five pigs had a narro
escape from eleaehe The river wa
high and the current strong and tti
wagon was turned over. The nten,ha
a marrow escape but one horse aa
Ebur pigs were drowned.
More Hebrideans Canada Bound
sYp,L., 1...,-1.1ir,+r •,r...
HE Hebrideans ars a home loving
race of people not much given to
wandering from their native hearths,
but the arrival . at St. John aboard
the Canadian Pacific steamships
Marloch• and Metagama of over six,
hundred sturdy men and women of
the western isles, forced by earn tier
cessity to seek their fortunes in the
land of promise is not without pre-
cedent. In the year 1803 a contin-
gent of 111 was brought from the
Isle of Mull by Lord Selkirk to de-
velop the sheep industry on St. Clair
Fiats, Kent County, If times were
hard when these people left home,
v awing farewell to loved ones on the Metagarna...
fate was not more kind to them after
they had settled here. Forty-five of
their number were carried off by
fever in the first year and the war
of 1812 wiped out the settlement,
homes, stock and crops.
In 1812 Lord Selkirk's agent, Colin
of the Isle of Lewis, per-
suaded a number of his •fellow island-
ers to whom the abolition'01 the Clan
system had brought high rents and
misery, to settle in the Red River
district. This party encountered
the hostilities of the Indians and,
through their industry and progres-
sion, the jealousy of the white trad-
ers. When the settlement was wiped
out on one occasion and many of
them wiped out, the remainder were
forced' to, leave. However, they re-
turned in time to harvest the first
western wheat crop and many attri-
bjnte to this fact that Winnipeg stands
where it does to -day.
Life will not be a bed of roses fps
those who have newly, arrived a
they will have to .work,and hard;
but this they can do, , They aro the
descendants of ,the "lords 91 the
isles" who by strength of arms re-
pulsed the invasions of the Scandi-
navians and Scots. Social and in-
dustrialdevelopment was retarded to
a great extent by the clan system,
but those who have adopted Canada
are well educated and a simple life
of toil in adversity through, genera-
tions bas given them a Splendid
physique and simple dignity. 411 -
though forced by hand times to leave
their homes to make new ones, most
of them are in sufficient funds and
not a'few"families aboard the Mont-
calm were possessed of over£1
Some,have stopped in Ontario but the
larger proportion of them have gone
to Red Deer, Alberta,, where tbeY
will forma small colony '-