HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-24, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY `24, 1923 SANDERS ei CREECH Our Corner .r_..r.. The only goad fly es a dead Swat • ,t a Alin?' It isn't eel than makes a7nation great but ,elbow grease. fee. as Money wbuy .everything except longe and an appetite,, When, you 'go into the woods to leicie flowers do rine 'take all ;of ,them, Y.ntheawi.se these flowers' wdtll become a'atinct:. It Els not -generally . knnown tihajt wringing out a cloth in, hot wateranal' itvipdng• the furniture. before putting= furniture cream .vvatet result in a very high polish that wila not finger -mark. All persons who wish to vote tat the appatoaching 'elec'tion should !ex- amine. the v(oterst ]assts at the !office of the Clerk of the muncupalityt,and if your nama de lecke ore, and you have. the necessary qualifications as given, in the preveous issue, make appeal on the proper form 'whech the clerk will supply tto yore, am,dt dot it between'\,the fifth and the second day before the appeal board sits, the dates of which settings are given in another column. HALF HOLIDAYS DURING JUNE, JUDY AND .AUGUST We, the undersigned, have agreed to close our places of business each Wednesday afternoon during the months of June, July and August, at 12 o'clock noon:— Jones & May J. A. Stewart Southcott Bros. Mrs. W. D. Yeo W. J. Heaman G. A, Hawkins B. W. F. Beavers Bett's Bakery Dominion Stores. N. Hockey W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle M. Hodgert Grigg's Stationary S. Martin & Son M. E. Gardiner R. N. Rowe G. M. Armstrong A. Yelland Exeter Times ,. Exeter Advocate H. S. Walter W. J. Beer Elliott & Johns H C. 12iseetre • Kirk Batas. DR. JOHN WARD '' CHIROPRACTOR 8i OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P,C,A, EXETER Phone 70, Ford Service Garage Being your C,alrs to th..e Ford Ser- vice Garage foe . FREE AIR and FREE BATTERY INSPECTION ALL WORK GUARANTEED RIGHT Chambers Bros. FORD SERVICE GARAGE. Foole PolIe GARAGE 'Having ,taken over the Sanders Garage on James. Street, we are pre- pared to give, you service at reason- able ,rates, and on shortest notice. EXPERT REPAIRING ON ALL KINDS OF CARS AND TRACTORS, GASOLINE AND OIL FOR SALE. FREE AIR. GIVE US A TRIAL. James -St., Exeter • Two -dollar bills have been abolish -'- ed in the Un,ated. States, When prudeinC•e boats the doer don't try to crawe in, the. window. And now the question lis, "Who is tio, ,be. the U. F. O. ;Caandudatee?' Now that the. skd,rts are longer the sil?� hese will get fewerrunners A village its a plafee where a woman/ can celebrate ] ,r 25th birthday rtnly olec e, Another good way to get a million dollars is to sa:ve,tten, dollars a month for 8,333 years, • Job kept his patience but his shoe Y ;4 • 4 lace . dnYt tee ,,_ n a� u km(at when h.. was changing to catch a train. • Every woman, must •experiment flat with' a few chi dre:n before she learns' how to manage a husband. It doesn't matter a darn how many dresses they have, 'the one they like best as urn some shop 'window, Are you old enough to rem•emmbez when a young main', used to learn the business froin the bottom. up. BOGUS BILLS IN CIRCULATION. The pubic ys wanted to be on the look -out for a series of: spurious five - dollar Imperial Banti bills which are being circulated by three men in Western Ontario. Conservative Candidate is N. W. Trewartha The Liberal-C(oanservativ,s Convent - Lion head in Hensen on Thursday af- ternoon last chose, Nelson W. Trewar- tha, farmer and poultry specialist, of Goderich Township, as their- stand- ard .beared far the provincial ,election. .Mr, 'I'siewlaa'tha is ioine of the out- stand,ing men, of the county, and was Warden last year. He has had coni- sidera.ble Iexperilenc•e in municipal of - fairs ,in Gtoderich, being clerk seven years and four years reeve. He taught school for some years, but his vacation is agriculture, The Tlownshiip of God-. exic] has not a dollar of indebtedness and not a tax unpaid. Mr. Trewartha, operates two farms in that township: Those who sat with him in/the County Council cannot speak too highly of him in his c,onyduct of the county af- fairs. ; In moving that the, choice be unan- imous Ex -Warden W. R., Elliott "We have chosen al main, of whom the whale siding can -be proud" and the seconder of the motion, W. H. Donsitt, said;—"He is a candidate who is a practical farrmer, with good business ability, tivel'l versed; •un, municie pal experince, and is a perfect gentle. matt. 1 veat•ture to say, that a trust re - ptosed in him well ;never be betrayed. Others who were nomituated were, Henry Ei]b•er, ExeleeP.P., Fred E11ar- i et•on, candida,te. in 1919; J. J, . Mere ner, Ex-M.P. ; W. H. Lobb, Daviel Can- telon, Alex, Neeb, H, Harlon, W. Con,_ sitt, W. R. Ellicott. All withdrew, ex- cept Messrs. Teawartha, Elliptt and C!ansitt, and on the, first ballot Mr. Treiwa,rtha had a clear majbritycover both of 10 votes:, All parts of ;the aiding were well represented. On accepting elle nlamena,tion, Mr. Trewartha, said :- "I ceatlyy da not know whegher or net I 'deserve this positioini ' lis said, after the ,baleating, "'but. 1 wvtU use every ounce of my 'energy, wd!th your co-operation, to wirn, South Her - an, for the Conservative, party at the coming election," Hena•y Eilber, *ha. represented the Tiding for 21 years, but declined to rust. four •years ago, was again, a populate nominee but decided to .stay retired. He delivered a good fighting speech, al did aisle, the; other 'nominees, >VLr. Barnum of Aylmer, presented the ,i oliitical issues of the day in an :ex- cellent address. r •e J. J. "a/exa xtpeed Hon. Howard Ferguaen els the leader. Chas. G. Middleton, Goderich Town.- ship, was re-elected president, George C. Petty, Hornell, continues as siec re;ta,ryeereasur•er toe the association.Other officers and represes>!tatives; of municipalities named,wweee : Honorary ' presidents, H'y Either and Hennry Hol- boar,; .audittora, H. ,K. Either; Usborne Ttownrsb$p, Rich. •Coa(tes` and Thomas Hunkir s; Stephen, Alex. Neeb and. Henry Eilber; Hay, W. H. Conivitttand Harry Neeb; Stanley, D, McNaughton and John McKinley; Bayfield, Wm. Stints,an and Robt. McMurray; Goder- lcb, N.:. W aferewalretn, and Fred. M•icl•- dl,ton; Tuckeramith, John Moffatt and Lewas Clan.; Heinlsai1, G. C. Pet- ty and Rab/. Higgins; Exeter, Wall Carling and C H, Sanders; ST. MARYS BOY; 'DROWNS, St. Marys, May 22.—Charles Sutton, 4-4'yfearr!-jald son of _1{r, and Mrs. Pe Suttese Water street, was drowned this m,orneng, .in the/ river here, when he and another boy of the an age were plaYe,mg with a jog at the edge pf ,the river, near the Parkstreet bri•d•g,e. ,Mies Nettie Feirburm pulled him ,out, but litt,e 'was exti,njct. DEATH OF MMES, WILLIAMS. t! Telephone Man � BIRTHS Electrocuted • A shocking accident occurred at the earner of Main and, Huron Streets; on Friday morning last about 10 a'cicick when William Mayidng, combination man, i,or this destraci for the `B,el1 Tel- ephone Company, was ,e]tectrocuted. He, was up the, pale pulling the , wire over the hydra wire when in some manner a Connection of current was made!, and the insulate:Oa burning oft' the hydra wire he received the fue shack of 2200 volts, killing him instant ly. The, body was held, suspended ov- er the wire and cross -arm for emolu- ment, until hie helper, Nicb'>ias Shea at great personal risk, cl'mbed the pole end brake the wire, releas;ung the body. The young mart„ who only wore leather graves was terribly burned abut the faces ernes! and hands. The coroner, Dr. J. W. Browning, was summoned and after viewing the re- mains he ordered that they be re- moved to the undertaking rooms ox etr, R N. Rowel„ Crown) Arttentey Sea, er was communicated with byte], ephone ,aims he ordered, that aninquest he held. At 6lot?clock the fallowing jurymen were summoned, W., G. Meda E. Treble John Rowse; R. N. Creecb C. C Papa, Hubert Jones, W. E. Sanders, Paul Ctaates, After being sworn in they 'viewed the. :meats anti adjourned to Friday of this week,. /115 body alas' then released by the coroner and a St. Thomas undertak- es, wh:e had an vecl together with the young man's father and. brother, took the :remains to. St. Thomas for neer- meat. The unfortunate young man ryas about 30 yearns of age, and was married about sax months ago. He re- sided in St. Thomas, but had worked in, the London district for a year ane a bell. As a combination man helms shitled in both inside/ and outside work and was a fa terite with the ctther workmen and aIU who knew him. Six years ago, next August a young Man named Hardy athlete engaged in similar work on Huron Street suffer- ed the same fate, alt the circumstances in connection weal the accident being about the same as the case on .Friday. Word leas been received here of the deathon May 13th of Mrs.—Thomas Cr. Williams, at Italian Head, Saske, after out abyss of nearly three !years, et the age ,of 38 years. Born, urea Shelbaurne, she was marrited to, Mr, Williams at Huronvaalte, Seek., in 1905, shortly after Mr. Wi]iliarrts had mov- ed to that place from Exeter, On(t, Tli•ey had lived in Iridian Head one year. Besides the husband, a daughter Pearl Margaret, aged 7, survives. . NARROW ESCAPE. Mr. Allan McDougall of Usborne had a narrow escape from serious injury* or instant' death on Friday afternoon lest. He was wjorking en the bush cutting neood. He and he _helper had cut down a tree end while ,engaged in trjmni ty; up thq top at dead: over- hanging limb front another tree fell, striking him,onithe top and side of the head, with the result: that a large pore on, of to scalp was torn ,aff. He was immediately rushed, to town where the wound was dressed by a doctor. and he is ntaw recovering nicely from his injury. I ITCHEN—MARCHAND. The marriage of Miss Lillian L. Mar- chand, second daughter of Mr. Arnold Marchand of Waterford, formerly of Exeter, t,a Mr, F. Earl Kitchen, son of Mr, and lairs. T. Kitchen, alsoof Waterford, was solemnized an Wed- nesday. May 23, at 11 a.m., the Rev. J. B, Moore officiating,; The bride, whe was attired in a natty blue suit; with hat to match, carried a shower bouquet of aphelia roses, and was at- tended. by \iiss Minnie, Walker .nf Paris gowned in a dress'af navy canton, also evearing bphelia. roses. The groom was supp'orted by his brother, "Mack," al Wnterteerd. After a sumptuous din- ner at the home. of the brides parents the young couple left by motor fo? Exeter, Li7,ndon and Brantford on a short honeymoon, after which they will reside in their,new home en Wee! erford. A rather pecu'iar incident, told by one of the ofticia;s of the Bell Tele- phone Company, occurred in May- Uing,s life just ablout a week previous to the fatal accident, He.was driving his. carr 5n the country where he saw a h,orrseshoe an the road. After pass- ing it he stropped the. car, 'went back several rads for the shoe, and ;on're- turn,inb stuck it ,on, the, inside of the da ,or of the car,, stating to his com- panion that he could _lave nothing, but good luck air• long as he carried' this shoe. The shoe still hangs in the car but it evidenitly did ,not carry the (good luck the young man attach- ed ; !o the find. D. F. McGregor Liberal Choice :T). F. .McGregpr, farmer and clerk of the. Township of Tuckersmitlr, was the, choice 'al the, South Huron Liber- als at, a largely attended conren;ti,'on bels on Hensalt on Friday aftern.00tf Seven men in all were nominated •;as passible standard bearers for The rid- ing, but all withdrew with the .excep- tion of Richard Sel,don of Exeter, P. G. Sh•illinglnw ,of Tuckersmith, and D. F. , dcGregior. iVIr. Shill ngiaw was retired by the first ballot, and the candidate had at majority over Mr. Seldom in the second. The newly -appointed caadnla'te gave e ;brief talk in which h•e scored the Ilrury adminestra'tion for its extrava. sauce, ,but commended it on the pass - in; of the Mo hog's.A1,_ow,,s a Act. He pointed out that the! L.ibeaals in the Legislature had se.ppes-ed the Deury Ceo,vernrnent in. all •the goad measures' which were passed during the term. Major Tolmie of Windsor was the principal speaker of the occas:,on, and' i,n 1i1s address reviewed the.admdinis- tration of the U. F. O. Governert•ene. and pointed out the n.ecessety of a change an the r•eg� e. The delegattes' present at th•e convention passed a vete: of confidence; 20 Premier MacKen zie King and pledged themselves to s•upnort their chas•en cairididate under the leadership of W..l!angtain, Hay. The names of those sainin,at,ed as prospective 'standard bearers included; Elarry Smith Hay; Richard Seldem.,- Exeter ; ID, F. (lfcjG:r,egee, Tucker -1 smith; Miss L. Jeckei1,, Exeter; Owen{ Geiger, Hensel), John Morgan, Exeter; and P. G. Shiteangeame, Tuekersmiale, 1. News ,Mr. H. 1. Rl iw(e, rec•eined his fine Federal ,'truck rein Wedrnes•day. , The • ibrywlers intend to •open • the/ green with a local tournament on May 24th ' • Men take away the betees htaarded wealth aisle, but they don't make him 1 file a. return bet/ore ta,king. ill. i] Deal) IN. Tab WEST., O On: May 5Th the death occurred at Sn"e' Iin g, Main, o f T1no mas . Grant, a DISTRICT MEETING The annual District Meeting ,of the Methodists of the Exeter District met at Centralia ,on Friday, May 18.. There ,at some thirteen different charges on the ,district with one, •minister far eacbait charge. There are three superannuat- ed mien, namely, Revs. J. D. -Kesrtle, T. T George andmRichard Redmond, Rev S., W. Hill of Parkhill, (who has served 49 years as a min. s•ter, was !recommended upon his own. request for a superannuated relation. There are! many- .mlo,ves in the District to 'be I arran:g.ed ,b,y the Stationing Committee (this year. Revs. G. W. Rivers and Arthur Sinclair of Centralia were ap- . pointed members of the Statti,oning Board. The financial record of the year as reported was a slight de- crease, accoum:able for by gene'al`.,usit ness conditions. The rne.mbership has been, increased Ion, the district. Messrs Wesley Cole, !lido Snail and Richard Hunter will represent the two Exeter churches at the C',nference. DIET SUDDENLY. A very sudden and unexpected •death occurred at the home of Mrs. AAnn'tlitchell abjout /nine o'clock Tuesday morndrng, when her daughter, Mrs. Jer- ry Heaman, Rassed away, at the age 63 years, 9 months and 22 days. Early en. the spring Mrs. Heaman bad suffered from an attack of the flu which weakened her heart,and she bad been an rather poor health since`. On Tuesday morning she arose from her ;bed and after dressing went .out in, the house and salt on the sofa, when she was suddenly overtaken with a /veal spell, avid without scarcely e moment's warning passed away. Mrs. Heaman was a daughter of the late John! .and Ann :1Titch:e-ll and was born in Stephen Township, and her whole life was spent! in this neighl�I,nxhood. was as a kind neighbor and true friend. Besides her husbain,d and releaser she is survived by threethreebroth- ers and five sisters—Williarn„•tof -lo-loam.;Wesley, of British Columbia, and Mark of London; Mrs. Rau, of Credieon; Mrs. Wilson Andersen, Stephen; Mrs. Herh. M.iltchell, London; Mrs. John Morley, of town and Mrs. Frank Sweet of Sarnia. • DIET) IN CALGARY. Word was received here by rela- tives Tuesday mpnntjteg of the death ;,f Jennie ,Dwncan,. wife of Mr, William Mc'aiteith a foamier well-known resit - dent of Thames Road, Usbosine, she bayingvin; ,died dnt Calgary, en Monday, at the age of 61 years, after fan illxvess of several months' duration. Last fall she ,suffered from an attack of flu, which developed into heart trouble Fund sJi had be,einj ire 'very poor health up to the, time of her death. Mrs. Mpnteith was balm/ ii Usborne Town- ship, own ship, boring a daughter of the late AlexanderAlexanderDuncan, amid her whole life was :spent en that ta,wm,ship tial gor:,ng West fiourteeai years ago. The de- ceased possessed many ,e axcellen(valet ale ities and was eeeeemed and respected by a very large circle friends, wile. will deeply (regret to` learn! of her demise. >3esides her 'huslbautai she is survived by five daugghters and twvta sons, ally of whom reside in the West, ,excepting Mrs. Wm. Passmore of town,. She also eaves three brothers, John of Usborne David, of High River, Alta.; Thomas, of Winnipeg; Mrs, Robb; of Allenldale, Ont ; Mrs: John, McKenzie, of near' Ft. William, and Mrs, Abe Musser, Regina. 7.lre remains were interred at Cal- rg- ed '48 years. :Dec•eased •teas the hus- gaxy. hand of a former 'Exeter girl,, Veda Handfeed, daughter of the late Isaac Mrs. Coombs of Bawnnanviileis the Handford of Exeter, He :had beenill gut, t ,of alas. and Miss Shapton. of lune trouble foe a long time. Be filr. W. W. Taman/ and fancily, 5v -ere sides the :wilife he, is survived by e an .Bly-tb ,cn Sunday atteµnceng the fun, s(on and daughter, . eral 91 tivLr. T,amatl's, aunt. Stya,nake—In Stephen, on May 13, to r a nd 'Mrs. x Silas Sta o w�,l eke , a eon R.uon—In Hay Tp., Goshen, Line, on May 14, to Mr, and Airs. Samuel Rupp, e. daughter. MARRIAGES Kitchen--Marchand—In Waterford, on May 23, by Rev. J. B. Moore, F. ?ctrl Kdtche.n, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kitchen of Waterford, to M°ss Lily Nan L,, second daughter of Mr. A. Marchand of Waterford, formerly of Exeter. DEATHS Neentei t.b—In Calgary, Alta., on May al ebeloved Jennie Duncan,. 'wife William Monteith, formerly of the Thames Peeled, Usborne, aged 61 years. EsanCsery.d 21 days..a--In C,e�ntrallaged , ion Maly 21, Irene Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Essery19 years, .3 tnunths' Hodgins--A:t Con. 4, Biddubph2 Towt shin, .near Luca,n, on May 21, Manr- garet Armitage, widow of the late Samuel D. Hodgins,. Funeral on Wednesday at St. James, Clandeboye Heaman—an Exeter, ton May 22, Mary Jane Mitchell, wife of Mr, Jerry Hearne% aged 63 years, 9 mfantths" and 22 days. Spend Your Summer Days at Blue Water Beach On Lake Huron's Shore One Mile South of Goderich, Ontario An Ideal Place for Summer Homes. Write for Descriptive Booklet GODERICH DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. P. 0. Box 157 Goderich Seeds for Sale ! H3 We have a Large Stock of Specially Selected Field Seeds of high Ger- . urination and Govenrunent Standard Quality for Sale, OUR. S''O ( CONS!S''' i AS FOLLOWS— No. 1 Rea Clover, Alsike, White -znd Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. Huban Annual Sweet Clover, Alsike and Timothy Mixed, Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass Ontario Grown and' Imp. Timothy Seed' Millett, Seed Beans, Seed Corn, Sorghum, Mengel and Turnip Seed Lawn Grass and Garden Seeds Etc. We have a limited quantity of Ontario Grown Variegated Alfalfa Seed No. 1, Purity Test This is one of the most hardy varieties, and is part of the production, of a field that has rgrow.n, seed for ten Consecutive years. This leaves it thoroughly climatized, Anyone intending to sow a field of this variety should place their order early. We have also a stack of American Grown Alfalfa, a hardy variety that in previous years has, proven successful here. Our price $15,00 per bus. WE are buyers of Beans, Clover and Timothy Seed, Dutch Setts,, and all kinds of Farm Products at the ,Highest Market Prices. We have a large stock of Spring Merchandise. For Quality, Style, and Prices our values cannot be beaten. A real good selection .in all lines. C. ZWICKER, General Merchant, Crediton. A CALL SOLICITED. THE STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK PHONE 16 PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE FOR SERVICE STEWAR 'S WHERE SERVICE IS A PLEASURE AND YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED. HOSIERY SPECIALS 25c. A PAIR OR 4 PAIR FOR 95c. Black Cotton Stockings fin Ribbed and P:la;°i n—All sizes - lrlom Children's to Ladies'—Tbese, are good black, and are well were-) the money -25c or 4 pair for 95c. SILK -LISLE CLOCKED STOCKINGS 75c. An;outstanding value, in a silk -lisle stocking with double soles !reels and toes—these come in Black and Beige, and have fancy clocks—Priced for quick selling at 75c. a pair. SILK-LISLE-RIBB.E!,D STOCKINGS 85c. These Stockings have the p ptear wide rib irri a silk and lisle nnixtue.e, and wee have them in the doe-gaey and beige shades, which are ackuvowledg,ea this season's best colors. Sizes 8 1-2 to 10—all priced at 85c, a pair, . PURE SILK STOCKINGS—FANCY RIBBED $1.75 Pure Thread Silk with fancy atib,bed effect and re•-.infon-c, ed soles. All sizes in brown!, beige, dove -grey and black. This line es node 'ta, retail at $2.0.0 a pair, but we have. priced them as a bargain at $L75 a pair. SOX FOR MEN HOLEPROOF INTERWQVEN . WEARWELL WE HAVE THE RANGE , FROM PLAIN COTTON TO FANCY RIBBED PURE SILK ALL THE POPULAR. SHADES,.. PRICED FROM 25c. TO ,$1.25 PER TAItR. Quality Groceries Priced. to. Save You Money 6 lbs.. Oatmeal 25c. 3 Bottles Extract 25c. Royal Yeast. Sc. Choice Seedless Raisins 15c. Cbristie's Soda Wafers ... 15c. Grape. Nuts 17c. 7 ,Bars any Laundry,Spap 48c, 7 ,Bars Castile Soap, 25c. 2 psi Sunnnaid SeededRaisiias 35c 75c, Salada Tea .,..• 65c. Special Blend Tea .. 55c. 1 Pitot Jar Olives, 48c. Lux , ....... 11c. 3 15c. Saxes 1Vla!tches ... 37c. 3 Kellogg's Coen Flakes .:29c, 6 Rtolls Toilet paper 25C.. 3 pks. Jelly Powder 25c. 2 Targe! Tins NO. 3 Peas .... 25c. T • A. STE TART • • V,