HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-10, Page 8«w, .XE rER AT1Vflnil , TJ{ITN BBAY, MAY 111, 1923 Exeter Markets C H a.NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ,.. 1.20 Oars 60• Bar: ey .60 vl . t- 041'3 Best Flour 3.85 'Fa nil Flour ,,. 3.70 Pastry F!. +ur 3.40 Feed Fleur /2.10 Bran s 1.70 Sh rrt . 1.2750 E C sue -y Putter ....... ... ... .36 r) :•••v• Butter 3033 Lard 17 to 20 Hogs , ..,......... 10.25 Air. John \orgy received ward Sat- u- i:ty of the death of his step -mother, Mrs. Th enx:t: Neray at Tilbury, the funeral. takin place at 'Wpodstoon M:ndty, Mt.:ck �oray's father died three yeras a oa Saturday. Mr. G. S. Howard, Secretary of the W,H.T.A., received notice to the effect that no excursion to New On- tario will he taken this year. Teach- ers plannig to take this trip will have to wait enether year. -k meeting of the Liberal Conserve, tine Ase ehe'on s'as held in the Pub - lie Library ,n ,Noonday evening, when three delega:cs front each poll were s_ erted to attend the convention at Hewett ,cal Thursday of next week. The: Village of Bayfield, with a pop- uLa'i''m cf .8 has an. as:.e,sed area of 1768 acres. Exeter with a population of 1507 hes :inti assessed atrea', of 1075 aures. And Godeaxch with. a popula- tion of 4,108 h is an, assessed area of 4000 acres. LOOK AT THE LAB,b,L, Tie Advocate is go(ang to make a fieter:mn,ed effort to clean up the subseript •on list. The labels were all marked up on May 3rd. If, by any chance; your label is not, as it ;should be, let us 1:;n^ta^, at once. We are nr ta, g:,ve a'1 those, who are years _ac'.: •thie one chancel to pay up, .and the it nom', net be our fault if some are asked to pay 52.00 per year, and perhaps some costs. We 1emowpt is simply neglect ,on the part of many-- but any-but we cava,.^t lire on. neglect, PIGS AND EGGS FOR SALT.'. Sixty good pigs; from brood sows to suckers also pure-bred Whirls. Wyandotte Eggs for hatching, at 35c, dez, and Duck Eggs 45c. a doz.. Ap- py to D. Lpeert, Dashwood, Ont. GLOVES FOUND. A pair .en black gloves found ion Main Street. Laser can have same by paling expenses, PROPERTY FOR SALE. Consisting of house, stable, and 8 lots. of land, situated in Exeter North an Main Street, Apply, to H. Bier - ling, Hay P. O. GARDEN TO RENT. Apply at this Office. WOMAN WANTED To work by the day. Apply at the Central Hotel, Exeter. HOUSE TO RENT. On William Street, suitable to ac- commodate two famii.ies. Apply to Fred Elleringt•on Exeter. COAL ASHES; Any person wishing coal ashes can have same by calling at this office. BABY CHICKS AND EGGS. White and Buff Leghorns, White Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, & Ham - burgs. Chick.; 16c. each. • Garnet Heywood, Exetei FOUND, -A place where you can but British American .gasoline at 34c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North LET ELLIOTT & JON'S Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we wilt"call. for them and deliver them. Weare out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO -Service to the Public. Cartage & Li ery We mak trips to London 'each your orders! at our office or at the Centra? Hotel. Cars for hire, at all times BAGSHAW & EASTON Business is Good WHY Because the people are finding out that we are giving good value for their money. • We have some. excellent values right now. Dont mass them. See ,our, window. Sorethring new and •nifty. R N. Conductor of Phoattes•-Bu'iiness ROVE Funeral Services 20w; Res2denee 20j .ocai Doings Judge Dickson af. Goderich will hold Divistton Court here on Friday, " eves weeee red Baigent is gradua'timg' as a trained nurse at Grace Hospital, De trait A number of the. Exeter Odd fellows attended to bug church parade ,at Landon, on, Sunday afternoon. The agmicultural classes of the Ex- eter Public School planted, their ,school garden on Friday afternloos,, ,Much good work was: done on Fri- day, in the way, of cleaning UP around the pubilic and private property in temp. Mr. Golds vg of St. Marys; a Kiirktoxi boy, presided at the, James St. Church organ on Sunlay. He; is an applicant for the position, HOME BURN1 D, While 14Ir. and Mrs, Geo. Ferguson, Sr„, of the Znd concessions of Usbarne, iv^ere at church en Sunday nitdrniinng neighbors noticed that the house was on fire and affter telephoning to have Mr. Ferguson told, they hastened to the scene of the blaze and succeed- ed in ,saving much, of the furn(Iteure, The blaze apparently started in the back kitchen, .where there had been nip fire ,for several days, and how it commenced is a mystery,, Only portions of the brick walls are le ft standing. The lass is partially cov- ered, by insurance, DIED IN THr, WEST, Word was received by the Oddfel sows,' Isere on. Sunday, of the death ion Saturday, near North Battle£ord, Sask. of a former resident of Exeter, Nor- man Liny d, who some weeks ago had been operated on at Battlefard, but had returned to, his home some 19 miles out, apparently recovering nicely. The news tof his death came as a sur- prise 'to members of th,e Lodge sand relatives here. The remains are be- ing brought to Exeter for ',nterm,ent and the funeral, well be in charge: of Exeter Lodge of which •deceased was a member. Born at Orillia soave, forty five years age he lived in Exeter for several years, working at the Ross - Taylor Planing Mills; and while, here he rnarried Ethel` E1Qplatt, daughter of lir. and Mrs. Theis. Elliott of t town. Fifteen( years ago they moved to the West. Besides his wife he :s surviv- ed ;by one daughter, Mrs. Victor Ken- nedy, and one, son, Norman, His moth- er resides in Seaittlle; and three bi/o- there and sisters also, survive. Proclarnatio n ate+ The Local. Board of Health of the Ctorporaition offthe ! :VILLAGE OFt .EXETER hereby gives notice in accordance with the Consolidated Public Health Laws of Ontario, to all owners and occupiers of houses and property within the said ✓ illage to clean. and thoroughly cleanse all Back Yards, Outbuildings, Privies, and Cespools; and to remove decayed Vegetables, Manure, or other obnox- ious matter from their premises before THE 15th DAy OF MAY, 1923 All coornplailrsts heft with the Secret- ary subject to inspectiiont,of the Sanit- ary inspector. It is hereby proclaimed that parties Laing to comply with the conditions of this proclamation will be prosecut- ed) as the law; directs. Herein•fail not. Forfurther information apply to C. H. Sanders, Chairman Board Health Jos. Senior, Secnet,7ay. • - Dated at Exeter this, 1st day of 14Iay 1923. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 am. -Holiness Meeting 7 _ p.m. -Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m.' -Sunday School and 'Bible Clam - Cottage Cottage n:.eetimugs in North. End on Tuesday night. ',T. Bobbins, Captain. Trivi▪ a Memorial Church 11 a.m,-"Thirst for God." 7 p.m: -"The A,n;gels end Man." Rev A. A. Trauma, Reetoe. OAVEN. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FAY, Ames Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and _Bible Classes. ' elpth,ea;s' and Falthelrs' lay will be ob,s,ervied in the .Sundae* School:. 11 a.m,-"The Mother Heart" f The Minister 7 p:ni.--"The Conversion of John Calvin" The Minister Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J, Willson, B.A. 14Tt''OTHER AND . FATI1tfii•AS DAY 11 a.m.--"Why God Made Woman" A Men's Choir will sing to honor Mothers, , also a Baptismal Service for Children, The School Honors Mothers. 7, p.m, "Dads and their Lads A Ladies' Choir will sing to honor Fathers. All the Men anl Ladies are invited tb sing. All slipni'ci wear flowers. Let all co-operate to make these ser- vices a success. e Use your cars to bring shut-ins or aged people. Lathes' and Meet's choir practice *tri`dey night, 8 . p.m. Come. Pushing the lawn, mower is mow a part a the w;eiet=ilei° work. Miss Florence Marchand has b•eien confined to her bed through illlntes's for the, past week The l* wLers' will soon be on the green.' Exeter Scotch Doubles will be held on Wednesday, June 13th. Mns. Ardagh Rallies'its showing sotrte slight improvement, following the stroke shoe sustained last, week. Quite to number ber ief Exeter people motored to ,Aiitsa Craig ore Monday! pn: receipt of the sawn$' that a. bigrfire was. raging "inr ;that village, . • Dr. AttkinsOn. of Detroit has rested atoomsi in the Dickson, blackeauijd i'rflj practise dentistry here, He will re- side (!a .Mr. C. B. Sn.ell,'s Paw resi- dence on TVaiin Street, vvhtch he has rented. t We had a light ;shower! of rain early Tuesday morning, and at night it turn- ed quite cold, considerable snow fall- ing during the night and on Wednes- day, day, If fine warm weather follows it will do no harm. hir. Jan H. Cole has purchased from lir. Wm. Mossip of St.;\;ta�r_ps, the imported Clydesdale stallion, Wanner holm, ante of the best heavy torse.s in Western Ontario. This stallion, is to he used in this ';for the iniproveme ;t of stbck. On Saturday evening; when returning - from the field, the; team of horses o:ttached to a fertilizer drill, and belonging to Mn Wm, Pfatff, • Lake Road, ran away, and dashing through theorchard, wrecked the machine to a. large extent. Luckily th,e farm. man. and the horses were not :Injured. FINGER BADLY SMASHBD. 111r. Ed. Pollen met with ai painful accident on Thursday night last, He wa.s vviorl:ing in, their' garage, when he got his hand caught between the vice and A. piece of a car, janiuing the sec- ond finger of his' :,eft band badly. IC required several stitches to close the wpund, 1 • BOARD OF EDUCATION. A regular meeting of, the Board -was held in. the office{ of the secretary on Monday 'evening, vy',uth all' present ex- cept Mr. May and, =kir. Harvey. The aninutes.ef'ethe,preeious meeting were readand approved. The Insurance Committee reported the. installatiton, of four, fire extinguish- ers in, the schooL ' The Property Committee reported ib yr lie,• protection, had been placed around the pipets! ins the science room, the. buieding of the bicycle racks, and the screen; and that the. shrubs and trees had been planted, The H. S. Printcjipai's report • was received and the supplies, for the de- partmental examinations were ordered The committee an Teachers w,d Study Courses was requested to bring inq a report, to bel discussed at ai spec - !al, meeting to bei called by the chair- man A number of accounts were passed. K. M.ecFaul,' Secretary. Miss Vosper is visiting, with Mrs. In: wood in London. Miss Beta Rowe of L,eammgton was home over Sunday. • Mrs. Rowell left- Tuesday for her summer home at .Grand Bend. Mr, Maurice Senior is home from. Toronto, University for the summer. 1I$ss Ethel Sweet was hbm,e from. ;Ti1.ls,anburg for a da,y or two this week. Mrs. H. N. Alrtdersjonn of Sault Stet liar{e• is visiting her Mettler, Mrs. Rd: lelbridge. Niles Mildred. Hardy :of Taroulta i+ eesrtting bere with hex parten;ts, Mr! and 1Viirs. Sal. Hardy. Mrs. Rich. Htoskins of London vas- itted 'her patren:tsy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble, over the weekend. Mrs. John Snell returned on 'Thurs- day, after spending the winter with ilex daughter, Mrs. C. H., Smith, at Wind_ sea; Miss Mildred Harvey and) lady friend of- Alma. College, St. Thoinas, spestb the week -end at the farmer's home here. Mas. Bert Gillies, whlc has been vis- iting here with 'her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel Martin,: retuined 't;o her home, nm Hamilton on Friday. Muss McIntyre, vvlt(o hats' been here during the serious Aimless; of Mi,ss•Grigg has (returned to herehome in Montreal: -Miss Grigg es ; sJio ly improving. Mrs. Simon Camp'hell,:who? has• been visrt ng,. with her relatives, iin Hamilton, for several months,, returned to her lioane here on Wednesday of last week, vEr. and Mrs. Riobt> D.inney 'visited in London over Sunday with M. and Mrs. Weekes, w'hip� Left Monday, a trip "toEnglund. Dr. and Mrs,.. Ward also accompanied Mr, aid Mrs. +Dung` ney: Mrs... Ballough, who -.spent. :several' weeks w'atth her daughter, Mrs. T. R. Ferguson,, returned to her home T,eeswater en Saturday. ' Mr.; and Mrs. Ferguson, and datighte,rs 'spent Sunday un Teesvvat•er. Mr.. Thos. J�eckell,;am, Exeter old , to f e ExeterAd- vocate, inti,, and ,dradua, o the vvc'ate, who is ltvrig it ar Saginaw'; Mich., visited Exeter on Saturday with some friends from London;, where he end leis :wife and family are visiting. Dr.. Clare; and . Mitt, Weibel of Blyth Spent a day here, the latter part of int weeks-. with 'the farinss',s varents, Mr. amid 11fes. Frank Wood; prior to leaving f.otr-Sudbury, . where,.,.th,e Dr. will practice den[tdls try wltlf Fath-, •lir, J. D. Flam e,, wile has bee, c- c iuntant at the Bank of Comme ee here for over a year, has been trans- ferred to the head office at Toronto; and Mr. H.` McArthur,` a Heptsall boy, of Toronto, takes, his, place here. Mr. Flinn was a courteous and obliging young ,man and made many Friends during his stay here. tl PHONE 32 JONES & PHONE 32 Clearing of Ladies' Misses' Spring CoatsSuits_. 'r►+ r me Real Bargain Prices Every Spring SSutt and Croat for Ladies and IVIissea muse be cleared out at once regardleSs of price. !So this'. week we mark the .balance of these • Iinie:s at real bargain. prices. Oo me early and get; a good suit or coat at the price of a cheap on,.. These are N!otrtitway Garrite;nts. Congoleum Rug Week 1)on't .forget This Is Coitgoleum Ra ug week. Tbetsle specie pr ces . only last the balance of, this week, We have a large rainge• of good paj tterrxs. This ]offers you a worth while saving for this special sale. HOUSE FU RNISHINGS We have an •en ormousi stock of N ew Rugs, Congoleu,ms, Linpleurns, Win dew Blinds, Curtain Nets, Wall Papers, Curtain Poles. We can save you. money on these lanes.' GINGHAMS AND R.ATINES Ginghams and Raltiines are more' popular than ,ever this, season. We have the very newest patterns to, select from at popular prices. We handle Anideirson's Scotch Ginghams, guaran teed. fast colors, CHILDREN'S DRESSES. We have a large, range, of Childre n's Summer Wash. Dresses for ages from 4 to -14 years!, at prices ranging from' 79c. to, $2.00 each. LADIES AND MISSES' SUMMER DRESSES. Dozens. to selle,ct from, in the New Relines, ,Gin,ghams, etc„ at very rea- sonable, prices. - WOMEN'S HOU SE SLIPPERS. 30 pair Women's House Slippers clearing at 1.15 pair. MEN'S AND BOYS' 'SUITS. Big selection, of the! nizt+- 1`,ght colors for young mei autjd boys the boys' suits have, two pair of filoolneas•, READY TRIMMED WALL PAPER, Buy S•tauntorn's ready -trimmed Wall Papers. They Dost no more • and save time. Big variety of patterns at low prices. Many 01 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES MINA fa - The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on app/cation. Stray Anianats-One insertion . 50c., three insertions $1.50. M.iiscellaaue,ous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rend, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found ,lode,ls 2Sc. an insertiiope. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c." Card of Thanks' 50c. Auction Sales S3 for one insertion and, $1:50' for each subsequent lai,- sertiltim: if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Reap Estalte fear sale 50c, each kaerbcoa foal one month of four insertions, OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regispered Lave Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. irVrite or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON " LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR - HURON COUNTY. Orders left with, Advocate or at the Central Hotel, Pniees reasionabl. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario SOUTHCOTT BROS • PHONE 134 - PHONE 134 Cold Seal Congoleum Rugs At Special Ba'rg'ain Prices Star in -ay 5th and lasting till May 12, 1923 C,ongolum • Rug patterns are 'the n otst ' at'tvstic youearn t pessitbiy imagine. Tiley are • suitable for almost every roam in, your home. Be,giranatg .Satur- day, May 5, prices' oni all sizes will be; reduced for ONE WEEK ONLY: Let us ;show you the new patterns for :this. sale, 6` x 9 Regular Price $9.00 :Reduced to 7 14x9 :Regular; Price $11.25 Reduced its' 9x9 Regular Price $13.50 Reduced to 9x101,4 Regular 'Price' $15,75 ........ ;, .:.. 9x12 Regular Price $18.00. ., $7.95, $9.95. $11.95 $13;95 $15.95 This sale commences at the :most opportune lime of the year -just when' you are thinking of new floor ;covering for your room, ). • A SouthaottBros. DR, A. E. TENNANT. Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (1ltely occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. No,. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty, Four years experience. FRANK. TAYLOR. Licensed Auctioneer Aar Counties of Hunan and Middles= ' Prices Reas'nable.. and Satisfaction . Guaranteed. Crediton, -- Ontario, THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTis Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled: dining car eterad+cec. Sleeping cars on night trains also Parlor cairn on; principal day train& Full information from .any Grana Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn.- District ctDistrict Pass( eater Agent, TOO N. J. DOBE Phone - mut, Excite 1. R. Carling;13.A "Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insura ,Ca Office, Calling 'Brock, Main St. Exettei Dr. G. F. Roulaton, L: :DENTIS Office ; over Carling's Law Office! Closed. Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, `L. D. S., D.13.11, Honor Graduate T'oroarto:Univerdty Office -over Gladman & Stentiury,'$ Office, "gain Street, Exeter, MONEY` TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village prenerty at law rates of interest, "GLADMAN & STANI3tIRY- Banisters, ,Solicitors, Exeter