HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-10, Page 7Canada from Coast to Coast
Halifax, ° N -S, -The total value of
production of •fisheries of .Nova Scotia
In 1922, comprising fish Marketed for
Consumption, •fresh and canned, cured
4nd otherwise prepared, was $10,207,-
444, an increase over the previous year
of $428,821, according to figures issued
by the Bureau of Statistics. Cod, with
$3,555,727; lobsters, with $2,913,087;
mackerel, with $1,129,104, and had-
aock, with $934,138, together contri-
' uted 83 per cent." of the total value
a production for 1922.
Fredericton,.B: Representatives
of European ca italiats were in Con-
ference withier Pre ger P. J. Veniot here
recently with the idea of finding loca-
tions for the establishment of pulp and
paper industries, as a result of recent
announcements of the possible early
development of the Grand Falls on the
St. John river,by the Province of New
Brunswick. In addition to the money
already spent by private interests in
developing the Grand Falls, the Gov-
ernment has announced its. intention
of expending approximately $1,000,000
a for further development.
Quebec, Que,-It has been decided
that the policy adopted last year 'by
Hon. J. E. Perrault, Minister of Colon-
ization, bf building small houses on
settlers' lots in certain colonization
areas will be resumed this season. The
Intention of the Government is to erect
Inexpensive, but comfortable houses
en some lots so that the settlers can
start' early agricultural work on their
settlement. Last year the experiment
was started in the 14latapedia Valley
and also in some sections of the Abi-
Port Arthur, Ont. -Approximately
ien thousand sheep which were fatten-
here during the past winter by R.
C. Harvey, Alberta sheep rancher,
have been sold. Mr. Harveyintends
bringing 5,000 more head next fall
than last, and prophecy is made that.
the feeding business will assume im-
mense proportions here before many
years, developing also a slaughtering
and abattoir business, °
Winnipeg, Man. -More than $2,-
500,0fte were paid in customs and ex-
cise duties at the Port of Winnipeg
during the fiscal year ended March
81st, 1923, while more than $1,000,000
was collected in March. This is the
second month this year that collections
have passed the million mark, January
leading with $1,107,809.
Regina, Sask.-The Karakul sheep
ranch at Dollard, reports that both
the pure-bred karakuls and grades
have wintered exceptionally well and
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The Chester concessions to United States financiers Just signed by the
Turkish government, include rights for ninety -nice years to develop immense-
ly rich copper, oil and iron deposits in Anatolia. They are believed to In-
clude concessions ` already made to Britain and France, and a French cor-
respondent report® that the Turks are keen to recognize the .concessions,
not because they prefer to hand: the industrial rights to U.S. capitalists,
but because they aim to hamper British, development in Mosul. The dotted
lines show the railways to be built by the Americans.
have proved hardier than the range SPRING SHOWERS
sheep. None of the bieclt sheep •died, WELCOMED BY WEST
while three of the range sheep receiv-
ing the same feed and shelter died
last winter. Seeding Well Under Way
Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands.- With Grain Above Ground
It is understood that whale fishing at i
Q Teen Charlotte Islands will be car-
riedin Chinook District.
• on full strength this summer.
Last year some of the stations were'
closed, due to a lack of demand for;
whale products. A good market is
ensured for this year's catch.
Victoria, B,C.-Two new Indian
schools are to be constructed in the,
Okanagan. One is to be erected on
the Penticton reserve at an approxi -1
mate cost of between $4,000 and $5,0001
and the other school building, includ
ing residential facilities for the school ,
teacher, is to be built on the Okanagan
Reserve, near. Vernon, at a similar;
• New Minister of Railways.
Hon. George P. -Graham, who has
been •Minister of Defence since the
organizaeion of the King Cabinet, now
goes to the ministry of Railways, re-
linquishing his former portfolio. He is
els° Acting Postmaster -General.
Two American Airmen Estab-
lish Record in Flight from
New York to San Diego.
A despatch from San Diego says :-
Lieu enant A. Macready and Lieuten-
ant Oakley G. Kelly, the United States
premier airmen, came home from New
York on Thursday in 26 hours, 50
minutes and 38. seconds.
Riding with the speed of the wind,
battling like heroes at the very outset
of the start to repair a•broken voltage
regulator the`. two master aiimen not
only won that for which air navigators I
have striven for during the last ten
years, ilt t they carved a niche in the
hall of fame that will stand for time
Macready and Kelly topped a series
of sensational flights .by Thursday's
*panning the continent without a stop,
eetabllshing a new world's record for
distance,, and bringing with them not
only a thermos bottle full of New
York's coffee, still hot, but New York
newspapersfresh from the presses.'