HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-12-07, Page 21Catholic trustees pray for hostages in Iraq Stew Slater Members of the Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board reserved a portion of their 2005 inaugural meeting, Monday, Dec. 5, for thoughts about the four Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) hostages currently being held in Iraq. Board chaplain Father Al Dufraimont led the board in a closing prayer for the hostages, including the words, "shelter them under your wings when they are engulfed in sadness and overcome with distress." One of the hostages, Jim Loney of Toronto,, is Catholic and has participated in social justice work with Catholic organizations. According to Dufraimont, he even worked in the London Diocese (stretching from this area west to Windsor) several years ago. Director of Education Larry Langan noted the Huron -Perth board has placed information about Loney on its website. And outgoing chair Bernard Murray of Perth South praised the CPTer, saying "he certainly has done some remarkable work and we pray that he comes through this." News the Huron Expositor • December !, 2005 Page 21 Jennifer Hubbard photo Central Huron Secondary School concert band musicians Lindsay Gibson, Rebecca Schultz and Rebecca Robinet participate in "A Collaborative Christmas" Dec. 1, featuring the school's talented visual arts and music students, raising money for the Christmas Bureau and the CHSS arts program. Network Classifieds: �1„ For more information contact Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Coun Your local newspaper CAMPING - Book your Holidays! Chevy Truck and CMT Presents 17th Annual Havelock Country Jamboree - August 17, 18, 19 & 20, 2006. Featuring: John Anderson, Ian Tyson, John Berry, Ronnie Prophet and more. Buy before Dec. 31, 2005 and Save. 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