HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-10, Page 1• THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR., EXETER, ONTARIO, THITRSDAY MAY 10, 1923 SAND: 8 CREECH Our Corner Many +112a;ny a main ruins' belsind because hits, wants '6o ruax ,iuu front. ( s The Conservative convention, is call- ed for Thursday, May 17th at Heenan. No ,wife should be uneasy about a busband who forgets to shave when be is away fl ora home. From $97,000,000„four years a,go the debt sof the. Pro'vtiuiC:e of Ontario has note, jumped to $Z43,000,000. it ee not necessary to go to Egypt in larder to find, mummtetse Once, a ford was where you crossed a. river, now et;'s every piece yen oro&s the street. • You canirt tell by the looks of woman's. fur coat how her husband will finish the instalments.. A reformer is a mains who does ,not L'AIONir what a ,goodtume is, and doeesn't intent &ricin else to know. An optimist is a woman who has taken Toff the extra, blankets and fold ed tbem, away in the .,clione, i, The boycott or sugar by the house- keepers of United States, has brought the price ,of sugar down a •tri,fle. It is encouraging to learn, that the practice :of providing cottages for ' farm labourers in 'Ontario tario is growing. 'Women divide our attention, sub- tract from our bianikrolls, add to our worries and multiply our good times,' • BOYS TO HELP FIR.:t, RANGERS One hundred and, forty itbousend Canadian boys have been organized by the. Canadian Forestry Association ere - to a Young Canadian Forest League and will be loin, the alert this /year to prevent forest .fares, IP all parts of the Dominion, Badges and detailed in- structions are being supplied and the e't tare htody will act as an teen "l<'ary force to the fare rangers when .oc- casion offers. r WHO ?vIAY VOTE, A town. official says ',n the old days many a man ,got 'the, reputation of be- ing bright because he was 1t up a good deal. When tired +of Indoor work and of school -everybody gees fishing; It doe not matter whether you get any. Yon get outdoors. No matter how unkind the world seems, you are going to get all ',the praise, to which you feel, yourself en- titled at your funeral. The Conservatives of Centre Huron are calling a nomination convention at Seaforth ion Wednesday, May 16. The carnes ,at Pr. Macklin, N. W. Tre- yvartha, and Dudley Holmes; Jr., are rnen;tnoned " as possible candidates. An .;operator of a motor vehicle .is hvarned not to forget to carry bath certificate ,of registration and license or opera'tor's card,, if any, on his ,per- son, Ia case of a violation, the pos- session of these may same humiliation and embarr-assmcint, 1 some jurisdic- tions failure to have 'them is, in itself an offence, DR. JOHN WARD •CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y,P.C.A, EXETER Phone 70, Ford Service Garage •B.ritisb subj.ec'ts on April 12, 1917, or naturalized since. shales and Females 21 years .a£ age t nitric of vot&ug. Must have lived Sin! Canada at least oat year before pollingg day, and three neenth.s in the electoral division, where the imam e tis on the List, The same -must boon the e l:is t. ' Before ,e1 cations a, chance will be given to have yours ante placed an 'the last, Due ineetice will: be given. Look at the list now, and see if your name 9s there. At the next provincial elect:on the none' will open at 8 +a.m. and close at 6 p.m. The, electiain wall be, held on the el- eventh day after the nomination. Bring ylour Caars to the, Ford Ser- vice Garage 'for FRET, AIR and FR.EE. BATTERY INSPECTION_. ALL- WORK GUARANTEED RIGtr '� Chambers Bros. FORD SERVICE GARAGE, Foote &Pollen GARAGE RELIGIONS OF CANADA. to the extent of 97 6 er 'Canadians hper cent. belong to some, Christian denom- 4 heat:lore In other words, of a total piogulra'tiani of 8,788,483 at the time of ' the last census, there are 8,572,516 clas- silied as Christians. Non -Christians number 173,143, or 1.9 per cent., in- cluding 125,190 Jews, 40,727 of Orient- al religions, and 7,226 pagans. This leaves, legis than, ,one half of one per cent otherwise reported. 38.5 .per cent. are Roman•CaTholic,e; 1.6.03 per cent are Presbyterians; 13.1.8 'per cent. are. :Methodists; 16.02 per cent, are Anglicans; 4.5 per cent, are Baptists, Mormons number 19,656, Daukhobors 12,658, Greek Church adherents 169,- 822, Buddhists 114288, Confucians 2', 319,'Mohomrnedains 478, Sikhs and Hin- dus 849, Wrens 427. Atheists num- ber 1,041, Agnostics 594, and Free Thinkers 1,126. Aiisa Crary Hardi Hit By fire. • SEV.t,RAL STORES AND HOMES BURNED. • LOSS PROBABLY $100,000 Having taken over the . Sanders :Garage ion James Streie'te we are pre- pared to give you service at reason- able rates, and; on shortest notice. EXPERT REPAIRING ON ALL KINDS OF CARS "AND TRACTORS. (rASOLINE AND OIL FOR SALE; FRE AIR. GIVE US.4 TRIAL, t/ a es - t. Exeter A,IDITL'TS 35c. All Seats. 35c. on Saaturday lvggh't. Children' must be accompanied by an adult. As the result 'of a fire which start- ed in, a 'barn to the rear 1of a store on; Monday afternoon, about 3.30, the v,i1lag . of Ailsa. Craig e;xpiereneced a. heavy loss when .eight stares, five residences, the skating rink, telephone office, and several barns were burned The loss is said 'to be between $100,000 and $120,000, Among the places destroyed were: White & M ly, dry goods merchants, 535,000; practically covered by ;nsur- amCn. Joseph H. Middaugh, grocery store and residence combuaed, $5,000; prac- tietaily covered. Alfred Clark, harness, shop and resi- deuce, $5,000; insurance not known. Montgomery Boot and Shoe, $3,000; insurances not known. Coc'kshutt Implemerit Agency, $3,000 partly covered. Skating Rink, $2,500; partly covered llrs. Jenny Chapman, boot and shoe and residence, 57,000; two-thirds dm,- sur:a:nce, J, H, Mclsay, general store $5,000. Ball Telephone Exchangie, loss un 1 ewer. Farmers' Seed Stare, damage to 'the exbene of about $1,000. • The residences of Messrs. Meadows, Ball. Clark and als(a several .empty inane were also blamed, flee At one time it looked as if wheee villa e would go up en flames, but the wind fortunately shifted, and fire righters from Parkhill, Lucan, and L,andoin worked hard and the fire was finally got under control. A. little eight-year old boy, Jimmy Dobbs, was the first 'to discover the fire in Brodie's barn, and a g:ent:'rial dam, brought out the' bucket brigades and the old-fashioned fire fighting ap- par tus. It was soon seen that this was. opt ,sufficient, and, help was call- ed from neighboring places. Miss Kathleen .McIntyre, the Bell Tele- phone operator, at great personal risk, stuck to her post almost until ,the building collapsed. The ,supply of water was ' all too small; and but fete the, C. (N. R. sup- ply tank little ooulcli `have been done to stop the. fine The village two. years ago turned down a proposition 'to cost $30,000 for a fire Plieee tion, as1 -the lass oh Monday would have coveeed this sev- eral times tower. '112r, A Claakefs two little daugh- ters, Dorothy and. Ra, who were vll, had to be removed on a s'tre'tcher. The chbldren,, were in lied when the fire reached .the. buiilding:. Dorothy, who ie 11 years of age, fell off. 'a, bicycle some time ago, and,hats not walked since. Ilia is 15, and is a victim of heart trouble. Mr, Clark is a Crediton boy. Local News. 'kir. Louis Day, Sr., is quite ill of bronchitis at hiss home„ Dr. Roulston expects to attend the annual convention o2 the Ontario Dental Society, in Toronto next week. .17a. Alex, Reedier and family have proved to London, Mr. Gordon Apple ton has moved with :his facnely :nt.a the louse vacated by Mr.. Reeder on Elia- beth Street On Arbor Day, Ffiiday 'last, much on:unteer labor was given r, town, .levelling up the Parks, and planting trees, Sime 76 trees were planted in various places. Chiselhurst The death occurred on Sunday, May 6th, at his home; near here, on the S.B, of Hibbert Township., of Thomas Raney, at the ague of 77 years,, The deceased had len mllof anaemia for gore• months, but was able to get around as usual until the last few week s ,Born an Ireland, he camee to Canada, and lived in; London for sev- eral years, where he married Mrs, William Miller, nee Nellie ire Harris ; and four years ago, they moved here to re- side. He was an Orangemant for many years and was highly respected. Be- sides his widow several brothers axed sisters survive, resudeng in various p:airts of Ontario,- ;The funeral took place on. Tuesday to the, Exeter cem etery. • Kirkton Death -The death occurred on Sun- day: moaning, about 4 o'clock at the family h=are, Fullarton, near here, o Theresa Verdi Vesta Cann, wife of Edward Ferguson,4 the age of 36 years, 2 months. Deceased had been UOIIS! UPROARIOUS! enjoyintg fairly good health, and hear trouble, is said to have, been, '[he caul of her sudden demise, Bonn :in Us- r home, Township, the daughter of Mr, LJ , and Mrs. Charles Cann, she had resid adn in this ranci all her by ell. and was respected am;cl; esteemed by ��� �� r alv Bbyd s\% heirsod it sale ig sur- egs vived by two sons aatd two daughters The funeral took place to. the Kirk ton cemetery , Tuesday afternoon. INCQNGR LUDICROUS! UPR In Common Evryd'y Lingwidge BLOOMJN' FUNNY Pasduced by WELSH PEARSON METrri �J r tl >:s .« >Y6 or 4 "The Romance of Squibs' -'EAR ! 'EAR! Nolo playing to pacicp3J l ou8es a Z over "gland. .It is smashing records evennolaeret 4t+4 0re n€W pcape a earl abatainn no the $mture as more enteretilt&P than B`et'ter op aw,,2 Atfa Buttchi. ZIPS A. SU1al,l+74TION. Betty Balfour has risen over night to the ;rank of foremost comedienne in Eng- land, Saucy, piquant, and charming as, "SQ LTIBS" THE FLOWER GIRL she .has completely captivated the Old .Country, andis now more popular over there than Chas. Chaplin or Mary Pick- ford You will see her and adore her in the romantic comedy hit--- "MEAND MY GAL" Produced by By WELSH PEARSON HAY TOWNSHIP vIAN ' SERIOUSLY INJURE. Kippen, May 7.-O L. Petty, of con c,cssron 2, Hay Township, met will a serious accident t :s afternoonwhil eolling held, when his horses tool fright, rani away ands dragged him un: der the Toiler for some distance. !sea Jarrott and E. Snaith heard his cede: and event to his assistance F»e'ttua, ately the horses got caught in a fettle J,Then Mr. Petty wan taken from un rler the realer it was found that ,on, leg was broken a(ndit is Leaved that h Is injured internally. The horses wer badly cut en the wire feaOe• SCHOOL REPORT, OF S. S. N 4, USBORNE, for themontle of Marc, and A.pri'l, .based coal examinations an daily week :-IV,-Lula Hunter 80, Mar jorie Hunter 60, Sr, IIs.- '1laii Jori Westc,ott 77, .George Thomson. 73, Har toad 'Mitchell 67, Lily Hunter 62, Ger aid Ford 52. Sr. •IL-M.axy Hunter 6 Wllbea-t: Cave 65. Jr. IL -Ila. Hunt 79, Jean Cleated 78, Archie Thomso 62, Roy Hunter 35. Jr. [I. -Floe -me 1+Iitch;ell, .Bessie Cpates, Melba Noble Norman, Hunter. Pa: -Allan West cat Donald `Noble, Elgin Lux;llone Number ton roll, 23; average attend once, 16.2:=-L.M. 'Davis, Teacher. SEAFOR.TH,-The..deaith {occurre� 4 On, .Friday 'eveni g, at the hoame .of he .nephew;, F. S. Savage, after an ell' ,cess of several wieeks, of, Lavinia, Wel don,. eeldct of the, late Isaac Whites'd in, her 79th year., r- SOUTH HURON Dome Theatre, Friday and Saturday PRICE OF ADMISSION - CHIL DREN r25c. FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY LIBER AL -CONSERVATIVE • CONVENTION. The Liberal - Conservative Goners tint of 'the xidiing, of South Huron, Ca constituted for Provincial purpose+ will be held in the Timm Hall, Hensel on TI URSDAY, MAY 17th, 192 t 2 'o'clock, pan., for the, purpos of ,selecLing a c:en:deedate foil the'comin Prravmncirni Election, and to eranuac ether important business. Foch Peeling Sub Divriis,iodn is en'tii led to send three voting repr,•esentat ives, and as many,' aures as possible. .Larlee ,specially invited to' attend. A prominent speaker will, be presser to, address the Cosnventaic tL C. G. viielcl+ietton,, G, C. Petty,' President Secretary Clandeboye, At the ancient business meeting of the; cengregaition of St. James Church it was decided do undertake consider- able work of ,renovation during the summer. 'The ,stained glass window in the west end of the church, which has been damaged by suecessiere seeress will be replaced, and the wails will be repainted. BIRTHS Stansbury -:-In Exeter; .on May 2nd, to 11r'. and Man. J. G. Stansbury, a slob --Richard James, DEATHS Lloyd--Nea,r North, I3attle£ord, Sask., on May 5th, Norman Lloyd, former- ly of Exeter, Aged+ 45 years. • 'Ferguson -In. Fullerton;, on, May 6th, Mrs, . Edivard Ferguson, aged 36years and 2 months. Antos. --In McGillivray, on, May 6, Sal-: lame Arc•oat, wife of James. E. t Amoss. i Raney-O.n. S, B. ILibbert, ors May 6th Tb;omas Raney, aged 77 years. Wollner -At Dashnlood on, May 4th Goateed Wolper, aged 70 years, 8• months and 14 days. e a lr• 8, er e t Spend Your Summer Days at BIue Beach On Lake Huron's Shore One Mile South of Goderich, Ontario An Ideal Place for Summer Homes. Write for Descriptive Booklet GODERICH DEVELOPMENT Co., LTD. P. O. Box 157 Goderich, Seeds for Sale ! We have a Large Stock of Specially Selected Field Seeds 'of high Gen minati'nat anti Government Standard Quality for Sale, OUR. S''OCiZ CO iS'[S'''%a AS FOLLOWS - No. 1 Rea Clover, Alsike, White end Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover, Huban Mutual. Sweet Clover, Alsike and Timothy Mixed, Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass _. Ontario Grown and Imp. Timothy Seed Millett, Seed Beans, Seed Corn, Sorghum, Mengel and Turnip Seed Lawn Grass and Garden. Seeds Etc. We have a limited quantity of Ontario Grown Vaziiegated Alfalfa Seed No. 2, Purity'Test. This is one of the most hardy varieties, and is pax't of the production of a field that has +grown seed for ten Consecutive yea*. This leaves it thoroughly climatized, Anyone intending to sow a field of this variety should dace their order early. We have also a stock of Americaan Grown Alfalfa, a hardy variety that in previous years hes, prover successful here. Our price 515.00 per bus. WE arebuyers of Beans, Clover and T,imothy Seed, Dutch Setts, and all kinds of Fa,rnr Products at 'the •,Highest Market Prices. We have a large stock of Spring Merchandise. For Quality, Style and /Prices our values cannot be beaten. A real gioodselectian in all lines, C. Z WIOKER9 General. erchant, Crediton. A .CALL SOLICITED. THE STORE WITH THE, LARGE STOCK 1PHONE 16PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE FOR SERVICE slit+S 1 BRIGHTENUP _ YOUR HOME. d e Suggestions From Our Large Stock WALL PAPERS A large range ..ef papers, displayed so, that you may .see' just how 'they will look on, your walls Priced from 10c. per ; roll up with pia;tternis. to suit any aac>om. - RUGS . We havea, bag ,stock of Rugs in all the standard sites -Tap - izes-Tap-:estr_es, Brussels, Axm'niis'ters,'Velvets tN`ilteins, ksbeaut5- ,es tiries, fu1 patteens and cplor'rombialationis. FLOOR COVERINGS. Lioloieuros in 2 and .4,yard widths in. good range of patterns Oilcloths frown 18 int wide to 2vds wide, and a7lsio in rug sezeis., 3 - L• inlo]eum Rugs ha all seees„ into luding 1.2x12, largest rug Bade,, Japanese Cera,ss"Ratgs for bedrooms and verandahs -See Display. SPECIAL PRICES FOR CONGOLEUM WEEK, GOLD SEAL CONGOLEU\I ART RUGS 9x6 ft, $7.95 9x71-2 ft. $9,95 9x9 it: 511,95;.9x10.{ ft 13.9;5 , 949, largest size made. •$15.95. .FOR THE. WINDOW Blinds -Double and Single Curtain 12ods-Marquisette Curtains by 'the pair, : made up with the new wide border - Scrims Marques ettes - Chintz tor. over -curtains. .• REDUCED TO $16.50, ENGLISH BURBERRY STYLE LAIDIES COATS 3' vand coat t+ motoring, oar fo m g The• the i�lea�,, ` Burberry, Slty7ie is e street wear. , These coats are, maidefrom excellent ,vvear5lrng pure g wool cloths and would be regularly sold 4 $25,00. You ,may A have your choice this, week for $.16.50, Also Special, Reductions on Ladies Coats and Suits, BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE = WHE,RE YOU, PAY LESS alt. A. ` J. STEWART nee f i a a