HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-11-16, Page 19The Huron Expositor • November 16, 2005 Page 19 News School board deafeats motion to boost per kilometre pay for employees Stew Slater iMMEMED In a 5-4 vote Oct. 25, trustees of the Avon Maitland District School Board narrowly defeated a recommendation to boost the amount paid per kilometre to employees and trustees who must drive as part of their work. Veteran North Huron representative Colleen Schenk certainly put forward the perception of casting the deciding vote, by admitting to colleagues just moments before the question was called that she still wasn't sure how she would vote. The former board chair claimed to still be mulling over a well-prepared argument against the "kilometrage rate" increase, made moments earlier by Stratford trustee Doug Pratley. In the end, Schenk voted against the recommendation, along with Pratley, Huron County trustees Shelley Kaastra and Emily Milley, and board chair Meg Westley of Stratford. The recommendation, to increase the kilometrage rate from 37 cents to 40 cents, was brought forward following a request for review. Groups requesting a review by the Finance Committee included representatives from one of the board's labour unions, the facilities department, student trustees, and members of the Special Education team -- who, according to education superintendent Marie Parsons, "all . .. drive every day." A report delivered by staff as background to the. recommendation cited "the rapid escalation of fuel prices since the beginning of the current school year," and suggested amending the kilometrage rate effective Nov. 1. Current board policy dictates the kilometrage rate is normally reviewed once per year, in June, and is only brought forward for a trustee vote if a change is recommended. Pratley noted gasoline prices have dropped off from their September highs of well over $1 per litre; on the day of the meeting, he had filled his vehicle for about 87 cents per litre in Stratford. He had surveyed a number of business and government organizations around the city and found their kilometrage rates to be as low as 33.5 cents. And he also observed an increase in the rate would do nothing for employees who, through no fault of their own, had been transferred to schools far from their homes, and for whom kilometrage rates don't apply because their commutes are not covered. Network iI11assifieds:„ For more information contact "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To ver- ify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehi- cle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. 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