HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-4-26, Page 1THIRTY-FI'FTa YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY APR. 26, 1923 SANDERS 6i CRE1 CH Our Corner Never •despair of a, bey. The village Cut-up may become a, renpuned sur Veoi:.. You can say one gdod thing about wood, alcohol. Na one, ever inherits: a taste for Vit. Another difference between death and taxes is that; death is satisfied with etre eick at you. The homely gia'1 has one. enjoyment: A11 the animas area oannmiatltled by girls Yirlio are pretty, wiansome.,and captivat- 8 The differre;nce between "precious little thing" and "lit the brat'° Ss that you use. "little brat" when its mother isn't ,ptesaemnt. Practically the fill•s(t of the spring P./Paring in this dlisitract was •done. an Thursday last; and sod was repotted be be turning over well., Tee w(ea- ther '•has beep. uuilge and warm aloe a few;' days,, and if it continues ,so 'sow - anis ,wall be in full swing almost ( dun- medi ;te1y. It now turns out that the auto flic- ense markers thus year cast the Da. partrnent 23c. a pair, whereasithe auto owner was forced to pay one to for these markers, is additionto the regular license fee, If a mercantile, concern, eXtracted the same rate or Profit from the public as the, depart- ment does, more than likely someone •w uld be asking fc(r a Government ianwresti;ga'tien. All Set. We are ready to repair any make of • CAR, TRUCK, jL. TRACTOR, or GASOLINE ENGINE. We Specialize on: the -ELECTRICAL END of this work, end alre Experts rami STORAGE BATTERIES. All work guaranteed right, Chambers Bros. FORD SERVICE GARAGE. Foote & Polies GARAGE Having taken over the Sanders Garage on James Street, we axe pre- pared to give you service at reason- able easonable raters;, and on, shortest notice. EXPERT 1tEPAIRING ON ALL KINDS OF CARS AND TRACTORS. GASOLINE AND OIL FOR SALE. FREE AIR. GIVE US A TRIAL. James -t., Exeter And now the back yard and the Local front lawn tweed attention, Loca Dignity le 'the thing that some men ;stand cn when they are short. A ,wise. man wou-rile's a lot over the,. things that a fool never thinks of. Mast of them should mead, "Sixty days after date I promise to renew." What the world is to -day we owe to the fellow who is not satisfied to leave wellaentogh alone, People who sing constantly, says a doctor, "never catch influenza: Even the hardiest berms find it impossible to live with them. The marathon dance is the latest fool craze. To dance 50 or 60 hours in, succession seems to be the ;highest ambition of some feeble-minded people Noah was the greatest company floater the world has ,ever known. He successfully floated a company while the rest of the; world was in, liquida- tion, By working. faithfully eight ornane hours a day the workman may event- ually get to be. boss, and have ilhe fun, of working at least twelve hours a day A. bill has beeail passed by the Domn- inion government making it lawful for a woman to marry her deceased husband's brother, or such brother's son. In. the past the; law provided that a man might marry, his deceased wife's sister. If you have a ,brt of mews, send it` in; rr a joke that will amuse, send at in.; a story that is true, an incident that 13 new, we want to hear from you, send it in; never mind about the style, if the news is wiareh the whiten it may help or cause a smile, send it en. When you hear - some one talking about the low prices of text .books today dont fail to remind the simple ,,nes, who have something to learn, that if th:ey looked„into the public 'ac- counts they would find itlhe Province ssl putting up a whole lot of the cost of those books avid the price printtied on the cover does nqt represent the cost. J. E. Wetherali, a former High; Scholl_ inspector, gets $4,000 a year as general editor of text books, wand. bis assistant gets $1;700, The T. Ea- ton aton Co s'e1Is the, Public .School Read - at the fallowing prices :-Primer 4 cents, First Read-er 9 cents, Third Reader 14 cents, F(aurth 'Reader 16 cents. The average person thinks the T Eaton. Co, charges up the ilos;s (on ,publishing these books to advertisinng. Not by a, ling chalk. The Ontario Government paid the Eaton Co. lastt year .the neat sum of $1-93,712%Z0• tot make up a fair profit on thesis. ;brooks, and the, Ryerson Paress, which publishes the Public Selene' ;History of Canada aft 25 cents, gaud Stile Hiistory of England at the same price, was allowed S45,554.43 as sup- plemental 'tea the. w;ho'lesa,le price. Copp Clark Co. was peeld $23,755.50 and the whole amount paid to book publishers was $269,145.77. A. meeting of the Executive of the U. F. 0. Political Association for South Huron was held in Hensall on Saturday, April 21st. Mr. Hicks, local member, gave a statement in regard to his action in Parliament. The Executive took no action in the matter. Arrangements were made for a convention to be held in Hensall on May 31st. A resolution to be sent to the convention was carried, re- arrirming the U. F. 0. platform and in no way restricting a broadening out policy so far as urban and rural citizens are concerned, but protest- ing against fusion with either the Liberal or the Conservative party. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED TO MAS STREET, SOUTH of Y.P.C.A. EXETER Phone 70. Instructive, Humorous, Entertaining. DO NOT FAIL -°TO 1'3EAR anada's Premier student Quartette from Victoria College James Street Church, Exeter Friday, April 27th WHAT SOME OF, TEL, PRESS CRITICS SAY, - Clinton has a tax rate this year of 44 mill's. Mr, Saxon Fitton is moving from his residence at the store to his father's residence south of Mr, John Radler The martins have returned and are again in possession of therm` . haunts around town, They are great leesectiv:- eraus birds and should be protected in every way, Strc ig and ,forceful; delightful, sbawed marked abdtty, evoked greatest ,e,ntliusiasnn, whirlwind from beginning to end. • Admission 35c., Children 25c CANNING COMPANIES AMALGAMATE The Exeter Canneng & Preserving Company during the past week has passed into the nearly organized cam - parry sof cannea:se to be styled and known as The Canadian Canners, Lim mated, with headquarters at - Hamileonn It has been known; for some time that an. amalgamation of factories, has been im pregress and a completion of the new organization was made, the latter part of last week. The deal •embraces the factory; factory site, and buildings, and entire equipment, together with all the farms save the kitty acres on the third concession of Stephen. The management will remain stbe same; at least for the present season, The Exeter Canning & -Preserving -Company was organized in the yeas 1906, and for a time was operated as a company with a large number of shareholders, Some few years later a re -organization of the company took :dace and the stock,fell into the hands t six shareholders. Thies factory at the outset started out on, a limited basis of output, but ;n recent years the production and easiness has been greatly expanded, the plant and equipment enlarged and the output, as to quality and quan- tity uaretits has been a c tedilt to the maa,age- menrt We understand the Canadian Can- ners ann rs are to continue operations here with considerable extra capacity. Exeter Council BIRTHSMonday, April 23rd, 1923 Ferguson -In Usbaroe„ on April 24th, The regular meeting of the Muni- to, .Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Ferguson, 'a citral .Council was held in the office of the Clerk. All members present. The minutes of the meeting held April 9th were read and approved. Leter and copy of telegram from of- Mice of the Secretary of the Hydro Electric .Com. re -public hearing, meeting to be held in Toronto Wed nesday, April 25th,—filed. A large photograph framed of the late Lancelot Hardy was presented to the Council by Mrs. Hardy, with a request that same be hung in the Council Chambers. Mr. Hardy was Reeve of theu Co my of Huron in 1883. In 1876 he served as Council- lor. On motion of Ellerington and seconded by Hooper—the same was thankfully received and the clerk in- structed to extend to Mrs. Hardy the of the members of the Council. thankfullness and kind appreciations Mr. Franklin Delbridge submitted plans for a one and a half storey brick veneered dwelling, cement block foundation, asking- for the Council's approval, a permit for same was duly granted on motion of Davis and Francis, The Auditor's report for March was presented and read, the same being accepted on motion of Eller- ington and Franois, Street Commissioner, Bissett was instructed to make every effort to collect all arrears of Municipal taxes and if necessary to take action, on motion of Ellerington and Francis. Carried. The following accounts were read and passed: The Bell Telephone Co., cemeteryphone p on rent, $4.62; Thos. Coliingwood, cleaning Library, $3; Thos. iHoulden, team labor $11; Wm. Webber, team labor, $2.75; Clyde Heywood, team labor, $2.20; Peter 1. ,O, 0. F6 ATTEND CHURCH, Coleman, team labor, $2.20; R. E. ,Some twenty memsblsrs of Canton Davis,.' team labor $2.30; Frank Mal - London. No. 1, fru full dress urn°.form, and several Hensall brethren, together with members ef Exeter Lodge No, 67, Independent Order; of Odd Fellows to, the number of about 120, attended divine service in James Street Meth- odist Church, Exelter, en Sunday ev- ening, being marshaled ea and from the church by Past Grand Bro. Taman. On ;,their return 'iia the lodge, roam to usual votes of thanks were passed thanking the pastor, Rev, Wilson, for the .excellent eernnion delivered, the phurch officials, the choir, and the visiting brethren. The Canboan partic- ularly were ciongraitu].ated • on their excellent appearance, and thanked for coming to Exeter on thee occasion. The church service was a particul- arly pleasing sone Rev. Wtason spoke eiery interestingly ,o f the Order and its wvark, saying in pant, -- "W e welcome you to this church tp night. lAlen realize that the extension of the brotherhood idea; and the build ing of character are the biig thingsiin life, Odd Fellowship was n,irst xr - sytiLuted am England in 1745, k Unite; States an 1821, and in Carnada at 141,em- areal in 1843, P.rinc'e of Wales Lodge No. S. was formed. The duties of the Order are saomevhat slmit'1ar to Those ,of the church -to visit the sick, rel;teve distress, bury the dead, educate the ,orphaun and 41,d the wwado-w. The..ab- ject is the expanisijon of benevolence and .brotherhood. The world may be glad, o£ such a 'sock y.. • I have takeRn a ,brnttherhood t xt- "Who is my 'brottdielr3” We hear eve.rywhere of the growth of the bro- therhood particularly settee the non The caste system yes brushed. alside. - God never untended isolation. Cod, said, "It is 'Oat goad for man to Wive alone" Chniat 'said, "Go two and ewpa" Combination is strength, and that is the reason for -brotherhood and ,lodge spirit. Its work is seen in the orpb,an homes, the old folks' homes, hiospitalis, .pairks, etc.-bu$d by the brotherhood spirit. Once there were only the Malone, later only Masons and Oddfelio',vs. Now there are very many briotberhaod orgatnezationns. Re memher ern conne•ctioi l with all, that alI claim the Bible. as the basic foundation -the fatherhood of God its! the basic stone for the brotherhood, of man. Take the Bible away, anis they 'all go. to,pieces - 1 want to. speak particularly of three thiings-th,c system of receiving and rejecting cane oidates, the grip, and the prasswvord. Great knowledge is, naec:essamy, 'to uses the black ball right; The church hasn't always karlown, how. Peter blackballed the 'Greortales•, The Jews blackballed the Samaritans. The .Priest .and I,evate wrongfully used the -Mac's: ball. If we were, all blackballed for our faults, God pity us. The Good Sanwa -Ran ;refused to use the blaack ball -he .helped the wounded man, This is: tine !true type of Odd - Fellow. The glory sof, the Church and Society its ee beep the helpless. Gel them in and lift' thein up. The Grip nes t s the1 soul of the main and her five elerrk rills enlceurag- iinig power, equality, lane; ceeneasseen, and Gaodiikesseas. The Passwiomdis got from the Good Samaritan, and from th.e Heald of the Older -)•esus Christ, "D,outeg Good" 03,y their cruets ye sh•alll know them. atiodelled :after Resets Christ, who said; ,Ads I have 2loveid you;, so ought .you t•o love, al) era. ` Everything ides Binds on the spsral of the; mean of the Bratilkerhaod. God help you to Sharpe your spitrut after the Spine Chrest. A.mong the Exeter boys who overe members of the Canton, 'were. Messrs Lionel and Roy Howard, George Jew til and Norman Patterson, let, lalbor Library, $10.00, R.B. $9, $19.00. - .Adjournment by Francis, Jos. Senior Clerk. Centralia Mr, .an<i Mrs, •M, Callus who, have made their home in Centralia for the last couple of years; are moving. to Stratford. • Miss Mab•ej. Elliott of Clutton visit- ed at her home here for a few 'days east meek Mr. F. Falrhall of` Toronto spennttbe week end with his parents here. The young people of this neigh- borhood went to the home ,of air. and Mrs, Roy Webber and presentedthem tn•gether with Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns cf Granton each' ww,ith a wicker rocker. After the presentation a social even- in, was spent, , Miss Lillian Richards was at hes home here over then week end, ran. Baynham-In Exeter, on April. 24, to NKr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, a daughter, - MARRIAGES Kirk -Houlden -At Caven Manse, Ex- eter, on April 24th; by Rev. Foote, Lewis Kirk, to Mabel Grace, daugh- ter aof 12r. and Mrs: Thos. Houlden, McGillivray \Irs. Alex. Anderson 24 years old, fatally injured by a horse, frenzied by ,sickness, and taken to Victoria Hos- pital, London, in a serious condition[ where she died en Friday .night, She had nirte wounds ds on the, head, her limb was terribly .gashed by the caulk of the horse's shoe, and her nose axtd a finger were broken, pan: addition to a number of bruises of a grave naturae. The unfortunate accident occurred on the afternoon of April lath on the fawn of Allan Anderson, Con. 7, Mc- Gillivray, and is doubly, sad in vtevetof thefact that the, •injured woman's hus- band died about six, weeks ago. She bad apparently gone into the stall to gather. eggs and wee attacked by the lee_nt, and there sh,e was found hor- ribly( mangled, and newer regained cion,- scio{isness. T Died en Hospital -There passed away irs St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on April. 21, J. Ernest Amos, of the on concession of McGillivray, at the age of 36 years: The funeral took place from the home of his parent on Tues - clay, interment being made at Marrs, Hill Gernetery. :Grand Bend Tie Grand Bend Dramatic Club will present ,'their play entitled, "Am 1 Intruding" on Friday night, Apr. • 27 an Beesmer's Hall, Grand Bend, Every body come. A treat ern store for all. Iii thrne Theatre Friday & Saturday April 27 & 28 MAE MURRAY, the brilliaant Stat in the most ;spectacular production of her career,- . "Broadway' Rose" -lire success of "Peacock Aley°` and "Fascina(tijon", as pictures which more: than satisfied the public, paned the way for th greatest of them •bit e -"B o.adway Raster A new Star in Comedy, Stan Laurel in "The Pest." • Admission 25c. and 40c. all of Exeter. DEATHS Hummel -In Clinton,•ate April 13, Geo, . Hummel, aged 6? years'. Watkins -In Clinton„ on, April 14, Mary J. Beacom, widow of the late Hearer Watkins, aged 81 years, 5 months. Zwic°.=er-In. London, on, April, 19, Mr. Christian Zwacker, formerly of Crediton„ aged 96 years. Amos -At St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on April 21, J, Ernest i amos .of McGillivray Tp., aged 36 yearn: Seeds for Sale! We have a Large Stock of Specially Selected Field Seeds of high Ger-. mioalimn and Government Standard Quality fox Sale, OUR SI -0(.1K COISIS'''ia AS FOLLOWS - No, NKr, 1 Rea Clover, Aisike, White r-nd Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover, liuban Annual Sweet Clover, Alsi,k.. and Timothy Mixed, Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass Ont.arie, Grown and Imp. Timothy Send Millett, Seed Beans, Seed Corn, Sorghum, Mengel and Turnip Seed Lawn Grass and Garden Seeds Etc, r t'Ve have a limited quantity of Ontario Grown :,.Tarlegated Alfalfa Seed No, 1, Purity Test: Thin is one of the most nerdy varieties, and is pate of the production of a field that has (grown seed for ten Consecutive years; This leaves it thoroughly climatized, Anyone intending to sow- a field of this variety should place their order early. We have also a stock of Americas Grown Alfalfa, a hardy variety that in precious years bas, proven. successful Here. - Our price $15,00 per beef. WE are buyers of Beans, Clover and Timothy Seed, Dutch Setts, ancl, all kinds of Faxm Products at the ;Highest Market Prices. We have a large stock of Spring Merchandise. For Quality, Style, and Prices our values cannot be beaten. A real good selection in all line's: C. Z WICKER, General Merchant, Crediton. A CALL SOLICITED. THa STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK Bmm 5 THE POPULAR CAR OF EXETER LAST YEAR, PRICES INCLUDING FREIGHT AND TAX F. O. B., EXETER, TOURING, wood wheels, X13 95 ROADSTER, wood wheels $>36 BUSINESS COUPE, two passenger .$1565 BUSINESS SEDAN, five pasaenger $1885 All passenger cars are equipped with Bumper and spare Card tire. . SOME GOOD USED CARS. C. C Pilon, Dealer, Exeter OUR. MOTTO - EVERY OWNER A SATISFIED CUSTOMER. PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE A CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUM - MIR GOODS ,AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION AT THIS STORE COME IN AND LOOK AROUND, THE- VERY THING YOU WANT IS MOST LIKELY HERE, AND THE PRICES OF MANY LINES ARE LOWER THAN YOU MIGHT EXPECT. On Display Pere Silk, and Silk and Lisle, tstocLings with fancy clocks, Silk Gloves with long cuffs. Two Tome Slippers Wide -Ribbed Sport Stockings, Colonial Patent Slippers. Pull'cver Sweaters Tuxedo, Sweater Coats. Oranameuvts Buckle.; Cabshaws Fancy Voiles Paisley Crepes - - Reines Dress Flannels - I,oaiesptms Coattings. Anderson's Scotch Ginghams- Chambrays - Prints Gingham Dresses Black Sateen Dresses Chitldrerra's Dresses & Rompers. Special Prices ON ALL COATS, SUITS, AND WRAPS. ,S,ee Our Range Before Making , A. S,electiyorn . Groceries at Wholesale Prices Thoyal. Yeast Cakes ...5c. - 90c. T. & B. Tobacco .70c. 15c. Tobaccos `' 2- for 25c. 20c. Suamaid Raisons ...15c, 75c. Sal,a•da Tea 65c 7dc, Special Bulk Teas ,. 55c. 7 bans Castile Soap ....... .....25c, 75c.Broom for 55c. iChristie's Soda Biscuits 15c. lb. 3 Jelly Powders ,24c, 3 .pkgs Garden Seeds 25c. Cascade Salmon. - 10c. 1 - kb stir Red Salmon 2.5c, 8 es. Bottle, Vacrwlla 25c. 3 bottles . Extract , ...,,> ...25c, 2 lbs Sweet Cakes 'fo+r 35c. 75c. Globe Washboard :55c. 3 pkg. Ammonia Sc.2 MAKE YOUR HOUSE A HOME, - WALL PAPERS 1:,L1NDS CURTAINS RUGS. LINOLEUIIS CONGOLEUMS Men and Young Men We have the ]arg,eat range of Hats and Caps in town. • We, also specialize in High Grade Clothing.in stock .saizesaand Tailored to order garments. Gome in and se;e, out line of .Furnishings. J. A. STEWART 4 4 r 5