HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-10-12, Page 10Page 10 October 12, 2005 • The Huron Expositor
Belly dancing class teaches sensuous grace
New class at Vanastra Recreation Centre attracting close to 50 women a week
Ashley Eddie
Swaying rhythmical- arm movement is
ly back and forth, hips
are moving to the
sounds of Eastern
music as a roomful of
women try the ancient
art of belly dancing for
the first time at
Vanastra this fall.
Teacher Ingrid
Stryker, an employee
of the Vanastra
Recreation Centre, is
teaching roughly 50
women a week how to
move their bodies to
describe the sensuous
grace of
t h e
"It is a
done by
f o r
"It's very
T h e
class has
an amaz-
i n g
harder than it looks.
Kim Chambers, of
Harpurhey, agrees.
"Within five minutes
you're sweating."
"Ingrid is really won-
derful," she said.
There's nothing com-
petitive about belly
dancing, said Stryker.
"The prerequisite is
to be able to not only
laugh at yourself, but
be okay with being
laughed at by others,"
she said, "because the
things you
want to be
going to
be jig-
T h e
each week
with a
and then
moves to
t h e
Taxeem, a
slow move -
`It's a dance
done by
women for
It's very
freeing,' --
Belly dancing
coming from
Vanastra, Seaforth,
Clinton, Exeter,
Goderich, and Bayfield
with ages ranging
from Grade 4 to
While the goal of
most work-outs is a
slim body ready for a
bikini and the beach,
belly dancing stresses
"We just wanna have
fun here. That's first
and foremost,"
explained Stryker.
"They're not expecting
However, belly danc-
ing does provide a
work-out. The stu-
dents realized early on
that belly dancing
with correct hip and
ment of the hips glid-
ing back and forth.
"From there, they've
learned popping their
hip up to one side,"
said Stryker. "They've
done lateral circles
and figure eights" as
The class then goes
into that day's lesson,
whether it be arm
strengthening, leg
strengthening or
learning muscle con-
The last 20 minutes
of the Monday classes
is spent in the water,
which provides for
more controlled move-
"When you're in the
water just walking, it's
14 times more of a
Ashley Eddie photo
Belly dancing instructor Ingrid Stryker demonstrates arm positioning to a class full of girls and women from
throughout Huron County at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The new class has been so successful that it will
be offered all year in 10 -week sessions.
workout than on can use any kind of
land," she said. music to dance and
Belly dancing pro- express themselves
vides immense muscle with movement used
toning and a fun way in belly dancing.
of working out. "So we go out into
"We get to dance and the pool and do it to
work out at the same modern music,"
time," said Stryker. explained Stryker.
While traditional "Whether it be
music is used to teach Shania Twain or Kid
belly dancing, Stryker Rock, the diversity is
tells her students they endless."
The classes are being
held on Monday
nights, 7 to 8 p.m. for
$60, and 8:15 to 9:15
p.m. for $50, as well as
Thursday nights at
6:45 to 7:15 p.m. for
Because of the large
numbers interested in
the class, belly danc-
ing will be offered all
year in 10 -week ses-
As well, next year
there is going to be a
beginner and an
advanced class.
"We'll just keep
building off of that,"
said Stryker.