HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-09-14, Page 13l . I at(ls (,f 'I'Ii;utLs BUYS The family of the late Delphine Buys wishes to express theirthanks to the staff at Seaforth Community Hospital and Maplewood Manor for their loving care. To St. James C.W.L. for serving lunch after the service. Special thanks to her friends Joe, Florence, Eleanor and Joan Devereaux and family, Monique and Ferdnand Vantyghem, Rose Geleck, Frances and Wilbert Maloney and the rest of her friends for the friendship and support over the years. Thank you for sympathy cards and Masses and to those who attended the funeral. Thanks to Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home for their helpful direction. - Nicole Ellacott and Family 47-37x1 MCNICHOL would like to thank everyone who had a part in arranging the Ambassador of the Fair contest. ! had a really good time and I was taught a lot. The donation baskets from local businesses were very much appreciated. The meal was absolutely amazing. A special thanks to the Kinburn Foresters for sponsoring me and to the fair board for all their hard work. I had a blast! P.S. If I never see another nut cracker again that will be fine with me. - Lindsay McNichol 47-37x1 VAN DOORNIK John and Catherine, along with their children and grandchildren, would like to thank family and friends for joining us for our 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration. It was a joyous event and we all had a truly wonderful time together. We would also like to thank those who telephoned with best wishes, and for the cards and gifts we received. Your kindness and generosity is sincerely appreciated. Thank you. 47-37x1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, September 14, 2005 - 13 Network Classifieds: "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country!" MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verily dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If yyou're buying a, vehicle privately, don't become a curbside's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. NOW HIRING. Could you use an extra $100 - $200 a week? Do you have friends who like to shop? Join Canada's premier home party company for our busiest season and qualify for a FREE product Kit. Visit www.home- andgift collection.com or cal 1-866-378- 4331 (toll free) to request information. RE: JOB #AT345 -19 to 25 yr olds required to do audits on Tobacco and Alcohol shops. Please e-mail your name and contact infor- mation to !wannashop@servi- ceintelligence.com OLYMEL, Red Deer, Alberta's largest employ- er is now hiring FOOD PROCESSING WORKERS. Starting Salary $10.551hr Plus Premiums And Eam As Much As $17.45/hr; Extended Health & Dental After 3 Months; Free Bus Service Within The City; NO EXPE- RIENCE REQUIRED. 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Toil -free 1- 888 -9 -PARDON or 905-459-9669. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northem Ontario $79 • Eastem Ontario $140 • Westem Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136 • All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available! • To Place Your Ad Call -527- AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SPECIALISTS Plum Bill Holman & Sons eating Contractor License #0038931001 • Licensed for Sheet Metal, 527-0505 Refrigeration, Gas & Plumbing Seaforth Agricultural Society • BANQUET & MEETING FACILITIES • 10,000 sq. feet of indoor show area See what we have to offer Call 527-1321 Today! '111OMPSON URETHANE SPRAY .% FIBREGLASS INS1JI.ATION t r 'r' f <1ili1 tte� Call Ron At 519-263-2319 JANSEN MASONRY Pete - 440-0021 Harry 527-2117 Stick • Block • Stone RESTORATION WORK Serving The Arse For Over 35 Steers Seaforth, Ontario RALPH `4Ib WOOD % ELECTRIC *Agricultural • Commercial • Residential CALL SEAFORTH 527-0448 MARION'S PAINTING Free Estimates •Interior/Exterior Painting •Drywall Repair Call Mike Marion 522-0707 (Evenings) ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN OUR UPCOMING PHONE BOOK. Please call Bernie or Tom at the Huron Expositor 527-0240 McKILLOP MUTUAL 1 INSURANCE COMPANY fat Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 1-800-483-9204 Fax 527-2777 HOME, COMMERCIAL FARM, AUTO COVERAGES Bob McNaughton (haeme Craig Donald 'Taylor Banter, MacEwan & Ragan Insurance Brokers Ltd. 524-837r, Ganser Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc. 482-3401 Thames ins. Brokers 235-2211 Cockwell Insurance Brokers Ltd. 356-221,6 aL Batrtav Insurance 238-6790 527.157) 887-9381 482-9976 BOX & SMITH FUNERAL CHAPEL "We are dedicated to your confidence" at 47 High St. Seaforth 527-1142 - Office CHRISTOPHER M. SMITH Funeral Director :manors ME SERVICE 8 REMOVAL , removal & clean-up et truck service sinGrindin pping mp Grinding awn Rolling Dave Boman! . to . 519.482.3976 ADVERTISE WITH US! This Spot Available Call Bernie or Tom at the Huron Expositor 527-0240 Van Beek CONSTRUCTION ¥Shin le Roofs ¥Steel Roofs ¥Vinyyl Siding ¥Soffit & Facia ¥Windows and Doors ¥Decks ¥Drywall ¥Renovation FREE ESTIMATES Cali Glen Van Beek 527-2788 or 955-2788 THIS SPOT AVAILABLE $7.85 Small $13.75 Large each week for a minimum of 26 weeks CaII the Huron Expositor 527-0240 I'�('t 1 J� l 1111 l l \ I(►()I'( Partners Paint Paper 1,111 \1„1)1,' i Looking for a painter? Call us for names of area professionals who use our premium quality products. 19 Main Street, Seaforth 519 527-1880 or 1-866-707-7670 Elligsen gr:T - . ELECTRIC LIMITED FARM • HOME • COMMERCIAL • POLE LINES • STANDBY SYSTEMS (518)345.2447 R.R94 WALTON, ONT. NEED A LITTLE HELP AROUND THE HOUSE? Get help from the professionals in our business directory! WHITNEV•RIBEY FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth 527-1390 Pre -planned and Pre -Arranged Funeral Services Available Sincere and Courteous Service SCHOONDERWOERD BROS. CONCRETE LTD. Mitchell, Ontario All Kinds of Concrete Work + Circular Manure Tanks + Complete Foundations + Dry Manure Storage + House Foundations 4. Bunker Silos 1 Floors, Floating Slabs ♦ Driveways, Patios + Complete Excavation and Gravel Supply Phone: (519) 348-0530 Fax: (519) 348-4819 Cell: (519) 949-1177 * Agricultural * Residential • Commercial * Pole Line Construction Ref 7,0444 HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER Call Doug for all of your painting and wallpapering needs Seaforth 527-0058 (519) 5258078 El HURON -PERTH Refrigeration and Appliance Service Larry Home Repairs to most major appliances Licensed for gas appliances 519-345-0515 L. McGRATH PLUMBING and HEATING Inc. SEAFORTH 522-0493 Larry McGrath Licenced Plumber & Licenced Gas Fitter Call Today! Installation Service Repairs SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine and Serger Specialists Repairs to all makes •FREE ESTIMATES •ALL WORK GUARANTEED SALES r.r11..ri; Janome, Juki, Babylodt, Orttega Machined LOTS OF USED MACHINES 311C 149 Downie St. IF (Beside Hudson's Dept. Store) STRATFORD 271-9660 tkfn ELECTRIC R.R. #4 Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1W0 519 522-1556 W.D. HOPPER & SONS WATER WELL DRILLING • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 5 MODERN ROTARY RIGS • LICENCED BY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT. FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT 522-1737 271-7860 "Where hopper goes the water flows" SILLS HOME HARDWARE SUPPLIES FOR THE HANDYMAN Bottled Water Refill Station • Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • Paint CARPET CLEANER RENTAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER Service & Re -Charge Depot QLASS & SCREEN REPAIR For All Your Hardware Needs Main St., SEAFORTH 527-1820 Via, SIC, Hone Cad, AM Express, Inierscl rli