HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-08-03, Page 3moo
Former Seaforth high
school students remember
their school's glory days
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Editor
During the first game of the
first football team ever at
Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
then -quarterback Coog
Knight remembers the
players were a little bit fuzzy
on the rules:
"I tackled one fellow and
he dropped the ball and
complained to the ref, 'He
took the ball from me.' He
hadn't played much football
either," laughs the, Hensall
man who returned for the
high school reunion at
Seaforth's Legion during
Come Home to the Country
festivities over the weekend.
Knight, carrying a
newspaper clipping of
himself and other teammates
of Seaforth's first high school
football team, was on the
lookout for other players but
didn't have any luck
"I haven't seen anyone yet
but I hope to see some people
from the team. We're the
older ones and I know some
of these fellows are dead,"
said the graduate of the class
of 1947.
He did find Harry Jacobi,
of Kincardine, class of 1952,
who was also a star
quarterback for Seaforth's
high school team.
"We went undefeated for
two years and won WOSSA
in 1951. In 1952 we lost in
overtime. I didn't play that
game because I broke my leg
when another guy drove me
good during a game," said
The two fondly
remembered their coach
Archie Dobson as one of
their favourite teachers.
"Archie influenced me
more than any other teacher -
he's why I became a teacher.
During a time when all
teachers were so strict, he
became a friend of the pupil.
He still had discipline in his
class but you weren't afraid
to speak up," said Jacobi.
Bob and Judy Reith, who
moved to Waterloo from
Seaforth 42 years ago,
haven't been back since the
last Homecoming reunion 10
years ago.
The two were Kindergarten
sweetheartst`'"who lived a
block and a half away from
each other on Goderich
While Bob played
basketball and hockey, Judy
figure skated and was a
majorette in the Seaforth All -
Girls Marching Band and she
remembers When the Saints
Go Marching In as the band's
theme song of the day.
"There are lots of good
memories in this town," says
Judy's father ran Crich's
Bakery, where the Lager
House is now located, which
had a soda fountain that drew
all the students after school
for sundaes, sodas and cherry
Judy remembers working
there one day when retired
bank manager Fred Beattie
came in for his daily coffee
and to read the Globe and
"He was always dressed so
properly with a suit and tic,
even after he was retired. I
was making a soda and a
stream of soda water went
flying like a fountain all over
him. He just lowered his
newspaper and said, 'Are you
having a bit of a problem,
Joan Dick Wright, class of
1959, said she remembers
spending a lot of time at the
town swimming pool in the
summers and at Nixon's Hill
going tobogganing and
skating at the arena in the
winters in Seaforth. As well,
she pointed to the Legion
Susan Hundertmark photo
Coog Knight, Seaforth's first high school quarterback, poses with some newspaper clippings
he brought to a high school reunion on Saturday as part of Come Home to the Country.
building and said it used to be
a vacant lot where kids
gathered to play baseball.
"We had a great time
growing up in this town," she
said, returning for the
weekend from Brampton. "It
was so safe and secure - the
whole town was our
High school sweethearts
Linda (Somerville) and Eric
Ross returned for the
weekend from London where
the two have been teaching
since the late 1960s.
The two, both graduates of
the class of 1967, met as
members of the high school
glee club and enjoyed singing
Sunday morning in the choir
for the community church
service at Northside United.
"It's good to come back.
We've seen a lot of people we
know and we have some
wonderful memories," said
While Eric played
volleyball, football,
basketball and participated in
cross country and track and
field during high school,
Linda was also a member of
the girls' marching band.
Linda remembered playing
at international plowing
matches, including the one
hosted in Seaforth where
band members had to wear
plastic bags on their feet
because it was so muddy.
And, she looked back on
band leader George
Hildebrand with affection.
"We had a lot of wonderful
trips and George was our big
dad - he took care of us," she
As glee club members, the
two still have a record their
club made of the Sound of
Music during their last year
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of high school.
"We enjoyed high school
because we got to do
everything. We probably have
such good memories because
we were that involved," said
Evy McPhee Manns, of
Lexington, Michigan, was a
cheerleader during her years
in the late 1940s at Seaforth's
high school. She remembered
wearing white sweaters with
the school insignia, short
white pleated skirts, bobby
socks and saddle shoes and
even a few of the cheers.
"Growing up in Seaforth
was the most fabulous time of
my life. We keep coming
back to these reunions. It's
wonderful we have these - it
keeps us together," she said.
Beth Muir, of Sarnia, who
also attended Seaforth's high
school in the 1940s,
remembered attending dances
at Cardno's Hall where she
And, earlier she
remembered going to the
movies on Seaforth's.Main
Street when a theatre was still
'It was 10 cents to get in on
Saturdays and if you wanted
to go at night, you had to get
an adult to go. We would
stand on the street and ask
someone to take us in. We
watched Roy Rogers and the
Lone Ranger," she said.
She also remembers
Crich's Bakery, which
delivered bread throughout
town with a horse-drawn
wagon .
"I remember Saturdays, my
mother would get six or
seven loaves of bread. And,
they had French pastry that
was so good," she said.
Becky Campbell
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