HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-07-20, Page 3News
First Smart car in Seaforth-area
gets rave reviews from owners
By Jason Middleton
Expositor Staff
The only complaint that
Harry and Mabel Nesbitt
have heard about their new
environmentally -friendly
Smart car has been from two
of their grandsons.
On a recent visit to the
Nesbitt's farm in Seaforth,
the grandsons took the car
out for a test drive and when
they got into Seaforth a
group of girls whistled at the
boys and they pulled over to
show them the car.
The boys were going to
offer the girls a ride, but the
Smart car only seats two
people "so there wasn't any
room go they couldn't pick
them up," Mabel said
While the two -seated car
might be small, Mabel
explained that it has some
speed behind it. She said that
the car can accelerate to 135
km per hour.
"So you can get a speeding
ticket," Mabel said.
The furthest the couple has
driven in the car has been to
London and they said that
driving anywhere in the car
is just like being in any other
"It feels like you're driving
in a big car," Mabel said.
"When you're driving around
you don't feel like you're in a
small car."
While the car is
environmentally friendly and
very economic on fuel, the
couple said that it does have
Local gas
gas prices
From Page 1
says. "If it costs us more
to bring it here from our
refinery, it's going to cost
us more to pump it out."
Passing the cost on to
the customer is something
they simply have to do,
she says. "We have no
A Canadian Press
report posted on July 13
on Canada.com states that
the average cost of
gasoline in Canada was
95.7 cents/litre, up 4.3
cents from the week
The article says that
consumers in Whitehorse,
Yukon Territory, were
paying $1.054 for gas,
the highest price in the
country. Edmonton,
Calgary and St.
Catharines, Ontario had
the lowest prices - "in the
87 cent range," the article
And while many
interviewed for this
Expositor story were
grumbling, Seaforth man
Paul Copeland took a
more philosophical view.
He said gas prices
aren't as bad here as they
are in other places in the
world, later adding,
"People can afford to buy
SUVs and then they
complain about the price
gas is. I lived two years
in Mexico. I saw poverty.
People don't know how
lucky they are to live in a
country like this. They
complain about all kinds
of things."
,To be fair, however,
Copeland says he has put
only 4,400 km on a car he
bought last August, "I
don't buy gas that often,"
he admitted.
Harry and Mabel Nesbitt pose with their new environmentally -friendly Smart car.
its downsides.
"It's no good for a man, a
wife and two kids," Harry
The couple
bought the car
in January
and said that
they never
had any
driving it in
the • winter
even up the
driveway of
"It's just
like another
car," Mabel
aerodynamics, the car is
shaped like an egg. Mabel
explained than another
benefit of shaping the
vehicle like an
egg is that
when you
squeeze an
egg you
cannot break
`It's the car of
the future. In
Europe it's
just about the
only car you
Mabel Nesbitt
said. "I've never found
anything different."
Mabel and Harry explained
that they were surprised that
transport trucks driving by in
the other lane do not throw
around their Smart car.
To help with
"They used
the same
principal to
make this,"
she said. "It's
quite safe."
Every part
of the Smart
car, according
to Mabel, can be recycled
making it very
"environmentally friendly."
"It's the car of the future. In
Europe it's just about the
only car you see," Mabel
The Nesbitt's first noticed
the Smart car when they
visited different parts of
Europe over the past eight
While the car's engine is
powered with diesel, which
is almost as much a litre as
gasoline, Mabel said that her
car is more fuel-efficient
than most cars.
According to a Smart car
brochure, the car uses about
4.2 litres of diesel per 100
Compared to her husband's
car, Mabel said that she
spends a lot less to keep her
car running.
"I spend as much on fuel in
a month as he spends on gas
in a week in his car," she
said. .
In the area, the Nesbitt's
know of at least seven other
people who drive Smart cars.
"I figure in two year's
they'll be thick (more Smart
cars on the road) because of
the price of gas," Mabel said.
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Dead Crows and Blue Jays
West Nile Virus is transmitted to birds and humans by the bite of an infected mosquito.
Symptoms in birds manifest as neurological signs such as convulsions, tremors, head tilt,
wing droop, and paralysis.
Huron County residents are urged to report all dead crows and blue jays until the first of
October. Crows and blue jays are particularly sensitive to West Nile Virus, so sightings will
assist the Health Unit ins mapping out possible West Nile Virus activity in Huron County.
Report dead crows and blue jays to the Huron County Health Unit West Nile Virus 24 hour
info -line at 519-482-3416 Ext. 2001, or if calling long distance, 1-877-837-6143 Ext. 2001.
All other dead birds should be discarded in the following manner:
• place in a double plastic bag, using rubber gloves, a double plastic bag, or a shovel;
• do not touch dead birds with bare hands;
• place the bagged bird out with regular household garbage; and
• wash hands thoroughly.
To find out more, visit www.huroncounty.ca or call the
Huron County Health Unit at 482-3416 Ext. 2001.
If calling long distance, dial toll free 1-877-837-6143 Ext. 2001.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, July 20. 2005 - 3
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TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of
the Municipality of Huron East will hold a public
meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 7:15 p.nt. in
the Huron East Council Chambers located at 72 Main
Street South, Seaforth to consider a proposed Zoning
By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning
Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or
make written or verbal representation either in
support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a
decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Huron East in respect of the proposed zoning by-law
does not make oral submissions at a public meeting
or make written submissions to the Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron East before the proposed
zoning by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal
Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is available at
the Municipality of Huron East Municipal Office during
normal business hours.
THIS 15th DAY OF July 2005.
J. R. McLachlan
Clerk, Municipality of Huron East
72 Main Street South, Box 610 Seaforth,
Ontario NOK 1 WO
(519) 527-0160; 1-888-868-7513
(toll free from Brussels and Grey)
As a text amendment, this proposed Zoning By-law
affects the Brussels Zoning By-law, the Seaforth
Zoning By-law and the Tuckersmith Zoning By-law
and affects all of the Ward of Brussels, the Ward of
Seaforth and the Ward of Tuckersmith in the
Municipality of Huron East.
The By-law proposes to:
1. Add definitions for 'Condominium Act', 'Planning
Act', 'Terms'.
2. Delete the existing Definition of 'lot' and replace it
with a new Definition for 'Iot'to include:
• a lot in a plan of subdivision.
• a whole of a unit in a Vacant Land Condominium.
• a parcel of common elements within a Vacant Land
Condominium or within a Common Elements
Condominium Plan.
• the whole of the lands within a Standard
Condominium Plan;
• a conveyable parcel.
3. Delete the existing General Provisions for 'Lots to
Front on a Public Road' and replace it with new
General Provisions for 'Lots to Front on a Public
• require lots to abut or front on a public road and that
such public road is of satisfactory' construction and
• to allow structures to be built on lots in a Vacant
Land Condominium Plan or on a Common Element
Condominium on a private road provided that access
to the Plan is by a public road;
• to Allow a condominium plan access to a public road
through lands entirely within one or more other
condominium plans.