HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-29, Page 5of ey th .g, re ,rpr .. of rt an its ax lie ed to Auk he 11- le- ial Le - ng Sts ch. er .re rle iat es .u - ed its of la1 to te. Ter AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS On Lot 11, Can. 1, Stephen, on FRIDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following Stack—Driving`• mare 10 years old; 3' ;ewes la lamb. Implements, Etc. — Massey -Harris binder, McCormack mower, horse rake, McCormick cultivator, walking plow' riding plow, gangplow, set harrows, roller, hay rack, scuffles, wagon, sleigh 'faanningmill, root pulper, grind -stone' buggy, Massey -Harris cream separator sugar kettle, churn; set single harness, set double harness, some collars, hay fork rope, ,sling tropes, pulleys, whiffle - trees and neckyok•e, ,fork, shovels and other articles; some hay; collie dog There, will also be ;sold at the • same time, and place that part of the above" named dot, East of the L. H. :and .B. Railway, in the is't concession of Ste- phen, by estimate 60 acres land. There is on the premases a good bank barn, frame house and other conveniences. Terms—Real Estate -10 per cent on day of sale; balance ,in 30 days. Chattels—$10 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit on:'furn- fishing approved joint nates, 5 per cent. per'annum.off for cash on: credit amounts. Eliza Hackney, Andrew Easton, Executrix Auctioneer 1. R. Carling, Solicitor for Executrix Kirkton •dr Rev, A. W. Brawn of Camlach.ie, late of Iiirktan, has received a unanimous call for the Methodist church, New- castle, N. B., and has accepted, sub- ject to the Transfer Commitl`.,ae, to take effect this coming! June. Mr. P. F Doupe had the misfortune to slip oar, the ice the other day and hurt his knee, Mrs, Wru. Urquhart is visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. Arnold Wiseman spent a few days in Tioranto. -' On May 9th, the Exeter District Women's Missionary Society of the arethodist Church will hold their an- nual meeting in the, Kirkton Methodist Church, three sessions. 4. hose dizzy Aspens a danger signal You have dizzy spells and frequent headaches, pooriap- petite, nausea after eating You tire easily, feel depressed. and have disturbed slumber.. Thew symptoms clearly indi- cate kidney trouble. Your system is .being poisoned. Take Gin Pills and take th.er i at once! They'act quickly.' The poison is removed, the blood purified and normal healthy condition restored. Don't delay! Get a box today. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA,11MJTED, TORONTO. Vigh t. FIFTY CEM 5(4°-6 McGillivray Death of John. Lewis—The death occurred suddenly on Wednesday, Afarch 21, of John Lewis of Brinsley, in his 77th year. The funeral took place from his home to St. Maryfs Cemetery, Brinsley, on Friday, the ser - Attend Summer E _ hooj i in London School teachers, :::'.r.r,.r."Wr :, regular and special students have tl;e op•po ainiiy to spend six weeks at the Western University Summer School beginning July 2nd. For information apply De. R.P. R. Neville, Registrar, London, Ont. 15 Furniture Bargains vice being conducted by Rev. T. F. Whealan; of Alda Craig„ in St, Mary's Church, of which deceased has been a lifelong member. Mr. Lewis was predeceased by bis wife, formerly, Annie Acres a Ottawa, who died in 1907, aito is survived by three sons Lloyd, at home; Lester, at Kith rntey, Man. and Christopher at Calgary; also one- brother, Clifford Lewis, of Lon- don; and one sister, Mrs. Geo. Lewis of McGrillivray . Township. Mr. Lewis was; of goad old pioneer stock, as :his grandfather, Christopher Lewis, with a' hay Cher, John, came •from Irel,and and settled on. farms; beside each oth- er, ar „the ' Aux Sable River, in Mc- Giilivraa Ti ese farms' are still oc- cupied by descen_lants of those pio- neers. The late Mr. Lewis, it is said; weighed 400 pounds, and instead of a motor hearse a wa,go,n, had to ,be used to convey the body to the cemetery. The coffin was 'specially made, being 9 feet long, 4 fete;t widle and 3 feet high. BIG REDUCTION IN FURNITURE. Wh CARRY THE LARGES1 . AND MOST UP- TO -DATE STOCK. BUY HERh AND SAVE MONhY . Funer"al Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER FIG E 1T TAYOURSELF Do you want the SILO FULL Nexi Fall or Just 60% Filled In 1922 co. A. C. conducted Fertilizer Tests on corn in Kent and Essex. The yield they got are as follows : On Clay Land• With complete Fertilizer 135.00 bus. per acre WithoutFertilizers 78.25 Gain from Fertilizers 56.75 " " " On Sandy Land With complete Fertilizers 128.00 bus. per acre Without Fertilizers 83.30 " " " Gain from Fertilizers 44.70 " " " A practical farmer writes : "The difference in maturity of the ear for silage purposes was distinctly in favor of the fertilized 'plot. Can you afford to miss such chances of Increasing and Improving Yields ! FREEMAN FERTILIZERS Get Results Guaranteed in Quality Our Prices are Right See our Agents or write us. Agents wanted in unrepre- sented territory. W.:. A. FREEMAN CO. LIMITED•, HAMILTON Local Agents Alex. M. Stewart, R. R. No. 1, Ansa Craig, Ont. • Lucan A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Mame, Lucan, on March 21, when Rev. D. Johnston united in marriage Miss Madelaine Brown and Ray Cun- ningham. The couple were unattended and only immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. The bride •was charming in her smart navy travelling dress with a picture hat to match. A large party of friends gath- ered at the statioan to steelMr. and Mrs. Cunningham .off oni their wedding trip to London and other points. On their return they will reside on a farm near Mooresville. Centralia Zurich Mr. and Mrs, Harry! Rouse of Detroit are visiting relatives, here. Mr. Sam'l Sararas of New Dun.de 1s visiting relatives around these parts, Mr,,, Chas. Gassman, who. has rented the i'arm of Mr. Geo. Smwth as Stan- ley for a term of year!;, has .moved thereon, ' Mrs, Arna Stelck has purchasedthe dwelling .property from the estate of tate Itud. Heideman, Mr, W. G. Hess has purchased the two-story brick business ,block, next to the Zurch Garage from Mr, `Most Johnston, Mr. C, L. Smith, has purchased from Mr. A. F. Hess the business blrack nto•w ,occupied by bath parties as a printing office and conveyancing office Mr. Ed. Haberer of Hay Township has purchased' from Mr,. H'y Howard his dwelling property, including ten acres of land, Mr. Henry Geiger of CaVaiier, N. Dakota, is spending the weak with friends here.• °•lir, W. S. Johnston has purchased the 100 -acre farm, lot 22, S. 13. Stanley sold at the mortgage sale in Zurireh. Messrs. Elias and Josiah Steckle of the 13r,cnso.n Line left on Monday morning for Elmira, St, Jacobs and elsewhere to visit for some time. Mr. Chats. Laframboise. of the Sauble Line underwent a serious operational London Hospital one day recently. He is progresing favorably. Mrs, Corsauat and family of Lon- don, are visiting with the former`'.; mother, Mrs. Wm. Hicks, Mrs Hutchinson of Exeter visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brock, over Sunday. airs J. Routledge of Dutton spent .a fe.w days visiting friends in Centralia. Mrs. W. Baker' is visiting far a few weeks with friends in Detroit. airs. Roy Fletcher, who had an. at- tack of blood poisoning in both hands, is improving. Mr, M. Sleamon,s has been on ,the sick list Liar the past few days, Rev. Harding of Granton preached a very excellent missionary sermon to the members .of the Sunday School last Sabbath morning. Rev. Sinclair took charge of the morning service at Granton. \Ir. S. McFails shipped a car lewd of farming effects from hero on Tues- day ea saute for Manitoba, where he intends going with the other members) of the family on Saturday. .About fifty of the friends of Mr. and airs. H. Frey melt at their home last Thursday evening as a surprise to celebrate their .eighteenth wedding an- niversary. A very pleasant evening was spent. £IerlsaLl Rev, Conkle of Toronto, secretary of the Leper Mission, preached here on Sunday and illustrated the ening service with lantern slides. P' -or to leaving for Kitchen: Sa- ba Beaver was tendered a surprise party by the members of the Metho- dist choir, who presented her w'iih an ivory clock. She has been saleslady in Ronnie's store. Loyd Horton fell on the ice and severely injured his ankle. Mrs. Doig of Listowel is visiting Mrs. T. Drummond. On Friday the W M. S. of the Meth- odist Church held a birthday party, and Mrs, Mallard of Exeter and Hiss McMcCloy of Toronto gave addresses Mrs Nelson Blatchford has return- ed from a visit in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Blatchford has purchased air. Nathan P. Warrener's dwelling len Queen street. Mr. Frank Hunter of Stratford spent a few days with gold friends here. The Hensel' Spring Show will be held on April 3rd. WONDERFUL VALUE FOR $2.00 It is a source of constant wonder to publishers the world over how The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal can be printed, and mai1eclito any part of Canada far the small sub- sription. price of two. dollars a year. Some other 'papers may quote a low- er subscription price 'but they do not conntain one-fifth, nor in many cases. not even one-tenth of the reading mat- ter published each week by the Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star. _.People everywhere are now selecting their reading materiel with greater discrim- ination than in. the past. Instead of being_ loaded with a lot of second rate papers and magazines, they are now saving money by discarding the chaff and subscribing to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal—th,e..one big all-round journal that provides in its seventy-two. pages every \reek an amp.e volume and variety of reading • to satisfy •every member of lh.e fanC,y. In addition to being, the best inform- ' ed, most practical and helpful paper for farmers, the Family Herald and Weekly Star provides the best of ser- ial and short stories, complete de- partments for wom= and young folks; powerful editorials on the most im- portant topics of the, day, a complete weekly digest of world mews(, in, fact a veritable library ,af informatian,len-\ tertai.nrnen:t and anspialation. On ac- count of its clean, wholesome and helpful character, its phenomenal value and powerful influence for good,. it is ntnt too much to ,say that th.e Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal should be in every, Canadian home. Is C. N. E: s First • • Farmer President MR. ROBERT MILLER of Stouffville, elected head of the Canadian National Exhibition. Mr. Miller is said to have imported more pure-bred live stock to Am- erica than any other man. He is of .the third generation of farmers in Canada and has been a member of tl. ^xnihition Assooiatioi since 1907 and a Director since 1913. TUCKERSMITH — Alexander i. Broadfoot, after six month; illness died on March 20, aged 44 years and 11 months. Besides his widow, Bertha The Fii1est Green Tea. 'is undoubtedly !P It is pure fresh and wholesome and thellavor is that of the tree green leaf. -ta t =mss=xtz=.r}: z=_=.: _-__ :'=c=a : :c =:i •t = !=fjt ?- = c =_r 1 :�_� 1: ' ='=icYi Z. Yiz === =._ iSl= z"i'- z�•izz„-s= .-- }=========-:.===============-===='�--— _. == i= it.:E=E=111=Ei__vr Examine the Seams After cleansing any garment or material with SURPRISE ex- amine the Seams. You will find that SURPRISE has done its work thoroughly; and the article is truly clean. 162 aTINEM B========== Wilson, he is survived by two sons. and one slaughter; also a brother \Vtl. ST, \I_ARYS.—Rabert S. McKay, ex- dead. He was a son. of jazne • .i. til: - Liam of Tuckersmith. councillor and prominent citizen, is I Kay of Harrington.. WALL PAPIER 8olves euerN decorating problem WALL PAPER means everything to the successful decoration of the home. Make sure of having designs and colorings that accord with your own ideas as to what is cor• rect and beautiful. Select your patterns from the great variety produced by BOXER. Nader alaiteis of Wall Panus not only makes possible greater charm of design, but also means fewer seams and consequently improved appearance. Easi er hanging is another important feature of these wider papers—also economy, as a result of the fewer rolls required. These papers—widely known for their originality and charm—include a fine as- sortment of the plain, self -toned papers so well suited to wall -panelling. This treat- ment has become a popular feature of home decoration. You will find the old type of Wall Paper exceeded in width by the new "Boxer" Papers, by 2% z inches—which FOR SALE BY The name BOXER on the selvage is your assurance of a quality paper. S )UTHOOTT BROS.. A4 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 N r 4