HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-07-06, Page 5News
Live 8 succeeded in drumming up
support for African nations, for a day
From Page 4
The implication here,
which is not shared
exclusively by the politically
incorrect former host of
Politically Incorrect, was that
just because celebrities have
opinions and a considerable
stage on which to voice them,
doesn't mean they should be
allowed to share them.
Michael Moore's
inflamatory and unbalanced
"documentary" Farenheit
9/11 put forth the same
message, mocking a gum -
chewing Britney Spears for
suggesting that the American
people have fait!] in their
And to be fair, interviews
like the one granted by actor
Tom Cruise to the cheesy
entertainment show Access
Hollywood, in which Mr.
Days of Thunder railed (quite
insanely) against the
profession of psychiatry
does nothing more than
bolster the message Maher
and Moore put forth.
We trust our entertainers to
entertain us, our sports
heroes to inspire us, and both
to tell us what type of cola or
sneakers to buy, but for the
most part we don't allow
them to influence us to do
anything of real significance.
Is that, I wonder, the story
that will be told in the wake
of the widely broadcast but
somewhat hollow Live 8
concerts that took place over
the weekend?
Although it's almost
certain that the youth of this
nation will not listen to most
of the ivory tower
intellectuals who sometimes
have the ear of the G8 leaders
Live 8 hoped to influence, I
wonder if the same is true of
their rock stars. And if they
don't listen, how likely is it
that the purpose of Live 8
will be accomplished?
To most who attended,
listened on the radio or
watched on T.V., doubt if the
events were much more than
really killer rock concerts
with various "end poverty
now" mini -sermons
interspersed throughout.
It's not that what was
attempted wasn't
extraordinarily admirable and
necessary. I just wonder if it
was effective.
If the aim of Live 8 was to
drum up badly needed
support for aiding African
nations, organizer Bob
Geldof no doubt suceeded.
For a day.
But now that the music has
faded and our rock idols
move on to other causes and
retire to their mansions, how
long will we remember?
How long will we up the
If rock stars couldn't even
sway the vote, how likely is
it that because of them we
will change the world?
Local celebrities on tap to read to
children at Seaforth library this summer
By Ben Forrest
Expositor Staff
A number of prominent
locals will share their
favourite children's stories
with young ones at the
Seaforth Public Library this
Kim Black, principal at
Seaforth Public School
(SPS), Huron East mayor Joe
Seili and Linda Kistner, a
Grade 1 teacher at Dublin's
St. Patrick's School, are
among those slated to
entertain any children who
wish to attend on July 12,
July 26 and the first four
Tuesdays in August.
There is no cost for the
events, and kids are
encouraged to attend in their
"jammies and snuggle up for
some stories before bed,"
according to a brochure
provided by the library.
Asked last week why she
chose to be involved, Black
said, "Because I want to
promote reading within our
students in the community. I
love reading. I want to share
my joy of literature with
Seili, too, recognizes the
value of promoting literacy
among young people, saying
he chose to be involved
because, as he puts it, "It's
very important for the youth
to learn how to read."
Said Kistner when asked
the same question, "I was
asked to do it and I love to
read, and I have some
favourite books. I haven't
quite chosen the ones I'm
going to read yet, but...1
thought it was something
worth pursuing...when the
library's doing
something...you want to
support them."
None of the readers
mentioned here had chosen
which books they'll read
either, but all have a certain
measure of experience in
reading to kids.
Black said she has no kids
of her own but has nieces and
nephews to whom she read
frequently when they were
"They'd often come and
stay with me in the summer,"
Black said, and she "read to
them all the time."
"We'd even go for outings
to the Stratford Public
Lihrary....(Reading is) an
important part of our family's
life," she said.
She also points out that she
has 400 students at SPS, and
reads occasionally to some of
the younger pupils.
For his part, Seili says he
has two grandchildren, and
reads to them occasionally.
As one might expect,
reading aloud is a big part of
Kistner's job as the teacher of
a primary grade. She said she
reads to her classes every
day, sometimes more than
Also being offered at the
Seaforth library this summer
is the TD Summer Reading
Program, which can be
enjoyed for a one-time cost
of $5. Members are able to
come to a weekly program
"featuring stories, crafts and
games and receive a free
poster, activity book and
stickers," according to a
library brochure.
The program runs from
July 4 to August 22, but pre-
registration is required.
Locals are also encouraged
to build their own "robots"
out of recyclable materials
and bring them to the library
by August 1. Prizes will be
Seaforth and Clinton lose two priests
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Editor
Seaforth and Clinton are
losing two priests - from
both the Anglican and
Catholic churches - this
Rev. Michael Atkins, of
Seaforth's St. Thomas
Anglican, Clinton's St.
Paul's Anglican and
Mitchell's Trinity Anglican
Church, is performing his -
last church services this
Atkins, who has spent the
past four years in Seaforth
and Clinton and added
Mitchell to his cluster of
churches last February, will
be living in Kitchener and
working on his doctorate in
A replacement has not yet
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Thurs. 1 pm -8 pm
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or by appointment
Berl & Carol Reinink
& family
43079 Hultett McKillop Rd.
4 km. W. of
Family Paradise Campground
�\ I /i
been found.
Father Lance Magdziak, of
Seaforth's St. James Church,
Clinton's St. Joseph's
Church in Clinton and the
now -closed St. Columban
Church, is leaving this month
to await a call from the
Canadian military.
When Magdziak began in
Seaforth and Clinton four
years ago, he was also in
charge of Blyth's Catholic
church, which closed last
Magdziak also served St.
Columban Church for the
past two years.
While he has no idea yet
where he'll be stationed,
Magdziak says he'd love to
go to Europe if possible.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, July 6, 2005 - 5
Benjamin 1\ Ioollc
Partners Paint & Paper
Decorating or Renovating?
We provide in-home consultation by a certified
professional at No Cost or Obligation!*
CaII today to set up your appointment.
19 Main Street, Seaforth (519)527-1880 or 1-866-707-7670
'Addresses within 1/2 hour of our store!
hosted by The Goderich Pirates
July 24; 30 & 31, 2005
Looking for 16 men's teams - t225/team
Looking for 8 ladies' teams - $175/team
Guaranteed 3 games. All held at Ag Park.
Refreshment tent outdoors all weekend,
Live entertainment on Arena floor 8 pm -1 am;;
ontact Trevor 524-4394, Mike 440-282
Brandon 525-1631
You are invited to attend these area churches
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
A Co vesetiai delle Farre d The =Joy Sphr
Jarvis St. Seaforth
Parish Office 527-1522
Sunday, July 10th
Worship at 9:30 a.m.
St. James Roman
Catholic Church
Welcomes you
14 Victoria Street, Seaforth
Weekend Masses: Sat 5:15 pm
Sun. 11:00 am
Bethel Bible Church
United Church
An Associated Gospel Church
Sunday, July 10" to Sept. 4"
126 Main St. Seaforth
Worship at 10:30 a.m.
CLOSED July 17, 24 & 31'
Interdenominational Service at
Northside United July 31" at 11 a.m.
Sunday Worship Hour 10 am
Steve Hildebrand - Lay Pastoral
Minister in Training
No Sunday School until September
First Presbyterian
54 Goderich St. w.
Goderich St. W., Seaforth
No Services
Rev. Henry Huberts
During July
Sunday, July 10'h
Rev. John Gould
Service at 11:15 a.m.
Canadian Societe
Cancer canadienne
Society du canter
Thanks you to all of the participants,
volunteers and sponsors of the
3rd Annual Canadian Cancer Society
Relay For Life in Goderich.
With your help we raised over $104 000 1
Funds raised through Relay For Life help the Canadian Cancer Society to:
- fund the most promising research in Canada
- provide reliable information in print, online, and over the telephone
- offer programs such as transportation to cancer -related care; support from those
who have shared a similar cancer experience; and support at clinics and lodges
- advocate for public policies to help prevent cancer and help people
living with cancer
56 teams participated in Relay For Life with 537 participants and 119 cancer
survivors in the Survivors' Victory Lap. 1500 luminaries lined the track, which
served to remember and honour those who have fought cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society is pleased to acknowledge the
following sponsors of Relay For Life 2005:
Et tt,,trtt,
' xtil !tor Scotiabank Group
Goderich Community Credit Union Vanden Heuvel Structures
Supporting Sponsors
We would also like to express our gratitude to the Relay For Life 2005
steering committee members for their dedication and hard work in mak-
ing this event a success. We could not have done it without you!
Top Individual Fundraiser: Mary Ann Cruickshank ($1850)
Top Team Average: "Trinity Dragon Slayers" ($4368 - 13 team members)
'38" Restaurant
Alberta Moore
Alvin Riley
Ann Mane Patnck
Art's Landscaping
Bargain Bargain
Bayfield Berry Farm
Bayfield Foodiend
Beading Divas
Beckers (Goderich) - R 8.1 Herrin
Bernie and Kinle Kolkman
Betty Marsh
Blyth Festival
Blyth inn
Breanna, Canssa. 8 Owen
MacCauley Brian J. Melady
Cactus Jam
Calvary Baptist Church
Camp -out Trailers
Canadian Tire
Captain Rock
Cassandra Phillips -Grande
Cassie Renner
Celtic- Blue Highlanders
Chamney Sanitation
Corporate Solutions
Corrte's Valumart - Clinton
Culberts Dairy •
Dagmer 8 John Crawford 8 fam•N
Dan Granger (Ely's)
Darlene Hewitt
Debi Bryans
Denise Locke
Edward Fuels
Egmondville Store
Exeter Greenhouse
Faith Detour
First Baptist Church
Food Basics - Goderich
From the Hill Farms Ltd
North Street Baptist Church
Norman 8. P.ckel
Officer left Hodges
Officer Dave Prewtt
Olivia Reid -Crook
Pamela Ketlestige
Party Supply Company
Pizza Hut
Rob Evans
Ruth Erb
Rotary Club
st George's Anglican Church
St. Peter's Catholic Church
Saint Elizabeth Health Centre
Shawn Thomson - Dl
Shirley Baechler
Signs on Time
Sinclair Highlander Dancers
Sn'oo'ty the Clown & Company
Strickland Automotive
Suncoast Mall
Suntast.c Hothouse
TD Bank employees
TTK Transport
Terrence Gilhuly - MC
The Full Nelsons
Thyme on 21
Tim Horton's
Town of Goderich
Trinity Christian Reformed Church
- and the Qul&tng 8 Craft Group
Victona Public School
Victoria Street United Church
Werret 8 Wakmart employees fund
Woodcom - Anita Wood
Woodland Links Golf Course
Wuerth's Shoes
GDCi - pnncipal Pat Senn
8 custodian John MacDonald
Gardiner's Dairy
Giant Tiger
Gode,ic i Community Credit Ur -n
Goderich Electric
Godertdl Hydro
Goderich Place Knitters Club
Goderich Print Shop I
Goderich YMCA
Grand Bend Sanitation
Grant Ellison
H. 0 Jerry
Hayter Turkeys - Dashwood
Henry Kolkman
Herbal Magic
Hishon'S Sports
Huron County Miik Producers
Huron Water
Huronia Welding
Janet's Donuts
Jessica Wallace
Joe Lorentz Electnc
Kim Souch
Kinsmen Club
Knox Presbyterian
Lillian Govier
Lions Club
Little Bowl
Liz Schmidt
M&M Meats
Machan's Home Hardware
%latent! Volley mer HAtiooty
- Dye Gourmet8 Stewart Locke
McDonald's Restaurant
McKay Seniors Centre
Metzger Meats - Hensel!
Microage Ba'sitrs
Mildmay Tent Rentals
Moore's Foodland - Clinton
Nathan Crawford
New Orleans Pizza
Support Those Who Support Us
If we inadvertently forgot someone, please accept our sincere apologies.
Seaforth Community Hospital Site:
Member of the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
• The Local Advisory Committee
acknowledges the commitment and
participation of (2) of our inaugural
members whose terms were completed
in June 2005: Mike Hak as LAC member
and Bob Broadfoot as Board
representative. Thank you Mike and Bob
- you will be missed! We would also like
to welcome new members: Bill Scott and
Kay Mailloux as Committee members
and Dick Burgess as a Board representative.
• smaiITALK, The Huron Perth Preschool speech and language
program, received a very generous donation from the Harmony
Kings for resources at the Seaforth Community Hospital office.
Many thanks to the Harmony Kings members for the generosity
and musical presentation!
• Seaforth "Come Home to the Country" celebrations are in full
swing for July 29 -31st. The Seaforth Community Hospital
Auxiliary will be creatively fundraising during Tag Days. The
proceeds from an ecumenical church service organized by Bruce
& Margaret Whitmore and Bill & Doreen Strong and held at
Northside United Church, Sunday July 31st at 10:30 a.m. will be
donated to the hospital. Your support of these events is greatly
• The Seaforth Community Hospital Foundation will be
participating in this year's CKNX Radiothon October 22, 2005.
Stay tuned for details - this committee is very active and
• in May we saluted the efforts of our volunteers - Auxiliary,
Foundation, students, pastoral care, musical entertainment.
Hospice volunteers, Local Advisory Committee and Board.
Heartfelt thanks to all of you for the untold hours of
commitment to your Hospital!
• THE WEEK OF JUNE 20-24 was Employee Recognition
Week in the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance - an
acknowledgement to all the staff for the provision of excellent
health care and their ongoing efforts.
• We wish the community a safe and memorable sutnmer.l